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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

2017: our best victories

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

2017: our best victories

By Charles-Edouard!

With Hypodolu, we move on to serious things:

I tried 2 Tivicay® + 1 Lamivudine in 1/7. Just peaked at 50 after 3 months ... I do not know what to think ... So I now do 3 Tivicay® in 1/7. We will soon see ... Very recently a reasoned reflection by a specialist raises the question of whether, for the 1/7, the Tivicay® ALONE would not be better, in fact, than accompanied. Indeed, it seems that the pharmacokinetics of Tivicay® ALONE is more favorable ... I'll check ... Happy holidays and let us know!

2017: victory on all fronts

I follow the line of my post: Welcome to 20 ... 1/7


Announced by ANRS in July 2016 (see my post ANRS-Quatuor has started), this very large trial (640 patients) of 4/7 has begun! ANRS took their time! Given the size of the trial, it should not go unnoticed!

Morlat 2017: ICCARRE enters the Hall of Fame

Our ticket: French Guidelines capitulate!: 4/7 is now official in the French recommendations, in conditions similar to trials: it could not be clearer. We even managed to get the message out at IAS-2017, even if it was cut out during editing ... (Of course the battle is not over)

Genvoya® authorized ... An error, in our view

Gilead has lowered his ambitions ... Authorities have authorized a drug that reduces the therapeutic options for alleviation (excluding Mono-DTG, Bi-Cycle, Mono-Cycle, Hypodolu, or 3/7 ICCARRIEN ...) Bravo! If Stribild® / Genvoya® in 4/7 is invalidated by Quatuor (which is quite possible...), what a frustration for patients! If, conversely, it passes, what about 3/7?

The Achilles heel

In our post the ten green bottles, Dr. Blanco confirms, without restriction, our analysis. As long as the suspicion remains, stay away from Isentress®, Stribild® or Genvoya®.


The results of DOMONO have been published. As the authors have avoided an analysis alla Blanco (Achilles heel) it is a total confusion (just read the body of the article). We learn that failures are without prejudice for patients and especially are not the result of a low dosage. We denounced that efficacy is not dependent ONLY on the dose. Since failures are not dose-dependent, it is concluded that the successes are not dose-dependent either. Viral replication only 'sees' 2 things: dose and genetics (of the virus). DOMONO reinforces the hypothesis that efficacy depends on the history of the virus and little on the dose: so if one has a very wild virus, one can modulate the dose. This is precisely what we could do with an Absolutegravir, a concept that allows to understand DOMONO.


Dr. Lanzafame saves the honor of medicine with his First-line Mono-DTG: work in progress!


ViiV will do its best and conquer market share. Juluca® (DTG + RPV) is announced! Paddle and Lamidol have confirmed DTG + 3TC. Results of ACTG A5353 are published: Dolutegravir plus lamivudine as first-line treatment - Perfect! Yet nobody talks about it... Mobidip prefers IP + 3TC ... What will Gilead do?

Leibowitch under spotlights, the Eclipse too!

Dr. Leibowitch has given us a good paper on medical ethics, and Caroline Petit an easy-to-read synthesis (link to the original, in english); the new ICCARRE site is now online (we expect that it will beef up in 2018 ...), which explains why we will discuss ICCARRE less in 2018, and gear up: 1/7 and remission: I already showed that we could go well beyond the banal 1/7. We conceptualized the Eclipse's equation. I even wrote a sketch of dynamic theories: classical, relative and even quantum eclipse (yes ...), but ... Given the lack of scientific reflection on the subject, we are not not in a hurry.

Trump and Big Pharma

Yes! Donald Trump has promised to tackle caviar drug prices! Well... We did not see much...


Doctors and patients require less opacity in clinical trials. Trust but check. Our summer series has forestalled all the nonsense we now see about DOMONO. Our readers, duly warned, do not let themselves be fooled. In the same way we will dismount START (summer 2018): we already started with TREMPANO. You are being deceived ... Moreover, you will find here an interesting discussion where an activist defends the idea that it is the responsibility of activists to hide the truth from patients in order to 'protect' the people. To which Dr. Vernazza (author of the Swiss statement) replies that patients have the right to know and that it is not up to the doctor to give a selective presentation.

U = U: finally, a campaign makes a hit

Here is the official website. Associations, including French, fought tooth and nail the Swiss declaration. I will soon post some news. They rallied to it, after years of fighting back, without the slightest mea culpa. Not sure we will forgive them...

Practical Guides

This is the power of this blog: a Practical Guide for 4/7, for Mono-DTG, a list of doctors and, since 2017, a hit parade of drugs and doctors. And a practical tip: the 000 capsule. With that, if you can't manage to progress in your thougths ...

Public health:

There was fear of hatred and of PreP being used in the presidential election: no such thing! It is true that our (French) 'great national debate' has been a distressing void! Well ... Just a reminder: ICCARRE is now in the French recommendations.

My freedom:

Internet has become a megaphone for Fake news. The conditioning of the masses to compulsory vaccination shows that we are also going towards compulsory treatment (for all of us...). Ask yourself a question, at the time of copy / paste quickly: this blog is unique in its content. Why unique? No matter: we win the battle of ideas, lot remains to be done and our progress in 2017 was significant!

In the news

- More than a few hours to replay Cholesterol: the big bluff (or on youtube) otherwise enjoy the discussion in the show 'the scientific method'.

- gene therapy: quick! put me on Delta 32!

- ACTG A5353: A pilot study of dolutegravir plus lamivudine for initial treatment of HIV-1-infected participants with HIV-1 RNA < 500,000 copies/mL. That's good, we are making progress... Obviously, these patients will want to aleviate for maintenance ... Well ... Yes ...

Have a good Week, good fuck and do not abuse of meds/drugs

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Have a good Week, good fuck and do not abuse of meds/drugs

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Experts hit parade 2017

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

Experts Hit Parade - 2017

By Charles-Edouard!

Consequences of poor tritherapies management? Cessation... and... DEATH. The late Kevin Gagneul (†) left us his testimony, which fades into the Web limbos. I find this one: he names his therapies: new light on the question "could he have avoided death by being better cared for?". Can we do it differently and how? (see also here)

Kévin Gagneul militant vih association effets secondaires

Find his videos on Google. He smoked a lot, an aggravating factor: learn your lesson!

His death contradicts the Zeitgeist litany: "treatments are not toxic and well tolerated". My Arse! Here, no 'old' drugs: they are still marketed, very widely used, and apart from marginal improvements, the only real innovation is DTG.

This testimony remains relevant. Looking at the dates, we see that there were already known alternatives (NVP, FOTO, ICCARRE ...). The lucky ones (or the better-off?) already had access to alternative methods, which allowed them to remain under treatment.

Choose an expert doctor

The advantage of ICCARRE is the Autonomous mode, which nothing proves (following simple but imperative rules) its inferiority to the 'medicalized mode', especially if it is... bad!

Our Practical Guide has helped press ANRS, otherwise so slow. And our list of expert doctors gives you access.

After a banal 4/7, we can anticipate inevitable toxicity, go beyond, and visit an expert doctor. Given the almost total absence of offer and medical training, you can visit 20 doctors before finding a good one. Then repeat to find an expert in 4/7, then repeat again for a 3/7, etc. This is the advantage of the autonomous mode. If one whishes, despite any proof, to get 'medical' monitoring, the recursive characteristics of ICCARRE or the specificities of Mono-DTG invite you to go to the best, without wasting time with minons, let alone dummies ...

The caste's interest is to make you believe that one is well worth the other, which, obviously, is false. Your interest is to go to the most knowledgeable.

My practitioner, adulated and acclaimed, refused me 3 times a molecule change. At the third refusal, I understood, without changing my doctor so far: I feel more at home with a veritable Septist, identified as such, than with one whose extent of inexperience is unknown to me .

Trends in 2017

We are caught between a hammer and a hard place: we must help our readers to navigate (see our list of doctors) while the exercise is difficult. I put tendencies to guide somehow: do take this with caution. I'll see if there is a better method in 2018 ...

- The 190: became CEGGID (anonymous test center) ... They do something else ... Just know it: Sharply down
- Dr. P-M Girard: HIV veteran, new to 4/7, enters our list in 2017, slightly up.
- Dr. JY LIOTIER: HIV veteran, does 6/7 and 5/7. His patients are satisfied ... Will you get good advice for a 3/7? Yet to be seen...
- Dr. Leibowitch: IAS-2017 praised him, no less grumpy in 2017 than in 2016, inventor of 1/7: you can't beat that! At the highest (but not for Mono-DTG)
- Dr. Roland Landman: converted to 4/7, co-investigator in Quatuor. Contributes to its diffusion. Beyond ??? To be seen... Slightly up.
- Dr. de Truchis, co-investigator in ANRS-4D and Quatuor. Star without shine, he knows his turf: up!
- Pr. Christine Katlama: her attitude towards ICCARRE is borderline ethical fault (we will come back to this): Sharply down (and not starting from high ...)

Outside Paris

- Dr Hocqueloux (Orleans): Practices Mono-DTG or Bi-DTG, without failure... So, up.
- Pr Reynes Practices Bi-DTG, which will soon be mainstream... Slightly up
- Dr. Lafeuillade (Toulon): Put a name on Hypodolu... Since then... Nothing...
- Dr Raffi (Nantes): mediocre performance at IAS-2017: Sharply down
- Dr. Phillibert (Marseille): HIV veteran, new to 4/7.
- Pr Morlat: not in our list ... He mentions ICCARRE in his 'bible' (without naming it)


I do not have much info. Dr. Lanzafame (Verona) has taken leadership in Mono-DTG. His paper on Mono-DTG in naive patients saves the honor of medicine. So a very special badge!

In the news

- In the Figaro, it's haro on Luc Montagnier. Remember what Montagnier says: we will come back to it.

- Pierre Henri Gouyon: video: Inate / Acquired, sex / genre and also here: we learn things we will discuss in 2018.

- Lastly, the article on ANRS-4D: Antiretroviral maintenance treatment at four days per week in virologically-controlled HIV-1-infected adults: the ANRS 162-4D trial by Truchis et al. My page on the subject is much more fun!

Have a good Week, good Fuck and do not abuse of meds/drugs

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This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

true and false testimonials

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

True and FALSE testimonials

By Charles-Edouard!

False testimonies have poisoned the debate. They always took the form: "I have the friend of a friend who tried the aleviation (eg 5/7) her viral load exploded, she became multi-resistant and waits for her last hour (sic) ". Or a variant ... Whatever, it was always the same pattern, a nauseating rumor. Of course without the slightest detail on the so-called attempt. Partial and second-hand information.

Dr. Cal Cohen, father of FOTO, predicted:

Obviously, there were rules to be worked out.

They are developed from failures: successes do not teach us how to avoid failures.

Now, these kinds of 'testimonies', which would be useful if they were truthful and educated, have completely disappeared. ANRS-4D has nailed them!

This continuous flow, discouraging and irritating, has not dried up at the announcement of ANRS-4D's results, but at trial launch : the mere announcement of a promising trial, has put an end. That's enough to qualify this continuous and nauseating flow as FALSE testimonials ...

Real testimonies and obvious errors

I analyze, here, 2 credible testimonials, which reinforce the rules, difficult to establish, for lack of failures. They are not made for dogs, and one should take them into consideration: read carefully our Practical Guide 4/7 and Practical Guide Mono-DTG.

Painful Failure, under 5/7, with Stribild®

At the time, I had argued against such a double move: switch for Stribild® (out of Viramune®, on top of that...) and move directly to 5/7. The pillars of the experimental ICCARRE are: efficiency, progressivity, frequent VLs. In addition, Leibowitch was up against INIs. My argument was to be very careful with Stribild®. For short cycle, I'm sceptical! First tests with QUATUOR: results in ... 2020!

I argue, I argue ... One thing will stop me: the famous: "My doctor is OK with it and will help me".

It stops me completely: the patient gets a medical follow-up: I am left silent. This thing with medical monitoring always leaves me skeptical given the quality of the profession, however, the argument silences me.

Let's confront this experiment with our Practical Guide 4/7:

Efficiency Verification: Where is it ??? Before entering short cycle, we make sure that the combo is effective, in 7/7, for several months (ANRS-4D: at least 4, Practical Guide at least 6-12)
Progressivity: where is the 6/7 step ???
Frequent VLs: I think that it was done.

Risks identified after ... We could not know beforehand ... The patient is exposed to the so-called Achille's heel risk (previous use of RAL) and to the Quasimodo trap: the transition from Viramune® (NVP) reduces the dose plasma of DTG but also of EVG.

Classical Risks risk is coveredOK ? comments
Efficacitynot verified    verify over 4-6 months or more
ProgressivityNo     stonestep at 6/7
frequent VLYes   at month 1, 2, 4, 6, etc.
less classical risksrisk is understood? comments
Achille's HeelNo   moreover, EVG is not very powerfull
hunchback trapNo   especially when coming from de NVP
expert follow upNo (?)   go to an expert doctor
results 22.000 copies but, ICCARRE is not at fault

The catastrophe had been announced: it occurs!

Rightly so, you should not believe everything you read about aleviation

Here, the testimony is incomplete and (intentionally?) false

Here is the sequence. Very early (too early?), Dr. Bart Rijnders launches the DOMONO trial: everyone is very excited (too much?) by DOMONO: a trial without specific conditions to inclusion and with a comparator arm: the must-have. At first everything goes well and the news leaks out, which encourages more. While DOMONO has already started, Prof. Katlama announces, in a conference, that he has identified a major risk factor: Achilles' Heel: a clear risk if RAL or EVG has been used in the past. B. Rijnders continues, ignoring it.

Conversely, I warn as best as I can do, especially our witness (sauvenière). It exhausts me, because it is unexpected, difficult to explain, to understand and difficult to admit.

The 'witness', in denial, has an Achilles as big as the nose in the face: he comes from "Viramune® and Isentress®" (Again ...), in long-term success. More Achilles' Heel than that, you die! I insist then falls the (in)famous: "My doctor is OK with it and will help me".

All this is perfectly archived ... Then, Dr. José Blanco, in his presentation at CROI 2017, confirms our analysis. B. Rijnders refuses to revisit the data of his cohort and his protocol: the disaster is no surprise! It was not possible to know at launch of DOMONO, then, it became obvious during its course: the trial is invalid.

Our witness (sauvenière) lies when he says that he was well accompanied (no frequent VLs ...) and had the righrt profile. In fact, he had the worst profile, and he knew it. Victim of his own negligence, he prefers to accuse the strategy, rather than his imprudence: a scenario for Dr. House.

The nauseating medico-pharmaceutical mob will immediately rush into the breach.

Let's confront with our Practical Guide Mono-DTG

identified risksrisque is understood?OK ? comments
Achille's HeelNo    Beware of an history of RAL or EVG use!
Hunchback trapNo     double DTG for a few weeks
frequent VLsNo   Blood draw at month 1, 2, 4, 6
Adheranceyes   in experimental mode , this is important
expert helpNo (?)   choose expert help
Result rebound at 1000 copies but, Mono-DTG, well understood, is not at fault

A Good Practical Guide vs a bad doctor

In both cases, there is poor medical advice. Despite the absence of a Therapeutic Guide, a medicalized ICCARRE deploys in Maghreb, where doctors receive a 'training' full of errors! So, now, there is a risk due to poor medical monitoring. They CLAIM that ICCARRE will be medicalized or will not be WITHOUT quality medical training or Therapeutic Guide, so, we must expect the worst! Patients are more than ever on their own!

In the news

- The new site the Friends of ICCARRE is online! At long last!!!
- An interesting lecture by Dr. Arvieux on Youtube highlights the misallocation of budgetary resources: a very PRO-ICCARRE argument! (partial slides here)

- Dr. Dupagne explains: the discordant doctor is excluded from the scientific debate and becomes non-grata conferences! In Arte-Replay or on his blog

- These killer mini-drones made the buzz

- A choreographer dances for ICCARRE

- a controversy opens (finally!) on the actual contents of the reservoir ... To be continued ...

Have a good WeekEnd, good fuck and do not abuse of meds/drugs

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Have a good Week, good fuck and do not abuse of meds/drugs

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.