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Wednesday, September 1, 2021


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Lorgeril and his filly: a little science in a hysterical world

By Charles-Edouard!

Lorgeril and his filly: an already old observation

In the trial that paved the way for the marketing authorization of Genvoya(Gilead, again and again...) there is an annomaly, which, very appropriately, is resolved (by itself?) in the last stretch. I'm curious about this, but at the time I would never have questioned the solid science of double-blind trials. However, it was strange...

Is it possible to cheat a clinical trial? Normally not, but what about it? Once you open Pandora's box you find so many and more. The first one that made some noise was the Jupiter trial. The controversy continues (see BMJ article). And the valiant de Lorgeril, who put forward the cheating, will have been consigned to conspiracy, despite an impressive career (remember, the Lyon Study and the Mediterranean diet is him, among others). The denunciation of the Jupiter essay is here

So he has often discussed a bias in trials that seems to be on its way to being found in THE vaccination-that-is-not-a-vaccination...

Lorgeril and horse racing

His demonstration was brilliantly illustrated in a TV program that I did not find again. Too bad... It's still easy to visualize...

At the Grand Prix du Président de la République (yes, it would not be for sale, but it has a price...), the competitors are at the start. The favorite, Astra de Zeneca, makes a great start. She dominates! At the halfway point, her lead is clear: she wins, she wins! And it is the fall of her followers. The owner calls out to the judges: what's the point in continuing the massacre: for the sake of everyone, we might as well stop here and declare Astrée de Zeneca the winner, hands down. The public is all for the filly, favorite of the media.

The time to consult the Wise Men, which is, as we know, only a formality, Delta du Bengale comes from the end of the race and makes an unprecedented comeback. The outsider is relentlessly climbing back up and it is urgent to declare Astrée de Zeneca the winner.

It goes very fast and Delta du Bengale is neck and neck... Here she overtakes Astrée de Zeneca, beaten at the finish, to the great displeasure of Sir Zeizer, the owner

One must beware of a temporary superiority

The effect of statins is deceptive. They seem to be beneficial for a while, then the cardiovascular risk takes over. This is normal... In the end, everyone dies!

Obviously, the industrialist-sponsor of the trial has every interest in winning the decision at the most favorable moment! And to erase the traces of his misdeed. Out of compassion, the trial will be stopped in view of the obvious benefit (provisional, it is true) and we will even treat the control group in emergency. Oh the unfortunate ones who otherwise would have been victims of their abnegation: no more control group, no more remontada!!! And the trick is done!

Relative decline in the performance of genetic therapies

The hypothetical theater is being built in front of us: let the show begin! Israel, once shown as an unmistakable example, is turning into a fiasco... It's not yet sure, but it's taking the shape of a big increase of positive PCRs, for some or the others. Of course the pro-vaxx people look the other way. Yet Pfizer had negotiated with the Israeli government to have (and publish) the data, which they hoped would be unassailable.

Will Laurent Alexandre eat his hat?

A promise is a promise...

Obligation of treatment / Judiciarization

I had opened a section "Obligation of treatment / Judiciarization" concerning HIV... I kind of gave up because it's so hopeless! But well... Here we go straight to it!

The 1/15 / My tank

Well... Almost 2 years in 1/15 and an undetectable CV... I'm looking for my "missing tank" ... Well, not quite disappeared but it is confirmed that it went under the radar. That's good, it's confirmed! How much is it? We don't know more for the moment! I hear that people argue that as long as it hasn't disappeared entirely, there would be no benefit in reducing it to mini-mini... Really??? How many people do you know who measure their tank every year, make new arrangements and see it drop below the radar in less than 12 months? Leibo would have been thrilled as hell: It is nevertheless the strategy that he went to expose to Pasteur...

The French genius: Luc Montagnier

Me, I gladly listen to Montagnier... 4 pillars support Eclipsotherapy and 2 are perfectly predicted by Montagnier!(I will do a paper on this... )
A very good view of things in this Letter from Montagnier

1/ Coronaviruses in general are not dangerous.
2/ The SARS-COV2 Coronavirus has a natural origin which has been modified in a laboratory from which it came out. It is a pathogenic chimera.
3/ Both DNA and RNA viruses are made up of nitrogenous bases that belong to nucleotides.
4/ Variants are all the more frequent as vaccines become more widespread.
5/ The messenger RNA vaccines aim at producing a toxic antigen: the Spike protein.
6/ The fate of the virus
7/ Vaccinating during an epidemic period is a nonsense, increasing the undesirable effects: epidemiologists know it.
8/ Nature is stronger than scientists: collective immunity is a delusion.
9/ The health pass imposes quasi-mandatory vaccination to too many people, to avoid the responsibility of the government or the manufacturers.

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