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Sunday, July 17, 2016

ANRS-4D Durban 2016-07-19

ANRS-4D Durban 2016-07-19
This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Durban, July 19: The Tidings Brought to Paris

By Charles Edouard!

From a follower wannabee ...

Your wishes are going to be granted! In no more than two days ...!

Understanding the BREATHER numbers is crucial : any dosing reduction trial has failures, this is normal! In the BREATHER trial, the comparator arm helps understand that there are as many (or more ...) failures in the 7/7 arm: this helps to put things into perspective! The misinterpretation of BREATHER is let to believe that Pharmacokinetics prevails: it is not true and I will get back to it.

Thanks to BREATHER we are prepared: there will be (maybe) failures in ANRS-4D. If that's the case, well, we analyze them, that's it...

Whether with 4/7 or 5/7, or alternatively mono Tivicay ®, it will start to make numbers: we will have a large number of patients, and subsequently, the follow-up is obvious.

The poster THPEB063, by Truchis et al, will be presented on July 19 at the AIDS2016 conference in Durban;

de Truchis leibowitch durban aids2016 ANRS162-4D NCT02157311 delfraissy hiv vih Breather
The conference program commands: results are embargoed until 19/07 at 10:00 (local time).

As for Brexit, attentive patients will spend a sleepless night waiting for the results. We expect, of course, a statement by the authors and why not an official announcement on TV.
What you need to know before the killjoys get involved.
1- In any multicentre trial, there are failures: no known exception (Even sofosbuvir, great molecule, has had failures ...)
So there will surely be failures, this comes with the territory.
2- Thresholds for assessing who wins:
- For a test with a hundred patients, the statistical methodology is that beyond 12% difference with the comparator arm, this is not good ... The FDA is trying to reduce this to 8 %.
- In BREATHER, the comparator arm 7/7, wh had 7 failures per 100 patients (7%) and 6% in the 5/7 arm.

Twitter addicts, keep an eye on the virological failure rate with this approximate grid at hand:
- Less than 5 failures: this will be better than BREATHER: Victory and CHAMPAGNE
- 6-12 failures: this is on the right side of the handle, but the enemy is not defeated
- Beyond 12: Berezina

Let us not be fooled! Two camps clash:
- The septists (infected by the 7/7 dogma)
- Proponents of the viral window
In the camp of the proponents of the viral window (including de Truchis, Perronne, Phillibert, Liotier, and a very few, ans also Dybul ?, Anthony Faucy) Dr. J. Leibowitch and some allies.

In the Septists side: ALL other, the infamous Parisian virology clique, Molina, Goshn, Rouzioux, Katlama, Delfraissy and other frauds (neutral, thus not neutral ...): Dr. Gilles Pialoux, etc. And the rest of the world !!! Countless!

Note: the pharmacokinetics supporters (Dr. Cal Cohen, K. Butler) will know if they are right or wrong ... ...

At stake? Hundreds of millions of euros, billions worldwide, and a paradigm shift, as a key holder.

More than the result, I am looking forward to commentators: I will be among them, in the perspective of mine, that of the victim of overmedication.

Whatever the outcome, ANRS procrastination is reprehensible.

Remember to follow your usual specialized media, and, as usual, especially note those who will remain silent!

The verdict of the confrontation, is in Durban, South Africa, and the announcement, in Paris ...

Check the Internet!

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Once a year prescription

Once a year prescription
This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

Annual prescription ... Finally !!!
By Charles Edouard!

This entry pertains to the pescription rules in France. Things may be very different where you live
From a clearly lost patient ...

Doctors are paid per visit, so visits have a tendency to be multiplied.
In the video below, read at the 44:30 (Pr Even sequence is also interesting).
Prof. Grimaldi speaks at Minute 45:00
Pr. Grimaldi explains the mechanism, for chronic diseases: "at the Hospital we are forced to increase activity".

En route for a 12 months prescription

Now that I am at MiniDolu, is here anything better I can hope for?

This is what bothers me:
- No prescription for higher frequency Viral Loads
- Pharmacy Rx is valid for only six months

This last point is not too annoying ... Under MiniDolu six months of stock = 2 years of treatment.

But I still have go to the doctor for otherthings every 6 months, etc. etc. The pharmacist explained me that the drugs are regulated, yet, can be prescribed for 12 months. If the doctor says it's only 6 months for technical and administrative reasons: this is not true. This is 12 months [in France...]. If the physician decides so, he/she must write 'valid 12 months' or 'repeat 11 times'. "

It's the same for biology Rx: they are valid for 6 months, unless the physician specifies a longer validity (which may not exceed 12 months). That is worth knowing!

Since there was room for progress: let's go! With the following objectives:

- Get a prescription for higher frequency Viral Loads (for 12 months)
- Get a pharmacy Rx valid for 12 months

The substitute Dr and the 'Protocol'

No appointment with my specialist in a suitable time frame: I accept the substitute Doctor.
I start head-on for her opinion concerning Dual Therapy ... And here comes the teddy-bear-throwing temper-tantrum:

What preliminary and insurmountable 'protocol' is she talking about? ...

We will never know ... She looks furiously against, but now ... meanwhile, she sees that my doctor has already prescribed, dual therapy with Tivicay ®. Strained silence ...

undetectable VL , everything else OK ...

First round knockout: frequent VL = OK

But I take the leap: noone ever ever told me about the 'protocol'.

Then, I know I'll win the game: There is no such thing as the so-called protocol ... I put the frequent VL back to the table. Isn't it abnormal that I can't do frequent VL?

Let's cool down, she takes her motherly tone, especially as I show big concern. But here comes the catch, as you will see ...

I won the script for regular VL tests, valid for 1 year: it is written, I make sure it written ...

Kapitulation! Kapitulation! Rx valid for 1 year

You go to the Doctor with personnal ideas, but FRAU DOKTOR writes the script!

Berlin, August 30, 1945, the enemy is in ruins; he does not lose faith ... (Warning: German humor ...)

The door is open: small talk, cool down, she resumes her motherly castrating style, I let her go at it, I cajole, she coos: it would be ideal to also have a pharmacy script for 12 months, as this expands to next year and visit her next year, and I suggest that I will continue with her ...)

There, she understands that I know that she can write the script for 12 months: she capitulates!

So here I am with my all new script meds 12 months: Tivicay ® + Lamivudine

And with the 1/4 Tivicay regime (Minidolu), the next time is ... in 4 years ... Well... I will have to come for the biological monitoring script. (Once Minidolu is validated this will be eased also ...)

During the holidays: More Results of curent trials

While you wil be on vacation, there will be much activity with trial results:
- BREATHER has just been published
- ANRS-4D: That's very soon: September 15 CRIPS will hold a PUBLIC meeting on 4D results (more info soon)
- Katlama EACS-2015 is also published. Publication in line with what I have already presented
- Tivicay Mono as first treatment: I have already published. We also expect more results from Salpêtrière
- DOMONO (Mono Tivicay® as maintenance): results are scheduled for October

Happy holidays and good fuck!

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.