This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.
By Charles-Edouard!We are now far from all this:
Sometimes you have to wait to see them disappear too... Well... All this is far from me. Phew!...
Dodeca means... 12
Of course there are not 12 molecules! The idea comes from the analogy 'bomb (atomic) - silence'. I stood in front of the door of the 1/30 temple. At 1 in 30, you are the king of oil. So, when the virus goes up (a little) to 1/27, you're left with a dumb one. So close, it's infuriating!
For a while I hoped that DTG would be the decisive tool to get over this barrier. I explored, and, well, if it is, it's not obvious. But with Islatravir, it's bound to be different.
In the OMNIBVS approach, we will first prove the 2/7 on a large base, even if it means inflating the combo a bit, then, once the 2/7 (or even 1/7) is proven again (if the FASEB-2 proof is not enough for you) we can consider reducing the combo.
But is it really necessary? Someone was wondering about replacing his RPV in Eviplera® in 2/7, because of a minor mutation to RPV in his genotype. Why replace? Just add. It is true that RPV decreases a little the concentration of DTG, but not as much as NVP does. It is not clear whether adding a molecule is necessary, but it is sufficient and with ridiculously marginal toxicity.
Let's take examples of possible combos at 2/7: Juluca (DTG/RPV) + Truvada (TDF/F-3TC), or DTG/ATV + Truvada or NVP/DDI/TDF/F-3TC, or Biktarvy + RPV: these are perfectly bearable quadritherapies, at these homeopathic doses!
Why bother trying to optimize towards less, knowing that when we will be at OMNIBVS 2/7 (or even 1/7), the panel of available molecules will have changed? At this rate, we'll never get there.
You have to live with the times:
Some molecules appear, others disappear. Videx has disappeared from the shelves: it was BMS that killed it. We can live on the stock for a while, but the orthodox ICCARRIANS are already in a dead end: it is only a matter of time. Now, in the magic combo (patented) NVP and DDI form a couple: if you can't use Videx anymore, you have to replace it. Yes, but with what, knowing that NVP is not compatible with DTG (nor ATV, to a lesser extent). ABC? Yes, maybe, but it's not great in this context. A hundred patients are going to the wall. Obsolescence is part of the pharmaceutical hold-up. Especially since to find a fresh doctor who prescribes NVP, you'll have to look!
As far as DDI is concerned, we won't cry too long, but you'll have to explain to me how dynamic healing is done without NVP! Which is probably the most efficient for our purposes (go figure...). The Great Turtle combo(if you don't know it, google it!) is OUT. Gold, OMNIBVS has to live...
When there are so many drugs, why bother?
The MOAB bypasses all constraints
Well... The use of the atomic bomb is a dirty business. Under the supervision of Donald Rumsfeld (you know... the mythical boss of... Gilead), the Americans have developed the Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB): it's far from Hiroshima, but it's 'conventional' (sic). MOAB, it means rather Mother Of All Bombs (the mother of all bombs). Well, we put everything we have at hand and BOUM!
The dodeca is the same: we put everything we have at hand. And it's quite easy: let's say we start with Truvada® + Efavirenz (or NVP) and we make it 3/7 or better, as usual. The result is a large stock... We whine a little (or a lot) and we easily get a switch to Juluca, and the extra CVs that go with it... Well, here it is: you have the ingredients for your own recipe. This is your recipeYou have the ingredients for your personal recipe, not mine, and no one is there to tell you'this is it and not something else'.
Your Truvada® supply will be running low... Slowly! Because at 2/7 (or even 1/7) it will take forever! You will find a solution. That's what the internet is for, right? The PrePers are doing it well, so you can do it too. And then, after that, comes Islatravir, Doravirine, and so on and so forth. When you walk around at night with a flashlight, what's in front of you lights up and what's behind you goes out. It's as simple as that.
Dodeca, it still means that you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps a bit: have several doctors (if needed), make your CVs. You can be in the patent orthodoxy and still be free. Being free does not mean doing everything and anything... And I call it Dodeca®. It's a great tool for exploring and then exploiting the Eclipse. And we try not to be too stupid: we avoid incompatibilities and hypersensitivities (in 1/7, we lose the mythridatization, e.g. ABC), Isentress ® which does not work.
My doctor knows how to do the 1/15, in Dodeca! If... If...
It's not the genius of the mountain pastures for all that! But since I came out, I might as well go all out. I start my coming-out with an introduction. I tell him about the eclipse and ask him how long it will last. Surprised, he tells me: a fortnight. Not so stupid, eh? There, you feel the surrender... And then the 1/7 that would make any 7/7 bigot jump up and down passes like a letter in the post. The next time you come with your suitcase, and you show him all the stock you have. You say nothing... The guy understands right away that you're the one in charge. If he doesn't do what you want, you go somewhere else, that's clear!
He gave me two prescriptions that knocked me on my ass:
- a CV prescription every month (valid for 1 year)
- a prescription with ALL the molecules that an honest girl should have (renewable eleven times, in 7/7, moreover)
He handed them to me, as if to say ' I'm a smart guy, I'm a smart guy'. Here's your paper, you're on your own.
Well, that's it! It is not more complicated than that!
I only take three molecules from the pharmacy, under the very real pretext of sufficient stock, where I only go once a quarter. And I go to the lab according to MY schedule.
Phew... So it was so simple.
This is how I do NFC3 (Charles-Edouard's New Formula), and don't ask me for more because I'm not the one who solves your problem: it's up to you to get off your ass.
My 1/15
Well... the first beacon went well. Nothing to say... Taken today, and appointment in 2 weeks...
The presentation that is now circulating among race clinicians is available here. It will be on youtube soon.
In the news
- Here is a video that will instruct the most novices: for us, here, it is far behind us, but let's admit that it will increase our potential audience, which is rather good... That's the whole point of Quatuor, to allow the regulatory registration of a procedure already authorized elsewhere. The problem is that this is its only interest: It's still a little piss-poor.
- Artificial intelligence invites itself to the personalization of treatment. We would have preferred intelligence at all. This is the stupidest, dumbest article of 2019! I don't understand how anyone can be so stupid... This is what happens when you put a 'black box' software in the hands of doctors. Of course, the usual parrots blindly echo it... It is so stupid... Especially since their stupidity is displayed in their diagrams: Science without
overmedication is a chance if you know how to take advantage of it!
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