This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.
Happiness regained
By Charles-Edouard!Here is one who has almost understood everything (well... he is discovering...):
- 3 strategies are in competition: Mono-DTG, ICCARRE or 1/2 pill
- virologists betray the trust of those who come out of the closet. Always!
The 'advisors' (stipendiaries) who invite you to trust them systematically deceive you. HIV creates an asymmetrical power relationship. Don't be naive... The doctor writes the prescription. Regain autonomy? The key is the stock! We build it, without saying anything. Mono-DTG = no stock but ICCARRE or 1/2 pill, yes! Thus, the doctor does you a favor and you can, in the long run, build up your stock and regain your freedom: ICCARRE (or 1/2 tablet), in autonomous mode, allows you to fight against ICCARRoPhobia. Long live ICCARRE-Free!
Testimony of a new found happiness
Thanks for the news! Dybyl and Faucy are the forerunners of x/7. By not pursuing it, they secured a career (director of the global fund and NIH, respectively). Having your finger on the atomic button allows you to negotiate anything you want. Just ask Kim Jun Un!
Quartet and Liberation Day
Truchis or not Truchis, ICCARRE x/7 is an inevitable Darwinian evolution...
In 4/7, the Liberation Day is Friday, July 27th! In 2/7, it was Saturday April 14th! From this day on, you are no longer the obliged slave of Gilead, ViiV, and their accomplices.
There are 240 days left before the announcement of the success of Quatuor phase I: the first 320 patients have already spent 4 months without a single announced failure! We are on the right track! With or without Truchis! I put a countdown on the top right corner.
To the obligation of treatment
Laurent Wauquiez wants to make chemical castration mandatory for ...!!! Not long ago, we chemically castrated... homosexuals(cf Turing) and this despite the Nuremberg code. It makes you think, doesn't it ?
The stop of the marketing of Videx® by BMS will put a hundred patients, in therapeutic success, in a dead end! The ANSM has deceived you by announcing a generic, the Seronegs associations, acting as a patient association, are not saying a word. The only recourse: Justice. So preparations are being made for this: formal notice, lawyers, etc.
In the news
- Cigarette prices: manufacturers do not want to 'kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
- MK-8591, an NRTTI (not NNRTI...) could allow for weekly commercial catch; that is, adding the eclipse, 1/15!
- A brilliant idea has just appeared on the tickers: Juluca ® + Descovy ® in 1/7. 2 small pills taken weekly. It smells like a good plan! We'll come back to it...
- We could reformulate Efavirenz to dose at 100 mg
The French genius
I put you an exchange between Garches and a thing, the TRT-5, whose utility escapes me... French genius (?!)...
- The initial questions
- the answers provided by Garches
Find Jean Marais, so right when he says: By the way, don't you think it's strange that everyone tries to be physically beautiful, while it's possible for anyone to be morally beautiful and no one does it (on Youtube, at minute 1:40)
Another version of C. Franck's Fugue: Latry, on the organ.
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97% of patients overmedicated, 22 million without treatment... Let's stop this scandal!
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