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Thursday, March 1, 2018


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Healing: 3 proposals, one of which walks

By Charles-Edouard!

Joƫlle's testimony

You are making progress, my dear, you are making progress! Think about the frequent resumes, and give your news.

Healing: 3 proposals

Around 2003, Robert Siliciano theorized that a cure would be impossible. Until recently, there was only one proposal for remission, that of Siliciano, based on his theory of the reservoir: unchanging in its content, stable in its quantity.

In fact, there are 3 theories of reduction of the operational reservoir, therefore, of the functional cure.

A- Siliciano theory

The reservoir is constituted as soon as the primary infection occurs, and does not change (or only slightly) in its content: it always contains the active virus (most often wild). The only way out is to decrease quantitatively the reservoir to hope to play Visconti, for a few lucky chronic patients. One thing leading to another, he developed a proposal for a quantitative reduction of the reservoir and obtained funding for laboratory trials. The strategy is sold to the funders and made popular under the name shock-and-kill.

B- the Wainberg theory

With Dolutegravir one can modify the content of the reservoir(read here) to introduce R263K, which reduces the reservoir until it disappears: Wainberg has done lab tests (read here) and proposed a cycle of progressive attenuation of the reservoir(read here): his proposed cycle is not consistent with his theory, however, it is possible to think of an alternative cycle. This is how yours truly had succeeded in some things but not in the proposed cycle: the proposed implementation is not very practical, but the substance is good: we must advance this way, which is the first laboratory proposal to challenge Siliciano on his ground, and offer us a perspective...

C- the Leibowitch / Sonigo / Charles-Edouard theory

Sonigo is a golden-boy of French biology... He explains the Eclipse to Leibowitch as expected and necessary: he tells us that this is what happens(see the graph), without the theory being explicit(if you read Kupieck and Sonigo, you understand the spirit). For lack of having been able to read under his pen a theory of the Eclipse, I was reduced to writing the Equation. I will therefore, in abstantia, write a stochastic theory of the Eclipse. It concerns the random events of resurgence: the afficionados of the series Death Note will be seduced(I will call it that). To put it simply, proviral candidates have a delay in emergence which is an intrinsic property of theirs: a kind of (over)life expectancy, well hidden as they are. With the progressiveness of the ICCARIAN descent, those who have a short hidden survival will be de-zoned at 4/7, then at 3/7, ... The reservoir sees the quickest proviruses disappear, only the slowest, the deepest, the most irremediable ones remain: the window always opens more and more, to close again, fatally, but then, after 15, 20, 30 days...

Burial of the DNA in the pads (histones)

Each of the theories is based on the burial of the DNA in the pads (histones): Siliciano wants to use histone strippers (e.g. Depakine!!!), Wainberg wants to move to deep histones, Leibowitch allows expression-prone histones to be dezoned: only proviruses buried in deep histones remain. Putting the 3 proposals in parallel allows us to identify a common theoretical core: burial in histones.
Prof. Philippe Even explains it remarkably well and we are impatiently waiting for his next book: it's inside! Failing that, I will do it for you: it is fascinating!

Parallels and implementation

It allows us to highlight the Leibowitchian proposal as being, to this day, the only proposal immediately availablecertainly imperfect...

A- Siliciano: attractive, but using dangerous openers (opening histones is opening the can of worms: cf dekapine): for the moment it is a failure! The patients treated in primo will be the best candidates. As it uses molecules, on an experimental basis, with the promise of profits, it receives subsidies from Washington.

B- Wainberg: attractive, modern (DTG...), demonstrated on tissues (in the lab), but difficult to implement: no known implementation (and I failed, need I remind you?). Mono-DTG patients will be the best candidates... As she makes DTG a healing molecule, she was receiving subsidies from ViiV, but well... Who to finance the end of her pension?

C- Leibowitch: counter-intuitive, unless one theorizes well, imperfect (because limited to 1/ Xmax). Advantage: its implementation is proven, costs nothing and the immediate benefit to the patient (even if it is capped). Patients who have passed the 4/7 are good candidates. If the ANRS was not so poor, it could have enriched the expertise of the Eclipse and made a major breakthrough... Well... no... We will have to do without them.

ICCARRE and dynamic remission

If the Grand-ICCARRE (1/7, 1/15...) is presented in this way as one of the 3 proposals in the running for remission, it still has more gumption than the anecdotal little drumbeat. Leibowitch doesn't care about the underlying cause of post-treatment delay and theories: it works and it suits him! I still don't understand how the proselytizers of the progressive, Darwinian method don't conceptualize that the Grand-ICCARRE is more than just an alleviation: it is a dynamic remissionthey have their finger on the most brilliant invention of the century, and, seem to look the other way

Well... We'll see next time what is the burial in the pads (histones)

In the news

- The Frenchjustice system nails the hepatitis B vaccine

The French genius

P-H Guyon explains, in a few words, at minute 1:11:40, the myth of Daedalus, the father of ICCARRE, who always has a technical solution to everything. He invented the extended prescriptions, the always more. ICCARE has a father: over-medication! Daedalus is a bit like Siliciano...

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97% of patients overmedicated, 22 million without treatment... Let's stop this scandal!

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