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Saturday, February 1, 2020


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Saint Darwin 12 February 2020

By Charles-Edouard!
[NdCh-E: Eviplera ®].
Well there you go, you start to understand...

Charles Darwin born on February 12, year 0

We celebrate Saint Darwin's day a little bit out of derision. We marvel at finding traces of ancient knowledge, lost and exhumed. Eratosthenes had measured the radius of the earth, spherical, with a fairly good accuracy, 2300 years ago. Hipparchus, in measuring the duration of a lunar eclipse, estimated that the moon was 65 terrestrial radii from the center of the Earth (close to the real 60.25) and that the radius of the moon was equal to one third of the terrestrial radius (in fact 0.25). Aristotle, on the other hand, is of a luminous clarity:
However, in practice, nothing prior to say 1700-1800 is useful. Before speaking of Sciences, one spoke of Natural Philosophy, already in opposition with Theology, predominant at the time. Before Darwin, the sciences were not in frank opposition with the idea of a created world. Buffon, who even recused himself, fearing the Church and the censorship ('better flat lying than hanging'), left us:
The evidence requires a work of the mind, product of the reflection and creative imagination of many scholars. Nothing clears a miracle better than the possibility of explaining its effect by natural causes. Darwin sets up a mechanism that founds modern biology. It will be completed, never denied.

Darwin says: 'it is like confessing a crime'.

All living things, past or present are all related to each other by a common ancestor. It is a strange and exciting feeling to think that yes, we are cousins of the Banana. You can reread 'The Inner Fish' by Neil Shubin or watch his TV version on youtube.

Until Darwin, it was delicate, but possible, to make a (hazardous) compromise between Nature and Creation. With Evolution (and therefore long time), this is no longer possible. Intelligence disappears from the picture, in favor of chance, large numbers, selections/cooperations/derivatives. The incremental prevails over the catastrophic.

OMNIBVS, Darwinian project: we can do even more intelligent!

We can consider OMNIBVS as a Darwinian progression, where each increment excludes a few percent, to arrive, by selection, at a privileged population of Super-intermittent (quasi-healed). The others enjoy a modest intermittency (4/7), which is already something... But there is another way to do it, if we understand the Eclipse well.

Our box is enriched with resolutely powerfultools: Islatravir, the Dodeca, the New Equation, The New Exploratory Method... With all these tools, we will have a new proposal that legitimizes the Super Intermittence (1/15 and beyond). We can defuse a legitimate anxiety and reconcile those who explore very early, because their risk is low, and those who delay, in view of an objectively higher risk. It remains to be objectivized... We can make by ourselves the keys of our liberation. By ourselves, necessarily... There is no need to rely on others, especially if it is an other person who takes his tax.

The exploration of the Eclipse does not necessarily have to be Darwinian. For now, it is... The Eclipse can be described as a crescent: it is a spherical projection. Like a crescent moon a tip is made of subjects with weak Eclipse, a (big?) body with medium Eclipse and a tip with very long Eclipse.

Infectiologists and the flat earth

If you teach the sphericity of the earth early on, children understand. The way teaching is done in science and medicine, one is afraid to observe that the earth is flat in primary school, rounded in secondary school and, finally, round for the privileged in higher education. This is silly, and it's fine with the Eclipse. When you start teaching with the Eclipse, a world otherwise reserved for an elite opens up to you. To confine yourself to 4/7 is a bit like admitting, shamefully, that the earth is a bit round. As long as your doctors have not taken the dimension of the Eclipse then, they are useless to you, even dangerous. (It is the dosage that is toxic, not the molecule!). In any case, don't count on me to support illusions...

Blog readership

No miracle... Blogger gives us a right to speak, not a right to an audience. A campaign of censorship/denigration/reporting had, for a time, a negative effect on our readership and visibility. That's behind us and the numbers are coming back up, which proves a good resistance to the opposing forces. It is an interesting and interested readership: the most viewed pages are precisely those that have the most added value: The Practical Guide 4/7, the list of alleviating doctors, the mono-DTG. It is also an important part of the blog format, as it allows: discussions, articles, news and resources such as FASEB-2.

Coronavirus: will affect us more than it seems! Article moved...

This case is getting bigger. The article is moved here

In the news

- 'I explained to a doctor that there was no ceiling dose': how opiates have drugged the United States. source Le Monde

- Gilead will test its Remdesivir. Gilead ? already the originator of Oseltamivir (tamiflu)... Ummm... How do you dose a drug that has no efficacy? Like for homeopathy???

- Look at'RETIREMENTS: THE KILLER FIGURE' on YouTube: here is a very interesting argument, well documented and which nobody has really ever taken into account...

- The site Parcours Positif calls for testimonies. I wonder if this is a real activist site or a BigPharma front. If you try to testify, we'll soon know where we stand! What do you think about it?

The French genius

Arthur Rimbaud's Sensation, March 1870, Poetry

By the blue evenings of summer, I will go in the paths,
Prickled by the wheat, treading the thin grass:
Dreamer, I will feel its freshness at my feet.
I will let the wind bathe my naked head.

I will not speak, I will not think anything:
But infinite love will rise in my soul,
And I will go far, far away, like a gypsy,
By Nature, - happy as with a woman.

Feel free to comment, like, share and use

Have a good weekend, good stuffing and not too many meds ... Huh?

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