This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.
Symfi-Lo... Finally!
By Charles-Edouard!Another litany of abuse... ICCARRE quickly!
The mithridatization, that is to say the progressive habituation to poisons, inhibitoids or inhibitors, does not remove the toxicity. It is less perceived, that's all!
Symfi-Lo = TLE-400
Symfi-Lo is the first drug to market the TLE-400(Tenofovir-Lamivudine-Efavirenz 400 mg) mitigation strategy. We discussed it in our post WHO proves us right! Well... The progress of this case will have been extremely slow, and the practical implementation is coming on the market: it is not too early! Something must have tipped off some people, and the Kirby Institute has obtained funding($11 million, if memory serves) from the Bill and Melinda GATES Foundation to launch the ENCORE-1 trial.
This involves reducing the dose of Efavirenz from 600 mg to 400 mg
Mylan launches Symfi-lo in the US.
TLE-400 unknown to the public
A few months ago, and this remains true today, a Google search on 'TLE-400' and HIV gave very few results. Actually only 2: a corporate and financial press release from Mylan (copied and pasted on financial websites) and... Charles-Edouard! Well... Now, there is a little more...
Obviously, this does not help the variety dealers... Let's also remember that it is not yet available in our country while the ENCORE-1 trial was published more than 5 years ago! And meanwhile, services are being closed to save money... Pffff...
Amazing recommendation and prioritization
When we allow, in a so-called recommendation document, a strategy that is obviously better, we are recommending it, without daring to say so.
Here is what Dr. Apollo in Harare, Zimbabwe, has to say about it:
Making the same drug with a little less of the same active ingredient is not an insurmountable industrial challenge! Well... We are not shocked that teenagers from the Third World are given priority... What shocks us is that at the usual rate, the French patient, who pays 600 Euros/month, will receive the cheaper and better tolerated formula... last! Isn't that a bit of an ass? You won't get it before 2-3 years, at best, while Mylan already claims 1 million users! We'll sell out... And who will be eating EFV 600 mg for months and months? It's you...
Morlat, Calmy: same error of judgment
And what does Morlat say about it ? He recommends it:
We have fun with it... First, he explains the 'constraint' of having to take 3 pills. As long as Symfi-Lo has not arrived in France, you're going to have a hard time! Secondly, why restrict yourself to patients who complain? When an overdose is useless, it is useless, even if it is tolerated. Useless is good French and it means what it says. Alexandra Calmy makes the same mistake, by doubling this restriction to patients who complain about a restrictive dosage condition. Well NO... Reducing the dose of VFE is clearly not a dosage restriction! Do you think they do dosing in Zimbabwe??? Prof. Calmy was wrong, and Symfi-Lo proves it, once again
Is 400 mg still too much?
Where is the trial at 200 mg, 300 mg or even 100 mg?
Who remembers that in the DMP 266-005 trial, 200 mg did BETTER than 400 mg or 600 mg? Who decided on 600? It was the manufacturer (DuPont Merck)... And no one, no one, has gone back to the drawing board with this univocal decision of the manufacturer. Why 400 and not 500? Because the 200 mg capsule packaging exists, so it's convenient to do a trial.
In fact, we had already reported the words of Pr Kiat RuxRungtham(youtube) who routinely does 300 mg. Well, it's time to ask the question of 200 mg in attack. As far as maintenance is concerned, we are in the midst of a frenzy: the 'threshold' doses are complete nonsense... We'll come back to this...
Dr. Joel Gallant: the moral and ethical fault
Dr. Joel Gallant, a drug promotion frontrunner and principal investigator for Gilead-sponsored trials, published an angry and threatening article condemning the ethical 'misconduct' of those benevolent physicians who bring Mono-DTG into their practice. It was ill-timed, remote-controlled, and in poor taste.
He was also seen ironizing about those patients who would prefer, conditionally, to preserve their psychedelic dreams and remain on Efavirenz. Ironically, to make fun of pharmaco-induced psychic suffering, which still causes thousands of suicides and depressions today, is abject and allows us to measure the immorality of the character.
To promote the latest novelty of Gilead, his sponsor, nothing stops him.
One would have thought that in his time, when he was practicing university medicine, he could have worked to reduce the deleterious effects of over-medication. This was not the case. In the DMP 266-005 trial, 200 mg did BETTER than 400 mg or 600 mg. The manufacturer, surrounded by experts(which ones?), had simply neglected this phase II trial. These trials are mandatory, they do it... Are they obliged to take them into account? Well no... You have to do an optimal dose finding trial and you are free to choose the maximum dose. And the deleterious effects? We don't care about that. Dosage is the doctors' problem. DMP 266-005 is to be thrown up.
And guess who was the principal investigator of DMP 266-005? Guess... Dr. Joel Gallant himself! Brrr, that's chilling... I hope that one day these people will be brought to trial...
In the news
- Luc Montagnier and Henri Joyeux launch a petition for precaution in medicine and health
- A study confirms the extent of the damage caused by Depakine. Depakine? That's what Siliciano is considering for his shock-and-kill... Brrr!
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good weekend, good stuffing and not too many meds ... Huh?
97% of patients overmedicated, 22 million without treatment ... Let's stop this scandal!