This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.
Timothy had the gold medal, I had the silver
By Charles-Edouard!I am publishing, in extenso, in French, the original testimony, unpublished in French, of Timothy Ray Brown, known as the Berlin Patient, recently deceased. It is from his own pen, short, clear and very instructive...
Timothy Ray Brown interests me... He was my only competitor
6 years of anonymity vs. 6 years of rehabilitation
We understood that it was not an easy task. Reading the Figaro Madame, one could think that this poor man had come out of anonymity, after much hesitation, whatever it cost him, to save humanity. What a beautiful fable !... We almost fell for it!
6 years to rehabilitate a body made stupid by the disease and its treatment, one understands well that it was not the moment to spread, in this sad state, on the TV sets.
If the gold medal is at this price, then we think twice. Especially since it is the result of a brilliant opportunism, where we have a strategy, duplicable, economical and painless!
The Visconti: is it a strategy?
The Visconti cohort is made up of a few patients who control their virus after an interruption of a treatment initiated very early. The proportion of those who succeed is very low, and the majority of those who do not succeed. One can even say that the attempt to reproduce this French cohort, within the SPARTAC trial, is a failure.
Frankly, being rescued for falling into the water at the feet of the lifeguard and his stock of buoys does not deserve the name of strategy or something to be proud of.
The inability of the French virology, lined up against the interest of the patients, in favor of Gilead's interests, to provide even a few Neo-Viscontis is flagrant. In the last few years, only one patient, to be confirmed, at most. No one dares to ask the question: why we were able to make Viscontis at the beginning of this century and we can't do it anymore 10 years later, despite the doctrine of treating (too?) early. If the Visconti approach could be considered as a strategy, it is no longer so, since we do not know how to make it live. Let's get new Viscontis, in numbers, and we will put Visconti back on the podium.
To die cured or to be cured reasonably
One can speculate for a long time who was the chicken or the egg, who was the virus or its aggressive treatment that contributed to this leukemia, whose fatal outcome could have been delayed for a while. Living with a sword of Damocles over your head... Given the success rate, being a Visconti must not be much fun. We, at 1/7 (or even 1/15), are doing well. I am going to finish and publish the table which allows to visualize the evolution of the Eclipse after the interruption of the treatment. In about fifteen years, it has gone from a few days to a few weeks... That's what occupies my confined time ...
The risk of observing a rebound of the virus has shifted: the monster has withdrawn into its reserve. But isn't there a risk of increasing the reservoir to be interrupted intermittently? If this were the case, we would observe an enrichment of the reservoir during ATIs(Analytical Treatment Interruption). We have looked at it from every angle and we have never seen it... But if we have a rise of the virus, don't we risk, theoretically, the appearance of resistances? Well, theoretically, no! And even less as the cycle is ultimate. It is paradoxicalI know, but the very Gileadist Dr Joel Gallant gives us the keys and reassuring observations. We will come back to this, because it is ineresting...
Quasi-healing... What responsibility?
Being cured doesn't make you an obligatory activist! Who benefited from the Timothy Brown affair? If not those who are funding the whole thing? The important thing is to get the truth out, to exploit the opportunities, to live with as little toxicity as possible. In short, LIVE!
Afterwards... There is progress to follow:
- We wonder if it makes sense to consider the PreP in 4/7
- We wonder if it makes sense to consider a switch to Doravirine in 4/7
Little Wolf does the occasional PreP, he tells me... Not continuously, because his I'm-out-and-I'm-out period is put on hold. So the question doesn't arise directly, but well... I'll come back to that.
The same goes for Doravirine, which may have a small advantage for those who practice 2/7 (or even less) in Quadri, and do not know how to use NVP. So the question does not arise directly, but well... I'll come back to it.
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