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Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 is over

2016 is over

Our take on 2016

by Charles-Edouard!
This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

This blog is a useful read, it was a good idea to move your ass!

The Achilles heel

Patients are interested by Tivicay ® monotherapy, as expected! If you had a failure with Stribild® / Genvoya® or Isentress® do not even risk it: it's in the red. Does the red zone extend to previous users of Stribild® / Genvoya® or Isentress® without failure? In a first approach (Katlama), this is a gray zone, dark gray ... With 20% of failures in this population, it is risky! For those who have never taken Isentress ® or Stribild ® / Genvoya ®, the risk is lower. Is it zero? We will see ... Especially since the Achille's Heel is written on the patient's DNA, therefore, can be transmitted.

Achille's Heel ... Achille's Heel ... Yes ... For those who have it, de facto, they are not at fault... We did not know ... It is the Fault to Noone. But this was before: now we know: For the newbies, it is no more an Achilles's Heel, but a Trojan Horse!

This inefficiency of Dolutegravir (mono) is either acquired, transmitted or innate.
Transmitted or innate, the patient or the doctor can do not nothing: it is an Achille's heel.
Acquired, it's not the same! Today we know ... And when they prescribe, it is knowingly! So it's a Trojan horse, a ruse...

Acquired Inefficiency Dolutegravir Syndrome: A.I.D.S. Yes ... All this affair is that of an underhanded attack of your natural barriers by an infiltrated agent, acquired by negligence. In its construction, it looks very much like a AIDS-2: letting in an agent that can render your barrier ineffective, natural for AIDS-1, pharmaceutical in case of a possible AIDS-2.

Not final at this point, it deserves full attention and preparedness.

Genvoya® NOT authorized! Surprise!

Genvoya® did not receive the final thumbs up from French Ministry, in 2016 ... It may surprise some... But not our readers who understood the 2 stumbling blocks, not just one, as it would be too easy to make believe.

Gilead communicates on the only pitfall that constitutes the weak level of the ASMR (additional medical service) (publication by HAS, French Health Authority).
Communication is not Information.

The price negotiation failed: if Gilead had lowered its claims, it would not have failed. It's a price negotiation. It fails, then, it's a little easy to put responsibility on the buyer, alone. There is always a good price where the buyer could accept. The economic committee is the only barrier against voracity: it is the only one ... Apart from a possible Trojan horse, within it, it defends us. With the transparency commission (SunShine Act like), it is still more difficult than before to place your 'buddies' ... The new system (Xavier Bertrand) defends itself better.

If HAS is followed, the prescription should not be considered as a continuation prescription after Stribild® / Genvoya® or Isentress®. And only in that context! How to give a marketing authorization, in the broad sense, without associating an effective restriction?

For now, the problem is temporarily solved: there is no marketing authorization ... If Gilead manages to remove obstacle number 1 (the weak ASMR), how will our administrative authorities react? How will they protect the naive patient? Well, we'll see in 2017.

For now, the institutional barrier has played its role.

Minidolu: it worked

If interested in Tivicay® monotherapy, you can wait for a clarification.

For the more adventurous, those who have successfully used Tivicay® monotherapy (1 year validation), they can consider the ICCARRE reduction or reduce the dose.

Me, I like Minidolu, it worked well (validation over 6 months) ...

I also like the Short Cycle... We will see in 2017 (in fact I already started a new thing ... Tivicay® + Lamivudine (DTG + 3TC) on Saturday and Sunday.)

Total Success for 4/7 (ANRS-4D)

For the 96 patients who were eligible and who followed, without cheating, the protocol, the success has been total: zero failure.

This proves that Leibowitch did not deceive us ... well ... ANRS goes full scale: better late than never, but so much time wasted! And suffering inflicted! Not to mention the exorbitant cost! Ah, we'll do the counting! ANRS-4D: trial 600.000 Euros, annual savings 400.000 Euros: the best investment for our government!

By spending less, wisely, on can fill the deficit, maintained, of our Socialed Health and save it, without putting France on its knees, as proposed by F. Fillon.

The icing on the cake

Goodbye, sad clown! ... We won? Not sure! What a loss of time! A five-year period of which he only has one regret (keep well seated...): the false debate on citizenship. In the meantime, the 1.5 million additional unemployed will appreciate and will vote. Not so simple when you read the Fillon program for social security (kindly published by the Canard), and of which the Senate Channel has broadcasted the implementation project.
It's sure game! Finally, we have put behind us a casting error: the casting method is a real catastrophy: the primary is used to eliminate: remains the most idiot ... We have been fooled! Pffff ...

C'est la vie! Champagne!!!

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Sunday, December 11, 2016


This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Some testimonials ...

By Charles Edouard!

Here we read the testimony by patient ZERO: video

Short-cycle (6/7, 5/7; / 4/7) has been explored since 2000 (approximately), in parallel (one could say competition), with other ideas (e.g. long cycles, Controlled long-term interruption, monotherapy, etc.). This strategy was explored by 2-3 doctors (Dr. Cal Cohen in the USA, Dr. Leibowitch in France).
There are many veterans of the Short-cycle ... And they are people of flesh and bones.

They have left us their testimony in the trials, which are as many certified testimonies, published under hospital control: eg. ANRS-4D: So it's not anecdotal.

They also testified (thank you!) ... The publisher offers a free excerpt:

And also: Alexandre Bergamini: who wrote Forsaken: An AIDS Memoir.

Among other testimonies, palmsprings describes:

Impose your luck! (*)

From our great friend, Myriam:
Hold on to your happiness! (*)

And from a pusillanimous Hugo...
... and goes to your risk. (*)

Dr. Jacques Leibowitch wrote:

66 patients at 2 days per week, out of 94, it is 2/3 of those who lighten, or 1 in 2 patients of this APHP hospital; And says here: I have fifteen patients to 1 day a week

To look at you, they will get accustomed

The film to be seen ... In his hospital in Brest, a pulmonologist discovers a direct link between suspicious deaths and the taking of a medicine marketed for 30 years, the Pick. From the isolation of the beginnings to the media explosion of the affair, the story inspired by the life of Irene Frachon is a battle of David against Goliath to finally see the truth triumph.

To see again: from the lie to the confessions return on the scandal Cahuzac

To follow in the news: ANRS launched a comparative trial, in the second line, (monotherapy-IP alone vs with Lamivudine), hence its name MOBIDIP (Mono or Bitherapy of Protease Inhibitor) Premature termination of IP Monotherapy (presentation in Glasgow, last month).

(*): This is a poetic emphasis, not a medical advice; It comes from ...

Impose your luck, shake your happiness and go to your risk. To look at you, they will become accustomed (René Char, 1950)

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.