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Saturday, November 2, 2019


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

New Horizons: over-14, over-30

By Charles-Edouard!

Pharmacokinetics, which has nothing to do with the Eclipse, has a thick skin!

What about us??? At 1/14, we don't ask ourselves the question! That's when we see! The Eclipse is the elephant in the room! We finally see it and it's Eureka!

First 1/14, first 1/30

I anticipated, in the previous post that 'on 14' was quite necessarily the new Frontier.

My first 1/14 from 2015 is in this post. 4 years already!... I was stuck before 1/30, and was hoping in DTG, which, as it turns out, doesn't necessarily offer what is missing to close the gap. As far as I know, I was the only one to have explored the Eclipse from top to bottom, from 1/7 to 1/27 (closing). Honestly, I was very satisfied!

There is a point where it comes up! And the further you go, the closer that moment gets. This leads to the following paradox: at the beginning you explore 1/8, 1/9, 1/10 by steps of 1, and you get bored!

Then you advance by steps of 2, to simplify your life, and, probably a mistake, you advance by steps of 3, where you are in fact close to the cliff. In all good logic, you should do the opposite. Move forward in big steps at the beginning, then more cautiously: 4/7, 2/7, 2/9, 2/11, 2/13, 2/14. But we will see that there is still more to do, in my opinion.

To each station its problem, its optimization, its combo

At each stop, which we call station, a new landscape is in front of you. No one would ever think of doing the Quadri-Leibo in 7/7! Everyone is wrong here... And a clinician says: 'don't count on me to prescribe Videx'.

I hear that... But that's not the question... The question is to prescribe Videx in 1/7, which is obviously a different context. Tomorrow someone would prove to me that AZT would allow me to make the link that I lack to go from 1/24 to 1/30, I would go without hesitation!!!

The 'on 14' has always existed

It is as old as ARVs! It's even very old! Well... You still don't see ... It's even the very first try... Still not? This is the 1 week ON 1 week OFF, which in our now accepted notation of x consecutive days is written 7/14... Here it is!...

The interesting thing about the 7/14 is that we dissociate the Eclipse from the choice of the combo: If you fail at 1/10, you don't know if it's because of the 1 or the 10. If you succeed at 7/14, you already have a good idea about the Eclipse, which you see, it's there in front of you. And if it doesn't do it, it won't do it either at 1/7.

Hence this proposal: 7/14; 6/14; 5/14; 4/14; 3/14; 2/14. That wouldn't be a bad New Exploratory Schedule. And with the long-acting molecules (NVP, DTG-and-copies, Islatravir), it's encouraging. Finally, there is no particular benefit in redoing ICCARRE, identically. Firstly, because it has already been done, so we know. But ICCARRE is done with molecules that are in disarray (Videx), in the hot seat (NVP), or flat (TDF/F-3TC).

With the new molecules, we can consider throwing the piggy bank further. Because at 2/14, or even 1/14, the injectable is no longer of any interest. And Merck (Islatravir) has to fight on 2 antagonistic fronts: Injectables (ViiV), and zigoto-4/7 in generics, which, for the time being, will appear to be of unparalleled boringness. And Merck is going to hide the main characteristic of Islatravir, because it must piss them off!

Afterwards, when we know how to do the 1/14 with Islatravir, we will be able to look back and see that there wasn't really that much difference between NVP and Islatravir, in terms of intracellular persistence. How stupid we are, we could have realized it before!!! Well... Yes...

Liberation Day

Here is the table of release days, according to the intermittence profile followed.

RhythmLiberation on...Comments
4/7July 28thIt's boring
3/7June 6th
2/7April 15thit gets interesting
1/7February 21st
1/14January 26thI'm here: cool
1/21January 17th
1/30Jan 12With Islatravir?
injectables = no thanks

My 1/14 and new flexibility

I missed the blood test, having preferred to coocoon some time after a difficult trip. I have a new flexibility: In x/7, I take the blood test on my birthday and I take the meds directly after the blood test.

In 1/14 (or even better), I plan to do it on day 13 or 14, so I have the possibility of a catch-up day. As the French labs do Shabbat (an outdated tradition...), it limits a bit, but well, it's only a few times a year.

In the news

Trulight: it's nothing, just noise... Who wants to take Truvada® 7/7 today? Barely 20% of patients have a reservoir < 800 cp DNA/million PBMC, and, taking into account the inclusion bias (de facto average CD4 = 800, endless inclusion), the potential target population is barely 10%, for a 10% failure rate... So, yes, it works for some, and good for them! And to the 90% who didn't fail, we ask the question: what do you do now? This test does not concern us. Now you know, and that's a good thing!

Mediator: (Here, an article from Le Monde) the whole trick of Servier is to have diverted the attention by pretending that their molecule is not of the class of FenFen (fenfluramines): We will see Merck doing the same with Islatravir: they will have to make up: we will soon see why...

The French genius of cold (brrrrr)

Mythical version by the unforgettable Klaus Nomi, gone too soon... The versions with bass are more accessible and just as chilling. See also here. Recently, Abdelazor's rondeau (Purcell again) has been brilliantly performed by X Varnus and B. J. Samodai. A more classical version here.

Feel free to comment, like, share and use

overmedication is an opportunity if you know how to use it!

Friday, November 1, 2019


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

The 1/14 is already healing a little...

By Charles-Edouard!

You'll have to get used to it:

Having followed the story for a long time and having fought with our friend for a long time, this is an honest testimony. There are now 2 of us, since I have just switched to 1/14, with an inflated combo. Our friend had a very small CV before treatment (3000). I'm a fan of the 'big bomb, long silence'. If others manage to do it with just a small grenade (DTG/3TC), well, all the better!

As for me, after my failure of DTG 150 mg 1/7, it is understandable that I don't do DTG/3TC in 1/14! Everyone does according to where they are and how they get there.

1/14, release day and social security contribution

I am for solidarity, but against abuse. Until recently, the basic young homo paid, on his workUntil recently, the basic young homo paid a family allowance contribution, which you'd have to be really twisted to think that he'd ever benefit from it. Everyone is exposed to unemployment or health risks: the contribution gives rights. No! I am not exposed to the risk of having many children! I find it disgusting to contribute through work. Through taxation, that's another thing. Very recently, the thing has been put back in order, which proves that my aversion to an iniquitous system was justified.

For health, likewise: there are young people who enter active life by being, from the start, net debtors of the system. A young gay man is 200 times more exposed to HIV than another! Fortunately, there is PreP (free) to set the record straight! A young Chinese gay man is overexposed to the risk, but his treatment, in the second largest economy in the world, is $60 a year! Some people like being a net contributor. Oh, I know the crybabies (profiteers) feel differently! Good for them: young gays vote with their feet and go live in Canada, Switzerland, etc... Where they are not subject to financial discrimination. France attracts poorly qualified people and turns away its graduates. And if you think that young German engineers are rushing to our borders for the privilege of financing the CAF, you are wrong!

To be a net contributor is a credit to those who find it abusive to unduly exploit a natural inclination. We will see, with Islatravir, that its invention did not cost Merck a penny, which is going to make billions on your back: that is the medical-pharmaceutical underworld. The CPAM will benefit from a windfall of hundreds of millions, thanks to the 4/7. Do you think for a moment that they will say thank you? Or that they will have contributed at all to its advent? No! Stipended 'assocs' are slowing down ! Have you seen them positively echoing Quatuor? Not even! All this little world is living off youNot even! a little less each year and good luck!

The 1/14 is not a beauty contest

For the 1/14, release day is January 26! 1 year of your treatments serve us 14 years. So let the 7/7, in maintenance, go to the end of their frightening logic and pay for the part of the drugs that do not make them more than a placebo or a food supplement!

I understand that trying 3/7, 2/7, etc., there are some who fail and must resume the same treatment at a more sustained pace. Getting to a dynamic remission may not be for everyone right away, and it will be quite technical, a technicality that your doctor(of my two) does not master. So what?! So what?! The one who arrives at the 1/14 marker, she doesn't care!!!. We have the right to explore and exploit an Eclipse whose existence is not in doubt!

It is not the race to the shallot. Anyway, the person who is at X/7 will necessarily ask himself one day the question of (X-1)/7. It's only a matter of time! And, with the arrival of Islatravir, the first molecule duly stamped: 10d. or more, things will move!!!

I'm pushing for a 3/7 trial, the only quick way to prove the robustness of 4/7; I'm pushing, but not more than that... The advent of 3/7 is inevitable (with Odyfsey, for example)

And our friend here has succeeded in 1/14 with DTG/3TC, without bloating a bit, but again, it is only a matter of time before he tries 6/21, 5/21, 4/21, etc. When Islatravir becomes available, will he substitute DTG for Islatravir (moderate genetic barrier)? No! he will add it, and there it is in TRI (or even Quadri, because they will be smart and forcefully combine it with Doravirine)

And, of course, the collaborator of service to persifler:

And to the question: which doctor? She never answers: and for good reason! Even Leibo is useless to us on 1/14, so useless at 1/14 or useless at all, it's the same

Obligation of treatment / Judiciarization

The USA is a theocracy, in case you didn't realize it... Here, in France, we are in the middle of a vaccination frenzy: But [the HAS] also raises the fact that 'HPV vaccination limited to girls and MSM raises questions of ethics, equal access to vaccination and stigmatization linked to sexual orientation and non-respect of privacy'. source: LeMonde

Well no!!! Vaccinating young gay men against HBV, to which they are more exposed, is a rather good idea, despite the proven risk of multiple sclerosis. The increased risk tilts the balance in favor of this vaccination, which I did myself, as such. Never Oh never, have I felt discriminated against for doing it and others not!!! This is ridiculous: we cry discrimination for everything and anythingThe side effects of this vaccination will not be detectable by the health care system, and we are heading towards a new health scandal.

We remind them, and the ActUpians too, thatthere is a jurisprudence, called Nuremberg jurisprudence (which is not nothing), which says that one cannot inflict a medical act for the benefit of others: It is not that eugenics does not work, it is that it is contrary to human dignityIt is not that eugenics doesn't work, it is that it is not: no, the massive HPV vaccination will have only a marginal effect. In Australia, which is an island, there is a very small effect (and none on cancers), and they don't count the side effects, because they can't make the correlation. That's right, you can't make the correlation... So what? This does not invalidate the suspicion of cause and effect. We are in the middle of a ridiculous situation and it was urgent to fire the ex-ActUp!

Have a good weekend, get drunk and don't take too many pills... Right?