This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.
Coronavirus, HIV, ARV, intermittence...(5) and J. Leibowitch
By Charles-Edouard!I plan to be there... I was writing a post about one of his darling ideas, so, I'll finish it and publish shortly. I'm flabbergasted, of course...
He had explained to me that he was on some mood-altering medication... He probably wanted to clean up around him to get some peace and quiet. We'll come back to that, but not right away...
Coronavirus, HIV: the Live Continue below...
Graphic update by worldometers.
03/14/20: Catch day, mortality up
It's catch day: I'm taking my anti-return prophylaxis. I've got a good post on the History of the Eclipse, but is this the right time? If you want something other than @PandaVirus, aka @SpaghettiVirus, let me know. What needed to be done: liquidate shares, buy P-Q, alcohol, etc. was done in time: do it now? Good luck! I am naturally isolated, so nothing to add. But what about you?
The not-so-old seem to be falling in numbers, too. More deaths in Italy than in the rest of the world. France has 150 'critical' cases, Italy 10 times more! Japan, 5 times less! So there is one way to manage the crisis better than another... It is also true for HIV: the French method is
I hate fatalists, Inch'Jesus and other Inch'Buddha. ' Jacques [the fatalist] said that his captain said that everything good and bad that happens to us down here is written up there.
Every individual of infectious age must be screened for HIV, HCV, HBV, Syphillis? Period! Voluntary screening is a half-measure: it is the business of associations with which I cannot associate myself. In the triptych 90-90-90, we are late on the first part, and the The government does nothing!
Even if there were a validated treatment for @SpaghettiVirus, the disruption to the economy would remain great.
The London patient comes out of anonymity... He'll fall back into it: bone marrow transplantation is a rare opportunity, just like Visconti.The only effective and accessible strategy is ours. TINA: There Is No Alternative!
13/03/20: punished enlightened people and market opportunities
It's important to have the right 'theory' and a clear vision of what the future can be. In February, the Persian Hadi Al-Modarresi, jokingly declared the coronavirus to be 'without any doubt an act of Allah, a divine punishment against the Chinese, their mockery and their lack of respect towards the Muslims and Islam'.. Fast forward: Iran is on the grill and Hadi Al-Modarresi is infected: we wish him to heal and make amends.
The 'laboratory' Boiron cuts 600 jobs. What??? At a time when there is a dream opportunity to sell an effective treatment: homeopathy ??? The memory of water! There are still some idiots who claim that Montagnier has redone Benveniste's manipulation. No, Montagnier attended the same conjuring session, skillfully orchestrated by the immutable (and discreet) operator, nicknamed Ahmed, who appears on both vintage and recent videos. The 'Boiron' were parasites! Good riddance! And you can always buy, the placebo effect can't hurt, by definition.
Italy: 200 deaths/day... A flu ? The only solvent borrowers there are rare SMEs and individuals. By taking the initiative to 'voluntarily' postpone maturities, the banks are in fact avoiding mass defaults, which is hanging over their heads. The problem is far from being solved! Those who, very judiciously, got rid of their shares a little before the crack, will be able to buy them back cheaply in a few weeks. My doctor tells me: 'you still need to have shares, I don't have any! I love my doctor: he is clean (and innocent)!
Radio silence on ARVs and @PandaVirus... Well... Our hour of glory is only momentarily postponed... In the meantime, here is a nice animation.
On 10/03/20: Flu and falling markets
Statistically, and subject to proper management, it's the flu according to Prof. Raoult, here (Coronavirus: Fear vs. Data / Chloroquine: Clinical Research). China and Korea seem to have overcome it, momentarily, at the cost of a severe and economically disastrous quarantine.
The markets are in free fall. Of course, the fall is limited, but that is because trading has been halted, to avoid a runaway of the robots. This did not calm the selling frenzy. It's useless to hit a standing colossus, but a downed one can. The @PandaVirus has triggered a first wave of massive selling, which weakens the American oil industry (first producer but not very profitable - fracking), it is, of course, the moment chosen by Saudi Arabia, its objective enemy, to sink prices and ruin its players. Those who hope for social changes in France should make their claims now. 1- Coronavirus, 2- MbS attack on prices, 3- ?? . But it's 3 that can change the situation durably.
Those who had followed my advice of storage (dated 16/02) are quiet at ease. Alcohol is a good disinfectant, so is coagnac! Hydroalcoholic gel breakage: what are the alternatives? A small pocket sprayer and there you go. Those who sold their shares just before the crisis will be able to buy them back cheaply. When will this happen? Quite soon, and this is probably the last window of opportunity before a massive influx of liquidity by the central banks (i.e. the flushing of savers by the States).
We have the right to be smart. The repositioning of ARVs as a cure for the @PandaVirus, doesn't seem to be taking. So, the Civid-19 crisis will not be a catalyst for intermittency, as one might have
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