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Saturday, February 3, 2018


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

EACS and Nuremberg backpedal #1

By Charles-Edouard!

I have retained in this detailed testimony:

The first of the overmedications is the abusive extension of indication: crime encouraged by the medical-pharmaceutical underworld. Crime as well. This is the genius of proposal 1/7. Besides, I find it difficult to understand why a patient, thus abused and then disillusioned, is not told that she always has the possibility of interrupting the treatment: at high nadir, there is no demonstrated over-risk (see Salto or Lotti, and even SMART, if you read them critically)

Nuremberg and the crime against dignity

At the beginning of the XXth century, 'medical' interventions for the benefit of society (for the benefit of others) were born, including eugenics. Before the war, no scientist or doctor was convinced that castrating 'idiots' would improve mankind. Some American states voted eugenic laws, the Scandinavians went full steam ahead, and the Nazi regime pushed it to the extreme. The war ends, we discover the medical horrors in the name of progress. A crime was introduced that was superior to all others: that of depriving a human being of his or her humanity: this was the Nuremberg Code. See the video of Pr. P-H Guyon. It is applied to trials: it applies, in fact, to daily practice.

Altruistic, non-altruistic (selfish) profit and crime

Performing a (medical) intervention on a person, for the benefit of others, is altruistic (the root 'others' is found there). Since Nuremberg, it is forbidden. A part of the medical profession regrets eugenics, or indulges in this inclination. As a proof, the compulsory vaccination of infants: they sell you that vaccinating your little one, at the risk of complications (rare but serious), protects grandma and grandpa, in a retirement home. There is no word to express the opposite of altruistic. The term 'egoist' is used, which is unfortunately connoted. Thus the famous work of R. Dawkins, the selfish gene must be understood: the gene is not altruistic.

According to the 'Nuremberg code', altruistic intervention is a crime. Non-altruistic intervention, for the benefit of the person, is allowed. The same goes for the intervention that is for the benefit ('selfish') of the person as a principal, while being, as an accessory, for the benefit of others.

The trick is therefore to mask the benefit to others with a dose of personal benefit.

The shameless use of statins is a crime but no one has claimed a benefit to others...
Vaccinating infants against hepatitis B, which is essentially sexually transmitted, does not benefit them: it is both a crime against them and against their dignity.

In the framework of TasP (Treatment as Prevention), if one advocates (or practices) putting people on treatment, even at high CD4 levels, there is a benefit for others (non-infectiousness), but the benefit for the person, strictly speaking, is non-existent, in our tropics. The excess risk only exists in a specific geographical context: the South (to make a long story short)

In the North, and except in the case where the patient wishes to become non-infectious(quite legitimate), pushing or advocating treatment at a high CD4 level has no health benefit. This is an abusive procedure, which makes the patient a victim of altruistic hysteria.

EACS recommendation: the great retropalation

The EACS, ad hoc vehicle of over-medication(not self-funded...), publishes 'recommendations' which are to Science what advertorial is to serious journalism: advertising in disguise. By pushing the envelope too far, one discredits oneself and the backtracking was anticipated in my post: Morlat is deceiving you.

The last edition is a backtracking that no one will have told you about: and for good reason: the abusive (aka altruistic) treatment is at the heart of the alliance between the medical-pharmaceutical mob and commentators. To see it, just compare the latest version (100 pages...) to the previous versions. Plus, it is well hidden.

It's well hidden, so we don't do it in one tweet... In a future post, we'll see how EACS deprives you of the insight needed for consent(there, no change... ), and, more importantly, how the backpedaling and its concealment exposes the 'altruistic' obsession, which, this post is about, is a crime...

In the news

Reservoir content can be altered: Dolutegravir reshapes the genetic diversity of HIV-1 reservoirs

An article from Le Monde: The Church recognizes a new miracle at Lourdes: and not to ask questions. What a miracle! Well... 50% of people are more credulous than the average, and some take advantage of it. They are swindlers...

The French genius

Here is an interview by Michel Collaro Cult: treating yourself with wine. Indication, dosage and reimbursement, everything is covered... Not a hoax: the book really exists!

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good weekend, good stuffing and not too many meds ... Huh?

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