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Monday, April 16, 2018

Thursday, April 5, 2018


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Choke and Mute #2

By Charles-Edouard!

Here is the nice month of May. Tribute to Cora Vaucaire...

I will always love cherry time, and the memory I keep in my heart

Towards a new Eclipse Equation

We saw in the previous post how the Eclipse equation, basic, responds well to known phenomena. History shows us that a new theory emerges by refutation of the old ones: the universal theory of gravity (Newton) is a refutation of Descartes, the theory of Evolution (Darwin) a refutation of William Paley, the theory of relativity (Einstein) a refutation of Newton. Einstein who made 2 theories on the same subject...

The 'Shock-and-Kill' strategy is very well understood when reading our basic Equation. However, we have already tried the Shock-and-Kill for a good fifteen years and we can't do it! When something doesn't work, we can start with the idea that it doesn't work because we didn't try hard enough, that we need more! Europe doesn't work, it's because there is not enough of it! AZT doesn't work: we increase the dose! We know the story. 'Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results'(amusing article on this subject)

ICCARRE 1/7 (or even 1/15) works, without theory: competence without understanding. Our goal will be to improve the Eclipse Equation, in order to account for ICCARRE.

New equation with epigenetic distribution

The basic equation does not account for ICCARRE nor for the attrition of the reservoir by incorporation of R263K mutants, due to DTG (Mesplède lab manip).

An additional variable is introduced to account for the epigenetic availability to contribute more or less quickly to the rebound. Below a certain level of activity, infected, latent CD4 cells are considered as potential contributors independent of each other. Once replication resumes, the whole thing goes haywire, in an explosive chain reaction. The system enters phase 3 (explosive) and we leave the domain of validity of the Equation. The term introduced is called EpigeneDist. Epigenetic because it is epigenetic by nature, Dist because it is a distribution.

When measured repeatedly, in the same patient, by successive analytical interruptions, the eclipse is substantially always the same.

EpigeneDist: a promptness distribution

EpigeneDist. reports a distribution of readiness to initiate the viral rebound. If it is in the form of, for example, a distribution function, we will obtain a distribution of the duration of the Eclipse, whereas it is rather a constant. EpigeneDist is therefore more likely to be an arithmetic, geometric or higher moment average. EpigeneDist is not a distribution function per se, but the synthetic representation of this diversity. The underlying distribution is a stochastic randomness (a stochastic process is a random function, its argument is time, with an irreversible and ineluctable course).

The proposal that the eclipse can be lengthened, by introducing mutants with reduced fitness, for example R236K by DTG, exists elsewhere, on paper and in test tubes.

At the same time, it has been proven (ICCARRE) that a progressive reduction of the number of doses can be proposed, thus opening the duration of non-taking from 3 to 4 days, then to 5 or 6. EpigeneDist is a duration. The longer it is, the longer the Eclipse is: it is therefore in the numerator

The new equation allows to account for the opening of the Eclipse by progressive methods aiming at eliminating the proviruses which are the most prompt to start a replication.

Charles-Edouard: The Book!

The systematic hostage-taking of immunocompetent seropositives by militant and stipendiated seronegs deserves a strong response. It will take us 1 to 2 years... The project 'Charles-Edouard: The Book!' is launched... The book will be free and available on the Internet. It's a work in progress... As usual...

For now, there is already a page!

Towards the obligation of treatment

Here is what will incite to enter in the treatment: the right to forget is going to be opened to the seropositives. It is important to understand 2 things: It is in the objective interest of the associations of Seronegs to make the treatment 'compulsory' and that the 'patients' associations are no longer directed by Seropositives. There you go, the world becomes intelligible again. What will the 'Elite Controllers' patients do? Or the immunocompetent-untreated? One man's right leads to another's obligation... Stay tuned, you are not safe from surprises!

In the news

- Videx, prescribed as the 4th molecule, is it over? Well, that's just great! Hard for those who can't take Abacavir or Tenofovir. The anti-ICCARRE morons have won this round. You'll have to get it far away (e.g. Red Cross in Thailand) or substitute ABC(most likely) or TDF. I have never used Videx, I warned my readers! We can also replace it with DTG, if experience, once again, contradicts pharmacokinetics, now demonetized... Ah, the time when Act-Up was claiming is long gone! (see the video!)

- ActupParis: the management was kicked out by ... the activists... It is true that Act-Up-Paris had admitted that it could not face the financial disengagement of ... Gilead, which was 45.000 Euros!

- The ANRS has published on the effects of a caspase inhibitor. Thescientific article is here.

The French genius

When you're in the cherry season
If you're afraid of heartbreak
Avoid the beautiful

Miyazaki fans will love this version in Porco Rosso (youtube)

See the excellent video by Dr. Rahbi: Manipulating numbers and doctors

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Have a good weekend, good stuffing and not too many meds ... Huh?

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Choke and Mute: ICCARRian Remission

By Charles-Edouard!

Condensed from the blog of Dr. Christian Lehmann:

Well said! As early as 2002, Dr. M. Girard had predicted the extended vaccination obligation... Today, everything is in place for the obligation of overmedication...

CHOKE-and-MUTE: a new approach to remission

CHOKE-and-MUTE is a new approach to remission, already clinically proven. We are working on its experimental modeling...

- Eclipse equation
- New equation with epigenetic distribution
- Stochastic modeling and the Choke-and-Mute mechanism
- Comparison between remission strategies (cure)
- Why a theory is needed
- Why basic research is needed

The Eclipse: so many times observed

In the suppressed and stable patient, the resumption of viral activity is delayed. The rebound is initially nil, then starts, and finally explodes until it reaches levels similar to the Zenith without treatment. The image of a total eclipse of the Sun by the Moon is relevant, except that the non linear phase of the viral explosion is exponential (limited)

In the Choke-and-Mute strategy (ICCARRE), we maintain the infra-detectability: only the first 2 phases are of interest (red line above)

Eclipse equation

To account for the 2 phases (pharmaceutical persistence and takeoff), we formalize a 2 components equation. We have described it here and exposed its simplified form:

Eclipse equation and pharmacokinetics

ICCARRE eclipse equation vih cure allègement
This equation is a good representation of known phenomena. First of all, pharmacokinetics... The arrival of long-lasting N/NRTIs is announced: Elsufavirine, already approved in Russia and another one by Merck: MK-8591 (EFdA ) (to compare with the other new products). The manufacturers will, in any case, look at weekly dosing and counter the arrival of injectables. We already know how to make the weekly dose. Tomorrow, there will be a multitude of commercial options

Eclipse equation and Elite controllers

ICCARRE eclipse equation vih cure allègement

The equation also accounts for Elite controllers and controllers, where the eclipse is infinite or very long...

Eclipse equation and non-competent proviruses

ICCARRE eclipse equation vih cure allègement junk DNA
The Eclipse equation accounts well for the integration of non- or low-competent proviruses (in particular unspliced vs. multiplied RNA, which may account for the particular success attributed to Nevirapine)

This is somewhat analogous(but not quite) to the Wainberg proposal to replace the virus with a much less available R263K mutant.

Eclipse equation and Berlin patient

ICCARRE eclipse equation vih cure allègement patient Berlin
When susceptibility is zero, the eclipse becomes infinite: this is the case in the cure of the Berlin patient; this is the strategy of CCR5 inhibitors. This is probably one of the serious leads for static remission (without episodic maintenance)

Eclipse equation and prolonged control

ICCARRE eclipse equation vih cure allègement viscontis
Prolonged control exists, it is documented in 2-3% of patients treated for a long time. If we go looking for them, we find them... If, if... we will come back one day... It is also possible in(some, not all) patients with very low reservoirs. For example the Toronto patient, also known as the CHUN patient and the rare Viscontis. The same CHUN that, on the contrary, showed that a very low reservoir was not sufficient to allow a sufficient truce. This term is probably conditional on something else... But what?

New Equation with epigenetic distribution

The basic equation is very useful. To account for ICCARRE or the attrition of the reservoir by incorporation of R263K mutants, due to DTG (Mesplède lab manip), it must be made to live.

So we have to complete our basic equation, which we will do next time...

Judicialization to counteract the obligation to treat

Our way of thinking will collide with a new objective of the medical-pharmaceutical mob: the obligation of treatment.

- To the chapter Morlatan-you-are-deceiving, you can add a documented error, by a factor of 4(at least!) on the threshold concentration of Nevirapine. We will come back to this...

In the news

- drug-induced depression is a brain injury, not just a passing mood. HAND also: Aberrant occipital dynamics differentiate HIV-infected patients with and without cognitive impairment

- Dr. Asperger was a eugenicist... Well... Who wasn't then? You will see how the treat-all hysteria will break and carry away the Nuremberg code...

- A. Faucy's surprising comment on the usefulness of a low efficiency vaccine. This guy is a Kador, we are told: he effectively launched, then buried, the short cycle... Low efficiency vaccine = creation/fixation of new mutants! Bravo!!!

The French genius

It is the year of Debussy... So I propose a César-Franck break, with Lugansky(Prelude, Fugue & variation), the purists will be touched by E. Power Biggs on the organ. There are so many adaptations. This one, on sax, is touching...

Enjoy also S. Rodriguez (Rachmaninoff) before it disappears... Thanks to

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97% of patients overmedicated, 22 million without treatment... Let's stop this scandal!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

ICCARRE in Moscow

By Charles-Edouard!

ICCARRE-Le-Grand at the Tsars

After the success of the presence, noticed (since ignored by the medical-pharmaceutical underworld), of 4/7 at IAS-2017, ICCARRE is announced at VI International Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference 2018, in Moscow.
Sounds a bit like Tintin in the Land of the Soviets... You won't be there, neither will I... Here is an exclusive preview(the company does not shy away from any sacrifice...) of the patient cases that will be presented. There are about ten of them... So I put 3 of them here, and I will put the others as we go along.

Patient #1: in 1/7 since 2009

8 years of treatment for only 1 toxicity! Here is the work... This is a patient case, sourced by J. Leibowitch, and therefore duly registered in Pr Péronne's department, in Garches. Don't tell us (or insinuate) that it doesn't exist!
As you can see on the graph, the patient had 2 treatment interruptions (therapeutic vacations) before maintaining, in a continuous and uninterrupted way, her undetectable CV. This illustrates the clear advantage to ICCARRE, which provides both therapeutic benefit and reduced toxicity.

Patient #2: in 2/7 since 2011

7 years of treatment for only 1 toxicity! An ICCARRE-le-Grand not too advanced, cushy, in 2/7. 15 years of benevolent treatment. Oh, how envious I am!
No mystery, today like yesterday, you have to run all over Paris to find a doctor who can handle it... When I compare it to my own doctor, it's light years away. And my doctor is not a light, he's nice, but on this one, he's a bit of a pushover. Besides, I only listen to him with a distracted ear...

Under ICCARRE (#3): 2 natural births

Well... There are people in life who think that everything stops for them... The veterans knew how to wait a little before entering the treatment. Yéni or Morlat recommendations? I don't give a damn! Oh my, how hateful is all this over-medication...

And this haughty contempt!

What a nice denial inflicted to the stipendiated morons... Brrr... Just to think that these people would like to forbid us, us honnites, to reproduce.
Hi, Hi, Hi, we're getting there with the kiki!

10 patient cases for ICCARRE 1/7

That's a lot! It makes for a nice, convincing presentation... We will explore them one by one, otherwise we will have indigestion. The Russians, familiar with American-style 'fake news', will appreciate it!

In the news

The question of the super mutation (known as 3'PPT) in vivo is on everyone's mind. It has been detected in only 1 patient, in DOMONO, for a rise to ...798... Well... Super mutation?... The authors also indicate: [pre-existing] Proviruses containing a single INSTI-RAM is the mechanism of failure. This is very much in line with the Achilles Heel warning.

- Morlat was completely off the mark regarding the 'threshold' dose for NVP; this was highlighted by the VERxVE trial found here: 4 to 8 times overdose! Trust them, they tell us... We will come back to this!

- A new article without much interest: Dolutegravir resistance mutations

The French genius

Francis Blanche does the product placement trick on TV. Is this a bygone era? Well, no... With monetization (You Tube), the activists in robes take advantage of it to throw us medicaments at all costs!

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good weekend, good stuffing and not too many meds ... Huh?

Monday, April 2, 2018


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

2 blogs and 1 interesting site

By Charles-Edouard!

A tenuous thread of thought

The vital information of relief reaches you: you go looking for information. You will find pseudo-information (total denial) or quasi-information, restrictive, distorted and no less misleading, and rare reliable sources.

The Morlat report, under the aegis of the ANRS, recommends ICCARRE, without explaining how to do it... It delays on Mono-DTG, which works very well if one knows how to do it and takes care not to quote the ICCARRE scientific literature: that tells you the level! The (only?) interest of the Morlat recommendation is that it assures you that weight reduction, in particular ICCARRE, is not a trick of gogos...

It is conducive to the autonomous mode: great! Why don't you go do that with injectables? There you are free and you regulate your practice as diabetics do: intervention and control. They do the control first, on a drop of blood, then adjust the intake. In the short cycle, it's the opposite, you go step by step and you ensure with close CV.

This is a good example ofself-posology, freely managed by the patient, and completely legitimate.

The scientific literature

Unfortunately sparse: 1 publication every 3 years, in different journals, in English, and sometimes paying! As for me, when my doctor mentioned Leibowitch's name, only to say that he is retired, I found myself stuck. So I pulled the ball out, by myself, thread by thread, and constituted a bank of information, which I gladly share.

Here you can find the scientific articles, translated, illustrated and enriched with practical guides. I also wish to pay tribute to the precursors.

The allegeurs have testified and offer a site

The hundred or so patients at 2/7 (or 1/7) are grouped in an association... They have a little party on December 1st, and that's it... They made testimonies, a book, TV appearances, a Facebook page. What more can they do ???

Richard Cross is doing a hell of a job: can we ask for more? They now have a website: Go there!

Patrick Valas' blog

When I was in trouble, he saved me! It was, at the time, the only resource readily available, the only one! It fits on one page, and it has (almost) everything. You can read hundreds of pages and internet resources, all of them megaphones of the medical-pharmaceutical mob, and, in the immensity of stupidity, the Web, there was only one luminous source, capable of enlightening your universe from a saving angle: Patrick Valas' blog.

At that time, it was the only window open on Leibowitch's immense work (clinical trials, publications, patents, videos, radio, etc.). So it was not 'fake news': (almost) everything is referenced in it. I read it, reread it, reread it again, reread it again: my screen is overlaid with the page I consulted so much.

The presentation is a bit like that of the precursors: you have to search. It is an Ali-baba cave and what a wealth! Today, ANRS-4D has demonstrated the intrinsic ZéRo failure. The small stream, the clinics and the autonomous, grows, and drowns in a river, mainstream. We left (five) hundred; but by a quick (??) reinforcement, we saw ourselves (three) thousand by arriving at the port

Jon D Barnett's blog (closed)

Very different perspective, reflection and personal testimony of a community activist, on the ground, in a big city, a bit provincial: Kansas City. This environment and this testimony are completely different, he meets real people, in the long term (it's not New York!), a little left to themselves (think of the Dallas buyer's club). The academic reflection in less, the good country sense in more... His blog has been closed...

First he observes that ARVs, especially the ubiquitous NRTIs, are deadly toxic. All of them... He stops the treatment and, oh surprise, the dreaded disease does not arrive. His CD4 count goes down, but no matter: no health problems. Well yes... How can you get tuberculosis in Kansas City? or salmonellosis in those people who are obsessed with disinfectant and overcooking. Kansas City is not Tambacounda(Senegal): so nothing happens to it. Of course not! The basic badger readily believes in the excess risk, which is very real in Africa with tuberculosis, not in Landerneau. Jon then questions everything, in particular the CD4 hysteria. He denounces the 'forums' held by Big Pharma's stipendiaries. For a while, he frequented the denialists (see: Contestation of the responsibility of HIV in AIDS: Wikipedia), before moving away from them.

The interesting page, unavailable, is the one where he discusses his treatment, resumed after years of vacations: no NRTI, a PI monotherapy (which works more or less), his mono-DTG, which works (the 5/7 on Mono-DTG, started too early, is abandoned) and a virulent criticism of these abusive 'recommendations'(guidelines), written with a pen held by the Labs. His youtube channel, resists, probably not for long.

In the news

- This article made the buzz; the interesting part (David Gerrold) is the one about robots...

- How smallpox vaccination could still save lives

- No news? Good news! We don't hear from Quartet! Already 4 months they are in the 4/7 relief, and, It goes on! Without a hitch! Nobody talks about it? We are!

The French genius (oxymoron version...)

Kaletra monotherapy goes out the window: Lopinavir/r monotherapy cannot be considered non-inferior to EFV/FTC/TDF... Nice double-negative! But what on earth was the ANRS doing in this mess? Amusing the gallery? You be the judge... And don't forget to judge! Because this fiasco will have cost you your money and your prospects, real, proven, of ICCARRIAN remission.

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good weekend, good stuffing and not too many meds ... Huh?

Sunday, April 1, 2018


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.


By Charles-Edouard!

On unnecessary and deleterious medication... Deleterious or not, unnecessary overmedication is ... useless! Genvoya® contains a powerful metabolism inhibitor: Cobicistat. Virologically inactive, it is not harmless.

The great subject of the moment is a questioning of the dogma of provirus integration, following the discovery of replicating but not integrated viruses (E. Thierry, ..., Delelis)
This is really THE topic of the moment, so let's continue our entry: it's exciting!

What is Shock-and-Kill?

The video on the right describes Shock-and-Kill: it is a bit simplistic and the visualization is sometimes distorted. Let's start with this approach anyway: the proviral DNA is integrated into the genome of 'memory' CD4 cells: it enters latency. John Le Carré would have spoken of a dormant cell.

The problem is that the dormancy isnever explained, nor the mechanism envisaged to bring it out of dormancy: a test tube manipulation, with a hyper-dangerous molecule! In practice, in clinical trials, the failures follow one another and are too similar.

The patient, credulous, is fooled: we entertain the gallery. And we take advantage of this to suggest that an early treatment would be favorable to a low reservoir, which would be favorable to a possible Shock-and-Kill... This fable going in the direction of the early treatment, therefore of the treatment-plus, therefore of the consumption-plus, finds good souls, stipendiated, to repeat with envy this tomorrow-we'll-rase-gratis, therefore, quickly, enter the treatment, illico-presto, without forgetting to pay the bill.

A well-concealed DNA

Popular imagery imagines a piece of DNA in a double helix, ready for use, transcription and expression: a devil in a box, but without the box... Just look at the picture above, the DNA is well unfolded...

In our previous post, we had seen, that in fact, the provirus is 'protected' by a methylation gangue, and, moreover, wrapped around the histone. This shaping is modulated by a histone deacetylase. The idea is therefore to inhibit this enzyme to give the green light to transcription.

I mix up methylation and histone: It doesn't matter... A detailed explanation by Margolis can be found here... In practice we try cocktails and it doesn't work...

Valproic acid (Depakine): authorized and dangerous molecule

Drug against epilepsy, strongly advised against women of childbearing age, because of its serious teratogenic effects on the embryo and the fetus and neurodevelopmental disorders induced in the future child and adult. Discovered by chance in a laboratory in Grenoble, it was the first to be effective against epilepsy, a serious disease with no cure: it was therefore authorized.

Opening the gangue where DNA is normally encapsulated is not harmless. The most visible consequence: abnormal babies, with a distinctive face (known as pear-shaped), which will have been deliberately hidden. Babies born under Depakine : the extent of the scandal becomes clearerThe risk of congenital malformations in 40% of pregnancies.

An untargeted strategy, marginal effectiveness

The can opener does not target its action on boxes identified by what is inside: the gangues are opened at random, including those that would be better left as they are... We open, we open and we make the genes (not only the provirus) express themselves, at random. So yes, we do observe a small induced, transient rise of the CV. But then... And then?

Then we do some tests, like SEARCH 019, already discussed here Always no effect on the Eclipsealways unchanged.

What future for the Shock-and-Kill?

The latest trial is the BCN02-Romi. The pharmacological gain is only a few weeks (and still... It is not sure), where the average of the natural Eclipse (patients treated very early) is already 3 weeks.

The only benefit will have been a few boxes (1-2?) put in reserve in the medicine cabinet. That is to say peanuts compared to ICCARRE 4/7 or 1/7.

Trials on mice are taking place... The new concepts try to get rid of Valproate.

There are many other proposals with generous funding...

Abivax is tempted. Except that obtaining a reduction of 131 copies of proviral RNA (per million PBMC) does not induce any gain on the Eclipse (see here). Zero, nichts, nada...

Illusory Shock-and-Kill or well-tried ICCARRE?

What we are interested in is whether to wait for the results of an illusory Shock-and-Kill, invalidated by 13 years of unsuccessful efforts, or to benefit from a proven strategy today, which will have benefited every patient, without exception.

This is the subject of the moment and it is time to move forward because we have been distracted by Siliciano, Margolis and others...

In the news

- ICCARRE in the program of VI International Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference 2018In Moscow, meeting the need and listening...

- For ViiV, Bictegravir (Gilead) is copying DTG, and is going to court; an out-of-court settlement, as was the case in 3TC vs F-3TC, would be detrimental to patients: the truth would remain unknown and Gilead could maintain a molecule (or a combined drug) under patent, while the original would already be free (this is how Truvada will have continued to be very expensive, while TDF/3TC is negotiated at 30 Eu./per patient and per year!)

The French genius

Clair de lune (Debussy): Alexandre Tharaud, Yoann Bourgeois - piano & dance on YouTube. It is an allegory of the 3 steps, then six, with falls and rebounds. In the serenity of a light, certainly less flamboyant than the miraculous Sun, but light all the same...

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97% of patients overmedicated, 22 million without treatment... Let's stop this scandal!