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Wednesday, March 4, 2020


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Coronavirus, HIV, ARVs, intermittence...(8)

Coronavirus: VICTORY: there is an effective treatment!

Graphic update by worldometers and Southern France Morning Post.

HCQ/AZIT vs. the rest
HCQ/AZITthe rest
(and treated)
05/04/2020 1962 7 0.27% 5411 34 1.1% ---
03/04/2020 1818 5 0.27% 3505 33 1.1% ---
02/04/2020 1677 2 0.12% 2837 22 0.77% ---
01/04/2020 1524 1 0.06% 2663 17 0.63% ---
31/03/2020 1283 1 0.X% 2430 16 0.x% ---
30/03/2020 1291 1 0.08% 2222 16 0.70% ---
29/03/2020 1003 1 0.10% 1988 13 0.65% ---
27/03/2020 701 1 0.14% 1577 11 0.70% ---

France's largest hospital-based infectious disease research center (Marseille) has just published 5 more papers (publications), here:
The lessons to be learned are:
- Dual HCQ / AZIT therapy is synergistic and effective in vitro (source)
- Dual HCQ / AZIT therapy reduced mortality and time to hospitalization (source)
- Children are not more contagious than adults (source)
- CRP Ct 35 appears to be a good threshold for discharging some hospitalized patients (source)
- Mortality from respiratory infections had been quite low this year, so far (source).

The 04/04/20: How MACRON refused 150,000 tests/week...

'Osons Causer' is getting really interesting... Their video hit the spot. Here, the article from Le Point: How France is missing out on 150,000 to 300,000 tests a week. Veterinary services are very developed in France! and the virus? Is it animal? Human? Doesn't the PCR care? And the pseudo sinister of Health? But where is the competence? And even the irreplaceable Buzyn??? Coronavirus!!! (and rather môchement...). Test, test, test. Even if medically the benefit is modest, socially the impact is huge on a real problem: panic.

Where does Trump's tweet stand: it made popular eventuality of a HCQ/AZIT solution... So we expect a TWEET from TRUMP... The results come in but the

#thisisnotthepangolins: It's understandable that Wuhan P4 Lab officials are looking to divert attention from their virus release... Certainly... But where is this PangolinVirus? We know it since Tiktalik, to prove an evolutionary hypothesis, there is nothing like finding the 'missing link', and this, it is missing... Precisely...

The 03/04/20: Google mobility

Containment as seen by Google mobility

The 02/04/20: Rarefied cardiovascular risk and the wall of cons

IHU releases an opinion from its cardiologist: Secure prescribing procedure for hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin therapy. As anticipated yesterday...

The 01/04/20: HCQ/AZIT soon in town?

Here is the latest video from IHU: News Item, Staff Presentation. The IHU has (I'm rounding up): 300 patients per day, a 3 day treatment. rotation of 300/d. (see video), in capacity of, say, 900 beds, pulling the edges: Marseille: 'Our resuscitation beds are reaching saturation'. The Solomon authorization forces the hospital. Certainly, there is a cardiac risk, which we can hardly monitor at home, but which we know how to anticipate in the hospital. We will soon have the frequency of this cardiac risk and the 'Judgment of Solomon'...

Mask or no mask: the debate rages

A U.S. aircraft carrier commander is in the poop, but, no... no HCQ/AZIT for the Navy... IHU advertises, now is the time: The Mediterranean Infection IHU in 5 publications

3/31/20: HCQ cleared by FDA

On Sunday, the FDA cleared hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus. Weekly prescriptions have jumped from 100,000 to 300,000 in the last week since Trump mentioned it and the other drug, azythromycin (aka Z-pak). With demand tripling (for now) and assuming the 8 week supply (i.e. 800 k-orders), in 1-2 weeks the supply is... sold out!

On 3/30/20: Medication shortage

Our fear has materialized, fortunately not on ARVs (for now...):
While hopes are pinned on Remdevisir and (Hydroxy-)choloroquine (source: Remdesivir and Chloroquine Effectively Inhibit 2019-nCoV Coronavirus in vitro) - After providing little more than 1,000 doses of remdesivir Gilead limits access. Notice to the Gileaolatres! (Pialoux, Molina, and I go on...)
- Prof. Ch. Peronne states that he cannot get a normal supply of Hydroxychloroquine from the central pharmacy (not out of stock, but in a worrying situation).

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