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Wednesday, July 1, 2020


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

A New Eclipse has appeared
Followed by LIVE COVID

By Charles-Edouard!

Lescure is the anti-medicine, the anti-science, the anti us: he is our enemy(source), and his delay in publishing the deleterious effects of Remdesivir makes us even more suspicious.

We let JCM comment:

The doctor's concealment of the real causes of the changes in recommendation is amazing.
The problem with Lescure is that he is like Gamelin, he only acts when he is sure, and only attacks when he is in the last line. [...] So, Mr. Lescure, Iccarre or not Iccarre? The problem is that even if Iccarre doesn't work well, when we rather suspect that it does, no one really wants to wait and even less to follow the prudent (and especially prudent for himself) advice of Dr. Lescure.

A New Eclipse has appeared: you had not observed it!

Here is how the case is presented. A new drug appears, more 'powerful' than the others, with opportunities in terms of eradication. So we try... It doesn't eat bread and it keeps you busy. We put a good handful of patients on a promising combo (usually quite strong) and we see if this super-regimen favors PTC: Post-treatment Controllers. With a bit of luck, we may succeed, occasionally, since by treating everyone, without distinction, we also treat the 1% who naturally control. We would not be surprised to find 1 or 2 of them, by chance. There may be such a case here (an experimental treatment may have eliminated HIV in humans, according to doctors), but that is not our topic today. In the study we are interested in, we are not going to find any... Lack of luck, small number of patients... It doesn't matter. The patients take something, we stop, we do the biological follow-up (the PCR... Biological follow-up, there is nothing medical about itwe can do the same thing with mice, bats or pangolins.... No luck (well, yes... it suits the Gileadolatres), it does not work! So the merchants of variety articles and trinkets, at 1000 eu./month, still, are ecstatic: we can't stop the treatment. Unlike the profiteers of the situation, I would like it to work... Don't you? And what I tried, with the infinitesimal hope that it might work, didn't work. Close the bench, the Charles-Edouard's is a lot of bullshit, Fake-News, Public Danger... Quick, let's call Miss Avia and her sulphate machine.

The rebound takes place, relentlessly, but not immediately

Leibowitch never said that the treatment could be stopped. Never... The argument is that the rebound takes place, relentlessly, but not immediately. In a country that has eradicated the virus, one can lift the containment and live in fear of a second wave. Not a great method. We can, alternatively, lift the confinement of the active during the week, to confine the weekends only (Castaner would have loved that against the GJ). There are alternatives to stupid diktats... Second wave or not, everyone sees that the delay to the second wave, gives respite, and that we must take advantage of it!!!. Otherwise, it becomes wearing...

Faucy and Chun back on the rebound and ... The Eclipse

Michael C Sneller, under the supervision of Anthony S Fauci and Tae-Wook Chun publishes Kinetics of plasma HIV rebound in the era of modern antiretroviral therapy.

The conclusion is unwarranted, but the raw data published

The conclusion does not match the body of the article, which is not surprising with Faucy-la-couleuvre, but the data is there, is recent and usable. It has taken years and years to document for 'ethics' committees that analytical interruption is safe and can be used to view/verify/validate any intervention. There has never been any danger, but here it is the American Lacombe/Pialloux/Hydroxychloroquine who are blocking any attempt at a clinical trial. In France, they succeed perfectly since there has never been a single clinical trial in reservoir/remission research. Never.... But in the USA, there are some... And they are legitimate because the US does research on the reservoir and ATIs (Analytical Treatment Interruptions) are considered acceptable there.(In France, the question doesn't even arise, since there is no idea to test). The objective enemies of research, the American Gileadolatres, argue that what was tolerable yesterday, might not be tolerable anymore with the new caviar drugs. It's stupid, but wasting time is a classic tactic.

So Faucy & Co want to show that no, it's the same as always! That's the conclusion they wanted to reach. In order to do this, we need data and we need to publish them, and here, these data enlighten us, once again, about the Eclipse. Now, comparing the Eclipses of the past and the modern ones we see a very important change... To see this, we must take the old and newly published eclipse data...

Well... We'll see it next time...

13/07: The Live COVID resumes

We resume the COVID live, because, there are many things that concern us... In the meantime, Politico has published an interesting opinion: Hydroxychloroquine and remdésivir: small reference points to try to see more clearly in the 'match' of treatments against the coronavirus

07/15: Double co-incidence is evidence

France Soir: Covid-19: hydroxychloroquine works, an irrefutable proof. The argument is simple: Switzerland normally authorizes HCQ (as a reminder, the American FDA acts as an agency for Switzerland, which pays it a share). It's going pretty well. Following @LancetGate (we are still waiting for the trial of the forgers...), Switzerland is infected by the Virus of Prohibition: it bans. 13 days later, the mortality rate (based on solved cases) climbs, climbs. In the meantime, Switzerland reauthorizes, and 13 days later the mortality rate returns to normal.

If you want to avoid dying, you have to take HCQ 13 days before ... (NOT) die... Macron, him, tells us that he would not take it (we don't care... He is the boss at Véran, so discredited...) ... Wait until Brigitte catches it (the virus, not the Macron), you'll see that he'll change his mind quickly... If not, too bad for him...

The genius of French

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