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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

I'm back to 1/7

I'm back to 1/7

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

This postcard made my day!

I assume you feel a little better than with Stribild®, 7/7. No? Do you believe me now?

I'm back to 1/7, with Dual Therapy, this time!

I have, in view, the last beacon that validates 2/7 (50 mg DTG + 300 mg 3TC), Saturday and Sunday. This is the last beacon, at 6 months. After, the project is to move to 1/7: 100 mg DTG + 600 mg 3TC, on Saturday; With a blood test on Saturday, if not on Friday, it suits me just as well...

For the average Joe-in-the-street, the 2/7 (DTG + 3TC), should be doable... We will see in a few weeks ... Especially since I already validated 4 months.

But, well ... I have lived for a long time with Leibowitch's 1/7 (1 NNTI + 3 INTI), and, there is just one thing to say: this 1/7 works Great! So, I'm going to be a little ahead of the call, and I've already started 1/7 (100 mg DTG (crunched or broken, with a meal) + 600 mg 3TC) since last Saturday.

I plan to try, once again, at 1/30! I say: once again at 1/30 ...

If you have 100% success, you have overdosed!

In alleviation, a basic principle: if at x / 7 an clinician-experimentalist has a perfect result, at least equal to that of the Septists (7/7), it is because she lacked ambition.

Having excellent results (cf Hocqueloux or Reynes) makes it possible to publish a good paper; It is also necessary to remain on a plateau, to ensure that it is sustainable.

But why the hell stop there ???

Even French guidelines authorizes the 4/7, whereas Tivicay® Monotherapy, will, at most, be open only to those who have avoided the Achilles Heel: the picture is clear:

First ICCARRE, second the Bi / mono of Tivicay®

First choice: the short cycle (ICCARRE), ideally 1/7
Second choice (for the anxious, forgetfuls or mutated viruses): Bi Tivicay® + 3TC. With possible extension, with some reservations (in particular because of Achille's Heel, which is present in 50% of failures, in BMM + P), to DTG as monotherapy (including, I know some pionners, in 4/7...)

ICCARRE VIH rémission cure HIV Lamivudine sparing économie allègement Visconti
But hey, I'm eligible for the Short Cycle, especially at 1/7, which I have experienced well enough.

Why the hell did I bother to leave Leibowitch's Short Cycle? The availability of DTG! Elementary, my dear Watson!

It was well worth trying! Among the disadvantages, a small depressive trend, strong in some, and that, we did not know say too much ...

As far as I am concerned, therefore, 7/7 with DTG, it will be a NO GO.

I used DTG 12.5 mg (1/4 of a pill, 7/7), for 6 months, it worked, thank you, but my first choice is the short cycle! And not the basic 4/7, please!

Exploring the formulas based on DTG will have allowed me to:
- better understand it
- explain, with full knowledge of the facts, to those many readers eager for this formula
- rethink, simplify, extend my Leibowitchian formula
- make new friends

Message to Leibowitch's Formula nostalgics: there is a Leibowitch before, an epiphany (Eureka!) Leibowitch and also a post-Leibowitchian future, which will see his hopes come true.

In the coming months, I will address two barely touched subjects:

ICCARRE, is a possibility for remission
ICCARRE is a possibility for eradication

I also want to discuss the BIOSANTECH vaccine: the results are poorly presented, but with an ICCARRIAN perspective, it is potentially a killer.

I will also help defuse an unnecessary controversy, which runs among ICCARRIANS: ICCARRE is, certainly, a fight against overmedication (which Prep is not, obviously). It is above all one of the tools for eradication (PreP too, if it is affordable): Me, I am in FAVOR of PreP: see my Practical Guide PreP!

That is what is coming up, I will explain my argument later.

I measured my Eclipse: almost 1 month (but not 1 month ...), I kind of feel how to handle this.

With an Eclipse measured almost 1 month, I am an average patient: the average in recent studies shows it being 14-21 days, on average, knowing that it is in a Septist context, ie the most idiotic there is.

Post-Copernican science opens up to the world with a prediction, realized by the Eclipse. Yes the earth is round and No, the Australians do not fall out!

Eclipse! Eclipse! Good Lord!

Bring our sun back! Mr Farinelli (

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

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