This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.
the captain's age
It depends on the age ... of the Captain ...
I get asked a question: thus, I answer ...
Perfect alignment of stars! Talk to your doctor about moving rapidly to Tivicay ® + Lamivudine (Ge). Let 6-12 months pass. Then Tivicay ® monotherapy. Let 12 months pass. Then enter the short cycle: 6/7 (6 months), 5/7 (12 months); 4/7 (for life or HypoDolu) with frequent VL, at first.
It depends on what, anyway?
Dr. Weinberg wrote, and justified: the effectiveness of DTG (Tivicay®) does not depend on the dose.
Dr. Sherene Min S has also argued: effectiveness of DTG (Tivicay®) depends on the dose. (Dose-dependent, in English).
Dose-dependent is often understood as in proportion to ... but proportional often means that there is a proportion factor: tricky ... Dose-dependent is the pharmacist's Holy Grail. thousands year old orthodoxy, since we know that a tad of opium is not effective; a bit of opium, you sleep, and too much, then you are in trouble! The dose dependence is a must-have in pharmaceutical development. This is formalized: Phase II trial: escalation of the dose.
clinical trial ING 111521 shows that the number of patients who pass the promising beacon of 400 copies (once there, achieving UD is no problem) are 5/9 (56%) at 2 mg, 5/9 (56 %) at 10 mg, and 9/10 (90%) at 50 mg, in less than 11 days. Weinberg is right: you arrive at the harbor entrance regardless of the dose.
Only, you get faster there with 50 mg. The study was paid for by ViiV ... In addition, it is customary (because of former ARVs) to substitute the speed of the effect to the effect itself. If you had a tumor, you'd be encouraged to see it deflate fast, especially when there racing against time (resistance ...). With Dolutegravir, no resistance, so we don't care, but we can not stop people from earning their salary doing what they were asked to do. This is a mandatory, regulatory study, not a research study.
So, let's assume, for a moment, that the answer is 'in proportion' of the dose ...
Either ... But it is also in proportion to the initial CV.
Paddle EACS 2015 Lamivudine dolutegravir dose dependent FDA cure Katlama
How do we know? Are we really sure?
It is not necessary for the following, to establish irrefutably that this is the case: it is enough to have a reasonable intuition.
In Paddle, almost monotherapy Tivicay®, the results are in the table here. We class the same data in order initials CV, which gives a new table and for those who had not seen the dependence on the initial CV, we decorate the table slanted lines, and there it is obvious .
One can see: it is convincing! Over the resume is faster undetectable low is obtained. It is clear and confirms what was in trying to attack the ING 111521 monotherapy trial.
In this sense, it is consistent with the HILL equation, where efficiency saturates when all the sites 'target' are inhibited and where to add the inhibitor does nothing more.
Therefore, it is more than legitimate to ask questions seriously dose monotherapy for maintenance of Tivicay®.
This reasonable intuition will allow us to understand how the formulation is overdosed, and how to turn this to our advantage overdose.
For now let us remember that:
The efficiency (here in the sense of lowering speed) is:
- Dose-dependent (in proportion, if you like)
- Depending on the initial conditions (CV ...)
Where we Eff = F (dose, CV, ...) either: Eff. is a function:
- Increasing the dose
- Decreasing the initial CV
And why not...
- The age of the captain ... ;-)
Retain the effectiveness of dolutegravir is not a function of dose; it is up to the problem posed: dosage adjustment is possible!
We will use this in a forthcoming ticket and exploring the Buzz Genvoya®
Buzz Genvoya ®
It's the Buzz! Genvoya® (or its predecessor Stribild ®) could jeopardize the chances of successfully Tivicay® monotherapy, which is the gateway to Hypodolu. To be continued ...
Good weekend and good fuck ...