This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.
Choke and Mute: ICCARRian Remission
By Charles-Edouard!Condensed from the blog of Dr. Christian Lehmann:
Well said! As early as 2002, Dr. M. Girard had predicted the extended vaccination obligation... Today, everything is in place for the obligation of overmedication...
CHOKE-and-MUTE: a new approach to remission
CHOKE-and-MUTE is a new approach to remission, already clinically proven. We are working on its experimental modeling...
- Eclipse equation
- New equation with epigenetic distribution
- Stochastic modeling and the Choke-and-Mute mechanism
- Comparison between remission strategies (cure)
- Why a theory is needed
- Why basic research is needed
The Eclipse: so many times observed
In the suppressed and stable patient, the resumption of viral activity is delayed. The rebound is initially nil, then starts, and finally explodes until it reaches levels similar to the Zenith without treatment. The image of a total eclipse of the Sun by the Moon is relevant, except that the non linear phase of the viral explosion is exponential (limited)
In the Choke-and-Mute strategy (ICCARRE), we maintain the infra-detectability: only the first 2 phases are of interest (red line above)
Eclipse equation
To account for the 2 phases (pharmaceutical persistence and takeoff), we formalize a 2 components equation. We have described it here and exposed its simplified form:
Eclipse equation and pharmacokinetics
This equation is a good representation of known phenomena. First of all, pharmacokinetics... The arrival of long-lasting N/NRTIs is announced: Elsufavirine, already approved in Russia and another one by Merck: MK-8591 (EFdA ) (to compare with the other new products). The manufacturers will, in any case, look at weekly dosing and counter the arrival of injectables. We already know how to make the weekly dose. Tomorrow, there will be a multitude of commercial options
Eclipse equation and Elite controllers
The equation also accounts for Elite controllers and controllers, where the eclipse is infinite or very long...
Eclipse equation and non-competent proviruses
The Eclipse equation accounts well for the integration of non- or low-competent proviruses (in particular unspliced vs. multiplied RNA, which may account for the particular success attributed to Nevirapine)
This is somewhat analogous(but not quite) to the Wainberg proposal to replace the virus with a much less available R263K mutant.
Eclipse equation and Berlin patient
When susceptibility is zero, the eclipse becomes infinite: this is the case in the cure of the Berlin patient; this is the strategy of CCR5 inhibitors. This is probably one of the serious leads for static remission (without episodic maintenance)
Eclipse equation and prolonged control
Prolonged control exists, it is documented in 2-3% of patients treated for a long time. If we go looking for them, we find them... If, if... we will come back one day... It is also possible in(some, not all) patients with very low reservoirs. For example the Toronto patient, also known as the CHUN patient and the rare Viscontis. The same CHUN that, on the contrary, showed that a very low reservoir was not sufficient to allow a sufficient truce. This term is probably conditional on something else... But what?
New Equation with epigenetic distribution
The basic equation is very useful. To account for ICCARRE or the attrition of the reservoir by incorporation of R263K mutants, due to DTG (Mesplède lab manip), it must be made to live.
So we have to complete our basic equation, which we will do next time...
Judicialization to counteract the obligation to treat
Our way of thinking will collide with a new objective of the medical-pharmaceutical mob: the obligation of treatment.
- To the chapter Morlatan-you-are-deceiving, you can add a documented error, by a factor of 4(at least!) on the threshold concentration of Nevirapine. We will come back to this...
In the news
- drug-induced depression is a brain injury, not just a passing mood. HAND also: Aberrant occipital dynamics differentiate HIV-infected patients with and without cognitive impairment
- Dr. Asperger was a eugenicist... Well... Who wasn't then? You will see how the treat-all hysteria will break and carry away the Nuremberg code...
- A. Faucy's surprising comment on the usefulness of a low efficiency vaccine. This guy is a Kador, we are told: he effectively launched, then buried, the short cycle... Low efficiency vaccine = creation/fixation of new mutants! Bravo!!!
The French genius
It is the year of Debussy... So I propose a César-Franck break, with Lugansky(Prelude, Fugue & variation), the purists will be touched by E. Power Biggs on the organ. There are so many adaptations. This one, on sax, is touching...
Enjoy also S. Rodriguez (Rachmaninoff) before it disappears... Thanks to
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97% of patients overmedicated, 22 million without treatment... Let's stop this scandal!
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