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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

I'm back to 1/7

I'm back to 1/7

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

This postcard made my day!

I assume you feel a little better than with Stribild®, 7/7. No? Do you believe me now?

I'm back to 1/7, with Dual Therapy, this time!

I have, in view, the last beacon that validates 2/7 (50 mg DTG + 300 mg 3TC), Saturday and Sunday. This is the last beacon, at 6 months. After, the project is to move to 1/7: 100 mg DTG + 600 mg 3TC, on Saturday; With a blood test on Saturday, if not on Friday, it suits me just as well...

For the average Joe-in-the-street, the 2/7 (DTG + 3TC), should be doable... We will see in a few weeks ... Especially since I already validated 4 months.

But, well ... I have lived for a long time with Leibowitch's 1/7 (1 NNTI + 3 INTI), and, there is just one thing to say: this 1/7 works Great! So, I'm going to be a little ahead of the call, and I've already started 1/7 (100 mg DTG (crunched or broken, with a meal) + 600 mg 3TC) since last Saturday.

I plan to try, once again, at 1/30! I say: once again at 1/30 ...

If you have 100% success, you have overdosed!

In alleviation, a basic principle: if at x / 7 an clinician-experimentalist has a perfect result, at least equal to that of the Septists (7/7), it is because she lacked ambition.

Having excellent results (cf Hocqueloux or Reynes) makes it possible to publish a good paper; It is also necessary to remain on a plateau, to ensure that it is sustainable.

But why the hell stop there ???

Even French guidelines authorizes the 4/7, whereas Tivicay® Monotherapy, will, at most, be open only to those who have avoided the Achilles Heel: the picture is clear:

First ICCARRE, second the Bi / mono of Tivicay®

First choice: the short cycle (ICCARRE), ideally 1/7
Second choice (for the anxious, forgetfuls or mutated viruses): Bi Tivicay® + 3TC. With possible extension, with some reservations (in particular because of Achille's Heel, which is present in 50% of failures, in BMM + P), to DTG as monotherapy (including, I know some pionners, in 4/7...)

ICCARRE VIH rémission cure HIV Lamivudine sparing économie allègement Visconti
But hey, I'm eligible for the Short Cycle, especially at 1/7, which I have experienced well enough.

Why the hell did I bother to leave Leibowitch's Short Cycle? The availability of DTG! Elementary, my dear Watson!

It was well worth trying! Among the disadvantages, a small depressive trend, strong in some, and that, we did not know say too much ...

As far as I am concerned, therefore, 7/7 with DTG, it will be a NO GO.

I used DTG 12.5 mg (1/4 of a pill, 7/7), for 6 months, it worked, thank you, but my first choice is the short cycle! And not the basic 4/7, please!

Exploring the formulas based on DTG will have allowed me to:
- better understand it
- explain, with full knowledge of the facts, to those many readers eager for this formula
- rethink, simplify, extend my Leibowitchian formula
- make new friends

Message to Leibowitch's Formula nostalgics: there is a Leibowitch before, an epiphany (Eureka!) Leibowitch and also a post-Leibowitchian future, which will see his hopes come true.

In the coming months, I will address two barely touched subjects:

ICCARRE, is a possibility for remission
ICCARRE is a possibility for eradication

I also want to discuss the BIOSANTECH vaccine: the results are poorly presented, but with an ICCARRIAN perspective, it is potentially a killer.

I will also help defuse an unnecessary controversy, which runs among ICCARRIANS: ICCARRE is, certainly, a fight against overmedication (which Prep is not, obviously). It is above all one of the tools for eradication (PreP too, if it is affordable): Me, I am in FAVOR of PreP: see my Practical Guide PreP!

That is what is coming up, I will explain my argument later.

I measured my Eclipse: almost 1 month (but not 1 month ...), I kind of feel how to handle this.

With an Eclipse measured almost 1 month, I am an average patient: the average in recent studies shows it being 14-21 days, on average, knowing that it is in a Septist context, ie the most idiotic there is.

Post-Copernican science opens up to the world with a prediction, realized by the Eclipse. Yes the earth is round and No, the Australians do not fall out!

Eclipse! Eclipse! Good Lord!

Bring our sun back! Mr Farinelli (

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

French guidelines authorize 4/7

French guidelines authorize 4/7

By Charles-Edouard!

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translate for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

In memoriam to Greg, a fighter who passed away in Jan. 2017, and had written:

Farewell, friend ... Overdose for a pathology impairs the treatment of others. Overdose of Tritherapies ... How many deaths?

Morlat capitulates! You didn't know ??

ICCARRE SFLS morlat 2016 2017 allègement ANRS recommandations
In France, the 'experts' report serves as guidelines, is written under the auspices of ANRS (and bears the name of its main author, Pr. Morlat: It has become 'A Confederacy of Dunces', a kind of biblical vademecum. Cite it and you are left alone, but if it is not in there, you are doomed...

This is the dung of the mind, but as it is worse elsewhere, we have to bear with it...

As early as 2016, it is known that the famous Morlat report will authorize ICCARRE 4/7; See my post here. This is presented at SFLS (Oct. 2016, p.17)

Well, since it's announced, we wait for the final text, so to share a laugh ...

Written in Nov. 2016, but online in Jan. 2017: no one dares talk about it ... You could look for it forever... It is well hidden in the bottom of a drawer: it is here! Lucky You! Now, you know about it.

How can traitor media be confounded?

The Morlat report aims at being a consensus ... This is not the case: cf the controversy by Pr. RAFFI ... It is the convergence of interests, of those who write it (we will come back to this!)

We can stand the lack of credibility, under the auspices of the ANRS, for a short while... At one point, they have to throw in the towel ...

The (bribed?) media-enemies of ICCARRE are defeated: their silence is deafening!

As usual, this is simple: you list your favorite media and you mark the date when the information is on their ticker. It speaks volumes!

Victory: Decrease in the number of days of treatment: Discontinuous

ICCARRE rapport philippe Morlat 2016 2017 allègement ANRS recommandations

Full Victory! Then, admit the whole truth!

Victory that they would like to hide, for you will have noticed the trick: there is no mention of the FAUCY-DYBUL, FOTO, or ICCARRE trials: they would have to admit an enormous and reprehensible delay!

And Dr. Faucy and Dybul (trial NCT00339456 in 2010), Dr. Cal Cohen (FOTO in 2004) and Dr. J. Leibowitch (ICCARRE as early as 2010) ?? Do they suck??? Or are they the marker of your guilty denial?

Since you can consider 4/7 under conditions similar to those of the studies carried out, why not learn about all these studies?... No?

The simplest way is the Practical Guide. You will see immediately if you can consider be included in case by case. Rest assured! 90% of patients are eligible: you are most likely one of these cases ...

Otherwise, you will still have Tivicay® monotherapy, which I must tell you, at first sight of the DOMONO trial (PDF here), it is not encouraging, except if you take into account the selection algorithm. As a precautionary measure, Tivicay® + Lamivudine combination therapy is interesting, even if you have not been able to avoid the Achille's Heel Trojan Horse.

Good Weekend and good fuck!

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translate for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Trials vs Real Life

This was originally published here, in French. For your convenience, we provide this translation. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Is real life different from trials?

by Charles-Edouard! (in bad mood...)

One of our readers testifies here, Feb. 24. 2017:

Thank you notes are my only reward! Thanks to you too ...

We will soon get to DOMONO, and its mixed results, having in mind the BMM cohort (Barcelona, ​​Montreal, Munich), whose results, after use of a selection algorithm are very good.

Why is true practice so different from 'science'?

monotherapie trithérapie Dolutegravir Tivicay MonoDolu DOMONO CROI 2017 jose blanco
Following the excellent presentation by J. Blanco at CROI 2017, the attack is cheerfully applauded. As the controversy can not be substatiated (monotherapy works for selected patients), lobbying focuses on the form. This is waged by Dr Joel Gallant, adored by web readers (althought this is disputable as Joel Gallant serves as a paid consultant/scientific advisor to Bristol–Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, Merck & Co., Theratechnologies and ViiV Healthcare/Glaxo-SmithKline) .

The charge is against DOLUMONO. Read the original article by Dr. Celia Oldenbüttel (photo opposite, abstract here): read, re-read, it required a motivated consultant to find a fly in the ointment ... Gallant lends his name and bankable e-reputation. (I had been fooled myself, but no more!). Grrr !! Hang on, here is the "argument" (cf article):
In a nutshell, Dr. Oldenbuttel would have evaded her prior authorization obligations, offered individualized care, but to many patients, so to get a mini trial, surreptitiousl, and get authorizations afterwards.

Bad faith, insinuations: beware of fakes!

The blame is extended to the other groups. Dr. Gallant even includes a factual error:
This is wrong !: the article by Dr. C. Gubavu [cf Hocqueloux, Orléans] states:
Dr. Gallant makes use of a (questionnable) US practice to create a misconduct by people merely enforcing their national regulations. Dr. Oldenbuttel measures GGT, CD4, CD8, lipids at the switch, that US doctors would supossedly not do: he sees the mark of a human experiment! My doctor does this tests, and with frequent follow-up. Who will blame Oldenbuettel? On the other hand, what do you think of those who do not ask for a complete panel and repeated blood draws, during a switch.
Dr. J. Blanco (opposite) explains why he makes this proposal to a patient, in front of him, with multiple failures. In a similar situation, what does Dr. Gallant do? Hmmm ??? Yet another switch with TRItherapy, then another TRItherapy, yet another TRItherapy, until the exhausted patient becomes 'lost to follow-up' (i.e. a cessation of treatment)?

Patients who have been (poorly?) treated badly with orthodox and abusive treatment take a leave with resulting health and epidemic damage. Guilt of US doctors, their standardized and ill-tolerated offering! They can escape legally (even ethically) but not morally. At least, Europeans have a suppression rate of 90%, where the US hardly gets to 50%! This kind of (sponsored?) lecturing is hard to swallow!

abusive nit-picking, "the argument" is spinned to commercial argumentation

The Germans overdo it: their technicality is unchallenged. The invisible, capitalist, hand exposes its voracious capture pattern: delay innovative trials, entrust them to the sacrosanct market players, and boo those who still practice their medical art with patients at heart.

J. Leibowitch, who contributed to the discovery of the virus, treatment, and alleviation much more than poor Dr. Gallant, was having dogs set on him, to the delight of the Great Capital.

Except that ... Except that ... The ANRS-4D trial , which was aimed at buying time and invalidating ICCARRE came back right on: ZERO intrinsic failure. Dr. Gallant knows how to find a fly on Dr. Oldenbuttel's ointment, but (how surprising!)> never mentions ICCARRE ...

The trial confirmed Leibowitch, who, for ICCARRE, had all necessary clearings. There is an exact match (ZERO intrinsic failure!) between the innovative team, and the formal ANRS test.

In Tivicay® mono it is the opposite: the BMM cohort, after proper screening (no Achille's heel, no poor compliance, nor initial viremia) gives good results. DOMONO, a randomized, inclusive trial, is a mixed success. A bit like IP monotherapy, authorized in France (on a case by case basis), and catastrophic in the MOBIDIP trial ...

Why does DOMONO leads to an interpretation opposite to that of BMM?

First, patients cheat ... They cheated in ANRS-4D, they cheated here too. The trial is in Amsterdam ... Where a high cheat rate and a 'I give the investigator the answer that pleases ...' effect has been reported. This is amplified by the linguistic problem identified here.
Dr. Vries-Sluijs comments (source):

Now, DOMONO is a cheater's realm and investigators credulity paradise !

Please explain how vL can go up with a perfect observance (sic) and without mutations of resistance (sic), yes! Please explain! On the other hand, patients who do not take their medicine and swallow 5 pills, the day before the blood test, that, I can understand!

In real life: ICCARRE

Many patients succeed in the Tivicay® mono: they are happy!

The price to pay for a safer Tivicay® monotherapy is not too hight:
- try, using a selective algorithm, the risk being low, and the harm null, and / or
- strengthen with Lamivudine (or Rilpivirine, should you prefer)

Leibowitch patent brevet US20120270828   EP2332544 US9101633 B2 once weekly hiv
Many do not understand the Eclipse ... It's a pity! What can we do?

Eclipse is the necessary counterpart to chronicity. Your DNA is modified and now includes the recipe for apple pie [i.e. Of the virus ...]: it is not because your DNA has the recipe of the apple pie, that it begins to make apple pies like crazy!

The best solution: ICCARRE, and, the best ICCARRE is 1/7!

There, you have the choice between Leibowitch's patented formula or try to integrate Dolutegravir in your strategy (that is to say in 7/7, 4/7 or 1/7)

As far as I am concerned, both strategies worked very well. Then the little piss, the sold, the corrupt who sell their soup under cover of ethical concern, it disgusts me.

ICCARRE is good and above all ICCARRE is a tool for eradication ...

Note April 16: more fun? Try: How to make a clinical trial say whatever you want
And also more to come about Dr Joel. Gallant's own ethical issues : stay tuned

Good Weekend and good Fuck

This was originally published here, in French. For your convenience, we provide this translation. Practical aspects may differ where you live.