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Tuesday, March 3, 2020


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Coronavirus, HIV, ARV, intermittence...(7)

Coronavirus: VICTORY: there is an effective treatment!

Graphic update by worldometers and Southern France Morning Post.

HCQ/AZIT vs. the rest
HCQ/AZITthe rest
(and treated)
29/03/2020100310,10 %1988130,65 %---
27/03/202070110,14 %1577110,70 %---

The largest French research center on infectious diseases, integrated into the Marseille hospital, has just published 4 other PROJECTS, here:
The lessons to take away are:

- Dual therapy HCQ / AZIT is synergistic and effective in vitro(source)

- Dual HCQ / AZIT therapy reduced mortality and hospitalization time(source)

- Children are not more contagious than adults(source)

- CRP Ct 35 appears to be a good threshold for discharging some hospitalized patients(source)

- Mortality from respiratory infections has been rather low this year, so far(source)

On 03/28/20: HCQ/AZIT, aka Raoult ®, takes the rope

Comment by Charles-Edouard: 'standard' treatment: mortality = 0.7% (11/1577); HCQ/AZIT treatment: mortality = 0.1% (1/701)

On 03/27/20: Call Raoult and Put Gilead or the other way around?

It's easy to understand... If Raoult is right, Gilead's new molecule, Remdésivir, will only be of marginal commercial interest... With Remdésivir, Gilead and its henchmen (meaning the majority of influential virologists, French or not) can hope for the JackPot. While the stock market has lost 25%, Gilead's share price is doing quite well! Up 20%! Hope makes the stock marketers happy. On the other hand, it could go down again very quickly... Hence the urgency to bury Raoult ® and his dual therapy, HCQ/AZIT. There are at least 7 clinical trials in which Hydroxychloroquine is tested (Marseille (?), South Korea (150 participants), China (30 participants, Norway (202 participants), United States (1500 participants), Mexico (500 participants), Spain (3040)).

If you had bought a Call around 20/01 at, say, 1 eu., it would be worth today... 100 Eu. A call is an amplifier that overperforms if it goes up (and loses its value, if it goes down). The PUT is the opposite. Buying a Gilead PUT today, and hoping to resell it later, can be a mega Jackpot! If Raoult is right... If he is right, SANOFI will go up, but SANOFI's portfolio is much bigger than Gilead's, so the effect is somewhat diluted.

All the anti HCQ/AZIT communication (aka Raoult ®), fed by Barré-Sinoussi, Pialoux and consort has one effect: to allow insiders to sell Gilead shares, which they themselves are getting rid of at a (super) low cost. There is no profit in watching the game being played: you have to get into it.

The pros and the cons, before the outcome of the battle: There are days when We really miss Leibo... Some days more than others, especially at the moment... But hey...
Among the people who are talking nonsense, we take good note: Barré-Sinoussi(source), Pialoux. No! Francoise, COVID is not only a viral infection, we also die (mostly?) from bacterial complications! Do you think you can convince the CEO of Gilead that Hydroxychloroquine is good? No. Then why do you hope to convince the Gilead-latre of service to vote for such a trial as OMNIBVS in the instances where they took the power? That's why Raoult told them to go ahead... And communicates with Not'President, live.

Towards the end of the battle Here is the latest publication of the IHU (aka Raoult ®), still in draft form: RNA viral load determined by cell culture as a management tool for discharge of SARS-CoV-2 patients from infectious disease services

Bernard La Scola [...] Didier Raoult
On the ARVs front: The decree of 25/03 confirms that hydroxychloroquine and the combination of lopinavir/ritonavir can be prescribed, dispensed and administered under the responsibility of a physician to patients with Covid-19. Make your choice!

03/25/20: Chlorine phosphate and other nonsense...

At the foot of many private American swimming pools, one finds a detergent with the name of 'Chlorine phosphate', which has to do with chloroquine phosphate only a vague consonance. It didn't take much for some idiots to get intoxicated (and die): we regret it for them, but considering the human overpopulation, we won't mourn this huge loss for too long.

Pr Didier Raoul vs Barré Sinoussi: advantage Raoult. We can say what we want, these guys are doing PCR, virus and bacteria cultures, taken from patients, live, 24/24... Barré Sinoussi ? no... When Raoult explains that in the terminal phase, patients are aviremic, that they die from (bacterial) complications, it is because he sees it. We also know that in the terminal phase, there is a lymphocyte collapse, which is conducive to superinfection.

Pr Didier Raoul vs God (if, if...): advantage Raoult. The merchants of hysteria have nothing else to sell but to rely on God. My choice is made.

I had sold my portfolio, as soon as I wrote my post at the beginning of February. I just bought it back, increasing it by 50%. If Raoult is right, buying opportunities will close very quickly. I'm afraid he's right, at least his collaborators are convinced of it: they testify to it here. Oh, I understand that we have to be careful and that we have already had bad surprises. Tamiflu? Huh, this drug that never gave anything and that we were sold(and sold to the French state for a lot of money)? Huh? we don't hear about it anymore... On the other hand, the stock bought by the French army has absolutely no use.

On 03/23/20: Hydrochloroquine, my love...

Trials including chloroquine and hydrochloroquine are flores. Marseille has decided to overrule them(source). As soon as the trial is admissible and in the absence of appropriate planning, it is appropriate to reason in the same way, and this is what I think for OMNIBVS! In any case, we risk nothing!

Some do better than others! Taiwan and Japan in the lead. On the map below, which you have probably never seen elsewhere, we can see that as long as the clusters remain identifiable, it is manageable: we must therefore take serious measures in this phase, rather than being forced to go harder later on. Japan does not test very much, and the Nikkei explains why. The anxiety increases as the number of cases outside the cluster increases: the sanitary measures taken are less drastic than in France, but much better followed!

Le 22/03/20: France is guilty of its delay

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