This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.
ICCARRE and the New Paradigm
By Charles-Edouard!Jacques Leibowitch comments on our previous post:
The prevailing dogma is that ICCARRE is impossible. Some claim that we cheated (ANRS-4D = scathing denial). They dare to add that it is only for a few: Quatuor will sink them. Other idolaters say (e.g. Prof. Reynes): 'I hope it won't go any further...' It's laughable: for sure, it will go further... It is the virus that decides... not a mandarin...
Paradigm shift: demonstration at Pasteur
The trailer of the presentation at PASTEUR is on youtube, go there!
Leibowitch starts by presenting the classical picture in 2 steps:
1. Attack-Induction-Reduction:
Attack ARV treatment should in all cases:
- CONTINUOUSLY reduce CV < 50 cp
- Monitor < 50 copies/ml continuously
- Effectively stop any HIV-dependent progression to AIDS diseases
- Reduce the risk of intimate HIV transmission to almost zero
All this, today, in less than 6 months...
ICCARRE and its DISCONTINUTES can then be summoned...: we start the ICCARRian descent(typically 1 year after initiation of treatment)
2. Maintenance Treatment, following effective induction treatment, Cellular Activation and Peri-HIV Inflammation are in Leakage, the Lymphoid Environment is cooled down and HIV is reduced to a very small size in a biotope that is naturally not conducive to replication.
Pharmacokinetics in Failure: Thinking Outside the Box
It has been known for a long time that treatment cannot be stopped without seeing the CV rise. Viscontis could be an exception, the Pasteurians (Dr. Asier Saez-Cirion) have proposed a hypothesis. So they know that pharmacokinetics are insufficient to explain that repeated interruptions of 1 week can be done safely. Demonstrated by FAUCY, the boss of the American NIH. In a way, already announced by B. Autran, an eminent French immunologist.
Pharmacokinetics does not satisfy us, and, what is more, fundamental 'values' are false: Morlat continues to publish values that in Saint Antoine were said to be false (e.g. Nevirapine): Not only the theory is wrong, but also the values!
Parisian virology is wrong: we really need to change our paradigm!
The eternal restart as a new paradigm
Everyone agrees that there is a gap between infection and seroconversion. Typically 2 to 3 weeks. No one disputes that... Nobody... The post-treatment eclipse has been demonstrated many times.
So it's surprising that the virologists are still predicting an immediate rise in CV if you stop. Well... We are not surprised anymore, actually... Denying the eclipse is as stupid as the moon!
J. Leibowitch's proposal is to say that, post effective treatment and post interruption, HIV unwinds its initial film: it is the eternal
The reader will have noted that the unchanged repetition of the deficiency implies that the eclipse cannot be manipulated (it is a cosmic fact) and that the reservoir has nothing to do with it. The Choke-and-Mute is slightly different, it considers manipulating the eclipse and extending it. Here, Charles-Edouard and Leibowitch differ slightly. No matter... The Eclipse is here: let's take advantage of it!
Post-ARV eclipses as a repeat of two-rate HIV dynamics in vivo:
A- following a recent mucosal infection: primary inoculation
B- interruption of synergistic ARVs: chronic infection
It takes time for HIV to complete its reproductive cycle: slow local linear growth, as in difficulty to surface (primary infection) or resurface (post ARVs). Active forms of HIV remain sub-detectable for a while until... the delayed systemic exponential explosion...
Then, Jacques Leibowitch presented the trials and examples: ICCARRE is a proven, robust way. We will see this next time...

The French genius
I'm putting back the impressive pictures of the Bomsel team (also present at the seminar... ): a little to underline their technical prowess and also ours to have succeeded in putting it online...
That plus the availability on youtube of the presentation of Leibowitch... On the technical level, we are progressing!
Patients file suit against Gilead. Below is a commentary from the Los Angeles Times
Here? No one told you about that... In any case, the enormous profits made are undoubtedly a breeding ground for dubious practices. We can find traces of what Gilead spends money on: ParisSansSida, ActUp-Paris, etc. It's up to you to make up your own mind...
Do not hesitate to comment, like, share and use
good weekend, good stuffing and not too many meds ... Huh?
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