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Thursday, April 2, 2020


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Coronavirus, HIV, ARV, intermittent...(10)

Coronavirus: VICTORY ? or not ?...

Graphic update by worldometers and Southern France Morning Post.

HCQ/AZIT vs. the rest
HCQ/AZITthe rest
(and treated)
19/04/20202939120,41 %4520972,14 %---
18/04/20202853120,42 %4479932,08 %---
17/04/20202759110,40 %4420851,92 %---
16/04/20202716110,41 %4386831,89 %---
15/04/20202671110,41 %4337781,80 %---
14/04/20202628100,38 %4292741,72 %---
12/04/20202494100,40 %4181631,50 %---
11/04/20202401100,41 %4100631,53 %---
10/04/20202397100,44 %3998571,42 %---
09/04/20202285100,45 %3931571,45 %---
08/04/20202187100,46 %3835471,23 %---
06/04/2020217990,41 %5527 (?)420,75%---
05/04/2020196270,35 %5411 (?)340,63%---
03/04/2020181850,27 %3505331,1 %---
02/04/2020167720,12 %2837220,77 %---
01/04/2020152410,06 %2663170,63 %---
31/03/2020128310,X%2430160,x %---
30/03/2020129110,08 %2222160,70 %---
29/03/2020100310,10 %1988130,65 %---
27/03/202070110,14 %1577110,70 %---

Le 19/04/20: Rupture 'Made in CHINA': beware of the counter-shock!

Your pharmacy assures you:'there is no risk of rupture on your medicines'. When BMS unilaterally stopped supplying Videx, nobody saw it coming. I was already interested in the alternatives, so I don't really care, but in Leiboo-land there was panic. Today the crisis is not on the finished product, but on the intermediary products, those necessary for one or other of the chemical stages in the manufacture of active ingredients. Breakdown of malonic acid! Production capacities have migrated to China, where they are currently being reduced. As a result, no more malonic acid, and no more malonic acid means no more Valproate: depakine... The people whose survival depends on depakine, and who will have understood this, will stock up and when Mrs Michou goes to her pharmacy, in 2 months, there will be a shortage: the wave will spread. The indirect overmortality will spread by waves, far into the future, in all aspects of 'critical' manufacturing. And then you will discover that the 'European sovereignty' dear to your 'President', simply does not exist.

Molecules, in-vitro vs in-vivo

DisCoVeRy trial: Here is the description of the DisCoVeRy trial: But who the hell would accept to be randomized 1:1:1:1:1!?!? Obviously, the patients are in such a state that the informed decision is rather difficult. But hey... Where on earth is the in-vitro trial that could make one think of any efficacy of Lopinavir/RTV (aka Kaletra ®)!? If it doesn't work in the lab why expect it to work in the clinic? And why this one? Why not MaTuVuNaVir, PialouConVir, TaGeuleOnTeVir, which have no effect but want to have their 15 minutes of audience! Pfff

Le 18/04/20: Made in CHINA: lies, stock market manipulation and incompetence

Coronavirus: did the SARS-CoV-2 come out of the Wuhan laboratory?. the question agitates the media, such as Le Monde. Le Monde publishes 'The coronavirus, made from the AIDS virus? The very contested thesis of Professor Montagnier. In question a podcast on Pourquoi Docteur. The article of the decoders is of a distressing superficiality. Neither journalist, nor milliner, nor carpenter, nor sheep farmer are sufficient qualifications to establish/establish scientific theories. Neither the Bible, nor the Koran, nor Le Monde are scientific publications, they are just talk... Montagnier is interested in the thesis of Jean-Claude Perez, an info-mathematician of his friends, who explores public data (genomes), in search ofpatterns, also a friend of Benveniste. These idiots of creationists are fond of it, wrongly, but it stinks a bit of ass anyway.

In genomes, there would be an ordering at a greater or lesser distance, like wavelets, characteristic. If a fragment has wavelets with the same harmonics as the target genome, it integrates in a more stable way(I'll make it short...). He argues, with recursive analysis, that SARS evolves by enriching its harmonics (Fibonacci waves), which makes it more stable and more compatible with the human genome, in particular chromosome 4. It is an unusual school of thought, unintelligible to a 20th century mind, but accessible to the independent researcher of the 21st century, a century where algorithmic tools (e.g. R) and genomes are freely available. Moreover, it identifies sequences, rather short, it is true, which are also on HIV-1, HIV-2, SIV. Since the sequences are short, don't be surprised to find identical sequences in other viruses: a sweet potato virus, a nectarine virus or a wasp virus. One should not stop at anecdotal evidence, and ask oneself what a sequence of a nectarine virus is doing there... Because his argument is not there... He 'observes' several sequences and that these sequences form an 'optimal' pattern unlike a random presence.

We can see here that Perez's presentation is of a different quality of reflection than what Le Monde suggests, which has long claimed that Montagnier is senile...

First, the 6 insertions are very contiguous: 169 bp in the 275 bp regions; second, the inserted HIV/SIV strains are very homogeneous: origins Russia, Ivory Coast, Netherlands, Malawi. Third, the 6 inserts are positioned in this order in Covid-19: RT (POL) ENV ENV ENV ENV POL. Is the symmetry anecdotal or a remarkable signature of a typically human will of organization.... So would it be a Pangolin, eating nectarines, and traveling to Russia, the Ivory Coast? or a virothèque bookworm? Perez's perspective may be worrisome: SARS-CoV-2 would have some characteristics of a quasi-retrovirus with the ability to integrate (and create a reservoir?). If this is the case, we are in deep trouble...

I am willing to argue against the Perez/Montagnier hypothesis... Let the debate enlighten us! Even if it means invalidating. Let it happen at that level and let an argumented refutation be made. Perez does not claim that the virus is an artificial construction... He gives the sequences and their positions. His work is here (not my kind of beauty...). What Le Monde has done (argument from authority, anecdote, derogatory insinuation...) is misleading and abject. An argumented rebuttal, point by point, of Perez would be admissible, a trial in senility, no!

Bingo on Doxycycline! I was right to be happy to have them in stock: the number of tested and effective in vitro solutions has just increased from 2 to 3. There was Remdesivir (Gilead), HCQ/AT, and now Doxicycline has been added. In vitro antiviral activity of doxycycline against SARS-CoV-2. That's it! The nickel-plated feet ofPharisaicalvirology will be able to make an addition to DISCOVERY! Because trying in-vivo molecules that did not work in-vitro (e.g. Lopinavir), it's silly. Do not try those which, non-toxic, work in-vitro is even more stupid. Obviously, you need to have patients, which in Marseille is no longer the case.

SARS has become a strategic weapon: in order to test molecules in-vitro, it was necessary to have the virus and to know how to cultivate it. The Chinese published the genetic code but did not provide a strain... Not nice. The 'western' research thus lost 3 months... Could the IHU, for example, have cultivated a strain that it did not have? Could it have tested a Remdesivir, which obviously Gilead does not provide?

Variolization / Covidization: This is an amazing discussion, and one that will become obvious over time... What kind of government is this that ignores the populo, gasses the retirees, and locks up 100% of the population in undignified conditions. Remarks... The French are calves! 85% would approve a restriction of the liberties (tracer app, etc)! We don't see that anywhere else! In fact, the French are afraid of each other. Marseille having known, as well as not, to absorb the first wave, will necessarily experience the deconfinement earlier than the others.

Obviously, Leibo would have been of great help. As a legacy, he entrusted his documentary fund to the ENS: Caroline Petit, an HIV biologist, recovered and maintained the paper archives of Jacques Leibowitch. She is the author of the biography of J. Leibowitch and of the description of the fonds at the ENS. Actually, I try not to think about it too much...

04/17/20: Gilead's stock price...

The whole world and the financial planet are turned upside down. A Tweet from TRUMP and the party is over. The virus is pandemic, devastating, and, there is no cure or vaccine. US indices soared 3% overnight following a fake news brief from Barron's magazine stating that 125 patients had experienced a 'reduction in symptoms'' (which means nothing) with Remdesivir (Gilead, you know, the lab whose consultants come to insinuate that the very cheap competitor, HCQ/AT, doesn't work).

The sample size (125) is very small, so we don't know if the patients cured themselves or thanks to the expensive Remdesivir (Axel Kahn's argument), which the test has no comparator.

It would obviously be a great relief to have confirmation that Remdesivir protects or cures Covid-19... which made Gilead jump by 17%! This all looks like a gigantic hoax, orchestrated by a wonderful coincidence, shortly before the close of the stock market month. This unfortunately ticks all the boxes of a massive stock market manipulation.

On 04/16/20: Made in CHINA: @cestpasnouscesthepangolins

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (U.S.), confirmed that the U.S. is seriously interested in the theory that COVID-19 came from the Wuhan lab, but that 'we don't know more at this point.' Here is a certainty: apart from Ebola, China and its sanitary system is at the origin: xxx.
The 'scientific' council claims, fortnight after fortnight, the extension of the confinement. The argument is: if we lift the containment, the peak we were trying to avoid will occur. This is true. And it will happen again on May 11, in six weeks, in July, etc. Singapore is experiencing it bitterly. Once a model thanks to a clever mix of social distancing, massive testing and isolation, the city-state is facing a rebound in infections. Between the beginning of March and the beginning of April, the number of patients has increased tenfold. Unavoidable... Unless you covidise!

The 'real' Marseilles business, a.k.a. Les Grands Magasins des Quartier Nord, is at a standstill, and the local caids will want to resume their 'little' business. If the police are not covidised, while the others will feel free of everything, I do not explain you the atmosphere... Inevitable... Unless you covidise!. Raoult will be carried as a Roman triumph, and Jupiter, ah... Jupiter... There are people who hope to know what Jupiter thinks of the Ponte Souverain... The real question is: What does the Sovereign Pontiff think of Jupiter? The ponte has a wide open platform and the 06 of TRUMP!

The PUT Molina: There was a time when Molina, Pialoux, Barré, were bankable... It's over... Like Lehman Brothers. The 'pieds nickelés' of the Parisian virology is absent.

Single screening: COVID/HIV/HCV/HBV/Syphillis: Until self-tests are available, Elisa type tests will be done by blood sampling in the laboratory, I suppose... This may be a unique opportunity to advocate for a single test: COVID/HIV/HCV/HBV/Syphillis. For the whole population ... At least above a certain age, and still... Test, identify/isolate, treat: we have treatments for everything and this is a great opportunity...

The Wall of xxxx 'barons
Microbiology versus...
D. RaoultY2Y3Y4
The (pharisaical) virology...

Which president had the necessary stature?
PresidentYour ratingRanking
de Gaulle

On 04/15/20: COVID-19: Same City Comparison HCQ/AT vs.

'I am essential ... I am talking to God!': Virginia pastor who defied containment order dies of COVID-19. GodThe Virus will recognize his own...

Unable to get Hydroxychloroquine and AT: according to this doctor's testimony. Out of stock? No. Decision of the ministry. To be remembered for the future, I think that one day my medicine cabinet will contain some, not to protect me from the virus, but from the decisions that could be adverse to us. To be continued, but not immediately...

Relationship between chloroquine and HIV: it exists and is quite confusing. I am preparing a file on the subject. We will see...

On 04/14/20: Covidization by age group

Fresh out of the IHU: Coronavirus: Decline of the epidemic in Marseille, in video
The selective covidization can be done by age group, taking care to isolate the elderly. The little Nicolas goes to school, he will catch the nice virus, just as he would have caught the measles in other times. He will not see it pass, and if need be, he will find refuge under the priest's cassock the coat of the Good Professor Raoult (alias HCQ/TZ). In France, only one under 10 years old among the 13.000 deaths... But if Nicolas goes home for a big poutou to grandma, it's not great. Unlike the flu (where the youngest are the vectors), with SARS-CoV-2 (aka @PandaVirus), the youngest are not super-conaminators. On the other hand, the older ones make good prey. So the selective covidization, what we are preparing you for, must be 'surgical', as we say: no collateral victims, please.

On 04/13/20: Group immunity and other strategies

To distract oneself, one can reread TheAppeal of June 18. One can, without too much disgust, watch this video from Le Monde, where is explained what is also shown on the graph. To flatten the curve will be done by keeping the surface under the curve, because, it is necessary to reach (quickly? as in Mulhouse?) an immunity to 70%. Unless the country is completely isolated, the method of decontamination by piece, at 2% mortality (thus without overloading the reactors) is 60,000,000 x 0.7 x 0.02, i.e. 840,000 deaths, the 'passive' Raoult method is 189,000 deaths, selective covidisation (young patients in good health) under medical supervision is probably almost nothing...

700.000 people live in Ephad. So many families who will find it bad...

The good business of the businessmen: On this plan, there is a lot to say... The American bank Capital One was 'saved' from the deluge by a trick that deserves to be understood. For your business, you took out a bank loan with your apartment (1/2 million) and the beautiful country property you had just inherited (1/2 million): this serves as collateral for your loan of 1 million, now invested in your business project. The country property, badly insured, burns. It is only worth the land. Worried, the bank asks you to increase your guarantee proportionally, so you sell what can be sold, at a low price, it is the margin call. If everyone does the same thing at the same time, bankruptcy is guaranteed. Unless, unless, the FED, the lender of last resort, gives you a generous loan, without demanding any guarantee. and CapitalOne is out of the woods... For the moment...
the Fed has in fact promised that no listed company, no municipality, no insolvent borrower would go bankrupt in the foreseeable future...

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