This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.
Bithérapies en Cycle Court
By Charles-Edouard!Dovato in x/7: first favorable results!
The DUETTO trial (ANRS) is announced... Well... Why not: Relief AND Intermittence combined. CoronaFolie obliges, it drags on... To the point of arriving after the battle, a bit like Recovery. Too late, it's too late... Well, we know since August 2008, in the NCT00708110 trial (Phase IIa Dose-ranging Study of GSK1349572 in HIV-1 Infected Adults), that the action of DTG lasts 3-4 days at least after the last dose. So trying DTG/3TC in 4/7 makes sense. By the way, it's JeSuisDuTreize (Mono-DTG in 4/7) who hooked me up.
So, here is our ANRS, although not very valiant, which extends the success of Quatuor(not her idea...) towards a consensual thing, which allows at least to clear the ground where the stipendiated Pharmacolâtres had with impunity amalgamated Lightening and Intermittence.
Dr. Lanzafame submits a letter to the Editor of the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, by M to Phillipe Colson (IHU, again!) , which is published in March 2021. The original is here. I propose a translation here: Short-cycle therapy (5 days on/2 days off) with a Lamivudine + Dolutegravir regimen in a cohort of virologically suppressed HIV-infected patients
Dovato in 5 of 7: no failure in a cohort of 27 patients
As usual, nobody talks about it, but it is interesting (and that is why the omerta is total...), and here, it is not only the result that counts. One will be sensitive to the way of presenting... Well... 27 patients, various profiles, go from Dovato 7/7 to Dovato 5/7. Nobody goes above 50, so it's all good!
A tribute to Leibowitch and the Eclipse
This is encouraging... Can do better...
Why not 6/7 ? or 6,5/7, while we are at it ??? That works too! A fortiori! Staying miles behind the front line does not allow to flush out the enemy. What will these pussilanimities be worth the day when Merck will excite, at the cost of propagandist contributions, the
7/7 End of game, thanks to Islatravir and ... Merck
I anticipated a simple marketing problem: how can Merck regain market share with Islatravir without taking advantage of its extended pharmacodynamics (more than 10 days)? First approach: divide the dose by 10... That way you have to take it every day, and it's the JackPot. Except that now with Biktarvy practiced for a long time in 4/7, or even 2/7 or better, there is not much room for a 7/7... And ViiV which proposes an injectable...
Merck is also considering an injectable, with Doravirine. Bad luck: it doesn't work! Well... It probably does work, but the worshippers of the Pharmacokinetic Goddess lose their minds and give up the game.
Anyway, Merck (cf MK-8507) has understood what makes Islatravir strong: a 'trick' invented... almost 20 years ago! and, unwillingly, we say, launches a bi-therapy in weekly doses. You read that right! Phew!!! Saved!
At least they think so... The Phase II clinical trial is here. We'll see if it's a success: it's about time! Because Merck is accumulating failure after failure(Dutrebis and Issentress HD, which nobody is taking... ). Did you see how fast they developed a new ARV with extended duration of effect? Funny ... No ??
What will Gilead do? What are we going to do? We'll see that another time...
Weekly intake and 1/15
The mystery of the missing tank is slowly becoming clearer... Is it its disappearance that allows the 1/15 or is it the 1/15 that caused its disappearance. Well... On this one we are rather on the right side of the handle. Better to be cured without really knowing why than to think about doing nothing (Rouxioux, Hoqueloux, etc.)
Obligation of treatment / Judiciarization
It may have gone unnoticed, but YouTube has explicitly listed, and named (please!), H*Q and I*T as cause for banning. They didn't mind Foley's decapitation, but Kory's, Perronne's, etc. explanations were not. Ah well, no! Let's go to the trash! Long live cancel culture! Well... The history of the Disappeared Reservoir will also pass perhaps under the yoke of censors, who made literary studies, precisely because Sciences put them off... Conjuration of the fools...
In the news
- Garches will be a difficult label to wear... Davido, trained at a good school, therefore, safeguards his professional future. He comments, positively, on an essay that leaves however perplexing: In serious pneumonia, in hospitals, an antibacterial profilaxis is given. Isn't this futile? A double-blind trial with a non-inferiority threshold. Well... The (small) group without prophylaxis does statistically no worse than the (small) group with. So it's all good! Except that in the group without, he has a death by... bacterial sepsis. But well... It doesn't bother anyone...
- The "Journal of Experimental Pathology" publishes the study of Claude Escarguel, on the interest of azithromycin in the prevention of long Covid! But well... Nobody is interested, especially not the ANSM, whose transparency commission seems to be invisible(read Maudrux here)... Well... We are not done with I*T since it is an inhibitor of entry into the reservoir... Funny, isn't it ?
We still haven't found the pangolin... Raoult, in 2 times 3 movements, he found you an intermediary for the M.1 (green monkey of Senegal) for the M.4 (mink of Mayenne, whose genome was withdrawn from the public attention). The Chinese, they are desperately looking for the Missing Pangolin. They are looking for, they are looking for... Just like the enlightened man of Nazareth, he probably never existed except in a hysterical delirium...
The State of Goa (India) is doing a
The French genius taken over by a Russian
Ravel's bolero accompanied the Russian Pluchenko in his sporting and artistic feat: the quadruple-triple-double jump in skating. He is the first (the first Quad is by Browning, it seems). You can find this video on YouTube, which has not aged. It is sublime. It took more than 15 years for a small Asian jig (Uno) to make the first Quadruple Flip. Since then, there is not a single champion who does not combine several Quad.
Between the first and the second, there is a lapse of time, then everything accelerates to the point of banality.
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