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Monday, February 3, 2020


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Coronavirus, HIV, ARVs, intermittence...(3)

By Charles-Edouard!

Coronavirus, HIV: the Live Continue below...

Graphic update by worldometers (based on Chinese 'war' propaganda).
VIH HIV pandemie epidemie coronavirus COVID-19 wuhan intermittence iccarre ARV morts

Le 01/03/20: The virus soon in cruising speed?

The virus is gaining momentum Outside of China, but really Outside of Hubei, so the rest of China (outside of Hubei) is vulnerable. Japan is scrambling to save its Olympics, but if the rest of the world is under a rock, one wonders who will want to make the trip. Scenes of panic in supermarkets are making the rounds

On 02/28/20: Chloroquinine and focus

Here is a video of Pr Didier Raoult, Director of the IHU Méditerranée Infection and another one here just as interesting

The 27/02/20: Korea, Iran and the West take over

The Chinese method is hard, unbearable and ... effective(anyway!). The containment has an enormous economic cost: the factories are closed (China) and the customers are absent (West)

Where are the merchants of illusions? What about homeopathy? We stay in bed??? And if you believe that 5 prayers a day will bring you relief, then good luck! To believe is the droppings of the mind
The Shincheonji sect will have played a role, in spite of itself hopefully, in the resumption of the epidemic.

The 27/02/20: Sharp drop in deaths in China

While we were close to 150 deaths per day, we are now down to 30 deaths per day. If the figures are true, then hope seems to be able to change sides. The ball is now in Italy and Korea. In the last century, such a virus would have caused carnage. Let's bet that the funding will be sustained. A team from Nankai University, which writes that COV-19 has an 'HIV-like mutation' that allows it to enter the human body quickly by binding with a receptor called ACE2 on a cell membrane. Careful semantic slippage. It is one thing to say that COVID19 has attachment mechanisms like other viruses and to say that it uses the same receptor, which would give it a hint of relatedness. Alternatively, if we are talking about different receptors, this would give credence to the fact that there is no kinship. The conspiracy theorists are quick to make the amalgam, which is inappropriate.

Chinese factories will eventually reopen, but when? In a 'communist' country, this would be a good time to ask for wage increases!
For Chinese patients, facing the impossibility to get supplies (quarantine, shortages, etc.) the intermittence is to be studied closely! But well... I don't speak Chinese...

The Iranian Minister of Health, by his own admission infected with COVID-19, appeared in a governmental meeting, televised, sneezing 6 times. Nice example! Well, if he infected all these clowns...

On 02/26/20: Are you ready?

WHO etc. capitulate, today: WHO says the rest of the world is not yet ready for the spread of virus, cdc says coronavirus is probably pandemic, US may have up to 300 million masks for health workers. And since China doesn't export anymore, that means the market is dried up and you can't get any more!

Mortality will depend on the environment... Those who are going to die tomorrow are today counted as worrying cases (about 9.000 out of the 80.000 estimated cases). Let's say that a third will not survive. Let's say 3000... On top of the 3000 registered cases, that makes a rate of 7%. Not sure if we stay on a 2% rate as it is currently assumed. In any case, where the health care system is precarious, mortality will be higher. Among S+? We will see... For those who are not yet on treatment, there is still time to start, and then you can always go on intermittent treatment...

Be careful with the stock!!! If ARVs (in principle PIs and DTGs) are validated as useful for treatment, and therefore for prophylaxis, health workers in contact with patients will demand treatment, which is understandable... And then, the market will become very, very tight. And you will be happy to have a stock for family use, because, in case of rupture, a prescription is only a vulgar piece of paper... These are the same doctors, who yesterday refused you the intermittence, who tomorrow, will come whining to our door. We will respond as best we can, but not without compensation!

Key, lock and P4 laboratory: now that we can see that the release of the virus will have been successful, it remains to develop the antidote: vaccine or medication. With a bit of luck, an existing anti-viral will be a little bit efficient: for that we have to test. To develop a new drug, either we go forward at the shortest possible time (cf Islatravir), or we take the highway (cf dolutegravir). An inhibitor is a molecule that is placed in an enzyme to block its activity: the better the key fits in the lock, the better it is. And what could be more obvious than to have plans of the lock? To have a mapping, a kind of imaging of the enzyme, one has to produce the enzyme, crystallize it, pass it to the synchrotron, analyze it and give the plans to the chemists. This is not trivial, but the path to follow is known. Step number 1 is to produce the enzyme and for that you need virus (in numbers): a virus farm, that is, a P4 laboratory. At the moment, people who are well equipped and have access to the virus, are trying to put it into culture (for a good cause, one might say). The irony is that the 'solution' requires the same technical means that may have caused the outbreak. On the one hand, we can look with suspicion at those states that build P4s, such as France, since it is not to make caramel, but on the other hand, without P4s, you can't do anything in a hurry: you have to cultivate the Virus. Siliciano and Co, must be in a hurry...

The 25/02/20: Pandemic... or not ?

Of course, it looks bad for Korea, Italy (which is already struggling economically) or Iran, but the figures, based on Chinese propaganda, take an interesting turn: new cases, outside Hubei province, are down sharply, which puts China-hors-Hubei, on par with the rest of the World: containment measures are useful; they will remain necessary for a long time. Spring-like temperatures are coming. It's getting better because the plants are shut down... And they have to stay that way until the end of the epidemic.

A direct and unconditional bonus to households is the only way to get the economy moving again quickly. Because of the coronavirus, Le Maire announces '30 to 40%' less tourists: mass tourism ends up spoiling, so maybe it's not so bad...

Still nothing new on the ARVs front... It was a blank slate?

Le 24/02/20: Coronavirus, Pangolins and Scapegoats

South Korea at maximum alert level, Italy takes over, increasing mortality in Iran...

23.000 people are declared cured. That's as many candidates for the position of health assistant. However, we don't hear about it... The theory of natural emergence of the virus at the Wuhan fish market is now controversial in China itself... The publication is here.

Now that the story has been officially challenged, it is likely that the theory of the Huanan market (in Wuhan, epicenter of the virus release) as the origin of the pandemic is dead.

The published study reveals that the new coronavirus was introduced in the seafood market from another placeand then rapidly spread to the market.

Sunday, February 2, 2020


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Coronavirus, HIV, ARVs, intermittence...(2)

By Charles-Edouard!

From my perspective, the subject is interesting because it has unexpected consequences. Obviously, if it is contained like SARS, the soufflé falls and the time spent on it goes out the window. On the other hand, if it spreads, it could have an accelerating effect on subjects that interest me

Coronavirus, HIV: the Live Continue below...

The live continues there...

Update in real time ! (the order is reversed). The table below is updated by worldometers (based on Chinese 'war' propaganda). This Live is the continuation of last week'sLive...

Age, gender, current conditions of cases and deaths related to COVID-19

Based on the 72,314 confirmed, suspected, and asymptomatic COVID-19 cases in China as of February 11, a paper from China's CCDC found that the risk of death increases with age, as follows:

The 23/02: This virus is a BIOLOGICAL ARM!

I explain myself and this has nothing to do with theories that the virus came from the virology laboratory of Wuhan, rather than from the Fish Market. This virus is formidable: it spreads rapidly, there is no medicine and no vaccine. If it is not (or not very) immunizing (unlike Ebola, for example, and like HIV), it is reasonable to doubt that there will ever be a vaccine, at least with a long immunization period. Let's say no vaccine... Never... To put it simply.

SARS and MERS have disappeared. Until recently, SARS and MERS would have disappeared like plagues, maybe even the Spanish flu, like the dinosaurs or the mammoths. No resurrection possible. Except that now, the military or others keep the viruses... The smallpox virus is kept in order to be able to make a new vaccine immediately, thus neutralizing the fact that the other side has kept it too (balance of terror). Smallpox is immunizing, therefore of no major interest. They also kept SARS and MERS... Of course... But SARS and MERS were defeated by containment and hygiene measures. So, as a weapon of war, it's not very interesting: it can be annoying but it's not decisive. Now, the Iranians (and soon Kim Jun Un) have the COVID-19... Let's assume that this affair ends like SARS or MERS. We won't have any more vaccines or drugs for that. Whoever has kept the virus will have a WEAPON. Reminds me of Nuits Fauves... I like to feel dangerous...

In 2003, China accounted for 4% of the world's GDP, in 2013... 16% !!

Another Australian tested positive after his extraction from the DP... The flu disappears with the good weather. And Coronavirus? it is not obvious! see here.

The 22/02: The second breath and delay in the ignition

This video is very illustrative.

While they had been 'cleared' by the Japanese method, Australia evacuated 170 citizens from the Diamond Princess on Thursday. Two evacuated Australians tested positive upon their return. This is consistent with our estimate that 2-5% are 'false negatives'; further exfiltrated Americans are testing positive, confirming the quarantine break in Yokohama. US (CDC) and Japanese experts are now in total disagreement with their respective governments.

Times have changed, but nature has not... The Nobel Prize rewarded the development of a diagnostic test (Elisa HIV) after a tedious work. Here, everyone says they have enough kits... How is this possible? PCR simply did not exist before, it was invented later. It is a system of thermocycling (heating, cooling) which allows to enrich repeatedly, exponentially, a reaction with well chosen amino acids. Once we know the code to recognize, we choose 'primers' in immediately available banks.

So, I am told, for a known sequence, the development of a PCR test is quite trivial. For HIV, it is recommended to prefer the Elisa test to the PCR test. Because Elisa is sensitive earlier than PCR even very sensitive: there is a delay effect, which is also called Eclipse (not sure if it's the same as the one often mentioned here): During the initial Eclipse, the virus has entered but the PCR is not yet reacting, it will, but not right away; it is a delayed start-up. How long is this delay? We will know soon by following the American Quarantine of the DP Cobayes

Coronavirus, START and HIV:

Sudden drop in CD4 heralds coronavirus death. Any risk assessment has an environmental component. For HIV it is demonstrated by START, or rather by the linearity between HIV-CAUSAL, START and TEMPRANO: where tuberculosis is prevalent, the risk is higher. In our tropics, the excess risk associated with delaying (waiting 350) ARV treatment is zero. Where there is a prevalence of an aggravating pathology, or as long as there is a surge, even a transient one, entering the treatment seems rather a good idea (those who have the luxury of being able to defer, can also enter and then leave (LOTTI, SALTO...) or... enter and then lighten;-) . Those who reasonably defer ARVS are excluded from the public debate, but welcome here. As long as the environment is healthy, there is no objective reason to stigmatize them (except to be stipendiary), however, the Wuhan virus (aka COVID-19) changes the game. With DTG, we'll knock down any CV in less than a month...

If ARVs are effective against COVID, then the demand for prophylactic treatment will explode: those who are a little low in their stock may want to switch to the pharmacy(I'm fine)...

The 21/02: Heaven help you ???

In South Korea, about ten cases, in a church. Because, yes... Just think, Koreans go to church, it still exists! Well... This is the perfect opportunity for a miracle ;-)
This rabble hates me and it's reciprocal: the idea of lying (or even raping) to children disgusts me. It's physical. Lying makes my skin crawl.

Full-scale human experimentation continues. Lethality decreases asymptotically, probably around 1-2%: You know what FAUCY says:
Where the technical means exist (rich countries), it mainly condemns the very old. Is it a flu? There are still 3-4 weeks of sick leave and factory closures...

On the ARVs front, no news, even if we know that they have been used in very serious cases, without recent success. The 'true' reliability of the 'tests' is poorly documented... The apparent lull in Wuhan is due to a change in the accounting system (another one...). The outbreaks in Chinese prisons underline the high transmissibility of the virus in confined spaces.

The 21/02: Fukushima and now Yokohama

Here is an intelligible testimony from Professor Kentaro Iwata of the Faculty of Infectious Diseases of Kobe University on the conditions on board the ship, 'completely chaotic'. Not sure that this will earn him a promotion! (the government contests his testimony... but nobody to contest the failure)

The US government has sided with A. Faucy: quarantine on the Diamont Princess It is a failure and to extract its nationals from it. For the legitimists, who only trust a medical authority, let me remind you that A. Faucy is THE FATHER of the intermittence and made the first 'on 14'. But well... Better lying than hanging, if you want to keep your job, don't insist too much...

2 deaths among the passengers of the cruise ship Diamond Princess in Japan: a man and a woman in their 80s, both suffering from an underlying disease.

The criterion to get out of quarantine is twofold: test negative and your co-cabin too. Madam is neg. Mr. is pos. It doesn't work... We will therefore be able to judge the validity of this criterion on the spot. In the vast human experimentation undertaken by the Abe government, either the 'liberation' of 1500 passengers is 100% a good idea, or it will be seen. And we have to use our favorite tool: the deconfusion table. Already, 300 Americans have been extracted and 14 have learned their positivity on the plane... If we extrapolate, about sixty people will come out while they may be infected. This article : Are the coronavirus tests right?. We will know soon!

The 19/02: the passengers of the incubator disembark: how many zombies among them?

Some 1500 people, negative to the test (CV), are going to disembark without any other form of quarantine: how many are infected without having changed their clothes yet? This is a concern. Those who will return to the USA will have to spend another 2 weeks in quarantine, since the first quarantine was a bloody failure...

As we have noted many times, the idea that thousands of people are about to be released while hundreds of cases of the virus are still being confirmed seems like madness. When most patients will face two more weeks of quarantine when they return home, how do they plan to get there? There is no word of an official government transport. By allowing them to return home, Japan is breaking the quarantine. The incubator did work!


Dr. Anthony Fauci, (a.k.a. Big-Boss), said that the original idea for keeping people safely quarantined on the ship was not unreasonable. Yet, he adds:
All scenarios are possible: at best the virus stays contained in Wuhan and other countries manage to track/isolate/treat the victims, we get away with 10,000 deaths. Or, it starts again from somewhere vulnerable and it can quickly rise to 1,000,000.

No news on the ARV use front: a trial is reported here in Guangzhou. WHO says it is waiting for results. The Japanese government has begun preparations so that clinical trials using HIV drugs on the new coronavirus can begin as soon as possible. Japan appears to be preparing for a more widespread regional epidemic.

Japan confirms another 88 cases aboard the 'Diamond Princess' (total 542). Apparently, they are moving to allow people with negative status to leave the ship. They let people marinate in the best of incubators and now let them off regardless of that other eclipse that is the time between infection and the appearance of the viral load?!?! Finally... The governments that repatriate their citizens (Australia, UK, ...) put them back in quarantine upon arrival. But what is Goshn complaining about?

The epicenter declared by the Chinese propaganda authorities is the Huanan Fish and Seafood Market. How far is it from the P4 virology lab?

For those in whom the disease occurs, they either get over it or die. For the moment this ratio is 1/10...

Saturday, February 1, 2020


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Coronavirus, HIV, ARV, intermittent...

By Charles-Edouard!

Updated in real time! (the order is reversed)

Update in real time! (the order is reversed). The table below is updated by worldometers (based on Chinese 'war' propaganda).


Dr. Anthony Fauci, (a.k.a. Big-Boss), said that the original idea for keeping people safely quarantined on the ship was not unreasonable. Yet, he adds:
All scenarios are possible: at best the virus stays contained in Wuhan and other countries manage to track/isolate/treat the victims, we get away with 10,000 deaths. Or, it starts again from somewhere vulnerable and it can quickly rise to 1,000,000.

No news on the ARV use front: a trial is reported here in Guangzhou. WHO says it is waiting for results. The Japanese government has begun preparations so that clinical trials using HIV drugs on the new coronavirus can begin as soon as possible. Japan appears to be preparing for a more widespread regional epidemic.

Japan confirms another 88 cases aboard the 'Diamond Princess' (total 542). Apparently, they are moving to allow people with negative status to leave the ship. They let people marinate in the best of incubators and now let them off regardless of that other eclipse that is the time between infection and the appearance of the viral load?!?! Finally... The governments that repatriate their citizens (Australia, UK, ...) put them back in quarantine upon arrival. But what is Goshn complaining about?

The epicenter declared by the Chinese propaganda authorities is the Huanan Fish and Seafood Market. How far is it from the P4 virology lab?

For those in whom the disease occurs, they either get over it or die. For the moment this ratio is 1/10...

The 17/02: Human experimentation of Viro-reality: the Diamond Princess

12% of the passengers now infected. What percentage do you think will remain unharmed? The USA has repatriated about 300 people, who will be quarantined. The Japanese authorities (neither bad) do not have enough kit to test the 3.000 people on the ship. How did the Chinese do for the 100.000 tests (at least!) they would have had to provide for their 70.000 'official' infected (source communist/Chinese propaganda)? How do you say wet finger in Chinese?

The Diamond Princess (a.k.a. the Petri dish of the Wuhan Virus) demonstrates what can happen when a virus circulates in a 'ghetto', a 'backwater', be it the Marais or Malawi: it's not so much the entrance door that counts but the promiscuity. The virus is damn contagious! The virus is very contagious : at 1% lethality (since patients in distress will have the right to a hospital, a real one...) it will make 40 deaths...

The USA will send experts... And France ?

The 16/02: shopping list

List of useful things that will disappear very quickly from the stalls: (under construction)
Masks, gauze, elastic band (mask making), ethanol (or household alcohol), disinfectants, gargle, rice, sugar, pasta, canned food, aspirin, medicine, cash

On the small boats, the lanterns, the alcohol, the boys, the girls, the laughter, the bursts of voices, and... the Wuhan Virus is at the party! Tomorrow, we will know more, but it smells like vinegar...

Biological Chernobyl? A little paranoia for the road: this article argues the case for the hypothesis of a manufactured virus. There will probably be a lot of Fake-News... Speculations are going well(example here). Even Bill Gates is getting involved! The important thing is to be prepared, to be organized. Even if not all of us die, a pneumonia like this must shake!

The 15/02: All in the same boat

The largest human Virology-reality experiment on the Diamond Princess: 'poor' innocent, uninfected people confined to a ship. An average infected Beijing goes up and down to Hong Kong: the virus is in charge!
67 new cases (not all patients are tested): it is only a matter of time before everyone is infected. The USA are repatriating their 380 nationals

According to the Taiwan Times, 'It is very possible to be infected a second time. Some people recovered from the first time by their own immune system, but the drugs they use damage their heart tissue, and when they catch it a second time, the antibody makes it worse and they die suddenly of heart failure' (unconfirmed).


Well before the explosion, an article in Nature (2017): Inside China's [Wuhan] laboratory, ready to study the world's most dangerous pathogens is hardly reassuring. CCP propaganda is caught between the Party line and the Evidence: the Chinese CDC declares The State of War: not funny... Meanwhile, the epidemic reaches Shanghai: 300 more contaminations.

The 13/02:

It didn't miss! A left turn and a right turn... The propaganda tool of the CCP and its right arm, the WHO, probably a simple Excel table, did not resist to a glaring truth. The occasion of a redefinition of the cases has facilitated a change of gear; the catching up is 15.000 cases! Not bad! We're going to have to change the discourse and the device. Explanation:

On February 7, China shifted the focus by changing the definition of 'infection' so that 'future patients who have tested positive for the virus but have no symptoms will no longer be considered confirmed.'
Well, it seems that a few days later, China changed its mind and went back to the original definition of 'infection' while including 'clinical diagnosis' to determine if a new infection had occurred.

Closing a factory is easy, especially during a vacation period! Reopening it is another matter! When a case appears in a factory, and it has already happened, the whole staff is quarantined and the reopening postponed indefinitely. Imagine that it is a power plant...

Diamond Princess (Yokohama): confinement in a very small space favors the virus! Patients were confined even though they were not infected when the ship docked: they are infected because they were confined there (a ship is not a quarantine area!). If the explosion continues, doctors will have to remove the passengers and/or provide prophylactic treatment. If we enter the prophylactic phase, including with anti-proteases, please explain how this will not strain the ARV market...

The hypothesis that the Wuhan Virus is a chimera created in the only P-4 laboratory in China remains open. In 2014 the US ended subsidies to laboratories strengthening pathogens: the Chinese scientists [Zhengli Shi], on the other hand, returned home to Wuhan to continue their work... The same Zhengli Shi wrote the article claiming the 'natural' origin of the mutant. The People's Army has just taken control of the site... Demonstrating the 'natural' origin would be a good way to invalidate this hypothesis: we are not there!


Two months after its appearance, what do we really know about the coronavirus? L'obs attempts an analysis, based on an article being proofread, written by quite credible people, at the very heart of the problem. The capacity to provide test kits is not infinite, and China is probably struggling. The slight downturn in the epidemic may just be a reflection of this inability. Still no case in Indonesia (which welcomes so many Chinese tourists...)! We would like to believe it... If the epidemic touches one of these countries where the health system is precarious (Burma, North Korea, etc), it will start again.

While the number of new cases seems to be decreasing, the number of people in serious condition continues to increase: it was 6 344 on Monday, but on Tuesday it was 7 241. The Diamond Princess cruise ship has become the largest (epi?)-center of infection outside China... Nice for the passengers who were not yet infected when they arrived in Yokohama waters. About five million people in Wuhan, a city of 11 million, have left the area for the Lunar New Year vacation since the outbreak was discovered...

, those whose immune systems are eventually destroyed, experience multiple organ failure and die. .
Sounds familiar, doesn't it?


On 07/02, the Chinese authorities excluded from the count of infections, patients with positive serology but no symptoms; to identify 3000 pts/d. with positive serology, at least 10,000 test kits per day are needed. It seems doubtful that the capacity to perform tests is at this level: there are necessarily more and more undiagnosed infections.

The reports published by the propaganda organs of the Chinese CP (aka the Chinese government) line up too well not to be suspect! It seems that the Chinese authorities are getting too used to publishing data in accordance with the 7th plan! And it is not you or the WHO that they are trying to manipulate, but the Chinese opinion.


Very interesting testimony, in the heart of the intensive care unit in Wuhan (in English, the version translated by Google here

To be continued ...

Coronavirus: will affect us more than it seems!

VIH HIV antiprotéase coronavirus COVID-19 wuhan intermittence iccarre ARV Atazanavir
Either the virus has been mutated/assembled/selected on the Wuhan market, or it has been mutated/assembled/selected in the unique Chinese-designed P4 laboratory located in ... Wuhan(source). For the moment, there is no evidence that the infection is immunizing. It seems that the antibodies developed are short-lived, making re-contamination possible(source). Cured people cannot be hired as health/prevention workers, as it was the case for Ebola.

For the moment, the mortality rate seems low, but this is without counting all those (30,000...) who are still between life and death... The rate of recovery, to date, is not very high! This site aggregates the data in an interesting way; one can be surprised that the figures announced by the Chinese dictatorship form a perfect model! It is not good to be a doctor in contact with these patients, at the moment!(read here).

The prospect of a vaccine is far from obvious! This is a rule that many (including specialists/infectiogues of my acquaintance) forget a bit quickly! For a non-immunizing infection (e.g. Tuberculosis, HIV), the constitution of a (unique?) vaccine is probably illusory(cf the incredible fiasco of BCG, which does not protect at all... ) (note: the Biosantec approach remains relevant, on paper). If, as we start to suspect, the virus and its proteins have similarities with HIV, then this will affect us in more than one way: the production capacities will not be enough and the panic/requisition will dry up the supply chain in France, a country notoriously underdeveloped in this field.

I have a stock! But do you? Is this stock up to your needs (which must be calculated on a 7/7 basis) and those of your relatives? If the ARVs market is under pressure, the 'authorities' will have no choice but to rush patients to intermittent treatment, a protocol that is already authorized but most likely far below the possible savings. For sure, we will have to think about it! If this inspires you, talk about it in the comments!

Note: this topic is updated daily: come back to read it regularly!

10 key points of this video by Pr Fergusson:
- 50,000 new cases a day in China
- Infections double every 5 days
- The mortality rate is still unknown
- China is expected to peak in March
- The epidemic peak is still a month away
- It will be very difficult to control this epidemic as we did with SARS 15 to 20 years ago
- Cases are still underestimated
- Delays in death can be as long as three weeks
- Deaths reported outside China are not reassuring due to delays
- We still don't know all the effects

Here is how the Party makes up 'its' numbers (number of deaths divided by the number of 'cases'): with Excel, you can do it as accurately, without leaving your home!
1/30: 170/7821 = 2,1%,
1/31: 213/9800 = 2,1%,
2/01: 259/11880 = 2,1%,
2/02: 304/14401 = 2,1%,
2/03: 361/17238 = 2,1%,
2/04: 429/20471 = 2,1%,
2/05: 493/24441 = 2,1%
2/06: 564/28605 = 2,1%
Now: 724/34677 AGAIN = 2,1%... Funny, isn't it?

Feel free to comment, like, share and use

good weekend, good stuffing and not too many meds ... Huh?

97% of patients overmedicated, 22 million without treatment ... Let's stop this scandal!

overmedication is an opportunity if you know how to use it!


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Saint Darwin 12 February 2020

By Charles-Edouard!
[NdCh-E: Eviplera ®].
Well there you go, you start to understand...

Charles Darwin born on February 12, year 0

We celebrate Saint Darwin's day a little bit out of derision. We marvel at finding traces of ancient knowledge, lost and exhumed. Eratosthenes had measured the radius of the earth, spherical, with a fairly good accuracy, 2300 years ago. Hipparchus, in measuring the duration of a lunar eclipse, estimated that the moon was 65 terrestrial radii from the center of the Earth (close to the real 60.25) and that the radius of the moon was equal to one third of the terrestrial radius (in fact 0.25). Aristotle, on the other hand, is of a luminous clarity:
However, in practice, nothing prior to say 1700-1800 is useful. Before speaking of Sciences, one spoke of Natural Philosophy, already in opposition with Theology, predominant at the time. Before Darwin, the sciences were not in frank opposition with the idea of a created world. Buffon, who even recused himself, fearing the Church and the censorship ('better flat lying than hanging'), left us:
The evidence requires a work of the mind, product of the reflection and creative imagination of many scholars. Nothing clears a miracle better than the possibility of explaining its effect by natural causes. Darwin sets up a mechanism that founds modern biology. It will be completed, never denied.

Darwin says: 'it is like confessing a crime'.

All living things, past or present are all related to each other by a common ancestor. It is a strange and exciting feeling to think that yes, we are cousins of the Banana. You can reread 'The Inner Fish' by Neil Shubin or watch his TV version on youtube.

Until Darwin, it was delicate, but possible, to make a (hazardous) compromise between Nature and Creation. With Evolution (and therefore long time), this is no longer possible. Intelligence disappears from the picture, in favor of chance, large numbers, selections/cooperations/derivatives. The incremental prevails over the catastrophic.

OMNIBVS, Darwinian project: we can do even more intelligent!

We can consider OMNIBVS as a Darwinian progression, where each increment excludes a few percent, to arrive, by selection, at a privileged population of Super-intermittent (quasi-healed). The others enjoy a modest intermittency (4/7), which is already something... But there is another way to do it, if we understand the Eclipse well.

Our box is enriched with resolutely powerfultools: Islatravir, the Dodeca, the New Equation, The New Exploratory Method... With all these tools, we will have a new proposal that legitimizes the Super Intermittence (1/15 and beyond). We can defuse a legitimate anxiety and reconcile those who explore very early, because their risk is low, and those who delay, in view of an objectively higher risk. It remains to be objectivized... We can make by ourselves the keys of our liberation. By ourselves, necessarily... There is no need to rely on others, especially if it is an other person who takes his tax.

The exploration of the Eclipse does not necessarily have to be Darwinian. For now, it is... The Eclipse can be described as a crescent: it is a spherical projection. Like a crescent moon a tip is made of subjects with weak Eclipse, a (big?) body with medium Eclipse and a tip with very long Eclipse.

Infectiologists and the flat earth

If you teach the sphericity of the earth early on, children understand. The way teaching is done in science and medicine, one is afraid to observe that the earth is flat in primary school, rounded in secondary school and, finally, round for the privileged in higher education. This is silly, and it's fine with the Eclipse. When you start teaching with the Eclipse, a world otherwise reserved for an elite opens up to you. To confine yourself to 4/7 is a bit like admitting, shamefully, that the earth is a bit round. As long as your doctors have not taken the dimension of the Eclipse then, they are useless to you, even dangerous. (It is the dosage that is toxic, not the molecule!). In any case, don't count on me to support illusions...

Blog readership

No miracle... Blogger gives us a right to speak, not a right to an audience. A campaign of censorship/denigration/reporting had, for a time, a negative effect on our readership and visibility. That's behind us and the numbers are coming back up, which proves a good resistance to the opposing forces. It is an interesting and interested readership: the most viewed pages are precisely those that have the most added value: The Practical Guide 4/7, the list of alleviating doctors, the mono-DTG. It is also an important part of the blog format, as it allows: discussions, articles, news and resources such as FASEB-2.

Coronavirus: will affect us more than it seems! Article moved...

This case is getting bigger. The article is moved here

In the news

- 'I explained to a doctor that there was no ceiling dose': how opiates have drugged the United States. source Le Monde

- Gilead will test its Remdesivir. Gilead ? already the originator of Oseltamivir (tamiflu)... Ummm... How do you dose a drug that has no efficacy? Like for homeopathy???

- Look at'RETIREMENTS: THE KILLER FIGURE' on YouTube: here is a very interesting argument, well documented and which nobody has really ever taken into account...

- The site Parcours Positif calls for testimonies. I wonder if this is a real activist site or a BigPharma front. If you try to testify, we'll soon know where we stand! What do you think about it?

The French genius

Arthur Rimbaud's Sensation, March 1870, Poetry

By the blue evenings of summer, I will go in the paths,
Prickled by the wheat, treading the thin grass:
Dreamer, I will feel its freshness at my feet.
I will let the wind bathe my naked head.

I will not speak, I will not think anything:
But infinite love will rise in my soul,
And I will go far, far away, like a gypsy,
By Nature, - happy as with a woman.

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Have a good weekend, good stuffing and not too many meds ... Huh?