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Saturday, December 26, 2015

ICCARRE and remission

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

ICCARRE and remission

ICCARRE and remission

I deliberately differs ticket which discusses the presentation of Ch. Katlama at EACS-2015. For the impatient, see the slides and abstract. This is the final blow ...

The questions people will start retrospectively to ask are devastating ...

Tough for doctors: my doctor is zero, its entire design is destroyed:
- Yes, the TasP, it works
- Yes, it works the PreP
- Yes, there are non-drug interactions described
- Yes, it works relief

My doctor is destroyed. I want him in a bit. Even many ...
I see that the change will be painful. Looking back ... All this wasted time and all this unnecessary suffering inflicted. Today and tomorrow ... How to manage the inevitable turning towards the relief?

Here are a few open questions: What is Triumeq ®? Is prescribe Stribild ® today do not restrict future options?

Should we wait? Yes ... we can wait ... wait what? Wait until when? At one point, he must turn his cuti, and change software.

If doctors do not change now, they will find themselves at odds vis-à-vis patients, which themselves are asking questions and finding answers.

Yes! ICCARRE it's a good plan! ... No doctor (not the unique case, not reproduced, Hutter, Berlin) has never offered not even a year of remission in chronic patient.

Leibowitch, Cohen, Faucy, Dybul, Butler, for ten years or so, demonstrated the concept pharmaceutical remission. Leibo explained here.

Reducing medication on 40-85% ICCARRE offered an average of three years of remission without medication and without virus per patient, saving approximately € 3 million for only 94 patients [...]. In addition, it should be emphasized again, 4 days / week, there was no any viral escape, among 94 patients. Over 10 years, avoid over medication, useless, equivalent to a saving of four years without HAART and virus free.

Even among the few Visconti, only a few have a lasting remission: the vast majority, the honeymoon lasts only a few months at best a few years: They count their years of remission.

How do they count their years of remission? They contemplate the years of non-drug taking, triple therapy years remained in the closet.

Well me too ... I can do the same ...

ICCARRE HIV cure HIV remission Lamivudine relief sparing economy Visconti
There are so many that it's not easy to keep everything on a photo. There are so many! To facilitate taking pictures, I am limited to lamivudine, since it speaks to everyone: almost all patients taking lamivudine, fluoridated or not, coformulated or not. If you see 3TC or FTC in your combo, then that's it ...

This is not it poses a problem of toxicity identified (although ...) is that goes with it ... And then the accessories, toxic, are varied. I circumscribe the Lamivudine, it speaks to everyone. In his head, just multiply by 3!

I have to Leibowitch (and certainly not to my doctor ...) years of remission!

To discover: Here a recording transcribed by the family committee:

ICCARRE HIV cure HIV remission Jacques Leibowitch Garches relief
If doctors do not do what I [Leibowitch] do, that's their problem and it is your problem. Defend yourself, demand your right to fair dosage, because it's going to be real news to me. The news is yes, you can reduce 40 to 80% HIV maintenance treatment. That's the good news

That's the good news!

Saturday, December 19, 2015


This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.


Jackpot and small cachoteries

PADDLE, unveiled at the EACS-2015, and already commented here and there (see the slides) is the hot topic. For those who understood my page on monotherapy Tivicay ®, and my comments on its effectiveness, these results are not a surprise ... It works, illico monotherapy Tivicay, attack, on 7 patients on 10 of the trial NCT00708110 (ING111521), which lasted only 10 days ... So, obviously, we're not surprised.

And we are not after our surprises (which are not ...)

This is not only very powerful but also overdosed! Just wait ...
It will eventually come out ... If you read well ING111521 test is in it.

soon we will ask two questions:

- Stribild ® he still has a place on the front line?
- Triumeq ® it is a useless medicine?
And ... How did it happen? How is it that a clinician or Argentine ahead of the (alleged) 'flagship' American or French? There has not been a clinician in the US, the country's pharma-business, for having had the idea; idea that they denigrate the pretext that all these little tests are done off the 'declaration' official '. We, who cares ...

® Shionogi, ViiV Healthcare ®: Jackpot and other cachoteries

Sovaldi ® was made famous by its exorbitant price. Gilead Science has for itself in one year the acquisition of Pharmasset, small-scale company, with the sofosbuvir for 11 Billion Dollars. The insured the solvent world have felt pass. Stribild ®, the same manufacturer is 1/2 million dollar income per new patient enrolled: 2500 USD / month / patient: US $ 30,000 per year for the duration of patents ... What we will do last at least 20 years ... it's been at least $ 600,000 / patient.

Shionogi, with its dolutegravir will not be outdone. Unknown to the general public, Shionogi, Osaka, Japan, has already made famous for inventing the best inhibitor '3-coenzyme A reductase Hydroxymethylglutaryl' rosuvastatin. Rosuvastatin? Yes, the famous Crestor ®, as useless as dangerous, but has excellent potential inhibition. Marketing via the English Astra Zeneca (formerly Imperial Chemical) makes a blockbuster, one of the biggest profits of the pharmaceutical industry.

So to inhibit, inhibit Shionogi knows ... And it relates. It remains to find a business partner: this time it will ViiV Healthcare. Dolutegravir will generate huge profits at the expense of Stribild ® and insured, but that was already officially recorded. The squabble ViiV vs Gilead is hilarious, except that the victims are the patients and the financial statements (hence employment ...). With its excellent result, Shionogi will sell quite expensive to ViiV its molecule, in a deal that is of the same order as the acquisition of Pharmasset. Technically less obvious but of the same order of magnitude. Sales in 3 parts:

HYPO-DOLU monotherapy Tivicay dolutegravir Shionogi ViiV healthcare
- Shionogi is allocated, free of charge, 10% of ViiV Healthcare,
- Shionogi therefore recover 10% of all profits ViiV without deadline
- Shionogi also earn a royalty fee on its molecule for life.

ViiV Healthcare is estimated at 23 billion Euros, thus 2.3 billion live in the pocket of Shionogi. The agreement was sealed in 2012. Welcome gift. The course is multiplied by 5! This is the Jackpot! (Deserved or not according to the convictions of each).

At GSK, the main shareholder of ViiV Healthcare, we are happy, it was the molecule that kills, but was allowed to pass 2 billion, plus royalties. Then we have a plan (which, Shionogi, thief at the fair, will find nothing wrong, his silence is acquired, at great cost ...).

As Astra Zeneca (perfidious Albion ...), ViiV (GSK), is very familiar with the workings.

First, from there, the Japanese researchers are invited to return to their dear studies and not trumpeting the extraordinary power of DTG. The language elements are: DTG is good.

And above all, we do not go further ...


Was the article cited above, published three years after the trial (3 years! ...), And its formalism imposed (Table patient characteristics before treatment), we would not be aware of anything ... only this table allows us to affirm that Emax is higher than the 2.6 announced (and probably much higher ...). If you do not have the picture, you can not you realize qu'Emax is underestimated. So do not worry ... This table will disappear.

HYPO-DOLU monotherapy Tivicay dolutegravir Emax NCT00708110 ING111521 undetectable Will also disappear 7 patients (70%) undetectable after just 10 days. monotherapy.

Shionogi while its complacency, brings up the 7 Samurai in the body of the article and in the table. They are there ... But once the agreement is signed, they are silenced: the article is completed by a pharmacokinetic graph, where the designer has made two mistakes; an erratum will be also published to correct an error (but not the other ...). In short, the authors and auditors (reviewers) have missed without seeing the error. The most obvious is that the 7 Samurai became the 3 Musketeers, who, as everyone knows, were 4 ...

In all communication that follows, especially monographs submitted to the FDA, the original table is withdrawn in favor of a differential picture, and 3 of the 7 undetectable through the cracks. It buries ... The FDA does not even mention, and in the documentation provided to the HAS (. See p 11), the ING111521 trial is not even subject: as it is even simpler!

The ViiV plan will allow recovery of the 2 Billion (and more): adding a junk 2 francs 6 under (Kivexa = ABC + 3TC), généricable and manufactured at very low cost, and increases in the price of the drug 50%. In coformulant diamond and glass beads, it increases the profit of 50%. Combined with DTG, here valued at 350 Euros per month ... For patients and potential side effects, too bad for them ...

And now ... Life is beautiful ...

Good weekend and good fuck!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Stribild ®, EACS-2015, Hocqueloux

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Stribild ®, EACS-2015, Hocqueloux

Stribild ®, EACS-2015 Hocqueloux

Here is a comment that leaves me speechless (with Stribild ®, soon Genvoya ®)
I just read on this blog that the monotherapy Tivicay (tm) was not recommended for people being already under Stribild (tm). Under Stribild (tm), I currently oscillates between 3/7 and 4/7 and I have no problem except that renal function is in steady decline since the beginning of treatment there 1½ years , decrease in low but still constant proportions. Stribild (tm) is my first treatment.

The question is a good reply to the frightened souls (and subsidized).

Prudence they say! Sure ... But also prudent to preserve his organs, all his organs. Renal disease can not be overlooked. A kidney is more important than profits.

Tenofovir (included in Stribild ®) is the most likely cause. There are so many options to transfer Tenofovir ... The proposal to replace the difumarate Tenofovir alafénamide by tenofovir (in Genvoya ®) more commercially attractive than therapeutic.

Anyway, we must descend into the valley polluted from 7/7 to properly validate any new strategy. And, as both do, get rid once and for all tenofovir. Basta!

I will return soon on the results of Ch Katlama at EACS-2015. It might (the conditional!) That users (past or present) first generation INI (RAL or EVG) are required to advance in single strategies Tivicay ® therapy with redoubled caution. For others, it's nickel in nickel ...

The manufacturers know the on-medication (ie legal poisoning): They will therefore propose 'copies' of their généricables molecules, at lower dosages, but a greater strain on the patient: obligation meals and observance 7/7 : it maximizes profits while there are proven solutions that relieve the patient at all levels. First generation INI were helpful, thank you ... Let's move on!

Nothing is easier than to be prescribed Tivicay ® + Lamivudine:
Since EACS, it goes like a letter in the mail. And if you do not succeed, take Rdv at: Reynes (Montpellier), Hocqueloux (Orléans), Lafeuillade (Toulon), Katlama (Paris): there are spoiled for choice. Once confirmed undetectable, is simple to continue: we do not change a winning team!

HYPO-DOLU EACS 2015 monotherapy Tivicay dolutegravir cohen Pedro Cahn Paddle
Dr. Pedro Cahn (PADDLE trial), he has the honesty to provide raw data.
Monitoring patients (DTG attack treatment + 3TC, 3TC which serves as decoration ...) allows to put into perspective a little quick affirmation of the manufacturer: the higher the dose is high undetectable soon be reached. The 50 mg dose of the original horse, provides undetectable every time.

It is especially obvious here that the time the virus remains detectable is in proportion to the initial viral load.

Therefore, keep the horse initial dose (50 mg to 22 Euros per day), to life, to hold a lentivirus, confined to his tank, is a question more legitimate.
Treaties: YES, processed and taken for idiots: NO ...

DTG + 3TC is a virtual monotherapy. Farewell resistance implies that DTG is super-efficient and that the dose can be optimized once the infection subsided.
If you come across a clinician who does not understand this, take your legs to your neck, and leave the poisoner in white coats.
Simplification dolutegravir in mono- or dual therapy maintains viral suppression in treatment-experienced patients, Laurent Hocqueloux

HYPO-DOLU EACS 2015 monotherapy Tivicay dolutegravir Laurent Hocqueloux bitherapy

His post at EACS includes such impressive results for 52 patients pretreated using dolutegravir in mono (n = 21) or combination therapy (n = 31).

Here, nine people had prior experience with an integrase inhibitor. median follow-up of 27 (IQR 24-40) and 45 (IQR 25-70) weeks in mono and dual therapies, respectively, all but one participant maintained viral suppression <50 copies / ml (96% of CV < 20 copies / ml). Only one case of viral rebound in a patient, very few observing under dual therapy DTG / Maraviroc.

Note, 2016-10-09 : the complete report is available:
Dolutegravir-based monotherapyor dual therapy maintains a high proportion of viral suppression even in highly experienced HIV-1-infected patients

To repeat: 95% of patients, stable and undetectable, are unnecessary and harmful on-medication!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

individual testimonies

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

individual testimonies

personal experiences

Posted in the face of Charles-Edouard:

... I have a friend who starts following the experiences that are read on the forums, and in the end he is grilled with a molecule resistant to the virus ...
This is why it should not be limited to read reviews, personal stories on the internet! ... The good and the bad ... Why ?

Bad experiences:
They are rare, which is normal: the failure rate in tests is low. (5% when following a random selection protocol, and 0% if it is known navigate)
In addition, the one who tried would not lead off, he finds himself rather con; and do not brag. Too bad they do not testify, themselves, directly.
The man who saw the man who saw the man who saw the bear ... that's interesting but it does not count!

Good experiences:
iccarre friends richard cross cuts garches hiv
There are many, but the advantage is that one that makes relief feels better, including in his head ... the motivation to testify diminishes! One sentence, testimony, sums up:
Obsessed with HIV and its host of side effects are just a bad memory for me. Today HIV is not present in my life.

Leibo among patients, some gathered their testimonies in a book published, of great aesthetic quality; others have gone on TV: what more?
Clinical trials:

They are led by 'investigators' ... responsible for ensuring that we do not tell everything and anything. You have to read the tests, read the eligibility requirements, and reserves written by the investigators: they are certified testimonies.

Is it easy to read and understand?

NO. First have to find them, sometimes you have to pay for access, and is in English (technical). I still made the effort to collect and translate ALL ALL.

The latest is:, and here on this blog.

Can we draw a line of conduct?
YES: there are now 4 trials published, documented and ongoing. 300 approx patients. it starts to make sales ... We will not wait until 1000 or 10000!

(The single IP therapy, validated by the report Morlat (ANRS) is 3 different options and it is only 1,200 patients ... it gives an order of magnitude)

But it is not easy to do ...

That is why I regret that no splint it and that, by, default, I formatted and available to all, proposal, argued, to discuss with her doctor.

Guideline is summed up in 3 words:

Effectiveness, progressiveness, close CV

- Carefully check the effectiveness of a strategy before moving to the next
- Getting there gradually
- Frequently check (to avoid a possible replication has bolted)

The individual testimonies are postcards. They make us perceive a territory.
Clinical trials are a mapping.

To resume a fashionable author: map has more value than the territory ...

The route is a path on the map; down the road postcards.
The reliable route is made possible by the card.
The practical guide 4/7, most popular document will soon be 1 year. I honed, but the important thing remains intact. If one day we have an RTU, RTU will be accompanied by a "Therapeutic Use Guide", inspired by the GTU proposed by the instigators of the RTU, in the opinion of the ministry.
It is based on the same card. It leads you to the same place. Wait a GTU (is it written?), It is expected that Marisol Touraine can read a map ...
Vast program ...

Explore a territory requires a conceptual corpus' and even the appearance of a new concept. Ch. Columbus westward from the East to find because believe that the earth is round, it's new.
Our newness, our paradigm shift is simple:
On a virus without mutation integrase (wild i.e. in terms integrase), the selectable mutations dolutegravir lead the virus reproductive impasse resistance never appears. 2 consequences:
- The efficiency is much higher than the usual glass beads
- Efficiency is independent of dose
Any dosage undetectable now is admissible. Understanding the nature of the dose dependence is made difficult because we are obsessed with the inefficiency of old molecules. This will require to change our vision, but facts are stubborn: the course is undetectable, and this can be achieved and maintained, even with low dosages.

I was comfortable with my ICCARRE 1/7 in quadruple, economical and effective. I ruled the world. From this height, the view opens, other peaks are nearby. I go back down in the dark valley polluted (7/7 ... yuck!), I'm going to climb another peak: it is not higher, but the way is without pitfalls ...

And I, still 1/7, on Monday ...

Good weekend and good fuck!

Saturday, November 21, 2015


This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.


DOLULAM and other mono-bi therapies: EACS-2015

One of our readers asks:
If dolutegravir does not change why not take one?
Very good question ... Which leads to another:
If dolutegravir does not change why take in life, the initial dose of horse?
Indeed, 50 mg is a useless overdose.
The 2 questions and 2 answers are linked: my discussion of the extraordinary efficiency of DTG, which is independent of dose, monotherapy, leads to its logical consequence:
-1 Monotherapy Tivicay ® (DOMONO): possible
-2 Dose reduction (HYPO-DOLU): possible

Everything flows efficiency, independent of dose, the DTG. And as one does not go without the other, the same clinicians who understand that monotherapy is possible, understand, sooner or later, that dose reduction in practice: in short cycle is possible. This will be necessary ... Only fools never change their opinion: Even Dr. Molina has become the PreP: that says it all!

And in retrospect, the converts include ICCARRE. And even if they do not understand ... What's important is that the patient, she has everything to gain from this competition between clinicians.

For clinicians, independent, even, indeed, their only and last chance to exist: with injectables, more issues to experiment, regardless of firms. How to experience the Cabotegravir injection in monotherapy if the manufacturer does not provide you? You will buy an injectable combination therapy and separate the nanoparticles encapsulated with your little fingers ???

And that is the triumph of ICCARRE: the short cycle, with a super efficient therapy: the 4-T (quadruple) generic or dolutegravir (and perhaps Bictégravir - GS-9883) ... Whatever ...

Me too, I turned my cuti several attempts to pass the 1/7: if we do not change its software is becoming obsolete.

The downside is that it takes dolutegravir be fully effective ... So there is no mutation (INI due to first generation: RAL and EVG): This is why we must avoid taking Stribild Genvoya ® or ®. For those who have not taken them: Tivicay ® walk alone ... That's Christine Katlama who will give the coup de grace, as we shall see in the coming months ... Evolve or disappear ...

EACS (and / or mono-bi DTG): how much of study: 1, 2 ... No: 7 (not least ...)

PADDLE, DOMONO, Rojas (Barcelona), Katlama (Salpêtrière) Hoqueloux (Orléans), Lamidol, Dolulam (excluding Sword Sword-1 and-2). Translations are available here.


Presented by Dr. Pedro Cahn (here in discussion with Dr. Cal Cohen, inventor of 5/7) HYPO-DOLU EACS 2015 monotherapy Tivicay dolutegravir cohen Pedro Cahn Paddle Summary: 1066: dolutegravir-Lamivudine as initial therapy in naive patients infected with HIV: first results of the trial PADDLE

Objectives: Based on the results of the test Gardel, we designed a test, proof of concept, which is to assess antiviral efficacy, safety and tolerability of combination therapy of lamivudine (3TC) and dolutegravir (DTG ) in initial therapy.

Methods: A pilot study of 20 HIV-1 infected adult ARV naive. Eligible participants had no resistance INI and CV <100,000 and negative hepatitis B. Viral load was measured at first, then the days 2,4,7,10,14,21,28 then every two weeks until week 12. later, the CV was measured every 12 weeks. The primary endpoint was SVR, defined as the proportion of patients with VL <50 copies / mL at 48 weeks. (Algorithm FDA-snapshot). The interim analysis (S 24) is presented ici.Les patients will be followed for up to 96 weeks.

Results: Participants received 50 mg + DTG LMV 300 mg once daily. Baseline characteristics were: the median CV 24.128 copies / mL (IQR: from 11.686 to 36.794). Four patients = 100,000 copies / mL at the base. Median CD4 count of 407 cells / mm3 (IQR 296-517). Rapid antiviral response was observed. (Median decrease in CV, at week 12 was 2.74 Logs). All subjects achieved a viral load <400 copies and 50 copies / mL. at week 3 and 12, respectively. The observed viral decay rate is similar to that reported in SINGLE-1. Fifteen patients completed their 24 weeks maintaining viral suppression <50 copies. No tolerance / toxicity problems were observed.

Conclusion: During the first 12 weeks of the study PADDLE, dual therapy with lamivudine plus DTG enabled rapid virologic suppression with a safety profile / tolerability favorably in individuals infected with HIV-1, naive treatment. This is the first report of a successful Lamivudine + INI [NdT DTG], combination therapy, in treatment-naïve patients.

DOLULAM Study: DTG + 3TC combination therapy in maintenance

HYPO-DOLU EACS 2015 Dolulam dolutegravir Dr Jacques Reynes Montpellier

Presented by Dr. J. Reynes, this pilot study evaluates a switch to a combination therapy DTG 50mg / 3TC 300 mg, taken once a day for maintenance.

Interim results (S24) were presented at EACS (27 patients). Patients mostly older, heavily pretreated.

No virologic failure were observed, 3 patients discontinued therapy (2 for adverse events) and 1 due to intensified following a blip [NdCh-E yet a blip is not a good reason to change strategy, but ...].

CD4 remained unchanged.

To repeat: 95% of patients, stable and undetectable, are unnecessary and harmful on-medication!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Iccarre and reservoirs

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Iccarre and reservoirs

Iccarre and reservoirs

(Nb: 2 tickets complement this: dolutegravir & reservoir and how to measure its reservoir)

Candidates for relief could be against this type of account ... should prevent manipulation tendentious.
The Septistes (the defending dogma 7/7, maintenance) have 2 'pseudo-objection':
1- there would be 'criteria' tank to qualify for relief,
2- relief might fill the tank.

Fuelling fear, such is their credo.

Any objective, factual, not just support these incantations, quite the contrary.

In drafting the handbook 4/7, I took care not to involve the 'tank' as a condition of eligibility. This is not an oversight. I found nothing that would justify ... I'm interested ... if it exists ...

Dismantle the first argument:

The criteria would type: tank and / or immunological. Are sometimes offered:
- HIV-DNA <2.5 log (why 2.5 ... where is the confusion table What is the sensitivity or specificity of this criterion can?)
- CD4> 500 and Nadir> 200 CD4 / CD8> 1: there is the height: when you read carefully the description of 94 Garches (all success with 4/7), we would have excluded 95% ! (Only 7% had a ratio> 1 to the entrance, it is to say ...)
How can people who have no experience of relief 5/7 Can construct a predictive table and pompously proclaim that if you do not meet a particular criterion, you may fail. How to identify a predictive criterion of failure when there is no failure? (Or very little, according to tests).

ICCARRE tank immunology CD4 Rouzioux relief septiste success criterion

The table in ICCARRE-2 study (94 patients) is clear: 50% were over 2.8 and 50% had less than 2.8; then put the bar 2.5 is put so low, that would have eliminated a priori more than 50 patients ... and in what name, please? The 50% and over who had more than 2.5 LOG, and who, like others, have passed the 4/7, you watch in amazement. From the top of this pyramid the majority of ICCARRIENs you 'contemptent ... And are laughing softly ...

Here, for once, to get to the bar, it is the fact ... and put the entire length

The definition, quantification of tanks is in its infancy ... and the clinical benefit of a small tank, if any, is poorly established.

confusion table deconfusion cheating specificity sensitivity test credulity HIV corruption If criterion ago, then build the confusion table!

Patients already ELISA, it was explained the concepts of sensitivity and specificity of a test: they understood. And include, thus, a criterion which one knows neither the sensitivity and specificity, this is not a criterion, the wind!

Stop smoking out: no confusion table? So ... no criteria!

For primary infected, the dynamics of the reservoir, starting treatment, abounds in favor of the non-deferred treatment initiation. The other, themselves, do not care because we do not know how to significantly reduce the reservoir. (We do not also know how to increase ...)
The drugs have no effect on the short-long tank: Then why get stuff?
The possibility of a 5/7 (or even better, 4/7 ...), is it a much better argument for the non-delayed initiation of treatment.
The 5/7 is even an argument pro-treatment more accessible and acceptable to the patient, all patients, the quibbles on the tank ...

Dismantle the second argument:
Poor woman ... You will want to make him believe that a viral rebound, low amplitude, remastered in 2-3 months max., returns to the tank initial levels, before treatment! Ridiculous!!

Back to the starting point ? Really ?? It will prove it before the state. And this ... this is not played ... We already know that it's wrong for small interruptions (research, surgery, ...).

adverse effect of (rare) viral rebound? Psychologically, yes ... but not death ... And the tank ... no patient has ever seen or felt ... a side effect? Really ??

Leibowitch, and that's the only ... publishes cellular DNA (a measure of the tank), in 7/7, before entering ICCARRE, then after every few years 4/7: no notorious increase.

I think the argument is unfounded, at the base, but who cares ...
Even the argument would be based, there still remain the following finding:
In tests with comparator arm (Faucy, Breather) rebounds were observed in the CV in the 2 arms (in 5/7 and 7/7 in). It was found more rebounds than 5/7 by 7/7 in each of the two trials.
In FOTO ICCARRE and no rebound in 5/7 trials.

The 7/7 were not more immune to this supposed re-filling ... If I'm wrong, thank you to tell me ...

We can anticipate the construction of arguments 'marketing', dependents against the 5/7, at the initiative of septistes, who have an interest, money or power, at 7/7.

But to date, no convincing ... They work there ... It's their job ... They are paid for! ... So far I have not seen ...

The attentive patient, he will not be fooled ... A careful reading tests will be useful. Here we find:, and, of course, on this blog.

The Practical Guide progresses ... The FAQ is enriched. This is the most downloaded document. I recommend presenting it to the doctor, as a basis for discussion.

And if they oppose you 'tank', you now know what the wrong medicine!

For myself, the 1/7 ICCARRE had no adverse effect ... Without any blipounet, zero to zero. This was true also of the vast majority of documented 5/7 ...

In Hypo-Dolu, too, still undetectable. And the tank? I did measure ... Yes, yes ... It makes me look good!

Good Night and Good Bourre!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Stribild (tm): No Thanks!

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Stribild (tm): No Thanks!
Stribild ®: no thank you!

Whew, I dodged!

My doctor, yet rather no evokes Stribild ®, without enthusiasm ... A wide range of side effects ... And besides, I did not ask him ... It fills the conversation. The idea of ​​trying even that modest 4/7 with INI first generation of Raltegravir me-too, did not inspire me too. (See Article hilarious on me-too-climb, the copies marginal improvement).

Especially as exposure to an INI first generation (RAL or EVG) exposed to mutations, which, for once, are embarrassing: they facilitate resistance INI second generation (including DTG)

HYPO-DOLU EACS 2015 Barcelona monotherapy Tivicay dolutegravir Rojas Barcelona Paddle The results of monotherapy Tivicay ® are trying to filter 100% success in naïve patients or RAL EVG (ie user never Isentress ® or Stribild ®). Too bad for them ...

Users Isentress ® or Stribild ®, second line, have nothing to regret.

The arguments which placed Stribild ® first choice (among the 3 or 4 recommended as first line treatment recommendations) were admissible. Are they still? Indeed, the opinion of the HAS should interpellate patients and physicians:
If it simplifies the administration of antiretroviral regimen (1 cp / d) STRIBILD ® has not shown improved efficiency, has a low genetic barrier to resistance, many drug interactions and requires kidney surveillance.

Stribild ® costing the community 950 Euros / month. But with no possibility of reduction or simplification: it is 11400 Euros / year, at least 20 years (at least 20, because of the co-formulation patents with TAF) or 228,000 Euros.
I hope that this calculation can reflect souls frightened by the price of Sovaldi ®: 45.000 for a treatment that heals him, at least. 3 months of treatment and basta, it's over!
Stribild ® is for life! No remission. The perfect trap.

One would consider militant actions for the state put up then these health heist: the opinion of the HAS (no clinical benefit, low barrier to resistance, ...) should have been enough to justify considering its partial withdrawal from the market, which, at least in its partial delisting (or selective).

The negligence of the state, and the CEPS, has not escaped anyone. But now ... Gain case Stribild ® is being relegation. Nobody wants to frontline for the impasse, which was already perceptible now obvious:
HYPO-DOLU EACS 2015 Barcelona monotherapy Tivicay dolutegravir Katlama

For patients who have never been exposed to these INI first generation monotherapy DTG, maintenance walking ... 100%. The results are intermediaries (24 Weeks). They were presented at EACS-2015. See summaries in English. The French translation will be available soon.

The ViiV Healthcare ® marketing teams will go Trompeter everywhere.

We bet they forget to remember that the effect of DTG in monotherapy continues several days after the arrest, and that the half-life of inhibition is ... 4 days.

As the infected cell does not survive that long in practice, inhibition is irreversible.


It's simple: the infected cell dies before DTG coming off integrase. (This is a simplification, to illustrate the general concept)
4 days of inhibition of integrase (at least ...) ... Why gorging Tivicay ® every day?

A good dose once a week, and voila.

Of course, if one has already taken Stribild ®, it will not be that simple ...

If, you, you did not read in the "Media" you read, make no mistake, in the headquarters, it's gossip. Besides ... Why have you not read in your media? The information she interfere? Yet it is detailed in this article about i-base.

I, who remember my refusal Stribild ®, I so please, a posteriori: I was right to refuse Stribild ® and same goes for Genvoya ®.

The position of CEPS, which reflects the relative position of drugs with each other, will power (duty?) To be reassessed, since the relative position of Stribild ® will power (duty?) To be reevaluated ...

Triple therapy for Dad: it's over! Read this article on i-base

To repeat: 95% of patients, stable and undetectable, are unnecessary and harmful on-medication!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Our data are robust

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Our data are robust

Who cares ... Our data is robust ...

BREATHER multicenter, randomized, with control arm, 100 patients in each arm: concrete

FOTO ICCARRE ANRS-162-4D anthony faucy breather

A BREATHER alone counts as much as any other combined tests.

I thought part of an ultra-minority, sectarian drift, with an improbable guru and listen (loop) the interview; I transcribed and translated here.
Bibliography: This doctor, pragmatic, Notre-Dame Hospital of it is the very Catholic Dublin as a guru? Where is the forked tail?
Our data is robust ... So no need for speculations, conjectures, hypotheses, handle effect ...

life of the molecule? The question he is asked by Dr. Cal Cohen (emotion ... it's the doctor who 'invented' FOTO, the 5/7 ...).

Dr. K. Butler, is comfortable. Its data are robust ... Yes, EFV (efavirenz) may be favorable, but half of the patients was on AZT [whose life is short] ...

Concentration of the molecule? Phil interview tries his luck ...
Dr. K. Butler, is comfortable. It has well-preserved specimens ... No dosage ... What good ... Who cares, after all ... The data are robust ... What else?

With a test as well built, it was confidence. One does not read the coffee grounds.

Breather HIV Efavirenz Atripla HIV virologic failure Butler virologic failure viral rebound? Mutations? Yes and so ???

resistors ?? : Nay! In this essay, here too, all in 5/7 patients, who had viral rebound (with or without detectable mutation) were all re-deleted by a simple return to 7/7. How simple?

In this trial, as in all others (FOTO, FAUCY), all patients who do not validate the 5/7, resuppriment a simple return to 7/7.

No change of TRI. There is no exception! 210 patients, and not one who finds himself in trouble.

Infected at birth: 8, 10, 15, 20 years of HIV in boots. Probably even more than my doctor!

So our doctors are they at fault? And what are we waiting for ??

Mine, he knows Leibowitch, he respects, he does not denigrate it waits ... He is waiting for what ??

Marisol make a decision or is fired? ... A decision ??? Marisol, a decision ???
For him, Breather, Foto, Faucy is Chinese ... He does not even know it exists!

Normal ... Who would talk to him? A health visitor? A hospital Mandarin? ... You dream.
And the patient, she is waiting for what ?? Thawing ???

I have taken care to gather the short cycle test: FOTO, FAUCY, ICCARRE-1, BREATHER, ICCARRE-2.

The press BREATHER is not kosher for Anthony Faucy, ICCARRE not Kasher, for Butler, Leibo, Foto, Faucy? Never mentioned!

And each of these tests are in an impenetrable English, on blast media, to years apart. Here, at least, you have everything at hand!

Are our physicians at fault? Our media are they at fault?

For Dr. Leibowitch,

"It is possible to fight against the over-medicalization, to break the dogma of continuous treatment without waiting for the endless rewriting of new regulatory recommendations."

The patient is clueless ... You amaze me! ...
We said, "Wait ... Wait ... An ongoing trial ..." C'mon! Courage! ... Flee! ... Who to say that there is not a current test 4 but conclusive tests and, in addition, it is true, is in progress ...
Me ... On my almost deserted island in 1/7, I leave to come ... The cuts will win and convince.

What patient, after confirming its x / 7, will, of itself back to 7/7? Viral rebound may compel ... certainly ... but surely not fabrications, speculation, denigration, and other nonsense witch trials and medium-ageuses.

The consequences of poor management of HAART? The stop ... and ... DEATH. The late Kevin Gagneul (†) left us his testimony, inheritance. It reads:

I mismanaged my bet on triple therapy [...] I did everything ultimately shatter [...] Now this was my biggest mistake. [...]
I mismanaged ... I ... I ...

In 2015, the range of treatment options is such that the fault is not the government, not the doctor, but I, the patient ... Well ... yes!

That non-decision makers, those who decide not, have the conscience suicides, deaths, complications consecutive to the rupture of the protective undetectable.

We, we advance ... Whatever ... Our data is robust ... And I, always in 1/7, on Monday ...

Why bother?

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lamidol : Tivicay/Lamivudine

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Lamidol : Tivicay/Lamivudine

Retry: Lamidol (Tivicay ® / Lamivudine)

LAMIDOL: Maintenance Dual Therapy Lamivudine (GS) + Tivicay ®

The ANRS has released the launch of the ANRS 167 trial Lamidol, registered under number NCT02527096. Read its description in French here.

Given what I am writing about Tivicay ® monotherapy, dual therapy of Tivicay ® (dolutegravir) + Lamivudine (available generically and under the brand Epivir ®), it makes little player, but he has it reason to rush it. Who can do less, can do more: see the results in attack monotherapy maintenance of combination therapy, this should do it!
There is a similar test: PADDLE, whose results are expected in April 2016.

LAMIDOL dolutegravir Tivicay cure trial Yazdan Yazdanpanah
It is a well bordered test, where the risk is mini-mini, and, above all, that will continue with this dual therapy which leaves the way clear for the monotherapy Tivicay ®, and, in the process, to Hypo- dolu; ie the 5/7, 4/7 and 1/7 with Tivicay ® (dolutegravir).

And that, I can say that it is pure bliss.

Lamivudine (3TC), that everyone knows and that the vast majority are (in its original form or its copy, fluoridated FTC) is known for its safety (see report of the WHO). It is inexpensive and, in itself, very little 'strong'. It potentiates the other NRTIs (eg TDF or ABC AZT and also ...). The intracellular chemistry explains. I have not read anything that suggests a synergistic effect or potentiation with dolutegravir (DTG).

This is more interesting than the Dual Therapy DTG + VPN (Rilpivirine), whose essay, commercial, is underway (SWORD SWORD-1 and-2), which should lead to coformulated maintenance, of course patented, and unnecessarily lengthening, at great cost to the insured, the manufacturer exclusivity period ... So pump Dollar.

DTG + 3TC will be also coformulated one day, but until it is not, it helps to have Tivicay ®, without it being crossed with beads: and that's fine for HYPO-DOLU do!

There are only 110 seats: so manifest now!

The condition of inclusions (see the complete specification for the exclusion or contact the organizers: Véronique Joly at 0140257807, Roland Landman 01 40 25 63 54 or at Yazdan Yazdanpanah 0140257803)
• Age ≥ 18 years
• nadir CD4> 200 cells / mm3
• Have a genotype prior antiretroviral therapy showing no resistance mutations to reverse transcriptase, protease and, if available, the integrase
• Have a first-line antiretroviral therapy combining two NRTIs and a PI or two NRTIs and one NNRTI or two NRTIs and an INI. A change in treatment for intolerance and / or simplification is allowed. The treatment must not have been changed in the last 6 months
• Having a plasma HIV RNA ≤ 50 copies / mL, this for at least 2 years with at least two viral load measurements per year. The blips (HIV RNA between 50 and 200 copies / mL on a sample but HIV RNA following ≤50 copies / mL) are allowed, except in the last 6 me
• The total number of blips must not exceed 3 during the last two years
• Have a negative HBsAg (*)
• Effective contraception in women of childbearing potential
(*: 3TC is used for hepatitis B, usually with TDF)

This is a test, so it is more restrictive than the eligibility conditions 4/7
Practical Guide.
I made the turn toward Tivicay ® monotherapy well before the announcement of this trial, and I have kept the virus under control, therefore, I would encourage an interest in this Dual Therapy. No need to be enrolled in the trial, however, to be interested and engage with their regular doctor if one is not a place for you.
For those who try, in the ANRS 167 LAMIDOL or outside, good practice is to make a CV in one month, then 2 months in the month 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. The test provides that month 2, 8 and 12 ... Those who want to ensure, as recommended for the other entries in relief, will make additional CV, at their expense, as explained in the handbook. (Better ... especially in anticipation of the move towards a single agent and, following the entry into the short cycle).

Nothing prevents to test for oneself, if one has no chance to be included. LAMIDOL dolutegravir Tivicay Lamivudine Emtricitabine Truvada Yazdan Yazdanpanah

Should we consider the short cycle with this combination therapy, bypassing monotherapy?

Tivicay ® has an inherent power that allows to consider HYPO-DOLU, and the advantage not to take Lamivudine is not to develop resistance to it from hence to the reserve for ICCARRE 'classic' , if any.

This bi-therapy LAMIDOL, is not relief; Indeed, the combination therapy which it was formed (DTG / AB / 3TC) is, for the vast majority of patients, unnecessary on-on-on-medication by itself. Lamidol ... too! The relief starts with effective therapy such as the monotherapy dolutegravir, not by artificial over-medication, concocted solely for market share and optimization of financial income.
This combination therapy can serve as a stepping stone to HYPO-DOLU (weekly intake). This is probably his only interest.

Emax of dolutegravir: Understand that maximum efficiency, Emax was estimated in an experimental setting where the calculation is illegitimate, imposes the question: what is the true value of Emax? and even: there he has a Emax?
Toxicity or resistance is what may cap efficiency. But with Tivicay ®, alone, there is neither one nor the other. And if there is neither one nor the other, then there is no Emax, no limit to efficiency.

A Dual Therapy, out of the combination therapy for dad, over-medication: YES!
Leave it at that: NO! We must get out of the on-medication!

To repeat: 95% of patients, stable and undetectable, are unnecessary and harmful on-medication!

Another new blog will soon have an English edition

Note added 10.22.2015: the first results start to come out at EACS 2015

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Breather: Trial compares 5/7 to 7/7

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Breather: Trial compares 5/7 to 7/7

Breather Comparative Test 5/7

In my country ... What matters to the attentive ...

Breather is richer than it seems ...

The first feat of Dr. K. Butler has been able to present his essay to the great mass: CROI. Sly, last minute, in a subordinate surrender in minimizing the scope and speaking only of non-inferiority.

The presentation was very sober, very technical, without enthusiasm and pathos. In English with an accent to cut with a knife, without publication date, without reference to previous tests FOTO, Faucy or ICCARRE.
Everything that could excite controversy, the public interest was erased ... and it's past, it is recorded, anchored in the digital marble.

An Irish saint of sobriety, unassailable, either in form or in substance. And inaccessible to ordinary mortals.

So you better get into Breather by the interview that Dr. Butler was then given. It is less technical and the air not to touch it, it balance atomic missiles with a British monarch impassivity.

Breather HIV HIV Efavirenz Butler youtube video interview
The interview is here:
Its transcription and translation in French here:
and here on this blog: 5/7 Clinical Trial BREATHER
In the reports and copies of copies, comments were placed the rigor of warning: do not do this at home. C'mon! ... Courage! ... Flee! ...
This is part of the 'demonization' of 5/7, it makes marginal, almost insignificant, very politically correct: it passes the US-media censorship.
Well ... it happened ... So in the interview, you can let go a little ...

There, the issue of Phil service is coated but ... The question is clear:
[...] Can we establish with certainty what was done, so that doctors feel comfortable and can prescribe this strategy?

Answer: They can, but you're absolutely right when you say that some people have already done this on their own ...

And further:

... And on an individual basis, if it is done, which could lead, in certain circumstances, some comfort, but it can be done only where there is a virological surveillance. So individually, some people might be able to do so, our data are robust ...

Breather HIV Efavirenz Atripla HIV virologic failure Butler virologic failure

(Reminder: the study is made exclusively Efavirenz (Sustiva in Atripla or ...))

Especially she adds:
... 21% were over 18 years; So this was also a study that would be applicable to young adults, which was not just about the kids ...
Like what, when you scratch ...
Applaud this feat: large (the largest of all) test in 5/7 passes the barrier of censorship and the implications for the average patient have occurred, air to touch it ...

On another note, I did well to deepen the intriguing question of Emax in my page on monotherapy Tivicay ®. The time spent sifting raw information is time well spent. And rediscover that the earth is round; there is no unsurpassable horizon ... I will come back ... There is so much new on the forehead of relief ... including one that m ' honors and flatters me (some): Dr. J. Leibowitch left comments, including this one: Dear Charles Edward yes you hit the nail ... thousand billion ports ...

As I validated and kept in reserve ICCARRE 1/7 (which I am very pleased, incidentally) for HYPO-DOLU I speak here of my experience with both. Both deserve interested. The more supply, the wider public will be receptive. HYPO-DOLU and ICCARRE 1/7 win each of their coexistence.

The ICCARRIENs Garches do an amazing job ... ICCARRE released me: I am a free lightering, non-inset, which is its freedom.

To date nobody has published officially, monotherapy dolutegravir, 'direct' in attack treatment on chronic patient ... An experiment which however take a good month to achieve. (And that would close the valve to the ANRS and maintenance bitherapies ...) But ... I am working on my project, mine, and it already occupies me.

To repeat: 95% of patients, stable and undetectable, are unnecessary and harmful on-medication!

No taking meds this weekend: the weekly dose is Monday ...

In my country ... What matters to the attentive ...

Saturday, October 3, 2015

DOMONO trial

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

DOMONO trial

DOMONO test: Tivicay ® monotherapy

Before Hypo-Dolu ... go through Mono-Dolu: a revolutionary single agent, I have undertaken to detail here ...

The way to get to 1/7 (weekly jack) involves passing by boxes, and breaks (like the board game): Case undetectable, pause 1 year to start.

In Hypo-Dolu proposal, the path is simple and continues:
MONO-DOLU box, pause 1 year. etc.
It may be possible to consider SINGLE DOLU as attack treatment without going through the tri-therapy box.
The latter, in maintenance therapy, is now available in experimental clinical trial registered under number: NCT02401828, detailed here:

Iccarre DOMONO HIV HIV treatment dolutegravir NCT02401828 thebody Hypodolu

Test 48 weeks, unmasked, randomized phase IV. The aim of this study is to evaluate if the removal can be maintained by DTG monotherapy.

104 adults infected with HIV-1 will be randomized into 2 experimental arm. The first arm will undertake the direct passage. This population will pass directly from the stable triple therapy to monotherapy DTG.

The second arms undertake, but later, after 24 weeks. This group will remain on HAART, waiting for 24 weeks and then go after those 24 weeks IGT monotherapy.

The main objective is to verify that dolutegravir mono-therapy, maintenance is non-inferior to conventional maintenance triple therapy.

With a test on a patient hundred, proposal, transcribed into French, Dr. Mark Wainberg, arrives in the clinic.

That alone would be a major improvement, and accessible to all, not just a small clique of well-connected people.
Go Jan. In 2017 ... Things are moving ...
Note that the ANRS LAMIDOL is announced ... Bi-therapy Tivicay ® and Lamivudine (Epivir ® or generic). It's less glamorous, but with the support of ANRS, visibility is better. We also move there ...
The maintenance of undetectable monotherapy DTG is interesting, but not an insurmountable horizon: it is necessary to consider continuing with the reduction 5/7, 4/7 up to 1/7 ...

Among the things that do not move under weekly single dose in HYPO-DOLU, on Monday ... is the immunological response, still good.
That reassures me a little ... Everything was already very well in quadruple 1/7 (ICCARRE)
ICCARRE immunology tank ratio CD4 CD8 immune system cells lymphogramme

Note added 10.22.2015: the first results start to come out at EACS 2015

Good weekend and good fuck!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Welcome to the club

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Welcome to the club

welcome to the club!

Hello hardly unknown in my country.

A friend wrote me:
I start the discussion with my doctor next week.

The new version of the Guide explicitly includes a prompt to download and give it to the doctor.
And leave the ... Thanks in advance ... The returns have on hand will always be useful.
The protocol is well oiled. New, older want the 'welcome to the club.'
And rehash the acquired truths: it is not like before ... The toxicities are observed in far fewer patients. That is true

Once undetectable, you can forget the hood (in ad hoc circumstances), it is no longer contaminant can have children by natural means, everything is covered 100% And all this is true ... Take your pill once a day and basta ...

Salaams joyless

Then the new leaf a little, and falls inexorably on the forums: emaciated, weight gain, fatigue, dentist. It's manageable, but it's boring: pharmacy every month, taken daily without fail, insecurity about the future of the ALD

This is the judicial lifetime for a moment of distraction: you are at fault, you are punished: LIFE without remission. It really is that? It heals the incurable hepatitis C and for us .. nothing ... ?? In 2015 ???

The truth is the must for those in need:
On a file of 120 patients, in Garches, a hundred are already in the 4/7 relief (or better) including a dozen have already reached the 1/7. Other progress, confidence, towards that goal.
This is not a promise, but the invitation to enter early in treatment, to enter earlier in the long bevel relief and finally reach the 1/7 (weekly intake).

Modern treatments are effective: the patient 'modern' must be aware of and remove to itself (and not for the firm ...) the real benefit.
This is true for the young (8 years Breather), the most 'vintage' (84 years ICCARRE-2), which is jetset, Paris, Ugandans Siamese (see Breather ...) or provincial (including Belle Province ...)
It's true that truth attested: it is added modestly to salaams, the kind hospitality:
Iccarre HIV test HIV cure AIDS relief program Tivicay
There, it makes you want to say welcome to the club

The question some works: There will he a combo attack which facilitates the path to the 1/7 (weekly single dose)? In your opinion ?

The news is full of innovations: the work of Weinberg, Dr. Massimiliano Lanzafame, patent Leibowitch, monotherapy Tivicay ® ...

On Monday, for the first time, is my new weekly day single dose
Sunday is my day of relaxation, frolicking: Good Weekend and good fuck!

Hello hardly unknown in my country.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Once-Weekly for all

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Once-Weekly for all

1/7 for all!

In my country ... There are no malignant shadow on the capsized boats.

Reportedly, the BREATHER success, publishing Leibowitch (94 Garches), 4 modes of reliefs (HYPO-DOLU, ICCARRE, BI-EBIT, Mono-IP) show that:
- There is no profile excluding patients relief. At most he will have to choose carefully.
- The single dose, weekly, is not an oddity reserved for those who have relations: it is 10% of ICCARRIENS.

There are not excluded ... All anyone can consider. The success is not guaranteed. Nor is guaranteed success in 7/7.

This demonstrates that Leibowitch, and Breather support, Foto and Faucy is that failure to cure a part (without doubt a minority or a minority) of patients, can cure half the entire population.

According ICCARRE and Breather, and the other, the pattern is funnel (in the most conservative estimate):
95% of patients can achieve the 5/7 (ICCARRE)
Of which 95% can pass the 4/7
Of which 95% can succeed 3/7
Of which 95% can pass the 2/7 (adding a NRTIs)
Of which 95% can succeed 1/7.

And if ICCARRE 1/7 does not suit you, there are still HYPO-DOLU.

Failing to fully heal some were partially healed all. It is less well, and yet ... It is perhaps even better: it has the advantage of being open to all:

Iccarre HIV cure HIV AIDS AIDS relief organization Leibowitch Efavirenz

Those who do not come under the scheme will ICCARRIEN, choice, change to HYPO-DOLU or more favorable combo or a less ambitious relief.

The article Leibowitch is definitive:
Iccarre HIV HIV Garches Leibowitch ANRS-4D exclusion criteria dosage

The same dispersion and the overall vulnerability of the non-selective sample of patients suggests a 4/7 rhythm applicability to many, if not all people, stable under cART; moreover excluding patients with resistance to multiple viruses prevent a combination of relief with 2 ARVs synergistic, in case their ICCARRE lacking.

For the vast majority, even for the bruised, the most capsized, there are solutions. And ICCARIEN relief is only one of them. The cleverest (or luckiest) of the 'new' patients outset position themselves on the most favorable combos.

There is therefore an optimization strategy of its entry in the treatment.

But even if one is not in the most ideal alignment of the stars, there is a way to reposition itself for successful therapeutic relief.

Who benefits from the relief?
Suppose the young, without other disease or medication, with no apparent side effect is hardly interested ... which act ...
But this profile is not a majority, contrary to what seem to forget those who stay warm in their cabin in Canada.
A wide choice of medicines, free, sophisticated techniques, redeemed, blood dosing: this is true in Canada. And this is true in Canada.
It's a shame ... The gray veil of indifference is the only shadow on the board.
The other, more exposed to on medication, the wrong-medication, to poly pharmacy, abused are much more numerous. Overdose is a plague of Egypt for the victims, those who make the ostrich.
For those who can benefit from it is a godsend.
That's because I'm overdose can I do the weekly outlet.
Overdosing is harmful to those who do not take advantage.
This Sunday is the day of HYPO-DOLU outlet.

There are no malignant shadow on the capsized boats.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Hypo-Dolu: I have started

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Hypo-Dolu: I have started

The quadruple of Leibowitch is published (ICCARRE 1/7); Meanwhile Dr Lafeuillade launched Hypo-Dolu.

Hypo-Dolu, supported by the observations made by Dr. Weinberg Laboratory, was a bit more favorable than ICCARRE 1/7.

ICCARRE in general, and 1/7 in particular, requires a perfect adherence, at inception and for about 2 years.

For some patients, goodwill, this perfect observance may be hampered by side effects.

They have side effects (eg. Shrink with Atripla), so they are not observing, therefore excluded from ICCARRE, then that would be a solution for them! inextricable situation. The fewer side effects, most patients will be watching and will therefore enter the reduction.

Since I knew ICCARRE 1/7 works for me, I decided to try Hypo-Dolu.

To do this I convinced my doctor to pass me in Tivicay ®.

To convince him I asked him if we could consider a ICCARRE 6/7 (with my old combo) (LOL). It took less than 30 seconds to offer me Tivicay ® ( 'offer' is a term a bit soft, it has imposed on me, but, as it was what I wanted ...).

So I ironed at 7/7 with substitution Tivicay ®.

Galley ... The transition to 7/7 reminded me how much it was painful to me, but I knew it would not last ...

I have done all validations (CV frequent always <20) much more quickly than I would not advise it. But I come from the 1/7 and, therefore, if ever, 1/7 Hypo-Dolu 'breaks', then I will return to ICCARRE.

I went (pretty quickly) to Tivicay ® monotherapy. I validated

I started ICCARRIENNE descent gradual, but faster than usual, and I am now 1/7 (already validated: CV <20 ...)

So for me it bathes! I close my CV. (Since it's a non-standard therapy)

My experience with Tivicay ® in 7/7 was very brief ... For me it was ... But the 7/7 reminded me last galley ... 7/7 = Headlock

undetectable viral load ICCARRE HYPO-DOLU Lafeuillade Leibowitch dolutegravir

Tivicay ® monotherapy, and now 1/7 is that happiness! ... Fingers crossed for the coming months (and close my CV) without being too worried.

Tivicay ® is 4 mm in diameter to 1 or 2 in height, it is very small, small ...

I will continue to share my experience ... ICCARRIENNE
But ... 'testimonies ICCARRIENS are many, Leibo released its latest results ... The case is heard (unless you are deaf ...).

So I continue my practice ICCARRE Guide, which now includes a FAQ: she already has 50 items.
Then I would do the ICCARRE Practical Guide 1/7 and practice GUIDE HYPO-DOLU.

The Net is full of testimonies of victims on medication!
People dare not testify because they read the TRI are supported: it is not true ... Fortunately, today there are alternatives or methods known to reduce the effect. For me, this reinforces my certain choices I made (with or without my doctor).

When it begins, as patient, is distraught and the choices we make are the result of chance and good intuition of the doctor.
I must admit that mine had intuitions 'awesome'. He made mistakes also ...
This is normal interactions of ARVs with other meds are not documented!
I had my own problems; this is behind me ... bitterness ... yes ... no ... sequelae

As for the patient, it is not to blame either ...
Information would be useful to him that (in my opinion, and I have only to gather on this blog) are completely drowned in a flood of continuous information (and often unnecessary):

There is 1/4 of a million published scientific 'HIV: 250,000!

I struggled to identify what is relevant to me.

Beyond HYPO-DOLU, ie an unfortunate catechu Sunday, I do not see what I could aspire to better.
Even the monthly injection does not interest me.

Fight against corruption poisoning the obvious associations and the medical community, this is not my thing either:
We must realize and draw practical consequences for oneself (within turn into anti-corruption activist).

My life continues where the right medication, certainly in the initial period (TRI to dad), which has become, over time, on a medication, was put on hold.

To repeat: 95% of patients, stable and undetectable are unnecessary and harmful on-medication!

A weekly single dose, HIV is far from me ...


Saturday, September 5, 2015

ICCARRE-2 has been published

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

ICCARRE-2 has been published
ICCARRE-2 est publié !

Jacques Leibowitch l'avait annoncé dans son article du 1 décembre 2014 dans Le Monde:
L’étude concernant les 94 patients sous traitement Iccarre vient d’être validée pour publication dans une revue hebdomadaire scientifique dans laquelle il est clairement fait état de zéro échec avec 4 jours de traitement pour les 94 patients sous Iccarre pendant 87 semaines. Ces 4 jours de traitement pouvant s’étendre immédiatement à 90 % des patients actuels pour des combinaisons antirétrovirales efficaces. Comme nous l’avons résumé sous forme de slogan : « Si moins c’est bien, c’est mieux. »

Il est publié par le FASEB:

Soumis à publication en Oct 2014, les vérificateurs (indépendants, désignés par ce journal Américain) l'ont validé en Février 2015. Publié officiellement en Juillet.

ICCARRE FASEB Jacques Leibowitch publication article ANRS Christian Perronne Pierre de Truchis

J'ai fait une traduction en Français; Ceci en est la première page:

ICCARRE FASEB Leibowitch traduction article ANRS Perronne de Truchis Dominique Mathez Garches
La vérification, indépendante, et peu complaisante, apporte (compte tenu des dates) une confirmation convaincante de l'affirmation de Leibowitch (déc 2014), au 20h00 de TF1 et transcrite ici:

Peu à peu il y a eu une centaine de patients, sur onze ans, maintenant, qui sont descendus à 6 jours 5 jours 4 jours, puis même à 3 , 2 et 1 jour , j'ai une quinzaine de patients à 1 jour par semaine. Le code d'éthique médical est de donner aux patients ce qu'il faut aux gens, pas plus...

L'importance de la vérification minutieuse faite par l'éditeur ne doit pas échapper au lecteur:

C'est de l'info ... Pas de l'intox (du genre je connais l'homme qui a vu l'homme qui a vu l'homme qui...) comme on peut en lire ici ou là.
Le succès à 100% pour la centaine de patient à 4/7 y est confirmée.
La véracité du 1/7 4-T est confirmée par une revue de haute tenue scientifique.
La nécessité d'une méthode rigoureuse y est confirmée.
Une info chasse l'autre...Nous reviendrons sur Breather, les témoignages des allègeurs, les articles de Weinberg (Hypo-Dolu) , l’attribution du brevet, etc. Pensez à suivre l'info sur les grands médias HIV, nationaux ou internationaux, listez méticuleusement ceux qui reprendront l'info et ceux qui l'occulteront; c'est très instructif ! Vous verrez... c'est simple et ça montre l'inmontrable

Rapellons-le: 95% des patients, stables et indétectables sont en sur-médication inutile et délétère !

Avec les Iccariens, les vrais, partageons !, les larmes aux yeux, ce moment de jubilation !!

Pour cette rentrée, on ne pouvait espérer mieux ...

Saturday, August 29, 2015

BREATHER: Fiat Lux !

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

BREATHER: Fiat Lux !

Breather: Fiat Lux ...!

The truth awaits the dawn next to a candle. The window glass is neglected.

The tests, the results are convincing. They were already there. Others come ... Facts are stubborn ... The information is sparse. Each in a different newspaper, to years of differences, in English ... Whatever ... just gather the facts.

It's pretty exciting in itself. Better than a whodunit ... One draws the ball and through the frosted glass is observed.

Breather: Fiat Lux ...!

All major media covered that concern us CROI 2015, the USA. All were there ... Postponed Breather: aidsmap (UK), i-based (UK), (FR). etc., etc ? Really ?? No...

On the other major support (US, CA, DE ...): it's radio silence ... A silence that speaks.

The webcast is yet in the politically correct ... So there will be material to search ...
Breather changes the game ... The cumulative number of patients in 5/7, published, was 20 + 50 + 50 (Photo Faucy, Iccarre-1).
Add Breather: ca 220 double! When we have ANRS 162-4D, there will be 320, and fifty more Garches: we approach the 400 ... As long as Canada and make a difference ...

400 is the target of a marketing authorization or FDA test ... Well enough for RTU ...

We give (sit ...) Efavirenz + AZT to young people, including kids 8 years!

Those who were lucky enough (sic) had Atripla ® instead ... we understand the motivation of doctors!

BREATHER HIV kids children child HIV AIDS MSF Efavirenz
4 million infected children, 2 million children waiting for treatment, 1 to 2 million under EFV + ZDV (XTC +), 250,000 newly infected each year!

So yes ... Breather is a major information

Yet young people, they do not care ... What they kiffent: the weekend of freedom with friends, thinking ... mmm ... something else ...

They were as much to remain undetectable ... Youth of Breather ... and me too for that matter!

Breather HIV viral load HIV viral load undetectable limit of detection Atripla ICCARRE

Good Night and Good wad young! You is foooooormidables !!!

Here ... indignant and rebellious! In ICCARRE 1/7 after my breakfast. Sunday, rose Four color is NADA all week! And Hypo-Dolu is kif: that happiness ...

The truth awaits the dawn next to a candle. The window glass is neglected.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Good Job Kids! (BREATHER)

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Good Job Kids! (BREATHER)
Congratulations kids! (BREATHER)
In my country, tender evidence of spring and the badly dressed birds are preferred to distant goals.

The test Breather (penta 16) is here:
The Webcast is super interesting:
Transcription and translation here:
BREATHER 5/7 Clinical Trial
The bibliographic notes follow:

Here is a summary:

Breather HIV HIV Efavirenz Leibowitch ICCARRE

Test results BREATHER (Small pause) with the combo used, it is safe for HIV + youth to have a short break at the weekend.

BREATHER (Petite Pause) was set up to check if young people could have a break Weekend safely compared to efavirenz daily.

199 HIV + youth 8 to 24 years, all in the treatment of HIV, and undetectable, all on a combination containing efavirenz. By lot, half continued in 7/7, 5/7 in the other half.

After a year, young people in 5/7 were just as likely to have their virus under control than those in 7/7. Very few viral rebound (6 5/7 and 7 7/7 for the group). 6 5/7 in check were handed over 7/7, and again became undetectable. No excess risk of resistance was observed.

Some young people were asked about their views and experiences in 5/7. For starters, some of them go from 7/7 to 5/7 was confusing and disturbing. However, once they had adapted to weekends without meds, young people have enjoyed this freedom, and preferred to 7/7.

iccarre Breather HIV HIV Atripla Efavirenz Leibowitch Butler AIDS AIDS
Me, taken weekly, tomorrow, Sunday. Monday I take the plane ... without my meds! Phew ...

In my country, tender evidence of spring and the badly dressed birds are preferred to distant goals.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The first step

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

The first step

The first step

It is sometimes difficult to make the first move: jump Sunday socket ... Many do, incidentally ...

Discussion with another doctor:
What surprised me greatly is that he is afraid, as part of the therapeutic relief, non patient compliance. To know that many do not have the necessary rigor to a specific outlet and a non taken precise treatment. "Are you sure that if you do not take your tablet on Sunday and Friday and take Saturday and other days you will follow them? Do not go you invert days? In forget others? Do not think not the daily routine and taken at the same time is less risky? " me he asked.

Doctor LIOTIER Iccarre HIV cure HIV doctor first step Eviplera relief
So I reassured. I told him that I was determined relative to the relief. I just told him that my relief works "psychologically" I needed a yes from him, even riquiqui.

But this ... No need to count on it!

A compatible version with the planning of Safe Practice Guide 4-of-7 consists in 1/2 steps; can be 5.5 to 7 for example. 2 methods:
A- take half a tablet to the 0.5
B- the last day of 5, take, not one dose, but 2 doses, ideally several hours apart.

I used both method A as B.

They allowed me to 'pass' psychological caps. And initiate the first move.
However, I have never departed from my rule closer CV, nor of consecutive days (not sprinkling).
The weekly break, extended to Weekend, then the extended weekend has an advantage over other possible planning:
Whatever the generation, the kid at the senior, Weekend, it is easy to identify, we expect it, one feels, and knows only too well that an end ...

I've been there, I know that the fear is real ... But that too, it has a purpose ...

Saturday, August 1, 2015

A practical guide to 4/7

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

A practical guide to 4/7 The Practical Guide 4/7
Just after the blood test, I take my meds (for the week at once).
Presto, after taking blood, on Monday morning, and presto! It's finish !
Iccarre HIV cure HIV AIDS testing protocol guide relief memento Jacques Leibowitch

We know explain how Tivicay ® (dolutegravir) is different (higher ...) to other molecules and therefore allows to reinvent treatment.
Where Leibowitch had believed succeed (Stalingrad test) definitively, it has, in fact, that the enemy content and, through trial and error, developed a method which is not bad at all .. .
But aside from that, it's dolutegravir the atomic bomb: nothing grows back.

Mark Wainberg (McGill, Montreal) published an overview and explains why ... It discusses resistance INI and their impact on reservoirs and possible eradication of HIV.

The article, in English, is here:
Integrase Strand Transfer record Resistance against Inhibitors and Relevance to HIV Persistence
Worth for dolutegravir, but not other INI (Isentress ® RAL or Stribild ® EVG). I will put a French translation soon ...

With Hypo-Dolu on newcomer, we have to move ... Hypo-Dolu he makes ICCARRE obsolete? In any case, he puts the spotlight on ICCARRE ... Those who, like me, have followed a method ICCARRIENNE, will know that they are good candidates for HYPO-DOLU

So my Field Guide remains valid ...
For a given patient, if ICCARRE 4/7 with TRIUMEQ ® does not work, then there is no chance that HYPO-DOLU walking
So ICCARRE remains in the race!

Tomorrow, Sunday, sleep and weekly intake, I did not need breakfast ...

Saturday, July 25, 2015

My doctor sucks!

This paper was originally published here, in French. We are providing the google translation for your convenience

My doctor sucks!

My doctor sucks!
Hypo-Dolu it's great ... And with ICCARRE, tested, validated 1/7 in reserve, Plan B is nickel! Hypo-Dolu thank you and thank you to Alain Lafeuillade

4 eminent clinicians in four different hospitals (Leibowitch, Katlama, Raffi and Lafeuillade, among others ...) explain to their patients that the treatment result has no reason to be the same as the initial treatment.

One 'sorts' not patients ... especially not in Toulon (Hypodolu) where they are not millions. At Toulon, Dr. Lafeuillade done with those volunteers ...

Patients who understand that the treatment of attack is one thing, and maintenance treatment another, are not privileged members of a caste or association ...
By chance, they fell to a doctor who, he understood. By chance ... or cronyism ... We keep it between themselves ...

I did not understand right away ... I put the time ... I'm not 'handpicked', and I do not have a cutter.

By against my doctor is zero. Not 100% no ... Sometimes he has good intuitions. But OK...
- TASP: treatment makes no contaminant, the virus stops where the treatment is effective: that he did not understand
- PreP: prophylactic treatment protects the virus stops where he is face to ARVs: that he did not understand
- Drug interactions, many of which are unknown, unsuspected, not considered: that he did not understand
- ICCARRE the cycle by reducing short remission =: that he did not understand. Or rather, he understood the interest ... But Môssieur can not do ... and deprives patients
- Hypo-Dolu ... Do not even think ...

Môssieur HIV Specialist is ... "It's interesting, but I do not know how" that's no good!
ICCARRE can be learned ... The Chinese, I do not say. But ICCARRE is simple!

I read (here ...) I cogitated, I tilted ... There is nothing magical. I read the 4 clinical studies, 4 studies and consistent walk. I got it. Tilt!

And I made the cut and I brought them closer CV: I'm not completely stupid: I'm in much better shape and the virus is still and always undetectable.

I understood and explained how to close the CV. It can be Learnt. I even made a handy little guide

Iccarre HIV cure HIV AIDS viral load test protocol relief program Under ICCARRE 1/7, Sunday is the weekly dose ... Cool ... Patient banal, trite profile banal combo, and ... almost-healed ...

Under HYPO-DOLU, being confirmed, it is similar. And Tivicay stamp, it is small, small. A relief ...

Good Weekend and good fuck