Possible cure? not yet ... But years of remission: some 405 (and soon 1045) patients included in Short Cycle trials show that we can go from daily HAART (HIV) , gradually, to less and keep the virus undetectable with a single weekly dosing. Patented ICCARRE, now recommanded by French Guidelines, and HYPO-DOLU: Why? For whom? How? It's explained here...
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Saturday, November 28, 2015
individual testimonies
This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.
individual testimonies
personal experiences
Posted in the face of Charles-Edouard:
... I have a friend who starts following the experiences that are read on the forums, and in the end he is grilled with a molecule resistant to the virus ...
This is why it should not be limited to read reviews, personal stories on the internet! ... The good and the bad ... Why ?
Bad experiences:
They are rare, which is normal: the failure rate in tests is low. (5% when following a random selection protocol, and 0% if it is known navigate)
In addition, the one who tried would not lead off, he finds himself rather con; and do not brag. Too bad they do not testify, themselves, directly.
The man who saw the man who saw the man who saw the bear ... that's interesting but it does not count!
Good experiences:
iccarre friends richard cross cuts garches hiv
There are many, but the advantage is that one that makes relief feels better, including in his head ... the motivation to testify diminishes! One sentence, testimony, sums up:
Obsessed with HIV and its host of side effects are just a bad memory for me. Today HIV is not present in my life.
Leibo among patients, some gathered their testimonies in a book published, of great aesthetic quality; others have gone on TV: what more?
Clinical trials:
They are led by 'investigators' ... responsible for ensuring that we do not tell everything and anything. You have to read the tests, read the eligibility requirements, and reserves written by the investigators: they are certified testimonies.
Is it easy to read and understand?
NO. First have to find them, sometimes you have to pay for access, and is in English (technical). I still made the effort to collect and translate ALL ALL.
The latest is: www.tinyurl.com/CHE-FASEB2, and here on this blog.
Can we draw a line of conduct?
YES: there are now 4 trials published, documented and ongoing. 300 approx patients. it starts to make sales ... We will not wait until 1000 or 10000!
(The single IP therapy, validated by the report Morlat (ANRS) is 3 different options and it is only 1,200 patients ... it gives an order of magnitude)
But it is not easy to do ...
That is why I regret that no splint it and that, by, default, I formatted and available to all, proposal, argued, to discuss with her doctor.
Guideline is summed up in 3 words:
Effectiveness, progressiveness, close CV
- Carefully check the effectiveness of a strategy before moving to the next
- Getting there gradually
- Frequently check (to avoid a possible replication has bolted)
The individual testimonies are postcards. They make us perceive a territory.
Clinical trials are a mapping.
To resume a fashionable author: map has more value than the territory ...
The route is a path on the map; down the road postcards.
The reliable route is made possible by the card.
The practical guide 4/7, most popular document will soon be 1 year. I honed, but the important thing remains intact. If one day we have an RTU, RTU will be accompanied by a "Therapeutic Use Guide", inspired by the GTU proposed by the instigators of the RTU, in the opinion of the ministry.
It is based on the same card. It leads you to the same place. Wait a GTU (is it written?), It is expected that Marisol Touraine can read a map ...
Vast program ...
Explore a territory requires a conceptual corpus' and even the appearance of a new concept. Ch. Columbus westward from the East to find because believe that the earth is round, it's new.
Our newness, our paradigm shift is simple:
On a virus without mutation integrase (wild i.e. in terms integrase), the selectable mutations dolutegravir lead the virus reproductive impasse resistance never appears. 2 consequences:
- The efficiency is much higher than the usual glass beads
- Efficiency is independent of dose
Any dosage undetectable now is admissible. Understanding the nature of the dose dependence is made difficult because we are obsessed with the inefficiency of old molecules. This will require to change our vision, but facts are stubborn: the course is undetectable, and this can be achieved and maintained, even with low dosages.
I was comfortable with my ICCARRE 1/7 in quadruple, economical and effective. I ruled the world. From this height, the view opens, other peaks are nearby. I go back down in the dark valley polluted (7/7 ... yuck!), I'm going to climb another peak: it is not higher, but the way is without pitfalls ...
And I, still 1/7, on Monday ...
Good weekend and good fuck!
Saturday, November 21, 2015
< Previous Iccarre and reservoirs |
French (original) This blog is not a medical advise
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individual testimonies |
This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.
DOLULAM and other mono-bi therapies: EACS-2015
One of our readers asks:
If dolutegravir does not change why not take one?
Very good question ... Which leads to another:
If dolutegravir does not change why take in life, the initial dose of horse?
Indeed, 50 mg is a useless overdose.
The 2 questions and 2 answers are linked: my discussion of the extraordinary efficiency of DTG, which is independent of dose, monotherapy, leads to its logical consequence:
-1 Monotherapy Tivicay ® (DOMONO): possible
-2 Dose reduction (HYPO-DOLU): possible
Everything flows efficiency, independent of dose, the DTG. And as one does not go without the other, the same clinicians who understand that monotherapy is possible, understand, sooner or later, that dose reduction in practice: in short cycle is possible. This will be necessary ... Only fools never change their opinion: Even Dr. Molina has become the PreP: that says it all!
And in retrospect, the converts include ICCARRE. And even if they do not understand ... What's important is that the patient, she has everything to gain from this competition between clinicians.
For clinicians, independent, even, indeed, their only and last chance to exist: with injectables, more issues to experiment, regardless of firms. How to experience the Cabotegravir injection in monotherapy if the manufacturer does not provide you? You will buy an injectable combination therapy and separate the nanoparticles encapsulated with your little fingers ???
And that is the triumph of ICCARRE: the short cycle, with a super efficient therapy: the 4-T (quadruple) generic or dolutegravir (and perhaps Bictégravir - GS-9883) ... Whatever ...
Me too, I turned my cuti several attempts to pass the 1/7: if we do not change its software is becoming obsolete.
The downside is that it takes dolutegravir be fully effective ... So there is no mutation (INI due to first generation: RAL and EVG): This is why we must avoid taking Stribild Genvoya ® or ®. For those who have not taken them: Tivicay ® walk alone ... That's Christine Katlama who will give the coup de grace, as we shall see in the coming months ... Evolve or disappear ...
EACS (and / or mono-bi DTG): how much of study: 1, 2 ... No: 7 (not least ...)
PADDLE, DOMONO, Rojas (Barcelona), Katlama (Salpêtrière) Hoqueloux (Orléans), Lamidol, Dolulam (excluding Sword Sword-1 and-2). Translations are available here.
Presented by Dr. Pedro Cahn (here in discussion with Dr. Cal Cohen, inventor of 5/7) HYPO-DOLU EACS 2015 monotherapy Tivicay dolutegravir cohen Pedro Cahn Paddle Summary: 1066: dolutegravir-Lamivudine as initial therapy in naive patients infected with HIV: first results of the trial PADDLE
Objectives: Based on the results of the test Gardel, we designed a test, proof of concept, which is to assess antiviral efficacy, safety and tolerability of combination therapy of lamivudine (3TC) and dolutegravir (DTG ) in initial therapy.
Methods: A pilot study of 20 HIV-1 infected adult ARV naive. Eligible participants had no resistance INI and CV <100,000 and negative hepatitis B. Viral load was measured at first, then the days 2,4,7,10,14,21,28 then every two weeks until week 12. later, the CV was measured every 12 weeks. The primary endpoint was SVR, defined as the proportion of patients with VL <50 copies / mL at 48 weeks. (Algorithm FDA-snapshot). The interim analysis (S 24) is presented ici.Les patients will be followed for up to 96 weeks.
Results: Participants received 50 mg + DTG LMV 300 mg once daily. Baseline characteristics were: the median CV 24.128 copies / mL (IQR: from 11.686 to 36.794). Four patients = 100,000 copies / mL at the base. Median CD4 count of 407 cells / mm3 (IQR 296-517). Rapid antiviral response was observed. (Median decrease in CV, at week 12 was 2.74 Logs). All subjects achieved a viral load <400 copies and 50 copies / mL. at week 3 and 12, respectively. The observed viral decay rate is similar to that reported in SINGLE-1. Fifteen patients completed their 24 weeks maintaining viral suppression <50 copies. No tolerance / toxicity problems were observed.
Conclusion: During the first 12 weeks of the study PADDLE, dual therapy with lamivudine plus DTG enabled rapid virologic suppression with a safety profile / tolerability favorably in individuals infected with HIV-1, naive treatment. This is the first report of a successful Lamivudine + INI [NdT DTG], combination therapy, in treatment-naïve patients.
DOLULAM Study: DTG + 3TC combination therapy in maintenance
HYPO-DOLU EACS 2015 Dolulam dolutegravir Dr Jacques Reynes Montpellier
Presented by Dr. J. Reynes, this pilot study evaluates a switch to a combination therapy DTG 50mg / 3TC 300 mg, taken once a day for maintenance.
Interim results (S24) were presented at EACS (27 patients). Patients mostly older, heavily pretreated.
No virologic failure were observed, 3 patients discontinued therapy (2 for adverse events) and 1 due to intensified following a blip [NdCh-E yet a blip is not a good reason to change strategy, but ...].
CD4 remained unchanged.
To repeat: 95% of patients, stable and undetectable, are unnecessary and harmful on-medication!
Friday, November 13, 2015
Iccarre and reservoirs
< Previous Stribild (tm): No Thanks! |
French (original) This blog is not a medical advise
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DOLULAM and EACS-2015 |
This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.
Iccarre and reservoirs
Iccarre and reservoirs
(Nb: 2 tickets complement this: dolutegravir & reservoir and how to measure its reservoir)
Candidates for relief could be against this type of account ... should prevent manipulation tendentious.
The Septistes (the defending dogma 7/7, maintenance) have 2 'pseudo-objection':
1- there would be 'criteria' tank to qualify for relief,
2- relief might fill the tank.
Fuelling fear, such is their credo.
Any objective, factual, not just support these incantations, quite the contrary.
In drafting the handbook 4/7, I took care not to involve the 'tank' as a condition of eligibility. This is not an oversight. I found nothing that would justify ... I'm interested ... if it exists ...
Dismantle the first argument:
The criteria would type: tank and / or immunological. Are sometimes offered:
- HIV-DNA <2.5 log (why 2.5 ... where is the confusion table What is the sensitivity or specificity of this criterion can?)
- CD4> 500 and Nadir> 200 CD4 / CD8> 1: there is the height: when you read carefully the description of 94 Garches (all success with 4/7), we would have excluded 95% ! (Only 7% had a ratio> 1 to the entrance, it is to say ...)
How can people who have no experience of relief 5/7 Can construct a predictive table and pompously proclaim that if you do not meet a particular criterion, you may fail. How to identify a predictive criterion of failure when there is no failure? (Or very little, according to tests).
ICCARRE tank immunology CD4 Rouzioux relief septiste success criterion
The table in ICCARRE-2 study (94 patients) is clear: 50% were over 2.8 and 50% had less than 2.8; then put the bar 2.5 is put so low, that would have eliminated a priori more than 50 patients ... and in what name, please? The 50% and over who had more than 2.5 LOG, and who, like others, have passed the 4/7, you watch in amazement. From the top of this pyramid the majority of ICCARRIENs you 'contemptent ... And are laughing softly ...
Here, for once, to get to the bar, it is the fact ... and put the entire length
The definition, quantification of tanks is in its infancy ... and the clinical benefit of a small tank, if any, is poorly established.
confusion table deconfusion cheating specificity sensitivity test credulity HIV corruption If criterion ago, then build the confusion table!
Patients already ELISA, it was explained the concepts of sensitivity and specificity of a test: they understood. And include, thus, a criterion which one knows neither the sensitivity and specificity, this is not a criterion, the wind!
Stop smoking out: no confusion table? So ... no criteria!
For primary infected, the dynamics of the reservoir, starting treatment, abounds in favor of the non-deferred treatment initiation. The other, themselves, do not care because we do not know how to significantly reduce the reservoir. (We do not also know how to increase ...)
The drugs have no effect on the short-long tank: Then why get stuff?
The possibility of a 5/7 (or even better, 4/7 ...), is it a much better argument for the non-delayed initiation of treatment.
The 5/7 is even an argument pro-treatment more accessible and acceptable to the patient, all patients, the quibbles on the tank ...
Dismantle the second argument:
Poor woman ... You will want to make him believe that a viral rebound, low amplitude, remastered in 2-3 months max., returns to the tank initial levels, before treatment! Ridiculous!!
Back to the starting point ? Really ?? It will prove it before the state. And this ... this is not played ... We already know that it's wrong for small interruptions (research, surgery, ...).
adverse effect of (rare) viral rebound? Psychologically, yes ... but not death ... And the tank ... no patient has ever seen or felt ... a side effect? Really ??
Leibowitch, and that's the only ... publishes cellular DNA (a measure of the tank), in 7/7, before entering ICCARRE, then after every few years 4/7: no notorious increase.
I think the argument is unfounded, at the base, but who cares ...
Even the argument would be based, there still remain the following finding:
In tests with comparator arm (Faucy, Breather) rebounds were observed in the CV in the 2 arms (in 5/7 and 7/7 in). It was found more rebounds than 5/7 by 7/7 in each of the two trials.
In FOTO ICCARRE and no rebound in 5/7 trials.
The 7/7 were not more immune to this supposed re-filling ... If I'm wrong, thank you to tell me ...
We can anticipate the construction of arguments 'marketing', dependents against the 5/7, at the initiative of septistes, who have an interest, money or power, at 7/7.
But to date, no convincing ... They work there ... It's their job ... They are paid for! ... So far I have not seen ...
The attentive patient, he will not be fooled ... A careful reading tests will be useful. Here we find: www.tinyurl.com/maliberte, and, of course, on this blog.
The Practical Guide progresses ... The FAQ is enriched. This is the most downloaded document. I recommend presenting it to the doctor, as a basis for discussion.
And if they oppose you 'tank', you now know what the wrong medicine!
For myself, the 1/7 ICCARRE had no adverse effect ... Without any blipounet, zero to zero. This was true also of the vast majority of documented 5/7 ...
In Hypo-Dolu, too, still undetectable. And the tank? I did measure ... Yes, yes ... It makes me look good!
Good Night and Good Bourre!
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