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Monday, May 4, 2020


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Coronavirus, HIV, ARVs, intermittence...(16)

Coronavirus: We do the math

Graphic update by worldometers and Southern France Morning Post.

05/28/20: Accounts and settling of accounts

Obviously, this will not please Gilead and its associates... The Raoult publication on 3400 patients is announced. Here is the abstract: Early diagnosis and management of COVID-19 patients: a real life cohort study of 3737 patients, Marseille, France

ECG monitoring: an unnecessary brake? What have we not heard about the danger of HCQ! Let's take all the published figures, those of Perronne, and soon those of Raoult. And let's assume that all the patients excluded from the treatment died of torsade de pointes. You are in the Amazon, French Guyana or elsewhere, and the virus arrives. You have HCQ on hand, of course, since everyone uses it in the tropics. Luckily you have Azythromycin or Doxycycline on hand too... But well... With the dugout, the nearest ECG is a bit inaccessible. What do you do? And at what risk? Knowing that, in the bush, there is no resuscitation room, etc. No more than elsewhere... Because the place where there was the least resuscitation room, it is... in Mulhouse! Zero, zero, we are full! What do you do? Do you take it ? or not at all or a little ? (half dose). If you don't take anything, you put yourself in line with the situation in Mulhouse where the unintentional mortality is close to 100%. Where the health system is saturated, the risk of dying explodes... So where the health system is non-existent, I let you imagine.

Self-medication was the only solution for many populations. And that's what I would have done, for myself and for my family... That's all. And why I make the parallel with the intermittence, it is because when, by toxic accumulation, inevitable, you catch which one a diabetes, which one a cancer, which one a lipo, which one an irreversible renal insufficiency, there is no system of care which holds, and you shorten, of your fact, your passage on earth... Pialloux, it will not be disarmed in front of a diabetes, a cancer, a renal failure.

29/05/20: Self-medication: TINA (There are no alternatives) and Zinc

The oukase that chants the interventions of Perronne (but not Raoult...), is no to self-medication. Well ... Well ... Prove it! And put in place an efficient and reasonably available medication. I have been known to systematically direct occasional readers to Leibowitch, or, failing that, to my list of alleviating physicians. Well... There is no more Leibowitch, and the 'alleging physicians' are in piss-poor mode: what do we do? Do we eat useless drugs in the middle of an eclipse?! No... The only cause of self-medication is the laziness of Perronne. Perronne, Truchis, the others, manage their careers, the nickel feet, manage their bank accounts, and you, you manage who has diabetes, who has lipo, who has non-libo, who has depression, unemployment, exclusion, etc. None of your problems prevent them from sleeping, none...< I'm not even talking about the 'associations-of-seronegs-who-will-please-please-the-capote' (which is not our problem), our virus (or even our very existence) prevents them from fucking raw, but we... it's okay... <u><i>The virus is not a problem, we have it under control... The problem is the inhibitors.

So who made the doctors useless? A lawyer's analysis here: a Kafkaesque protocol for the doctor. A doctor who cannot prescribe is useless... There is a double prohibition to prescribe: a prohibition by decree (but not by the LAW... Expect appeals to the Cosntitutional Council!) but also the threat by the 'Conseil de l'Ordre' (yes, yes, we are in the XXI century, but it still exists) to resort to the administrative suspension (by the ARS) of the right to practice (and how do you eat when you are a revoked doctor???).
With, in addition, the risk of disciplinary proceedings [1] from the Medical Council... The threat alone is enough to petrify even the old backpackers... All this for a simple Nivaquine !!! The Minister and the Council of the Order are playing with your existence and also ... theirs... Soon we will only talk about the Raoult Protocol and... The Véran trials. Buzyn is cleared, Verran condemned, and, Macron ??

Zinc Supplementation
Either you have an inhibitor that inhibits everything and anything (cf Ribavirin), and, in the long run, it will mess you up. Or it is very specific, and it is not developed... Islatravir was invented in... 2004, and we still don't have it... For an immunizing disease (ex. COVID-19, but not HIV), you have to try to flatten the curve... Holding 10-15 with a CV under 10,000 does not have the same impact as a 10,000,000 outbreak that you will not hold. And containment from the beginning (low to moderate CV) can be done by 'weak', temporary methods other than inhibition: de-acidification (HCQ) and/or good form of intracellular/chemical defenses.

Very early on, Zinc appeared in the picture and American doctors added it to their care, at a lower cost and less toxicity. Here are some references gleaned from the event:
- The Role of Zinc in Antiviral Immunity (the possible benefit -HIV- of supplementation is not obvious, but for COVID...)
- Does zinc supplementation enhance the clinical efficacy of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine to win today's battle against COVID-19?

I'm not the only one who finds this interesting, since there are dozens of clinical trials underway with zinc supplementation(list). I didn't hesitate, and I've been taking it (5mg/d.) for some time (Trump-like reasoning: what have you got to lose?). Well... I won't talk about it, since I'm not doing a blog about self-medication, supplementation etc. The discourse, very Madame Figaro, which invites you to 'strengthen your immune defences', without knowing which ones, nor against what, nor with what (sophrology, yoga, masturbation, meditation..., I'm going on and on), it's boring... But here... There is a cluster of clues and now Raoult has found his audience: there is a statistically significant association between (lack of) Zinc and severity of COVID. And what will be missing soon is... the Zinc dietary supplement... I've already had trouble getting it... That's what I mean...

Of course the Lancet is on the spot

05/31/20: COVID: the gripette and the useless doctor

Geeks may want to rank experts by h-index. It's a bit 'Big Data', but if you don't know anything about the subject. John P.A. Ioannidis (H-index = 198) is a recognized expert, widely read, very sharp on the real impact of things, always very precise and factual. He publishes the mortality rate of COVID-19 in view of the seroprevalence: something surprising (well, not that surprising): If we exclude EHPAD and New York, the mortality is extremely low. Raoult/HCQ/AT has only one death under 70 out of 3400 patients. Rather than confining everyone, it might have been wiser to 'recluse' the elderly.

The doctor who is forbidden the only treatment available is simply useless: A lawyer is taking legal action following the blocking of hydroxychloroquine by the State. If your doctors don't take care of you (HIV and intermittence...) or are not authorized to prescribe (decree), what's the point in going?

Duetto trial: Winning duo for therapeutic relief...
The trial includes Darunavir/r / Lamivudine... Strange idea... The good thing is that it will take the wind out of the sails of Pialoux anc Co, who saw dual therapy as a way to counteract intermittence. For a strategy of cost reduction, toxicity, regulatory registration, it is interesting... But for us??? Finally... If you are interested in this subject, please let me know...

Dual therapies and chronicity: While I must now manage the after-effects of my initial overmedication, I have to admit the prevalence of dual therapies in my prescriptions: For A, a dual therapy, for B a dual therapy, for C a dual therapy... And for HIV, we would be, at best, on conventional dual therapy. That is to say 4 Bithérapies to be eaten every day!!! It's cancer guaranteed!!!(cancer is treated with dual therapy?). The problem is that the doctor doesn't know which one to remove!

While waiting for the results of Quatuor: Effectiveness of short intermittent maintenance cycles based on integrase inhibitors in virologically suppressed HIV patients

Prophylaxis or treatment? in the context of treatment reduction...

Suggested interactions between HCQ and common ARVs (ongoing... 05/05)
Moleculesuspected effect
AbacavirNo corresponding records
EmtricitabineNo corresponding records
LamivudineNo matching records
TenofovirNo matching records
EfavirenzThe risk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with efavirenz.
EtravirineNo corresponding records
NevirapineNevirapine metabolism may be decreased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
RilpivirineRisk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with Rilpivirine
AtazanavirRisk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with Atazanavir
DarunavirNo corresponding records
FosamprenavirNo corresponding records
LopinavirSerum hydroxychloroquine concentration may be increased when combined with lopinavir.
TipranavirTipranavir metabolism may be decreased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
BictegravirNo corresponding records
DolutegravirNo corresponding records
ElvegravirNo matching records
RaltegravirNo matching records
CobicistatNo matching records
RitonavirRitonavir serum concentration may be increased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
MaravirocNo corresponding records
cave canem de rigueur this blog is not medical advice
(especially since medicine has proven to be poor) source: drugbank

Sunday, May 3, 2020


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Coronavirus, HIV, ARV, intermittence...(15)

Coronavirus: The end is near

Graphic update by worldometers and Southern France Morning Post.

HCQ/AZIT vs (HCQ/AZIT + the rest)
HCQ/AZIT(HCQ/AZIT + the rest
(and treated)
(all ttts)
10/05/20203273170,52 %48361453,00 %---
09/05/20203261170,52 %48321453,00 %---
07/05/20203248170,52 %48271442,98 %---
06/05/20203241170,52 %48181422,95 %---
05/05/20203233160,49 %48091402,91 %---
04/05/20203227160,50 %48041382,79 %---
03/05/20203220160,48 %47971332,78 %---
02/05/20203207150,47 %47901282,67 %---
01/05/20203190150,48 %47761282,69 %---
The complete table is available here

18/05/20: Settling of accounts in French virology (or what's left of it...)

The video where Raoult explains how Pasteur, Bichat, were saturated, how XXX (Xaxier Lescure? ) and Karine Lacombe got respectively $500.000 and $200.000 is here

Maintaining the chronicity

05/19/20: How to humanize an animal virus, without getting too tired

The Raoult & Co quickly succeeded in isolating and cultivating the virus (harvested from humans). Professional work. After all, Saddam was falsely accused of doing it... This is the way to prove in vitro that a molecule can be effective. We do this with the human virus. But before the human virus, how did we do it? With bat virus... To be cultivated in... a bat animal house, or else, in a compatible culture medium. Raoult & Co took less than a month, taking advantage of already published recipes (SARS-1.0)... That's it! You have a virus in culture. And as the other guy would say, you just have to change the medium gradually.

It is only a matter of time that a Laboratory tries to do it... American, Chinese, North Korean, Iranian, even... Australian, because that is where the hypothesis comes from (read Nikolai Petrovsky In silico comparison of spike-ACE2 protein binding affinities between species; significance for the possible origin of SARS-CoV-2 virus. First, they are going to make a computer simulation, if it is not completely crazy. Then, they will take Mouse Virus (Made in China), blood or a bat substitute (Made in China), it will cost them quite a lot, but VERO or expired (human) blood bags, and, we substitute little by little. We create an adverse pressure with an anti-ACE2
China? It's the new Wild West of genetic biology. That's where it's happening... And if it is not there, it is in the USA, with... Biologists 'Made In China'.

Ah!!! Thepharisaicalvirology, bribed, unable to make any culture (Pasteur = Flat Encephalogram). The only one who knows how to simulate something is Rouzioux, but apart from simulating the Panic of the Great Rebound, she doesn't have much experience.

Karine Lacombe: You will find that I am slow to start... It is that I do not watch any more the French TV... And I missed the Karine Lacombe sequence... A viral video did not miss it, but here it is, I'm not too interested, but it's hilarious! Well, it would be funny if it were not pathetic. Karine Lacombe defended herself against the sums received from the Labs by her 'expertise' (HIV/HCV?). I, who have my finger on the wire, have never heard of Karine Lacombe in HIV... I went to search the reference database, and there, there is nothing, or so little! search link. Ah... She participates in all the small criterium of province, and never leaves the pack... Expertise, expertise, you have to say it fast...

Trump on Hydroxychloroquine... He is of a certain age, he has traveled the world, so he knows Nivaquine... Raoult is starred in the USA, by a rather long article in the New York Times.

Raoult, he doesn't do tongue-in-cheek: Watch 'Can the innovation process respect the rule?' on YouTube.

05/20/20: Prescription and medicine cabinet

The disastrous sequence of the Veran/Salomon decree (of legal death) shows one thing: the regulatory system most often works in your favor, sometimes against you. A decision, arbitrary, dictatorial, is imposed on you directly or indirectly (via the MA, the Pharmacy, your employer,...). You are only autonomous if you have anticipated. If you have not anticipated, you are caught in a trap that can deprive you of years of life, of means of existence, etc.

The death of young people, by refusal of care Grandma is 85 years old, her life is slowed down (to be continued)

How Raoult refutes Axel Kahn's argument We have seen everything and anything. Axel Kahn's argument is perhaps the most subtle: what does it prove to cure people who would have been cured anyway? Well... There is an advantage to heal faster, to be contagious for less time... But anyway... Raoult has an elegant demonstration: look at the deaths among my under 60 (or even 70) year olds, i.e. those who, effectively, had the best chance of getting out of it unscathed: At the IHU, zero deaths under 60, one unfortunate death between 60 and 70... Elsewhere, a statistical distribution where people under 60 years old contribute for about 15% (I did not do the calculation again). Among (still quite) young people, a mortality all the more shocking as it is avoidable, among people who had years ahead of them...

21/05/20: Optimal prescription and medicine cabinet

The ideal is to maintain a stock that can respond to the emergency: You need to have something to zap the virus immediately, in case of an outbreak: DTG (or BIC), TDF/3TC, ATV (or DRV?), RPV (or EFV or NVP, if you are not allergic to them), and therefore either an extended prescription, or a rotation of prescriptions. For example, ATV/TDF/F-3TC in 7/7, for 1 year, then RPV/DTG in 7/7, for 1 year, etc. Does this bother you? Get over it, becausewith the advent of Islatravir, that's what you'll do. With Biktarvy, you are within the bounds of Leibowitchian orthodoxy, because BIC (or DTG) counts as 2 (on paper). Islatravir will probably be coformulated, and not with BIC. Maybe we should consider having 2 doctors, if needed...
To this, we need to add a sufficient number of CVs (in the exploratory phase), let's say a CV 1 prescription per month, renewable 11 times (handwritten, 'valid for 1 year') and basta.

Then Hydroxychloroquine and Azythromycin... For hydroxychloroquine (or even chloroquine) it should be quite simple, but with the ambient hysteria and the normative madness of the puritans, we are not safe from anything, and it is precisely their harmful existence that justifies the small safety stock. Think also that the whole planet will want it...
Azythromycin: Unlike HCQ, a common prophylaxis, you may find it difficult to get Azythromycin, especially because everyone will want it, so you will be screwed... An alternative, validated in vitro, is Doxycycline, and here, it's good timing, because it's the anti-chlamydia prophylactic (or even Siphyllis, more or less...) advocated by ... Molina(read here). Since you are already treated for a venereal disease (HIV), getting prescribed some Doxycycline, before tackling the titillating subject of Azythromycin may be interesting.

22/05/20: Who to treat or not

Interesting reflection by Dr Marc Girard: One of the most distressing 'experiments' has been that of COVID in France... Its most effective mirror was the one in Taiwan... That is to say, the rare Chinese who are not under the totalitarian control of the CCP. The (in)effectiveness of the response in Mainland, Communist China is partly 'excusable' by the fact that it is there that the release of the virus took place, and that they were the first temporal victim. Such an epidemic is always very deadly at the beginning, because at the beginning only the dead are detected. In a 'modern' follow-up we can consider a PCR surveillance in the Institute of Virology of Wuhan, and in the surrounding population. Not for what it will have been (hypothesis under evaluation) but for what it could be The Source (and one could ask the question for the P3 and P4 labs, in France and elsewhere).

Taiwan: 0.3 deaths per million inhabitants is anecdotal. Well... Taiwan is an island, with many reasons to be wary of its giant neighbor. But France and Italy are victims of their tourist ideologies. Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence, had called for a Campaign of Accolades to the Chinese, whose satirical name is: 'One road, one belt, one virus', and that the Chinese official media hastened to publish on Youtube (if, if, we still find it...)

23/05/20: The pangolin's name is Gérard...

We still haven't found the intermediate Pangolin... Desproges had already named him: his name is Gérard(you tube /INA). @cestpasnouscestlesPangolins : the tracking continues... And the Chinese not in a hurry... Obviously...

The number of people who make a causal relationship between the presence of the laboratory, world flagship of the Coronavirus, in the city of Wuhan and its Epicenter... In Wuhan... is growing. The question is not to know if they are right or not... But to know if they are right or wrong, there will be economic repercussions for China, where many western investors are positioned. A Chinese stock market crack would do well for TRUMP

Hydroxycholoroquine or the art of breaking the mood: the mere mention of Marseille is enough to ruin the mood between the best lovers. In a very documented way, INSERM (Levy-who has always failed to succeed with his HIV vaccine) wanted to take over the IHU, without going through the compensation process... Gilead, ViiV, Merck took possession of molecules and were trusted. This same trust has not been given to dwarfs such as Phamasset, Shionogi, Yamaya, JT, etc. We tell you Gilead this, Gilead that, the Gileadolatres fall in pamoison, but Shinadzi, they do not even know... Raoult didn't let himself go, and that makes the show, obviously. Besides, he made technological and strategic choices, which he explained well before this crisis, and which deserve the detour! No second containment for Marseilles: one thing is sure, the people of Marseilles will not accept a second containment, especially if the great scientist tells them that it is useless or of little use.

a very documented table has been published here, not ashp (an association of pharmacies, it seems). It allows to see which molecules have been used in Vitro. The ones in my table are quoted, there are others. Doxycycline is the only one missing. So it is not uninteresting...

The use of Hydroxycycline, for something other than COVID: this includes: improvement of CD4/CD8 ratio, improvement of insulin sensitivity. That's something I'm interested in. In the development of things, you identify something interesting and then you move on, simply because there is no business model. The HIV treatment cycle is one of them: since the first publications (e.g. FOTO, Breather...) we have been distracted by other things...

Remdesivir: no therapeutic use, but they will manage to sell some, the cut-off fell on Friday evening, after the closing of the financial markets (as if by chance...). Except for the group in oxygen phase, and still... As Didier would say, when you are no longer in the viral phase, what good is an anti-viral... The reading of the week end, for Gileadolaters, is here: Remdesivir for the Treatment of Covid-19 - Preliminary Report

Prophylaxis or treatment? in the context of therapeutic reduction...

Suggested interactions between HCQ and common ARVs (in progress... 05/05)
Moleculesuspected effect
AbacavirNo corresponding record
EmtricitabineNo corresponding records
LamivudineNo matching records
TenofovirNo matching records
EfavirenzThe risk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with efavirenz.
EtravirineNo corresponding records
NevirapineNevirapine metabolism may be decreased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
RilpivirineRisk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with Rilpivirine
AtazanavirRisk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with Atazanavir
DarunavirNo corresponding records
FosamprenavirNo corresponding records
LopinavirSerum hydroxychloroquine concentration may be increased when combined with lopinavir.
TipranavirTipranavir metabolism may be decreased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
BictegravirNo corresponding records
DolutegravirNo corresponding records
ElvegravirNo matching records
RaltegravirNo matching records
CobicistatNo matching records
RitonavirRitonavir serum concentration may be increased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
MaravirocNo corresponding records
cave canem de rigueur this blog is not medical advice
(especially since medicine has proven to be poor) source: drugbank

Saturday, May 2, 2020


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Coronavirus, HIV, ARVs, intermittence...(14)

Coronavirus: The end is near

Graphic update by worldometers and Southern France Morning Post.

HCQ/AZIT vs (HCQ/AZIT + the rest)
HCQ/AZIT(HCQ/AZIT + the rest
(and treated)
(all ttts)
10/05/20203273170,52 %48361453,00 %---
09/05/20203261170,52 %48321453,00 %---
07/05/20203248170,52 %48271442,98 %---
06/05/20203241170,52 %48181422,95 %---
05/05/20203233160,49 %48091402,91 %---
04/05/20203227160,50 %48041382,79 %---
03/05/20203220160,48 %47971332,78 %---
02/05/20203207150,47 %47901282,67 %---
01/05/20203190150,48 %47761282,69 %---
The complete table is available here

The 14/05/20: Pr. Christian Perronne: and the self-medication

We resume a linear rhythm: the 14/05 is now at the bottom of the 13/05: the continuation is thus lower...

Le 13/05/20: Pr. Christian Perronne: multi-recidivist schyzophrenia

Following him, one becomes crazy: he is obsessed with self-medication. At each public intervention he repeats his pontificating oukase. It could not be otherwise: Has anyone ever seen a Herr Professor, head of Pole no less, say anything other than No to self-medication, Nein, Nein, Nein!!!. They are all in the same juice. It's Magneto Serge: you press the button and it's out. Except that the man has an honest background... This changes us from the rantanplans co-Labo-rators, nickel feet of thepharisaicalvirology, whose sordid plans are easy to expose... He rarely lies... Oh... It happens to him...(e.g. the report, in English, on ANRS-4D omits the known and recognized explanation of the 3 unfortunate little failures). But Well... So there he gets theOLYMPIC GOLD. His otherwise remarkable publication is a hymn to the right independent medication. Perronne is honest but not entirely honest. Under his auspices, we have the Leibowitch/Mattez articles FASEB-1 and 2. If Perronne would let the reader go through with the demonstration, this blog, which pains me so much to write, would have no reason to exist. The pathetic schemers, that everyone has understood by now, but this is more perverse.

The article is great Hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin: potential benefit in reducing hospital morbidity due to COVID-19 pneumonia (HI-ZY-COVID) and Perronne doesn't hide anything or so little... You must read it! You will learn amazing things. Well... HCQ/AT worked in his case, we understood that. But you have to read carefully: no PCR curve...

On 05/14/20: Pr. Christian Perronne: useful but not essential...

If the vast majority of COVID diagnoses were confirmed by PCR, there is no follow-up curve... Raoult says he did 100,000 PCRs, he published a mini table corner study with comparative PCR curves. We will see if he publishes anything to compare the carriage (duration of infectivity), the argument that convinced us in the first place. With Perronne, none of this. Alvarez, after a few PCRs, he becomes saturated... We are not at all in the same environment. This is quite a feat for the flagship hospital of Stalingrad, which had to change its paradigm and substitute the viral load (PCR) to the good old count of deaths or aggravations. It is fortunate that Perronne did not randomize!

In an epidemic context, with well described symptoms, can we do without PCR? No if you play the Raoult game, yes if you only intend to treat symptomatic cases (e.g. Barbosa Esper), and even less if you play the Prophylaxis game. If you do not have PCR at hand, you have only 2 options: prophylaxis, or treatment at the onset of symptoms.

Low dose CT: As a patient, the hospital has one advantage: its technical platform. But if this platform is saturated, therefore rationed... The probability of being able to benefit from a low dose scan is low... In other words, there is no point in going to this hospital...

A priori screening (inclusion, therefore exclusion...): One of the interests in hetero-medication is an objective opinion on eligibility. Am I eligible? We do a screening electrocardiogram. What is the probability of discovering, on this occasion, a prolongation of Qt, which is a warning sign, more or less relevant. The subjects at risk are of a certain age and with age comes regular screening. Therefore, no new cardiac situations have been significantly discovered. This leads to the following situation: people with an identified cardiac problem, the vast majority of whom are not newly identified, will be excluded from treatment, even though they are the ones most in need of treatment. We don't have a hundred thousand alternatives. A COVID patient, with a heart condition, who goes to Garches will therefore be excluded from the (only?) treatment that could save him from a very dark future: 1 'chance' out of 2 to stay there. Isn't hydroxychloroquine then a lesser evil? And do you let the hospital doctor choose for you? There is no informed consent to a treatment that is not proposed to you... You are bound hand and foot, on the edge of the precipice and the wind is blowing! Perronne has been smarter than the others... It is true... But for one Perronne, how many morons?

Hydroxychloroquine, futile or overdosed: leaving your life in the hands of bad doctors(on the whole, they have not been famous...), means letting them either deprive you of HCQ, or give you 600 mg/day. For cardiac patients, this will move... There were alternatives and Perronne describes them, let's take advantage of them. Either skip HCQ, but take AT, that's the Perronne way, or half-dose HCQ + AT, that's the way chosen by the Borba team, duly cited by Perronne, who opens an interesting subject, obscured by Raoult. Raoult has published in-vitro HCQ, HCQ+ Azithromycin, HCQ+Doxycycline trials, with a bluffing effect for the latter 2, where one can imagine a favorable synergy. Yes... But what about Azithromycin alone? Before talking about synergy, in-vitro, we must study A, alone, B, alone, and finally A and B together. And that, Raoult has done without.
Of course the number of patients is low, because Garches was alone, but the AT arm (alone) performs globally as well as the HCQ/AT arm, and, in Borba(Effect of High vs Low Doses of Chloroquine), HCQ 300mg + AT is better than HCQ 600 mg/AT. For cardiac patients or those who were not aware of it, there was a solution: not to take HCQ, or just a little. How many doctors would have had this insight? Was the doctor who would have taken care of you at Bichat, Tenon, in this position? One can therefore think thata doctor can be at best useless, and very often the man who did not save your life.

Perronne with the cock and the knife is not doing so bad... But what a sorry admission of lack of means: not enough PCR, not enough small dose CT, and... no medicine, by order of the ministry (Perronne had the courage to put it down on paper). Raoult is more precise: the rich, the influential, the connected have been able to access the treatment. The bazanés, the colored, the colorful, the unclassified, the uneducated will have been the most affected in New York as in London.

Perronne: malmedication is guaranteed death: in a hollow way he attacks his colleagues, who, it is true, did not shine. With one hand he says: the vast majority of infectious diseases specialists suck, and with the other he says no to self-medication.
Does he want us dead or what???

Raoult and the shit catapult: once bombarded withPharisaicalineptitude, Marseille returns the favor by publishing thePharisaical'performance', compared to his own. That's 10 times more deaths for a population 3 times larger. The hour of reckoning has come... We will see tomorrow...

Le 15/05/20: Raoult and the legal proceedings

In a system that drags its Judeo-Christian heritage like a ball and chain, one cannot claim to be a Mandarina while at the same time ranting and raving. This applies to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) as well as to the Vatican clique. The good people are waiting for the mesianic intructions of the academic or political 'authorities', who, in the absence of intelligence, will show authoritarianism. We see how, in Europe, the neighboring Protestant states have a less ideological response than their Catholic neighbors. This is particularly obvious in the United States: in New York, the Hispanic communities, gathering in small community churches, will have been the amplifier that was in our country La-Porte-Ouverte (Mulhouse), the what's-his-name sect in Korea. No! your fellow citizens do not thank you for your futile prayers and invite you to stop your deleterious antics!

Perronne/Truchis have a control arm, not intentional, which owes its existence not to the disastrous ramdomization alla Pialloux-Lacombe, but thanks, one might say, to the imbecile Veran/Salomon decree:

The Surrealist Interview of Peronne, in full collective hysteria, is to be read, it is here, and... There is everything.

Raoult: a loan for a return... The IHU publishes the curve Paris vs Marseille

HIV: S+ allowed to participate in HCQ/AT trial, in the USA It is published here. Note, it's a bit normal, since it is organized by the AIDS Clinical Research Group (ACTG). In the USA, there are still cases... In Marseille, no... On the other hand, the French Academy of Medicine has just lost an opportunity to keep quiet and to deplore the fact that many patients refused to enter the placebo group, the only one, according to the Academy, that could spread the science; it could have specified that they refused to enter the placebo group, at the risk of their lives. When we specify a little, we understand better the patients and even less the 'Academy'. They are mad as hell! This ideology of using a placebo on a disease that can lead to the death of the patient in a few weeks is sickening. If the result is very effective, who cares about the placebo effect?

05/16/20: pH modulation and/or specific inhibition

Seen from the point of view of a very small microorganism, the cell is a vast continent. An evolved virus comes with its own camper van. HIV comes with its own inhibitor of our natural inhibitor (ABOPEC), VIF. Without it, its race would have ended in the dustbin of our genome, consisting for about 10% of retroviral vestiges, various, prehistoric and incapacitated. The idea of adding an artificial inhibitor, targeting this or that enzyme that the virus produces for its replication is tempting, 'modern' and we can work to make it devilishly effective: it is the Inhibition Pathway. With a bit of luck, we can recycle an existing inhibitor, whose efficiency is not optimized, but not too bad: this is the ATV pathway (or LPV, to a lesser extent...).

To do this well, we need to take a 'bank' of molecules, and screen them by successive selection. This requires enormous means, inaccessible to the basic Institute. This is how Merck identified Diketo acid against integrase. Only BigPharma had the means to make this investment, and the resulting molecule, Raltegravir, arrived in 2007, 10 years after Stalingrad. A target of choice is the RNA-polymerase, because it is an enzymatic family common to RNA viruses (so not to retroviruses...). The ability to screen is at the center of this strategy: there are hundreds of thousands of small synthetizable molecules, and it is necessary to test several doses, and in several times, with controls: a pharaonic work. Either we tie up a thousand small hands (Chinese?), or we put a horribly expensive robot made by a megacapitalist (American?), which leaves us in the middle of the road, as we see for HIV.

The IHU and the accelerated, simplified screening: And we must be sure to inhibit the right virus... Ask Gallo, on whom Leibowitch had bet, who went wrong with HTLV... Designed to respond to bio-terrorism, the IHU has developed open and rapid methods. An epidemic wave, terrorist or not, is fast, we are not in the time of HIV...

05/17/20: pH modulation and/or specific inhibition (continued)

As an alternative to enzyme inhibition, one can consider a modification of the environment of the virus, which in this case is the vacuole, a kind of cell within a cell. The cell is its home, but it goes to the bathroom to do its business. If we reduce the size of the bathroom, it makes less little... Less... Not Zero... So the effect on the reccursive population decrease is limited: it takes a few days, and works less well on very very high viral loads.

HCQ as an adjuvant to intermittence There is a link between HCQ, replication, reservoir and intermittency... It is rather confusing.
HCQ has been used in at least three HIV circumstances, in clinical trials, with a control group:
- HIV without treatment, in the hope of delaying initiation of treatment, with results that may be misinterpreted; We'll come back to that. Here it is.
- HIV on effective ARV treatment, with the aim of improving the immunological response, with results in sharp contrast with the above. It is here
- HIV on effective ARV treatment, in a notably unsuccessful, but remarkably useful, Shock-and-Kill trial Beyond that, HCQ seems to have a beneficial effect on diabetes, HIV, osteoarthritis, according to this rundown: Does HCQ have benefits beyond mild diseases.

Maintaining chronicity

Supposed interactions between HCQ and current ARVs (in progress... 05/05)
Moleculesuspected effect
AbacavirNo corresponding records
EmtricitabineNo corresponding records
LamivudineNo matching records
TenofovirNo matching records
EfavirenzThe risk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with efavirenz.
EtravirineNo corresponding records
NevirapineNevirapine metabolism may be decreased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
RilpivirineRisk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with Rilpivirine
AtazanavirRisk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with Atazanavir
DarunavirNo corresponding records
FosamprenavirNo corresponding records
LopinavirSerum hydroxychloroquine concentration may be increased when combined with lopinavir.
TipranavirTipranavir metabolism may be decreased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
BictegravirNo corresponding records
DolutegravirNo corresponding records
ElvegravirNo matching records
RaltegravirNo matching records
CobicistatNo matching records
RitonavirRitonavir serum concentration may be increased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
MaravirocNo corresponding records
cave canem de rigueur this blog is not medical advice
(especially since medicine has proven to be poor) source: drugbank

Friday, May 1, 2020


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

BIKTARVY® for 1/7, why not?

By Charles-Edouard!

BIKTARVY® is the anti-Charles-Edouard... And then???

I have nothing against Biktarvy®. It's just that my choices take into account one constraint: the availability in case of emergency and the cost. How many times have I been stuck, without my luggage or money, without this, without that, on the other side of the planet... So... I like to have backup plans, all the more universal because they are modest. As a result, 'caviar' Medocs are not my cup of tea. Since Gilead has made a specialty of an industrial Mikado, with some legal proceedings in the pan, pushing for Variety and Price, well, it just so happens that I have never taken any Gilead product.

It's kind of the law of the genre. Wealthy pharmaceutical companies are leading the race, at great profit, others are in the pack, and the Indian or Chinese generics companies, fill their pockets without merit. When one masters Nevirapine, its dosage, its intake, then there is no need for Bictegravir®. And Nevirapine is like Chinese, you have to learn it...

You like Bictegravir in 2/7 (or even 1/7 or 1,5/7), why do without it ???

Abacavir probably doesn't fit too well in 1/7... You get used to it, you get a weekly donut, so if you can avoid it... ABC is a weakness of Triumeq®. ViiV has obviously succeeded in gathering evidence of plagiarism, and has led Gilead to a private agreement, which probably includes the payment of royalties to ViiV (or else to Shionogi). BIC is not, strictly speaking, a competitor of DTG. Moreover, as DTG is a computer-designed molecule, based on a 3D mapping of the integrase, and in particular of a catalytic pocket, in a key-lock computer optimization, one wonders whether it is possible to propose a significantly different key for the same lock...

Except for targeting another catalytic pocket or improving the resistance profile of DTG at the margin, it is difficult to see how to hope for an alternative to the DTG pharmacore. Once an enzyme, the lock, has been well mapped, there is no plethora of optimized solutions. There is invention, but without alternative, without competition, a de facto monopoly.

Islatravir is a completely different animalHowever, we will see that they have updated anti-metabolization strategies that make it possible, and even necessary, to reduce the dosage of Islatravir, which is announced at ... 0.75 mg! It will be seen that it is unthinkable to take Islatravir at high doses nor at repeated banal doses: you have to slash the dose or else it's a bang bang bang bang!. We will come back to this...

Before the appearance of Biktegravir®, my proposal of choice was DTG/TDF/F-3TC, BIC being a plagiarism of DTG, we can note BIC = p-DTG, and Biktarvy p-DTG/p-TDF/p-3TC(with p- indicating a plagiarism with marginal over efficacy at most).
A recent query of the public drug database indicates (for France) BIKTARVY® at 724,36 Eu. ; TIVICAY® at 546,74 TRUVADA®: 338,81, its generic at 168,58, that puts Tivicay® + Gé-Truvada at 715 Eu. This was my alternative idea to Triumeq® (752 Eu.). Considering the favorable feedback from my readers on BIKTARVY®, the lack of significant price difference, I think that BIKTARVY® will soon join my pharmacy box.

BIKTARVY®: 100 Euros per month...

14% of a gross salary goes to health insurance. Be net contributornot be in debt to others for his medication expenses, at 1000 Eu./month of medication, it requires a gross salary of 7.000 Eu./Month... Good luck! On the other hand, at 100 Eu/month of treatment costs, it becomes possible again. And, this can be a factor of satisfaction, depending on each one. Considering the rate of reduction that the 1/7 allows, (even, 1,5/7, or 2/7), there is no need to deprive yourself...

Juluca/Truvada: an attractive alternative

There are people who navigate towards 3/7 (or even 2/7) with Eviplera® (now Odyfsey®)... Well... Why not... Others are in Dovato® or Juluca® mode (more rare). The idea of adding DTG to Eviplera is attractive in view of the 1/7. It makes 4 molecules, it is compatible, 2 pills, which reduces the possible impact of the risk of non-absorption. In short, as TRUMP would say: "what are you risking? Personally, I find that, on paper, it is tempting. Especially if you look at what comes next, namely 1/15 and the arrival of Islatravir. It's a question worth considering because patients who enter Cyle Court via the Eviplera® (Odyfsey®) or DTG route are more than a majority (about 2/3), and the convergence of strategies, i.e. merging RPV, DTG, and the 2 zozos, seems very simple to implement. Knowing that, once again, each one sees at noon to his own door.

Mourning the loss of Videx ®.

There isno more Videx ® Well... My readers don't care, since we saw it coming... But at ICCARRE it sucks! No more Videx® = No more ICCARRE? Leibowitch's friends no longer have Leibowitch and no longer have Videx®: that's a lack! Those who could not discuss alternatives to Videx ® before Leibo's departure, will come and ask me... Who else would you want them to talk to? And, we're not going to leave them hanging. If we don't have Videx® anymore, we can't do the Videx®/Nevirapine shock couple, so Nevirapine becomes a problem, too.... There are solutions to this...

Biktarvy®: let's look, peacefully, at what is happening

For the moment, Sally, Joelle, and Evaristo are in 2/7 mode on Biktarvy®, on their own, so we share, we discuss, we observe, and for those who are interested, well, we consider participating in the collective effort. The Short Cycle in Darwinian discovery mode, has no intelligence, we don't learn from the past of other patients, we reflect on the past of each patient.

Weekly intake and 1/15

Apparently it's moving... There is an Olivier who started on his own, integrating some Leibowitchian 'precepts' (progressivity, close CVs) and Leibowitchian 'precepts' (progressivity, close CVs) and bypassing others (progressivity, reinforcement)... So, for the moment, there is a return, which we are told will not be too long, to more concerted rhythms. To be continued, of course...

reminder: for me, 1/X, when X is big, is to be understood in BID (taken morning and evening), on a meal

In the news

- The HAS and the ANSM have rejected Remdesivir! Moreover Gilead has kept a low profile in front of a fiasco announced at the transparency commission: read here. Obviously Gilead is not interested in flooding the French market with Remdesivir, although the opportunity to prove itself in real conditions is there... But well... Billions are made, why bother with patients ?

Francois : The other French genius

The French genius is in trouble these days, hampered as it is by an inept and probably obsolete mode of government. So, I'm bringing out a good old Bach, in an interpretation by Samson Francois, which is remarkable. (Bach/Busoni Toccata, Adagio & Fugue BWV 564)
The youtube source is split in 3: part #1, part #2, part #3

She surpasses the unsurpassable Horowitz, live at Carnegie. Here too, the youtube source is split in 3: part #1, part #2, part #3

Here is an organ version by Ton Koopman

Feel free to comment, like, share and use

overmedication is an opportunity if you know how to use it!


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Coronavirus, HIV, ARV, intermittence...(13)

Coronavirus: Victory continued and soon to end

Graphic update by worldometers and Southern France Morning Post.

HCQ/AZIT vs (HCQ/AZIT + the rest)
HCQ/AZIT(HCQ/AZIT + the rest
(and treated)
(all ttts)
10/05/20203273170,52 %48361453,00 %---
09/05/20203261170,52 %48321453,00 %---
07/05/20203248170,52 %48271442,98 %---
06/05/20203241170,52 %48181422,95 %---
05/05/20203233160,49 %48091402,91 %---
04/05/20203227160,50 %48041382,79 %---
03/05/20203220160,48 %47971332,78 %---
02/05/20203207150,47 %47901282,67 %---
01/05/20203190150,48 %47761282,69 %---
The complete table is available here

On 10/05/20: First results, not flaming, with Atazanavir

For the moment we only have the summary... Until then... Raoult's article is published. The 'big' newspapers did not rush to get it, but well, in this internet age, what does the bottle matter... In Madrid, the verdict of an observational study with a control group ( download here):

On 09/05/20: S+ and excluded...from the Raoult protocol

I can hear Raoult or Perronne ranting like self-medication... Certainly, if we could do without it... The problem is not that these 2 are ramdomizing, no... It's that they exclude, and that you have to beware of them like Pialloux the plague! If you go to Pailloux (Tenon), which you should have avoided at all costs, except to be sodo ramdomized at the factor 4:5 (1 placebo, 2 useless, 1 dangerous) you were not entitled to HCQ/AT... But not at Raoult's either! Because of the inclusion (and therefore exclusion) rules.

What we learn from the early treatment of COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective analysis of 1061 cases in Marseille, France. Reasons for exclusion of 350 patients from the study.

If X then, no HCQ/AT... You didn't see that one! If X and over 65, no HCQ/AT, what does that mean? It means 10% mortality and not under reasonable conditions. Under 65? Well... You're going to shit 21 days instead of 6 but after all, if you're already stupid enough to fill up on drugs, don't be surprised if they don't give you anything in case of emergency! Oh yes... You could say: I'm going to stop the ARVs, treat my COVID, and then I'll start again... Like anyone would believe you. As if you could do it... Because, tough luck, you are on injectable DTG/RPV! This is a failure to adjust the shot!

you are on Eclipsotherapy (ultra intermittent), you suspect COVID, you take your bi-monthly meds before to go to Raoult/Perronne to be tested, and you have a 15-day window to treat your COVID, which is quite enough... On injectables, you had it in the bone...

On 08/05/20: Immunizing... or not...

The debate is on... With its huge cohort, the IHU was able to evaluate the serostatus of COVID-19 patients using an indirect immunofluorescence test and questions the potential efficacy of Serotherapy. The question of the second wave is of extreme economic importance: If one can work/travel more or less well in the Fall, it will be fine... Otherwise...

05/05/20: Ramdomizers and ... death...

No one wants their name associated with the Discovery trial... No one... You are killing your reputation and that of your hospital... The people of Marseille are proud of the IHU, the people of Amiens (Macron, Xavier Bertrand...), much less so. The Amiens University Hospital is testing chloroquine but has to postpone the Discovery trial due to lack of available drugs. Good excuse??? Because the patients did not take it. European trial ??? My ass (as we say Moncay)! Luxembourg: 1, the rest: ZeRo ! We'll see, when it's published, who will want to associate his name with it!

Contact: Florence Ader, MD +33 (0)4 72 07 15 60
Contact: Hélène Espérou, MD +33 1 44 23 60 70 (source)
Lionel Piroth, CHU of Dijon (source)
Jean-Luc Schmit, Amiens University Hospital. (source)

HCQ/AT: it is in the viremic phase, after that, it is no longer the time for anti-virals. One can think that the mode of action (electrolitic reduction of the vacuole) is moderate in the face of very high viremia (very high viremia is a failure factor reported by Raoult). Therefore a 'compassionate' trial is not relevant. We can give Paquenil, it doesn't eat bread, but, well... considering all the other things that need to be done. It would be like giving Truvada (alone, used as a PreP) to a terminally ill AIDS patient with 10,000,000 copies and hoping for a 'Lazarus effect'. Does hope make you live? No! Here, it kills!

check the contraindications to medication: This is an important point, accessible to the basic badger, no need for a doctor! First of all your basic doctor, how can she know if HCQ/AT is compatible with DTG, for example? By consulting action-treatments??? Well... No... Drugbank? Ah, that's better already... But well... It's on the Internet, the basic badger can read...

Supposed interactions between HCQ and current ARVs (in progress... 05/05)
Moleculesuspected effect
AbacavirNo corresponding record
EmtricitabineNo corresponding records
LamivudineNo matching records
TenofovirNo matching records
EfavirenzThe risk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with efavirenz.
EtravirineNo corresponding records
NevirapineNevirapine metabolism may be decreased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
RilpivirineRisk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with Rilpivirine
AtazanavirRisk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with Atazanavir
DarunavirNo corresponding records
FosamprenavirNo corresponding records
LopinavirSerum hydroxychloroquine concentration may be increased when combined with lopinavir.
TipranavirTipranavir metabolism may be decreased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
BictegravirNo corresponding records
DolutegravirNo corresponding records
ElvegravirNo matching records
RaltegravirNo matching records
CobicistatNo matching records
RitonavirRitonavir serum concentration may be increased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
MaravirocNo corresponding records
cave canem de rigueur this blog is not medical advice
(especially since medicine has proven to be poor) source: drugbank

The Surrealist Interview of Peronne: it is here, and... There is everything.

Le 04/05/20: Self-medication or ... death...

Doctors are screaming like pigs whose throats are being slit at the mere mention of self-medication! I hear you, and I would gladly subscribe if there is an alternative... I have nothing against good medicine, as a proof, I'm doing my bit to encourage the mammoth to do OMNIBVS-3D, the least ambitious trial there is. Don't blame me! Well, you can try, if you like it, you'll get a rake! Faced with a mortal danger, it is legitimate to react. Leibowitch and Peronne, multi-recidivist in the matter, had the knack to publish in the middle of the world, in English, in a magazine that nobody reads, the best available option to date. And at the same time that they were prescribing only to well-informed people, here they are on TV sets, facing people drooling with the desire to get out of it, declaring at auction 'and it should not be that the patients self-prescribe!

What is the use of a doctor who prescribes an analysis that nobody can do? Today, May 4th, as the pandemic has passed its peak, the FDA has just authorized 'in emergency' (sic), the Roche Elisa kit. We had to wait until 13/03(source Roche) for the only kit that can be used with COBAS, which almost everyone has (except Raoult, obviously, or the vets). Take note: Neither Pasteur, nor Inserm, nor any of the braggarts, has published a single in-vitro trial: Zero... 2-3 publications in China, 1 in Brazil, one in Japan, 2 in France, 1 in Australia, and... That's all... don't rush to buy Roche stock, it's only up 2% right now... Because... They're not going to sell that much. No more than Gilead is going to sell Remedivir... Roche, they were clever, they managed to sell a whole stock of Tamiflu (molecule bought from... Gilead...) to the French government, at a low price, which, satisfied with its ineptitude, gave up buying masks... No mask, but Tamiflu by the ton. Since it's useless but we have it, well, doctors will be able to prescribe and patients won't self-medicate... with Tamiflu. Fortunately, masks are not in List 1 !!!

The entire medical profession is at a loss. Arrogating to themselves an exclusive right (in the name of what?) to prescribe HCQ (list 2, please, nivaquine too!!! They are crazy!) not prescribing it, not knowing how to prescribe it, not being able to prescribe it (see Solomon's Decree), and even so... The pharmacy can't deliver... The grandfathers and grandmothers who have relatives in Lupus, at least they can mount a defense, a legitimate defense!