Possible cure? not yet ... But years of remission: some 405 (and soon 1045) patients included in Short Cycle trials show that we can go from daily HAART (HIV) , gradually, to less and keep the virus undetectable with a single weekly dosing. Patented ICCARRE, now recommanded by French Guidelines, and HYPO-DOLU: Why? For whom? How? It's explained here...
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Saturday, December 26, 2015
ICCARRE and remission
This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.
ICCARRE and remission
ICCARRE and remission
I deliberately differs ticket which discusses the presentation of Ch. Katlama at EACS-2015. For the impatient, see the slides and abstract. This is the final blow ...
The questions people will start retrospectively to ask are devastating ...
Tough for doctors: my doctor is zero, its entire design is destroyed:
- Yes, the TasP, it works
- Yes, it works the PreP
- Yes, there are non-drug interactions described
- Yes, it works relief
My doctor is destroyed. I want him in a bit. Even many ...
I see that the change will be painful. Looking back ... All this wasted time and all this unnecessary suffering inflicted. Today and tomorrow ... How to manage the inevitable turning towards the relief?
Here are a few open questions: What is Triumeq ®? Is prescribe Stribild ® today do not restrict future options?
Should we wait? Yes ... we can wait ... wait what? Wait until when? At one point, he must turn his cuti, and change software.
If doctors do not change now, they will find themselves at odds vis-à-vis patients, which themselves are asking questions and finding answers.
Yes! ICCARRE it's a good plan! ... No doctor (not the unique case, not reproduced, Hutter, Berlin) has never offered not even a year of remission in chronic patient.
Leibowitch, Cohen, Faucy, Dybul, Butler, for ten years or so, demonstrated the concept pharmaceutical remission. Leibo explained here.
Reducing medication on 40-85% ICCARRE offered an average of three years of remission without medication and without virus per patient, saving approximately € 3 million for only 94 patients [...]. In addition, it should be emphasized again, 4 days / week, there was no any viral escape, among 94 patients. Over 10 years, avoid over medication, useless, equivalent to a saving of four years without HAART and virus free.
Even among the few Visconti, only a few have a lasting remission: the vast majority, the honeymoon lasts only a few months at best a few years: They count their years of remission.
How do they count their years of remission? They contemplate the years of non-drug taking, triple therapy years remained in the closet.
Well me too ... I can do the same ...
ICCARRE HIV cure HIV remission Lamivudine relief sparing economy Visconti
There are so many that it's not easy to keep everything on a photo. There are so many! To facilitate taking pictures, I am limited to lamivudine, since it speaks to everyone: almost all patients taking lamivudine, fluoridated or not, coformulated or not. If you see 3TC or FTC in your combo, then that's it ...
This is not it poses a problem of toxicity identified (although ...) is that goes with it ... And then the accessories, toxic, are varied. I circumscribe the Lamivudine, it speaks to everyone. In his head, just multiply by 3!
I have to Leibowitch (and certainly not to my doctor ...) years of remission!
To discover: Here a recording transcribed by the family committee:
ICCARRE HIV cure HIV remission Jacques Leibowitch Garches relief
If doctors do not do what I [Leibowitch] do, that's their problem and it is your problem. Defend yourself, demand your right to fair dosage, because it's going to be real news to me. The news is yes, you can reduce 40 to 80% HIV maintenance treatment. That's the good news
That's the good news!
Saturday, December 19, 2015
< Previous Stribild ®, EACS-2015, Hocqueloux |
French (original) This blog is not a medical advise
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ICCARRE and remission |
This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.
Jackpot and small cachoteries
PADDLE, unveiled at the EACS-2015, and already commented here and there (see the slides) is the hot topic. For those who understood my page on monotherapy Tivicay ®, and my comments on its effectiveness, these results are not a surprise ... It works, illico monotherapy Tivicay, attack, on 7 patients on 10 of the trial NCT00708110 (ING111521), which lasted only 10 days ... So, obviously, we're not surprised.
And we are not after our surprises (which are not ...)
This is not only very powerful but also overdosed! Just wait ...
It will eventually come out ... If you read well ING111521 test is in it.
soon we will ask two questions:
- Stribild ® he still has a place on the front line?
- Triumeq ® it is a useless medicine?
And ... How did it happen? How is it that a clinician or Argentine ahead of the (alleged) 'flagship' American or French? There has not been a clinician in the US, the country's pharma-business, for having had the idea; idea that they denigrate the pretext that all these little tests are done off the 'declaration' official '. We, who cares ...
® Shionogi, ViiV Healthcare ®: Jackpot and other cachoteries
Sovaldi ® was made famous by its exorbitant price. Gilead Science has for itself in one year the acquisition of Pharmasset, small-scale company, with the sofosbuvir for 11 Billion Dollars. The insured the solvent world have felt pass. Stribild ®, the same manufacturer is 1/2 million dollar income per new patient enrolled: 2500 USD / month / patient: US $ 30,000 per year for the duration of patents ... What we will do last at least 20 years ... it's been at least $ 600,000 / patient.
Shionogi, with its dolutegravir will not be outdone. Unknown to the general public, Shionogi, Osaka, Japan, has already made famous for inventing the best inhibitor '3-coenzyme A reductase Hydroxymethylglutaryl' rosuvastatin. Rosuvastatin? Yes, the famous Crestor ®, as useless as dangerous, but has excellent potential inhibition. Marketing via the English Astra Zeneca (formerly Imperial Chemical) makes a blockbuster, one of the biggest profits of the pharmaceutical industry.
So to inhibit, inhibit Shionogi knows ... And it relates. It remains to find a business partner: this time it will ViiV Healthcare. Dolutegravir will generate huge profits at the expense of Stribild ® and insured, but that was already officially recorded. The squabble ViiV vs Gilead is hilarious, except that the victims are the patients and the financial statements (hence employment ...). With its excellent result, Shionogi will sell quite expensive to ViiV its molecule, in a deal that is of the same order as the acquisition of Pharmasset. Technically less obvious but of the same order of magnitude. Sales in 3 parts:
HYPO-DOLU monotherapy Tivicay dolutegravir Shionogi ViiV healthcare
- Shionogi is allocated, free of charge, 10% of ViiV Healthcare,
- Shionogi therefore recover 10% of all profits ViiV without deadline
- Shionogi also earn a royalty fee on its molecule for life.
ViiV Healthcare is estimated at 23 billion Euros, thus 2.3 billion live in the pocket of Shionogi. The agreement was sealed in 2012. Welcome gift. The course is multiplied by 5! This is the Jackpot! (Deserved or not according to the convictions of each).
At GSK, the main shareholder of ViiV Healthcare, we are happy, it was the molecule that kills, but was allowed to pass 2 billion, plus royalties. Then we have a plan (which, Shionogi, thief at the fair, will find nothing wrong, his silence is acquired, at great cost ...).
As Astra Zeneca (perfidious Albion ...), ViiV (GSK), is very familiar with the workings.
First, from there, the Japanese researchers are invited to return to their dear studies and not trumpeting the extraordinary power of DTG. The language elements are: DTG is good.
And above all, we do not go further ...
Was the article cited above, published three years after the trial (3 years! ...), And its formalism imposed (Table patient characteristics before treatment), we would not be aware of anything ... only this table allows us to affirm that Emax is higher than the 2.6 announced (and probably much higher ...). If you do not have the picture, you can not you realize qu'Emax is underestimated. So do not worry ... This table will disappear.
HYPO-DOLU monotherapy Tivicay dolutegravir Emax NCT00708110 ING111521 undetectable Will also disappear 7 patients (70%) undetectable after just 10 days. monotherapy.
Shionogi while its complacency, brings up the 7 Samurai in the body of the article and in the table. They are there ... But once the agreement is signed, they are silenced: the article is completed by a pharmacokinetic graph, where the designer has made two mistakes; an erratum will be also published to correct an error (but not the other ...). In short, the authors and auditors (reviewers) have missed without seeing the error. The most obvious is that the 7 Samurai became the 3 Musketeers, who, as everyone knows, were 4 ...
In all communication that follows, especially monographs submitted to the FDA, the original table is withdrawn in favor of a differential picture, and 3 of the 7 undetectable through the cracks. It buries ... The FDA does not even mention, and in the documentation provided to the HAS (. See p 11), the ING111521 trial is not even subject: as it is even simpler!
The ViiV plan will allow recovery of the 2 Billion (and more): adding a junk 2 francs 6 under (Kivexa = ABC + 3TC), généricable and manufactured at very low cost, and increases in the price of the drug 50%. In coformulant diamond and glass beads, it increases the profit of 50%. Combined with DTG, here valued at 350 Euros per month ... For patients and potential side effects, too bad for them ...
And now ... Life is beautiful ...
Good weekend and good fuck!
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Stribild ®, EACS-2015, Hocqueloux
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French (original) This blog is not a medical advise
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Jackpot |
This paper was originally published here, in French. We provide the google translation for your convenience. Proper translation will come soon. Some practical aspects may differ where you live.
Stribild ®, EACS-2015, Hocqueloux
Stribild ®, EACS-2015 Hocqueloux
Here is a comment that leaves me speechless (with Stribild ®, soon Genvoya ®)
I just read on this blog that the monotherapy Tivicay (tm) was not recommended for people being already under Stribild (tm). Under Stribild (tm), I currently oscillates between 3/7 and 4/7 and I have no problem except that renal function is in steady decline since the beginning of treatment there 1½ years , decrease in low but still constant proportions. Stribild (tm) is my first treatment.
The question is a good reply to the frightened souls (and subsidized).
Prudence they say! Sure ... But also prudent to preserve his organs, all his organs. Renal disease can not be overlooked. A kidney is more important than profits.
Tenofovir (included in Stribild ®) is the most likely cause. There are so many options to transfer Tenofovir ... The proposal to replace the difumarate Tenofovir alafénamide by tenofovir (in Genvoya ®) more commercially attractive than therapeutic.
Anyway, we must descend into the valley polluted from 7/7 to properly validate any new strategy. And, as both do, get rid once and for all tenofovir. Basta!
I will return soon on the results of Ch Katlama at EACS-2015. It might (the conditional!) That users (past or present) first generation INI (RAL or EVG) are required to advance in single strategies Tivicay ® therapy with redoubled caution. For others, it's nickel in nickel ...
The manufacturers know the on-medication (ie legal poisoning): They will therefore propose 'copies' of their généricables molecules, at lower dosages, but a greater strain on the patient: obligation meals and observance 7/7 : it maximizes profits while there are proven solutions that relieve the patient at all levels. First generation INI were helpful, thank you ... Let's move on!
Nothing is easier than to be prescribed Tivicay ® + Lamivudine:
Since EACS, it goes like a letter in the mail. And if you do not succeed, take Rdv at: Reynes (Montpellier), Hocqueloux (Orléans), Lafeuillade (Toulon), Katlama (Paris): there are spoiled for choice. Once confirmed undetectable, is simple to continue: we do not change a winning team!
HYPO-DOLU EACS 2015 monotherapy Tivicay dolutegravir cohen Pedro Cahn Paddle
Dr. Pedro Cahn (PADDLE trial), he has the honesty to provide raw data.
Monitoring patients (DTG attack treatment + 3TC, 3TC which serves as decoration ...) allows to put into perspective a little quick affirmation of the manufacturer: the higher the dose is high undetectable soon be reached. The 50 mg dose of the original horse, provides undetectable every time.
It is especially obvious here that the time the virus remains detectable is in proportion to the initial viral load.
Therefore, keep the horse initial dose (50 mg to 22 Euros per day), to life, to hold a lentivirus, confined to his tank, is a question more legitimate.
Treaties: YES, processed and taken for idiots: NO ...
DTG + 3TC is a virtual monotherapy. Farewell resistance implies that DTG is super-efficient and that the dose can be optimized once the infection subsided.
If you come across a clinician who does not understand this, take your legs to your neck, and leave the poisoner in white coats.
Simplification dolutegravir in mono- or dual therapy maintains viral suppression in treatment-experienced patients, Laurent Hocqueloux
HYPO-DOLU EACS 2015 monotherapy Tivicay dolutegravir Laurent Hocqueloux bitherapy
His post at EACS includes such impressive results for 52 patients pretreated using dolutegravir in mono (n = 21) or combination therapy (n = 31).
Here, nine people had prior experience with an integrase inhibitor. median follow-up of 27 (IQR 24-40) and 45 (IQR 25-70) weeks in mono and dual therapies, respectively, all but one participant maintained viral suppression <50 copies / ml (96% of CV < 20 copies / ml). Only one case of viral rebound in a patient, very few observing under dual therapy DTG / Maraviroc.
Note, 2016-10-09 : the complete report is available:
Dolutegravir-based monotherapyor dual therapy maintains a high proportion of viral suppression even in highly experienced HIV-1-infected patients
To repeat: 95% of patients, stable and undetectable, are unnecessary and harmful on-medication!
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