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Friday, July 28, 2017

R263K and Darwinian sink

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

Summer 2016: we offered a serial: ANRS-4D and the cheaters

Summer 2017: we will debunk DOMONO:
- Dolutegravir and R263K
- R263K: new scenario (DOMONO)
- N155H: new scenario (DOMONO)
- Nevirapine and Mono-DTG Switch: the Hunchback Trap
- calculation error in the primary hypothesis
- DOMONO and the benefit for the patients (not for BigPharma ...)

R263K and Darwinian Sink

By Charles-Edouard!

Here is a testimonial DTG 100mg / week ...

With Dolutegravir, as a monotherapy, we have opened the Pandora's box: some will not get there (eg DOMONO), others will get there (eg DOMONO, again), and even go further in aleviation! There must be a limit ... How far can we go?

Dolutegravir and the Hybrid Behavior

It is difficult to understand: mono-DTG has given excellent results in many patients, and some discordant results, including, in DOMONO, a patient with a surge at 70,000 copies, without mutations, and with, so we are told, a good adherence: it is hard to believe!

Dolutegravir HIV tivicay resistance R263K HIV darwin mutation reservoir cure

For some, DTG is an Absolutegravir, for others, it's just a powerful ARV, no more. Absolutegravir has a unique mode of operation: it never give resistance. Dolutegravir presents this mode (pseudo-Absolutegravir) for some, and commonplace ARV for others...

The Darwinian well separates 2 modes

Whenever the Darwinian sink separates the two modes, there is an Absolutegravir side and a trivial side.

Dolutegravir HIV tivicay resistance R263K HIV darwin mutation reservoir cure
The maintenance patient can either maintain maintenance, stay at the starting point or even drop his virus into the Darwinian sink (orange path) or fail with a mutated virus (green path) or even a non-mutated virus (in appearance) (red path).

There are therefore 3 types of results (and not 2): maintenance (or even improvement) of the control, escape without mutation, escape with mutation.

Let us keep this pattern in mind: we will see scientists and clinicians throwing at each other okases and anathemas, to the great detriment of patients and the benefit of Big Pharma, with usual useful idiots as a megaphone.

Dolutegravir, R263K and Darwinian sink

Dolutegravir HIV tivicay resistance R263K HIV darwin mutation reservoir cure The naïve patient, having a virus, as wild as possible, has everything to succeed his/her attack treatment, in mono-DTG. For now 100% success at Lanzafame: he has an Absolutegravir.

One raises the pharmaceutical pressure: the virus descends, without mutating or even mutes (R263K) to fall into the sink.

If one reduces the pharmaceutical pressure, the virus goes up, exhibiting, for a while, a R263K mutation (possibly), and if one lets go, it goes up further, and the mutation might become invisible (while remaining present? )

The well, the 3 zones and DOMONO

Now that we have more baggage, we can get to DOMONO. An intermediate presentation of DOMONO is available here (presentation at Glasgow 2016), the poster with conclusions was presented at CROI-2017. You can take a step ahead of our summer series, by identifying the 3 areas of results: success, failure without resistance, failure with resistance. Our next episode: Is a failure with the R263K a resistive failure?

This story is rather complex (I simplified a lot ...). You may want to read:
Monotherapy with either dolutegravir [...] in humanized mice (you have to read the complete article to see that the failing mouse was underdosed, otherwise it is misunderstood).

Wainberg and Mesplede explain that the R263K trick may not work in 1-10% of patients: Polymorphic substitution E157Q in integrase increases R263K-mediated DTG resistance

The Achilles Heel is well detailed by Dr. José Moreira in Dolutegravir monotherapy as a simplified strategy in virologically suppressed HIV-1-infected patients.

Patient selection will be crucial

Careful patient selection will be an important aspect for mono-DTG (attack or maintenance). To note this Saturday 22 July the conference: Global HIV Clinical Forum on Integrase Inhibitors (sponsor ViiV Healthcare ...) with a program denser, in fact, than the one published.

Good ... Work in progress ...

Good Week-End and Good Fuck!

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

Summer 2016: we offered a serial: ANRS-4D and the cheaters

Summer 2017: we will debunk DOMONO:
- Dolutegravir and R263K
- R263K: new scenario (DOMONO)
- N155H: new scenario (DOMONO)
- Nevirapine and Mono-DTG Switch: the Hunchback Trap
- calculation error in the primary hypothesis
- DOMONO and the benefit for the patients (not for BigPharma ...)

Friday, July 14, 2017

IAS-2017-Paris, ANRS-4D

Summer 2016: we offered a serial: ANRS-4D and the cheaters
Summer 2017: we will debunk DOMONO:
- Dolutegravir and R263K
- R263K: new scenario (DOMONO)
- N155H: new scenario (DOMONO)
- Nevirapine and Mono-DTG Switch: the Hunchback Trap
- calculation error in the primary hypothesis
- DOMONO and the benefit for the patients (not for BigPharma ...)

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

IAS-2017 in Paris, ANRS-4D and 4/7

By Charles-Edouard!

After Durban (2016), Paris hosts the IAS-2017 congress. A trimmed, more scientific edition!

ANRS is a co-organizer. Its only relevant contribution to history was ANRS-4D: the rest is of no interest, others would have done anyway, or appaling fiascos (eg Mobidip or Ipergay, so quickly forgotten). ANRS-4D, as an unfinished version, was presented at DURBAN.

There will be an ANRS-4D poster, announced as: MOPEB0321, ie Monday (MOnday) Poster Exhibit session B; details are not yet available.

It is not very much, but apparently they had to struggled quite a bit to get something!

IAS-2017: alleviation session

There is a session devoted to alleviation:
IAS 2017 ANRS allègements international AIDS society Paris Durban poster ANRS-4D

Professor Katlama will talk about initiations under mono and bitherapies, normal ...
IAS 2017 ANRS allègements international AIDS society Paris Durban session  Turkova Anna Katlama
Dr. Pedro Cahn, bitherapies (father of GARDEL and PADDLE), normal, a Thai doctor of reduction, good, why not ...

For strategies 4/7, there will be ... Discussed by Dr. ... Discussed by Dr. Molina Anna Turkova !!! Paris will discover her. Unknown? She is coordinator and author in the BREATHER trial (5/7), her topic is: Treatment four days a week: for whom is it an suitable option

She may not be aware of ANRS-4D: even the press release has disappeared from ANRS site (see a back-up here)! Has she gained experience on the 4/7 somehow ??? (Or Penta-15?)

The situation in the fields has changed quite rapidly:

In Garches, data are collected from 114 patients (FASEB J, 2010 and 2015): no failure over more than 600 years of treatment in 4/7.

ANRS-162-4D, enrolled 100 patients (see IAS 2016, Durban, manuscript submitted for publication): no failure in eligible patients who adhered strictly to the protocol, ie, zero intrinsic failure.

As of November 2016, French Guidelines, quoting BREATHER and ANRS-4D, authorized the free practice of 4/7, outside of clinical trials.

In addition, 2 patient associations collect clinical data, in parallel and independently, from conventional clinical trials. A list of doctors is available.

Today, patients under treatment 4/7, in France, can be estimated at about 500 ... And counting! Paris follows trendy fashions !

A large, controlled clinical trial, ANRS-170-Quatuor, will soon begin in 62 French university hospitals, with 640 eligible volunteers.

It can be anticipated that this presentation, at IAS-2017 in Paris, will have a significant impact on participants ...

Has she had a chance, at least, to discuss this with investigators involved?

Breather: a good trial, a bad theory

I have echoed BREATHER, here, in details! This is the only place.
Unfortunately, the authors theorize, speculate, wrongly. The weakness of the authors of BREATHER is to theorize around a pharmacokinetic specificity of EFV (whereas the majority of children take AZT, with a short half-life ) There are reservations here, and there, that have been added by castrators, on a very undefendable argument. It is a shame because it deprives hundreds of thousands of children of a salutary strategy. I would like to remind you of a fundamental difference between BREATHER and ICCARRE / ANRS-4D / Quatuor: the lack of prognosis on genotype!

4/7: for whom is this a suitable option?

The question is interesting and falls right to the point: we will listen to the arguments of the restrictive clan, and dissect them! Remember to record the arguments of this session.

It was a tiring week! So, Good Weekend and good fuck!


Anonymous 15 Aug 2017

Charles-Edouard! 15 Aug 2017

Summer 2016: we offered a serial: ANRS-4D and the cheaters
Summer 2017: we will debunk DOMONO:
- Dolutegravir and R263K
- R263K: new scenario (DOMONO)
- N155H: new scenario (DOMONO)
- Nevirapine and Mono-DTG Switch: the Hunchback Trap
- calculation error in the primary hypothesis
- DOMONO and the benefit for the patients (not for BigPharma ...)

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Dolutegravir and R263K

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

Our Summer 2017 series: DOMONO will have been, in fact, a real SUCCESS!
- Dolutegravir and the R263K
- the R263K: new scenario (DOMONO)
- the N155H: new scenario (DOMONO)
- Nevirapine and Mono-DTG Switch: the Hunchback Trap
- calculation error in the primary hypothesis
- DOMONO and the benefit for the patients (not for BigPharma ...)

Absolutegravir, Dolutegravir and the R263K

By Charles Edouard!

Some news from Backy:
A small pick up in ASAT is not a cause for concern; At 5 or 10 times the limit, yes, this would be worrying; You are far from that! This is a successful case of Tivicay® monotherapy; Once settled, you can watch what others do, such as jesuisdu13 who uses mono-Tivicay ® at 4/7 ...

When Dolutegravir mimics Absolutegravir ...

Here, I simplify greatly ... also reread our post on : Absolutegravir, a fantasized molecule.

Absolutegravir is computer-designed on a digitized 'Wild-type' Integrase; a docking software tests millions of configurations. Then, they rerun on mutated, digitized integrases; Finally, on common enzymes to avoid side effects.

dolutegravir HIV tivicay resistance elvitegravir raltegravir genvoya
In the computer-aided design of DTG, we do not yet have the digitized mutated integrases (besides, which mutations?). So DTG is designed on 'wild-type' integrase and confronted with known mutations of RAL and EVG. Its efficacy, which is assumed to be absolute, is specific to the unmutated 'wild-type' integrase. It is a good start, and more effective than the usual cuisine that gave birth to Raltegravir. Everything is a matter of timing ... I simplify to the extreme, in fact, it's a huge job!

The R263K: a deep Darwinian well

In the very first trials, we observe (by luck or design insight), a phenomenon quite unique in its extent, not seen in test tubes. The mutation of choice of DTG is R263K. It is hard to find in tests tube (known as 'passages'), but it is found in the VIKING trial and in tissue passage tests (a McGill, Montreal, exclusive)

dolutegravir HIV tivicay Darwin puits trou noir évolution monotherapie HIV black hole
This mutation has two characteristics: it confers a very modest resistance, almost nothing, and the mutated virus has only one desire: stay home: it has no ease to replicate: its low fitness makes it unfit. It's almost a 'Junk'. It falls in its hole and stays there, happily: Let's call this a Darwinian black hole or Darwinian well.

When the pharmacological pressure acts on a wild-type virus, it decreases (without mutating) or mutates with the R263K, which, remarkably, makes the pharmacological pressure even more effective. Conversely, when the pharmacological pressure decreases, the virus regains vigor, including, in the first instance, its R263K mutant. Further, by the effect of "survival of the fittest', the historical virus, wild-type, takes over and we lose track of the mutant.

On a wild-type virus, DTG acts as an Absolutegravir

As long as one remains within this binary system, R263K mutation is beneficial. It is a marker, an epiphenomenon, and it is not the cause of a VL increase (whereas the drop in pharmaceutical pressure is); It accompanies it, kicking and screaming, to finally disappear.

As long as you have a wild-type virus, especially on integrase, Dolutegravir acts as an Absolutegravir. The owners of Absolutegravir will want to keep their trump card until the end, and ViiV HealthCare is not going to come and explain that the naïve patient, with a wild-type virus, has a molecule that has all the advantages of an Absolutegravir.

This is how Lanzafame succeeds with his DTG monotherapies on naïve, selected patients, how I managed Hypodolu (overdosed), Minidolu (Tivicay® 1/4 of a pill, daily) and DTG + 3TC in 1/7

Here is a first clue for reading DOMONO, our summer serial!

Good holiday, good fuck, beware of the sun, and long live the Eclipse!


Anonymous July 17 2017

Charles-Edouard! July 17 2017

Anonymous July 17 2017

Charles-Edouard! July 17 2017

This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.

Our Summer 2017 series: DOMONO will have been, in fact, a real SUCCESS!
- Dolutegravir and the R263K
- the R263K: new scenario (DOMONO)
- the N155H: new scenario (DOMONO)
- Nevirapine and Mono-DTG Switch: the Hunchback Trap
- calculation error in the primary hypothesis
- DOMONO and the benefit for the patients (not for BigPharma ...)