This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.
New Horizons: over-14, over-30
By Charles-Edouard!Pharmacokinetics, which has nothing to do with the Eclipse, has a thick skin!
What about us??? At 1/14, we don't ask ourselves the question! That's when we see! The Eclipse is the elephant in the room! We finally see it and it's Eureka!
First 1/14, first 1/30
I anticipated, in the previous post that 'on 14' was quite necessarily the new Frontier.
My first 1/14 from 2015 is in this post. 4 years already!... I was stuck before 1/30, and was hoping in DTG, which, as it turns out, doesn't necessarily offer what is missing to close the gap. As far as I know, I was the only one to have explored the Eclipse from top to bottom, from 1/7 to 1/27 (closing). Honestly, I was very satisfied!
There is a point where it comes up! And the further you go, the closer that moment gets. This leads to the following paradox: at the beginning you explore 1/8, 1/9, 1/10 by steps of 1, and you get bored!
Then you advance by steps of 2, to simplify your life, and, probably a mistake, you advance by steps of 3, where you are in fact close to the cliff. In all good logic, you should do the opposite. Move forward in big steps at the beginning, then more cautiously: 4/7, 2/7, 2/9, 2/11, 2/13, 2/14. But we will see that there is still more to do, in my opinion.
To each station its problem, its optimization, its combo
At each stop, which we call station, a new landscape is in front of you. No one would ever think of doing the Quadri-Leibo in 7/7! Everyone is wrong here... And a clinician says: 'don't count on me to prescribe Videx'.
I hear that... But that's not the question... The question is to prescribe Videx in 1/7, which is obviously a different context. Tomorrow someone would prove to me that AZT would allow me to make the link that I lack to go from 1/24 to 1/30, I would go without hesitation!!!
The 'on 14' has always existed
It is as old as ARVs! It's even very old! Well... You still don't see ... It's even the very first try... Still not? This is the 1 week ON 1 week OFF, which in our now accepted notation of x consecutive days is written 7/14... Here it is!...
The interesting thing about the 7/14 is that we dissociate the Eclipse from the choice of the combo: If you fail at 1/10, you don't know if it's because of the 1 or the 10. If you succeed at 7/14, you already have a good idea about the Eclipse, which you see, it's there in front of you. And if it doesn't do it, it won't do it either at 1/7.
Hence this proposal: 7/14; 6/14; 5/14; 4/14; 3/14; 2/14. That wouldn't be a bad New Exploratory Schedule. And with the long-acting molecules (NVP, DTG-and-copies, Islatravir), it's encouraging. Finally, there is no particular benefit in redoing ICCARRE, identically. Firstly, because it has already been done, so we know. But ICCARRE is done with molecules that are in disarray (Videx), in the hot seat (NVP), or flat (TDF/F-3TC).
With the new molecules, we can consider throwing the piggy bank further. Because at 2/14, or even 1/14, the injectable is no longer of any interest. And Merck (Islatravir) has to fight on 2 antagonistic fronts: Injectables (ViiV), and zigoto-4/7 in generics, which, for the time being, will appear to be of unparalleled boringness. And Merck is going to hide the main characteristic of Islatravir, because it must piss them off!
Afterwards, when we know how to do the 1/14 with Islatravir, we will be able to look back and see that there wasn't really that much difference between NVP and Islatravir, in terms of intracellular persistence. How stupid we are, we could have realized it before!!! Well... Yes...
Liberation Day
Here is the table of release days, according to the intermittence profile followed.
Rhythm | Liberation on... | Comments |
4/7 | July 28th | It's boring |
3/7 | June 6th | |
2/7 | April 15th | it gets interesting |
1/7 | February 21st | |
1/14 | January 26th | I'm here: cool |
1/21 | January 17th | |
1/30 | Jan 12 | With Islatravir?
injectables = no thanks |
My 1/14 and new flexibility
I missed the blood test, having preferred to coocoon some time after a difficult trip. I have a new flexibility: In x/7, I take the blood test on my birthday and I take the meds directly after the blood test.
In 1/14 (or even better), I plan to do it on day 13 or 14, so I have the possibility of a catch-up day. As the French labs do Shabbat (an outdated tradition...), it limits a bit, but well, it's only a few times a year.
In the news
Trulight: it's nothing, just noise... Who wants to take Truvada® 7/7 today? Barely 20% of patients have a reservoir < 800 cp DNA/million PBMC, and, taking into account the inclusion bias (de facto average CD4 = 800, endless inclusion), the potential target population is barely 10%, for a 10% failure rate... So, yes, it works for some, and good for them! And to the 90% who didn't fail, we ask the question: what do you do now? This test does not concern us. Now you know, and that's a good thing!
Mediator: (Here, an article from Le Monde) the whole trick of Servier is to have diverted the attention by pretending that their molecule is not of the class of FenFen (fenfluramines): We will see Merck doing the same with Islatravir: they will have to make up: we will soon see why...
The French genius of cold (brrrrr)
Mythical version by the unforgettable Klaus Nomi, gone too soon... The versions with bass are more accessible and just as chilling. See also here. Recently, Abdelazor's rondeau (Purcell again) has been brilliantly performed by X Varnus and B. J. Samodai. A more classical version here.
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overmedication is an opportunity if you know how to use it!
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