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Saturday, March 12, 2016

EACS-2015 Katlama and Genvoya

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

EACS-2015 Katlama and Genvoya

EACS: Katlama and Genvoya®

predictable cul-de-sac:

Bad choice. Stribild ® or Genvoya ® could jeopardize the transition to Tivicay® monotherapy, a gateway to HypoDolu. ICCARRE and ... 1/7 ... well, with this virologist, you are not there yet. Consider virologist change ...

Buzz: Genvoya® could jeopardize Tivicay® monotherapy

Is Dolutegravir (found in Tivicay ® or Triumeq ®) your absolutely perfect molecule, that overcomes all resistance and prognostics? For naïve patients (who have never taken any treatment or those who have taken treatment but not Isentress® nor Stribild® / Genvoya®) this is the case! It's stunning! The SAILING test (previously treated patients with multiple failures) shows a very good success rate but also some failures in patients with mutations on integrase. This looks good almost everywhere, but not everywhere. There is a border somewhere ... Where is it? What about patients who have never failed INI? Does the absence of failure under Isentress® Stribild®, suffice it to anticipate the same overall success as that seen in patients who have never taken these two drugs? At the border, it is not all white or all black.

The border is this presentation Christine Katlama. We find a complete narration in the article by Catie, here. It's long and tedious; transparencies, in English, are more meaningful. Accounting is the same.

Stribild Genvoya monotherapy Tivicay Dolutegravir Katlama

Some Patients who had used either Isentress® be Stribild® / Genvoya® failed Tivicay ® monotherapy.
The gray area, it is there: to have (or not) previously used these first generation INIs . Light gray, dark gray, medium gray? This remains to be determined. But one thing is certain: the 3 patients (in Paris, on 13 having already taken Isentress® or Stribild®) and 1 Barcelona will not disappear from the balance sheet.

The gray area is located there, and, this is quite a disappointment for the patients at risk, and a great victory for patients who are not: patients who have never taken neither Isentress® nor Stribild®/Genvoya®, are free of risk they may consider, without reservation, switching to Tivicay ® monotherapy in 7/7, and understand that monotherapy is an effective firstline therapy, and therefore we can later consider the ICCARRE reductions: 6/7, 4 / 7 and 1/7 (= HYPODOLU).

Recommended by a reader: the latest issue of Catie addresses both Genvoya® and Tivicay® monotherapy.
In France, our HAS [High Authority on Health] has issued a very reserved opinion on Stribild®, so we wonder what the ruling will be for Genvoya® (read here and see point # 4):
[...] STRIBILD has not shown improved efficiency, has a low genetic barrier to resistance, many drug interactions [...]

We will keep here proper accounting, accurately and comprehensively of failures induced by the use of old INIS. The HAS [High Authority on Health] was right on: one should have avoided Stribild® (/ Genvoya®)!

Good reading, good weekend and good fuck

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Hypo-Dolu: It works!

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Hypo-Dolu: It works!

Hypo-Dolu: it works!

Read in the comments of the post: Stribild EACS-2015 Hocqueloux

Hypo-Dolu (Hypodolu) is a strategy proposed by Dr. Lafeuillade and introduced here. Use the name of Lafeuillade, a worldwide Hiv celebrity, during your visits: it is better accepted than Leibowitch ...

I first made use of ICCARRE, gradually, 6/7, 5/7, 4/7 and 3/7, 2/7, 1/7 with Leibowitch' quadruple therapy (once-weekly): I am very happy with it, not a single blip. CD4 still high and zero side effects: zero zero zero.

I soon found myself with a stock worth 10 years of treatment (I lost count ...).

I was slyly accused of making business of it, which is not true, but, why not?
Treatment, in a poor country costs 100 Euros per year per patient, and mail it would cost much, so, I gave up. Meanwhile, I realized that I could offer the PreP, of course!
I have everything I need to do it. So, why not do it? We know that this technique works and is approved in the US. 4 Elisa tests (at 24 Euros each, one month apart), a monastic life, cloistered in my sweet home, and now my Lou is free (and me too ... Phew !).
I care about my freedom ... I'm possessive, not selfish ... Freedom not just for me, for others too.

P'tit Lou is free, too ... No reason to change ...

Tivicay® reaches our market (expensive and rare) and Prep is (finally ...) authorized (and free of charge...).

While you are at it, better fill your stock with something useful!

Considering my stock, I am ready for confrontation, if necessary, with my doctor, who has become useless and cumbersome. To my surprise, though, he switches me to Tivicay®. I couldn't care less, I love ICCARRE.

I order Tivicay ® + X . + X is what I care for (for Prep ...), so I'm going to the pharmacy and Tivicay ® is now entering in my stock. Expensive ... and useless ...

I gave Hypo-Dolu some publicity ... And I work on my Guide 4/7, which is now well-crafted. I want to make a guide for 1/7. There are 2 formulas for 1/7: 1/7 ICCARRE with Quadruple Therapy (eg Atripla ® + Ziagen ® in a weekly single dose.) Or HYPODOLU.

HYPO-DOLU Lafeuillade vih HIV cure Dolutegravir Tivicay Hypodolu viral load
Jacques Leibowitch invented ICCARRE method 1/7, and I posted a version in French. There is nothing to add. Just read the patent where quadruple therapy (once-weekly) is explained.

There are many possibilities. In practice, this will be (NVP or EFV) + (TDF) + (ABC) + (3TC or F-3TC, it is the same). His trick just work wonders.

When you do this, you understand that only a VL uptake (monitored every month and then every 2 months) can force you to change your mind. The crying sissies won't stop you... We like the once-weekly!

Hypo-on Dolu is even simpler. The weekly dosing, introduced by Lafeuillade is one pill per week. I'll take more, though, with breakfast on Sundays. And it makes me a weekly dosing; my stock fills up and my doctor regains credibility and usefulness.

Let Lafeuillade publish ... I owe him (and Leibowitch) 2 super effective strategies that will serve me for life.

Dr. Lafeuillade is the head of scientific editorial boards: Use his name and this will open new horizons!

Good weekend and good fuck!

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.