Summer 2016: we offered a serial: ANRS-4D and the cheaters Summer 2017: we will debunk DOMONO;Fascinating! Stay tuned!!! |
This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.
French Guidelines just killed Quatuor
By Charles-Edouard![Note: The Morlat report refers to the French Guidelines; Quatuor is a large, 640 patients, trial for 4/7 validation] The Morlat report (= French Guidelines) endorses ICCARRE (in 4/7, on top of that). Its update (May 2017) is here! You are informed (no one had told you ...). The text is chiseled. The term recommanded strategy has been avoided.
Strategy | French Guidelines (aka Morlat) | |
Darunavir 600/100 mg/j | as of today, [...] can not be recommanded. | |
bitherapy (IP/r + 1 INTI) | This strategy can be offered, [with] darunavir | |
bitherapy DTG/3TC | [pending] can not be recommanded at this time. | |
bitherapy RAL + MRV | cannot be recommanded. | |
bitherapy IP/r + raltegravir | cannot be recommanded. | |
bitherapy INI + INNTI | Dolutégravir + Rilpivirine can be considered. | |
Monotherapy IP/r | monotherapy DRV/r can be considered. | |
Monotherapy Dolutegravir | is not be recommanded [NdCh-E: we will get back to this!] | |
ICCARRE (4/7) | Case by case[...] 4 or 5 days a week can be considered |
France authorizes 4/7: period!
This as arm wrestling: prepare for blows under the belt!
To Describe ICCARRE, without citing it is dishonest. It is a shame and an insult to doctors, volunteers, Science. Trump would twitt: it's a disgrace: it's shamefull rudeness!
It is not an expert report, but the result of a balance of power ... Between BigPharma, their 'experts', and the Savages. The Legitimists are merely the middle man.
Legitimists serve us the soup: check them up on YouTube. I threw up. I have vomited ... On the pretence of presenting Quatuor, it is a hymn to the status-quo, the over-medication. Truchis, his eyes fixed on the sidereal vacuum of a distant Quartuor trial, every day more distant. Look at his eyes ... One feels the evasion (full of inaccuracies). As for his explanation for the 'failures' in ANRS-4D, it has been cleverly, but awkwardly, cut off, at a time when he could only point out that the number of intrinsic failures is ZERO, to which he has already testified, and to which he can not escape.
And what about his publication in a scientific journal: we are still in the waiting !!! And around the corner: the letter to the publisher, in case the truth is concealed, is ready: just a postage stamp away. Nothing is published and we wonder why ...
Whatever: we, patients, retain the basics: Morlat authorizes ICCARRE (4/7), period!
Quatuor a pretext trial
ANRS-4D is missing a comparator arm. No comparator arm, no 'recommendation', no non-inferiority ... compared to an arm that would follow the default strategy (7/7). The intellectual and moral inferiority is to ignore the comparator arm available: the huge cohort of patients under standard treatment. Or, equally, the patient's history. ANRS-4D has ZERO intrinsic failure, ie better than cohort results! And, even accounting for the 'pseudo-failures' (4%), an allowable margin of 12% (see the DOMONO calculation), and assuming that the controls are 100% successful, the non-inferiority threshold is at 88%. As there are also failures in the controls, the allowed threshold is well below 88%.
Any strategy with a success better than 100% less the margin of error (eg 12% therefore 88%) is non-inferior to the absolute: what else ???
The most stupid 'expert' will understand. The 'experts' are not stupid, far from it: they go to the manger. What forces Quatuor, it is the lack of connected neurons and of force in the arm wrestling ...
Quatuor: an unethical trial
Quartet is late, badly designed, hybrid (presence of Stribild® / Genvoya® !!!), and with a delayed arm, to the obvious harm of the poor volunteer!
Should only one of my readers participate and I would be in despair. I do not even imagine stealing the spot of a poor unfortunate for whom Quatuor is the only opportunity to benefit, at long last, from a strategy ... already authorized! And worse, for those who can not enroll! There are only 10 spots per participating French hospital!
What about informed consent! Are they going to tell candidates that they will, exceptionally, benefit from a new strategy, that is already authorized !!! When the candidates, already put on interminable waiting (it is already 1 year late), will be assigned to the delayed group, they will do as they please, either ICCARRE on-their-own or show them a well-deserved middle-finger.
And by doing ICCARRE on-your-own, or, at most, with a doctor (I added 2 to the list) of which no one can argue / prove that there is a risk, they will actively participate in building this a balance of power which is the only one that has proved effective in making Morlat (French Guidelines) surrender.
Your activist ICCARRISM and testimonials are welcome!
French Guidelines just killed Quartuor. Did they kill this blog?
I asked myself the question ... Since our subject is the weekly schedule, the authorization of 4/7 increases our potential readership, while it reduces that of the conventional ICCARRIENS. So the tailwinds are for us.
Good ... Gay Pride this Saturday and breaking the fast (end of Ramadan), this Sunday: Weekend of festivities and enjoyment: good Weekend, good fuck and not too many drugs!
Summer 2016: we offered a serial: ANRS-4D and the cheaters Summer 2017: we will debunk DOMONO;Fascinating! Stay tuned!!! |
This was originally published here, in French. We provide this translation for your convenience, practical aspects may differ where you live.