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Saturday, January 2, 2021


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

January 24th: Liberation Day!

By Charles-Edouard!

My new rhythm: the 1st and 15th of the month

My old rhythm was every other Monday, so 1/14. So 26 weeks.

It's an interesting concept: the day of liberation is a known concept, it's the day from which we stop working to pay taxes and we start, finally, to work for ourselves. There was a time when my day of economic liberation was very late in the year: I spent my life feeding the mamouth!

Reduce the number of alarms

In 1/14 mode, I had 3 alarms: the 1st of the month, to check that my administrative tasks are done (accounting, declaration, invoices, etc...) and 2 alarms programmed to follow my medication intake and be sure not to forget anything. Around Sept 2020, I merged everything: I set an intake on the 1st of each month (and its general alarm) and I have a specific alarm on the 15th of the month. The alarm on the 1st of the month is general, the boring things to do, so one more or less boring thing... There is no stress... So I only have one alarm on the 15th.

I play the little train

For some time now, I've been taking meds every day (we manage the after-effects...). They are incompatible with ARVs! Hence the medical interest of the 1/15. I don't take them the day of the ARVs and that's all, it's simple and efficient.

Healing, even at a mini level, is too serious a matter to leave to forgetful doctors. The pillbox is your friend... Mine is not ordinary... I use the pillbox with removable case from MUJI. I have several tens of them, that is to say about fifty hundred boxes. I prepare my boxes well in advance and I assemble the little trains once a quarter. No, no, I don't fill them every week... Every week I take out the pillbox, neatly arranged in s��quence and basta: I only handle the medocs once every 3-6 months.

No stress, no pathos, no forgetting. Especially since with Dodeca, you have to do things right (there is an order to follow).

The days of liberation according to the rhythm

Where we understand that it is more attractive to go from 4/7 to 2/7 than from 1/15 to 1/21!... Does the healing escape us? Yes, maybe... And then?!

RhythmNb of daysDay of release
6/731310 November
5/726119 September
4/7209July 29th
3/715606 June
2/710415 April
1/75222 February
1/142627 January
1/152425 January
1/211718 January
1/3012January 13

What has become of my tank, that so close I had held?

It's gone!!! So there... Well, I don't think much of residual DNA measurement, Rouzioux style... But hey... I do it every year, to see... If it went up a lot, it would be interesting. The value itself does not help us much, but maybe the trend... In a pinch... Well... We don't know... So we measure with the tools we have...

Well... The surprise of the surprise, it is that we can't do it anymore...

No reservoir (in the sense of Rouzioux) does it mean no virus? no resurgence in case of stop? Not really... The very few who succeeded in PTC (post treatment control) had a non-measurable reservoir, but patients with an ultra-low reservoir (non-measurable in standard) nevertheless saw the virus resurface. Simply, we have seen our detractors raise the spectre of an enrichment of the reservoir, but I do not see this. This allows me to put this argument of the "anti-cure"(all the Gileadolaters, all the Pharisee verology, etc.) in its right place: the trash can...

What is amazing is that the disappearance of the tank is 6 months after my unappealing failure at 1/7 in DTG 150 mg... We already know that: doing an ATI (analytical interruption), for example, has no measurable consequence, at 6 months, on the DNA reservoir. In this case, it was not an ITA, but I was not very worried either. With good reason: now it is verified.

No tank ... Not a huge ratio either

The CD4/CD8 ratio moves very slowly, at the rate of the eventual disappearance of supernumerary CD8. Knowing that their half life is 9 months, it's not worth monitoring every 5 minutes... But anyway... It is stable, very slightly above 1. A little too slightly for my taste to resume our long march towards 1/30 without worry. I'll wait a bit, especially since I don't have access to the CVs anymore, so it's quiet...

Do my anti-tank actions have anything to do with it?

What anti-tank actions? It's simple, I make a list of all the proposals that have been made here and there, I keep only those that are accessible to me and I go... Which one do I choose? None, I do them all... Hoping that one of them will work. It's the cocktail strategy, and even mega-cocktail.

There are in-vitro manips that eliminate the r��servoir. Then comes the question of in-me practice. There, for the record, I may have inadvertently r��ceeded in implementing the Weinberg proposal. We'll see about that some other time....

overmedication is an opportunity if you know how to use it!

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