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Saturday, June 11, 2016


This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

From one of our regular readers, following our post : Exclusive!

Well reasoned! We are getting there, we are getting there ... Elsewhere, you had never heard of the Achilles heel, HypoDolu, dose reduction by the WHO, Tivicay® monotherapy in First Line, etc. You have never heard of the snowman-melting. Here, we are getting there, and, why not as early as... today!

MiniDolu: dolutegravir 12 mg: 1/4 of a Tivicay ® pill, daily

For about a year, I keep saying that there are only two questions to ask oneself:

1 - Is Tivicay ® monotherapy possible ? and if so,
2 - For maintenance, is 10 mg just as good as 50 mg?

I have validated Hypodolu, once-weekly Tivicay ®, so, the first question, for me, is history: it's in the pocket! (Especially since I was not at risk of the so-called Achilles heel).

For Hypodolu, one question remains: Which dose? As we have no specific guide, and as I can stand it very well, I had opted for 4 pills at one time: so 200 mg: 4 tablets every Sunday.

HypoDolu: makes me very happy! It is so easy! And equally as good as ICCARRE 1/7 (with 4 molecules).

But then, in the meantime, something else happened to me, and I have to take a daily pill for another pathology: 1 daily tablet anyway. Damn ... Before, my weekly Tivicay® was my only constraint. But life is life ...

All the same, only the second question remains :

1 - Tivicay ® monotherapy: is it possible?
2 - For maintenance, is 10 mg as good as 50 mg?

Well, there you go:

So after my analytical interruption (to know my time to rebound ...), I resuppressed the virus with Tivicay® 7/7 50 mg for 15 days. The rebound, which was the whole purpose of the measurement, was very low, so after 15 days, I was undetectable, as usual.

I started with 1/2 of a pill (25 mg) and did a quick validation, then, I moved to 1/4 of a pill, daily.

I put it in a gel-cap along with the other medication I have to take, some sort of 'home-made' co-formulation, and here I am, with my daily intake of the other medication without any visible HIV treatment: 0 intake!

(Let's be honest, the 1/4 Tivicay® pill is hidden in the gel-cap ...)

But still ... it becomes completely invisible.

And a daily 1/4 of a pill amounts to 87.5 mg / week: can't beat that!

MINIDOLU vih HIV cure Dolutegravir Tivicay charge virale viral load 10 mg

And, here I am, with my second VL, under this new strategy, and, still undetectable!

Already three months of experience; I'll just wait 6-9 months and my new baby comes! And since CD4 (1000) and CD4/CD8 ratio (close to 2) are stable, I have no fear ...

Until then, I have lots of new and exciting things

Good Weekend and good fuck!

This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.

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