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Friday, March 2, 2018


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Provirus and histones

By Charles-Edouard!

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Dr. Lafeuillade wrote: a doctor should never say that... and even has a website to present his book. One of us has read it...

Lafeuillade named Hypodolu the Mono-DTG in 1/7: it is a lightening. He proposed it (press release); he talks about it a bit here; then, he didn't talk about it anymore... Did he screw up? In this case, we would have liked to know... For me, it was a big mess (Mono-DTG 150 mg, 1/7), whereas Mono-DTG, in 7/7 at 50 mg, then 25 mg then 12.5 mg and also 50 mg in 4/7 had worked well... Some patients fail with Mono-DTG, without integrase mutation (cf DOMONO): can we have a major failure with Absolutegravir? This press release and its presentation at CROI-2018: DTG resistant mutation without genomic integrationcould enlighten us! Well... I'm not too worried... The patients have all successfully deleted... Well, thanks for this information, we'll come back to it! Until then, let's review our classics...

DNA, chromosomes and pads (histones)

Prof. Even knows how to popularize this whole thing: it will appear in his next book, so I'll make it short... DNA is this long double helix thread: it measures 2 meters, which for a cell is a lot: at our scale it would be 20 km. We can imagine it perfectly rolled up in the chromosomes, like a sausage. It is more complicated than that! A very good presentation can be found here. This video explains and also this one how a segment of DNA, integrated, can perfectly not express itself naturally. The buzzword isepigenetics...

Epigenetique vih myers guyon histone methylation nobel
P-H Gouyon explains it with simplicity: the DNA contains the recipe of the apple pie... But it is not the recipe that makes the pie: you need the ingredients, the baker, the opportunity to make it, etc.
Pr. PZ Myers puts the role of epigenetics and genetics into perspective...

The received idea that DNA is a protein factory has been challenged by Pr. C. Lewontin(the triple helix): the message is finally getting through... It is enough to remember that our heart cells have the same DNA as our fat cells. But they are different. However, there is always a tendency to think that expression will inevitably occur, and even quickly. This is not correct.

Proviral DNA is the king of napping

Once it has written itself into the genome of a CD4, the provirus is encapsulated in a histone (the pad), it is even protected by a chemistry called methylation. This methylation is a barrier, not the only one, to the expression of proviral DNA. When the CD4 is activated, excited, it will happen quickly. After several months of treatment, everything calms down and we go to the latent state.


We are told that the reservoir is in a latent state, but we are not told that of the fact and during the latency, it is, obviously, useless to treat. It's like putting weed killer on top of the snow: it's a total nonsense! To laugh, we can have fun with the hysteria of Pr. Rouzioux-des-critères...

Shock-and-Kill strategy

In a next post we will see how this methylation and winding in histones are the target of Shock-and-Kill, proposed by Siliciano, and implemented with histone deacetylase inhibitors, permitted but very dangerous.

Choke-and-Mute Strategy

The strategy behind ICCARRE is to drop a bomb and then leave its place to silence. It is natural, economical, ecological, epigenetic and proven. It leads to a dynamic remission for all. We will see, later, the mechanisms.

In the news

The headline is tantalizing: Australia on the verge of eradicating cervical cancer. To date, the incidence of cervical cancer has not changed one bit! If this hysteria leads to the disappearance of HPV, a cause of discomfort in Homo Sapiens Homo, why not? It is indeed a real benefit to others, for a personal benefit not demonstrated.

The French genius

EECAAC 2018 moscou cure vih discovey russia
- No man is a prophet in his own country: ICCARRE will be presented at the VI International Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference 2018In Moscow, where the need is great: Possibilities of interrupting therapy in patients with sustained HIV suppression.

- In 1913, Apollinaire read... Apollinaire: Under the Mirabeau Bridge... (France Culture).

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good weekend, good stuffing and not too many meds ... Huh?

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