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Monday, May 4, 2020


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Coronavirus, HIV, ARVs, intermittence...(16)

Coronavirus: We do the math

Graphic update by worldometers and Southern France Morning Post.

05/28/20: Accounts and settling of accounts

Obviously, this will not please Gilead and its associates... The Raoult publication on 3400 patients is announced. Here is the abstract: Early diagnosis and management of COVID-19 patients: a real life cohort study of 3737 patients, Marseille, France

ECG monitoring: an unnecessary brake? What have we not heard about the danger of HCQ! Let's take all the published figures, those of Perronne, and soon those of Raoult. And let's assume that all the patients excluded from the treatment died of torsade de pointes. You are in the Amazon, French Guyana or elsewhere, and the virus arrives. You have HCQ on hand, of course, since everyone uses it in the tropics. Luckily you have Azythromycin or Doxycycline on hand too... But well... With the dugout, the nearest ECG is a bit inaccessible. What do you do? And at what risk? Knowing that, in the bush, there is no resuscitation room, etc. No more than elsewhere... Because the place where there was the least resuscitation room, it is... in Mulhouse! Zero, zero, we are full! What do you do? Do you take it ? or not at all or a little ? (half dose). If you don't take anything, you put yourself in line with the situation in Mulhouse where the unintentional mortality is close to 100%. Where the health system is saturated, the risk of dying explodes... So where the health system is non-existent, I let you imagine.

Self-medication was the only solution for many populations. And that's what I would have done, for myself and for my family... That's all. And why I make the parallel with the intermittence, it is because when, by toxic accumulation, inevitable, you catch which one a diabetes, which one a cancer, which one a lipo, which one an irreversible renal insufficiency, there is no system of care which holds, and you shorten, of your fact, your passage on earth... Pialloux, it will not be disarmed in front of a diabetes, a cancer, a renal failure.

29/05/20: Self-medication: TINA (There are no alternatives) and Zinc

The oukase that chants the interventions of Perronne (but not Raoult...), is no to self-medication. Well ... Well ... Prove it! And put in place an efficient and reasonably available medication. I have been known to systematically direct occasional readers to Leibowitch, or, failing that, to my list of alleviating physicians. Well... There is no more Leibowitch, and the 'alleging physicians' are in piss-poor mode: what do we do? Do we eat useless drugs in the middle of an eclipse?! No... The only cause of self-medication is the laziness of Perronne. Perronne, Truchis, the others, manage their careers, the nickel feet, manage their bank accounts, and you, you manage who has diabetes, who has lipo, who has non-libo, who has depression, unemployment, exclusion, etc. None of your problems prevent them from sleeping, none...< I'm not even talking about the 'associations-of-seronegs-who-will-please-please-the-capote' (which is not our problem), our virus (or even our very existence) prevents them from fucking raw, but we... it's okay... <u><i>The virus is not a problem, we have it under control... The problem is the inhibitors.

So who made the doctors useless? A lawyer's analysis here: a Kafkaesque protocol for the doctor. A doctor who cannot prescribe is useless... There is a double prohibition to prescribe: a prohibition by decree (but not by the LAW... Expect appeals to the Cosntitutional Council!) but also the threat by the 'Conseil de l'Ordre' (yes, yes, we are in the XXI century, but it still exists) to resort to the administrative suspension (by the ARS) of the right to practice (and how do you eat when you are a revoked doctor???).
With, in addition, the risk of disciplinary proceedings [1] from the Medical Council... The threat alone is enough to petrify even the old backpackers... All this for a simple Nivaquine !!! The Minister and the Council of the Order are playing with your existence and also ... theirs... Soon we will only talk about the Raoult Protocol and... The Véran trials. Buzyn is cleared, Verran condemned, and, Macron ??

Zinc Supplementation
Either you have an inhibitor that inhibits everything and anything (cf Ribavirin), and, in the long run, it will mess you up. Or it is very specific, and it is not developed... Islatravir was invented in... 2004, and we still don't have it... For an immunizing disease (ex. COVID-19, but not HIV), you have to try to flatten the curve... Holding 10-15 with a CV under 10,000 does not have the same impact as a 10,000,000 outbreak that you will not hold. And containment from the beginning (low to moderate CV) can be done by 'weak', temporary methods other than inhibition: de-acidification (HCQ) and/or good form of intracellular/chemical defenses.

Very early on, Zinc appeared in the picture and American doctors added it to their care, at a lower cost and less toxicity. Here are some references gleaned from the event:
- The Role of Zinc in Antiviral Immunity (the possible benefit -HIV- of supplementation is not obvious, but for COVID...)
- Does zinc supplementation enhance the clinical efficacy of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine to win today's battle against COVID-19?

I'm not the only one who finds this interesting, since there are dozens of clinical trials underway with zinc supplementation(list). I didn't hesitate, and I've been taking it (5mg/d.) for some time (Trump-like reasoning: what have you got to lose?). Well... I won't talk about it, since I'm not doing a blog about self-medication, supplementation etc. The discourse, very Madame Figaro, which invites you to 'strengthen your immune defences', without knowing which ones, nor against what, nor with what (sophrology, yoga, masturbation, meditation..., I'm going on and on), it's boring... But here... There is a cluster of clues and now Raoult has found his audience: there is a statistically significant association between (lack of) Zinc and severity of COVID. And what will be missing soon is... the Zinc dietary supplement... I've already had trouble getting it... That's what I mean...

Of course the Lancet is on the spot

05/31/20: COVID: the gripette and the useless doctor

Geeks may want to rank experts by h-index. It's a bit 'Big Data', but if you don't know anything about the subject. John P.A. Ioannidis (H-index = 198) is a recognized expert, widely read, very sharp on the real impact of things, always very precise and factual. He publishes the mortality rate of COVID-19 in view of the seroprevalence: something surprising (well, not that surprising): If we exclude EHPAD and New York, the mortality is extremely low. Raoult/HCQ/AT has only one death under 70 out of 3400 patients. Rather than confining everyone, it might have been wiser to 'recluse' the elderly.

The doctor who is forbidden the only treatment available is simply useless: A lawyer is taking legal action following the blocking of hydroxychloroquine by the State. If your doctors don't take care of you (HIV and intermittence...) or are not authorized to prescribe (decree), what's the point in going?

Duetto trial: Winning duo for therapeutic relief...
The trial includes Darunavir/r / Lamivudine... Strange idea... The good thing is that it will take the wind out of the sails of Pialoux anc Co, who saw dual therapy as a way to counteract intermittence. For a strategy of cost reduction, toxicity, regulatory registration, it is interesting... But for us??? Finally... If you are interested in this subject, please let me know...

Dual therapies and chronicity: While I must now manage the after-effects of my initial overmedication, I have to admit the prevalence of dual therapies in my prescriptions: For A, a dual therapy, for B a dual therapy, for C a dual therapy... And for HIV, we would be, at best, on conventional dual therapy. That is to say 4 Bithérapies to be eaten every day!!! It's cancer guaranteed!!!(cancer is treated with dual therapy?). The problem is that the doctor doesn't know which one to remove!

While waiting for the results of Quatuor: Effectiveness of short intermittent maintenance cycles based on integrase inhibitors in virologically suppressed HIV patients

Prophylaxis or treatment? in the context of treatment reduction...

Suggested interactions between HCQ and common ARVs (ongoing... 05/05)
Moleculesuspected effect
AbacavirNo corresponding records
EmtricitabineNo corresponding records
LamivudineNo matching records
TenofovirNo matching records
EfavirenzThe risk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with efavirenz.
EtravirineNo corresponding records
NevirapineNevirapine metabolism may be decreased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
RilpivirineRisk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with Rilpivirine
AtazanavirRisk or severity of QTc prolongation may be increased when hydroxychloroquine is combined with Atazanavir
DarunavirNo corresponding records
FosamprenavirNo corresponding records
LopinavirSerum hydroxychloroquine concentration may be increased when combined with lopinavir.
TipranavirTipranavir metabolism may be decreased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
BictegravirNo corresponding records
DolutegravirNo corresponding records
ElvegravirNo matching records
RaltegravirNo matching records
CobicistatNo matching records
RitonavirRitonavir serum concentration may be increased when combined with hydroxychloroquine
MaravirocNo corresponding records
cave canem de rigueur this blog is not medical advice
(especially since medicine has proven to be poor) source: drugbank

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