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Tuesday, March 1, 2022


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

I'm switching to 1/17

by Charles-Edouard!

Chatter in the middle of the jungle:
There are so many and more! Silence radio side effects... And here is one who complains (how dare he) that DTG (in monotherapy...) makes him fat, and starts a concert of Me-Too, Me-Too, Me-Too. They could have a little bit of recognition of the belly! The 4/7 (lousy...) and the mono-DTG (at 50 mg all the same!), was not invented by them: if we hadn't told them about it, they wouldn't have been interested... Thank you for the information, and here I am, enjoying it and forgetting to share it with others...We have to talk about these things, otherwise it gets forgotten...

It's the 17th of the month: I'm going for it!

I had already described how I went to the other side of the mirror by breaking my chains imposed by the 1/7. I testified to that here. From then on I got separated from my brothers and sisters in suffering, and my exile began!

Leibo told me that he would have considered it, but that it meant 'playing gymkhana with the Republican calendar'. Well yes, you better have an Excel spreadsheet, a calendar to mark and alarms on your smartphone! To keep up with 1/8, 1/9, etc. It's the progressive method, it's a good method: it reduces the risks.

Well... At 1/15, you take a break, because the motivation disappears as well as the discomfort and the side effects. At 1/15, you are safe and relaxed... But now, the 1/30 is tickling me again, especially since the appearance of injectables, the only serious competitor.

New schedule, new notation: 1/17 = 1/16/1/13

Here is my new idea to solve the 'gymkhana of the republican calendar'. The 1/15 means one take on the 1st of the month and one on the 15th, and here we go again. The first day of the month is by far the easiest: it's the day you have to give back your expense report: don't forget it... If you don't, the accounting lady will be all over you! So, on a fixed date, you do the accounting, the papers, etc. Taking your meds is just another item on the list: no need for an alarm, it's automatic. The 15th is another matter! There you have the alarm on the smartphone, the automatic email that reminds you: no way to forget!

If you think about it, the 1/15 is one alarm per month, that's all! I've never missed it. Don't mess around, this is serious. The 1/15 is cool, not very intrusive, but you mustn't forget.

And you're back on your feet on the 1st of the following month. At 1/17 you'll be playing the big game: you have to plan ahead, and the comfort of the first of the month is over! Fortunately there is a trick!

On the 15th, you have your alarm, and on the 1st not really. Between the first of the month and the first of the following month, there is something in the middle. What if we shift this point without touching our monthly appointments...

the 1/17 followed by a 1/13: we get back on our feet

The sequence is: 1 dose, 16 days break, 1 dose, 13 days break. It is very easy to do. Just shift the 15 th to the 17 th.

What is the benefit? None on the consumption of drugs, on the Freedom day (which remains Jan. 24). The idea is to use the OFF window to enlarge the Eclipse, which I lost the vision of. With a weak but present reservoir I had an Eclipse of 27 days. Today, I don't have any reservoir or PCR at hand.

Grail researchers (Ananworanitch, Siliciano, ...) tried it: nobody succeeded anything. I proposed a strategy during my conference at Pasteur, and... I followed it and I have the best results ever! Voilà!!!

The 1 over 8

Well... I must admit that the 2/7 and other 1/7 are already in the ecstasy of their 'performance'. Yet... So far from the goal, so far from the Monster, it is a relative performance: Yes, it is better what is being done at Bichat and consort. Above all, we can do better. To do it in comfort? Why not shift a day, occasionally, check, make sure, move forward! Once, from time to time, then more often, shift to Tuesday, (or even Wednesday, etc.), even if it means resuming your senatorial rhythm the following Monday. Just a suggestion...

In Memoriam... Jacques Leibowitch

Leibo left us on March 4, 2020. 2 years already! He was an immunologist and researcher recognized worldwide, more successful and persevering than many of his colleagues, probably because of a strong character and a sharp intellect. He was among the first in France to mobilize against AIDS, as early as 1981. He conducted the trial that marked the advent of tritherapies. He leaves us ICCARRE-the-Magnificent.

I have been informed that some would like to set up archive interviews with people who have crossed and contributed to his story. They would like to know if I agree, to tell how I met him, collaborated with him etc. .... Yes! with pleasure!

In fact, I only met him 5 or 6 times. He was using mail a lot and I learned a lot. He is the one who taught me the concept of the Eclipse, first explained by P. Sonigo. The idea to make a Council of the Eclipse is an old idea of Leibowitch. I would like to ask Sonigo and others about it...

I also have in mind that we could create a Leibowitch Prize to salute and encourage the wide adoption of his ideas throughout the world...

Pieces of Anthology

This pro domo plea by Pr. Molimar:
One cannot say that Molinar has been especially brilliant in this crisis!...

One could also extend the compliment to the poor knowledge that pharmacologists (cf Peytavin and others...) have of RetroViral biology. It is also true that this biology, so important for us, deserves to be better exposed... When will Sonigo make a video on this subject where he excels?

In the news

- Requiem for statins! M. de Lorgeril comments here on a systematic review of all (sponsored) trials with statins and thwarts the confusion maintained between relative and absolute risk. The same confusion that misled the public about the efficacy of mRNA VX.
This study has a transparent and unequivocal triple message:
1) statins have no clinical utility (efficacy);
2) lowering bad cholesterol has no clinical utility;
3) cholesterol is innocent in cardiovascular disease.
If I add that these drugs are highly toxic ....

- Moderna announces working on mRNAs for other pathologies Press release. Including HIV... We'll see...

The French genius

As his name does not necessarily indicate, Reynaldo Hahn was... French. And a lover of... Proust. Wikipedia says so, so it's true! Reynaldo Hahn left about 150 musical works. These are melodies anchored in their time. Time will sort them out, tastes have changed...

I was in pursuit of a fantasy, of an impossible (re)incarnation, of a Faustian pact. I would give body and soul (especially the body....) to enter that of... The Evangelist... It's something I wish I knew how to do, almost to the exclusion of everything else. And for me, the best Evangelist is in the St. Matthew Passion (where I excelled moderately), in Sir Simon Rattle's version in Berlin. You can get a free access, here, on the Philharmonie website.

Mark Padmore excels there... However, if you look a little further, you will find this little gem, a composition by the Frenchman Hahn, sung by an English tenor: a serenade in Italian. Unexpected and definitely adorable. It has already 3000 views! What a worldwide success! It's in the soundtrack of a movie that looks very nice too: The Man in the Hat, see trailer here.

Padmore's version (You Tube) is the only one I'm excited about. Under its title La Barcheta (Venezia) one finds several versions of it of which one as remarkable as aged: a Barcheta sung by R. Hahn himself! One plunges in the time... From Hahn you can try this piece on the piano, A Cloris.

There is also this (amateur?, Mexican?) version of the Barchetta by a tenor in training. It is remarkable for its authenticity!(190 views, after all!) And we enjoy remembering this sublime Italian lover, so loved and our games under the changing shadows of the Baths of Caracalla ... Delicious!

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Turn off the TV and don't be fooled by the Parisian venality

Thursday, February 3, 2022


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

The Saint Darwin or the End of Darwin

By Charles-Edouard!

Of course, it's a bit ironic: after two millennia of Catholicism, we're still looking for God's hand in life's contingencies. Abrahamism, and by way of recursion, Adamism, holds that we are all descendants, according to the same model, of a single human ancestor. Darwin overturns this by making all beings, all species, descendants of different ancestors, in fact, each time a little. By recursion, there is then a common ancestor to all beings.

This is just as false as Abrahamism, but a little less so, and so revolutionary. Lamarck, in 1809, in his Philosophie zoologique, exposes the concept of evolution of species. Darwin exposes a mechanism. Since then, others have been elucidated, and recently, it has been thrown in our faces!

Baltimore, Montagnier and other Nobel Prize winners

The founding dogma of molecular biology, enunciated by Francis H. C. Crick (Nobel Laureate), is that the information contained in genes is always transmitted unidirectionally from DNA to RNA (and then to proteins) and cannot be transmitted in the opposite direction. By dismissing the possibility of the RNA of SARS being written into the chromosomes, the propagandists fell in line with the dogma. Which had been invalidated by... David Baltimore (Nobel Prize winner for this discovery) and Dubelco (also Nobel Prize winner). Montagnier, then a researcher in the United Kingdom, perfected his own techniques, benefiting from the collaboration with Dubelco. He then set up a laboratory at Pasteur, and we know what happened next...

The exception does not prove the rule: it invalidates it, period. All S+ is the living proof and at least for itself, that RNA can be integrated... We know it, thanks to several Nobel prizes! This has not prevented the SPILF to perorate the contrary, and the agitation to take up again in heart, and cover itself with ridicule. It is here, and, frankly it would be funny if it did not show the weaknesses of our national Virology: pathetic!

CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG ??? $#!+! Is there a Modernagate???

The case begins with a tweet from (@JikkyKjj) / Twitter.

But where does this #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG sequence come from? Here is what Alexandra says:
Well, that's jargon for us, so let's ask S. Bancel, CEO of Moderna... Here is his answer, on Fox at minute 7: 'the Wuhan laboratory may have made a mistake and may be responsible for it [...] Our scientists are checking. '. To be continued, then...


Didn't the FDA ask Pfizer for genotoxicity studies? Raoult and Alexandra warned you about the possible integrability of the code? We are still waiting! Well, a little less now that this in vivo study has been published: Intracellular reverse transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 BNT162b2 mRNA in vitro in a human liver cell line.
Contrast this quote from an article in Le Monde in December 2020: 'Our current knowledge of how mRNA and the cell work is clear: mRNA vaccines cannot modify the DNA of human cells'. Well... It is advisable to abstain from speaking too quickly, to spread 'knowledge', especially when one does not have the least competence!

The proximal hypothesis... undermined...

The proximal hypothesis... This is the nice name that designates the hypothesis of the natural origin, in a word the bat that fucks a Pangolin... We don't hear many people defending it anymore! The uncovering of funding by the NIH, bypassing de facto the moratorium decreed by Obama, decreed because it is too risky, the refusal by DARPA (US Army) to fund Daschak's project, the persistent disappearance of the head of the Wuhan Lab (alias Batwoman), the famous furin cleavage site, etc, etc. That's a lot!

Baric explains here how to make money with a pandemic, and also the gain of function, also well explained by P. Daszak in this video

See this very complete study by Yuri Deigin and this excellent article by H. Banoun: The origin of the Covid-19 virus (in French)

The 'unfortunate' word by Bill Gates

Did his tongue slip? It's on YouTube, here
And to conclude that we will have to anticipate better, and be even faster.

Certainly, Bill... Once bitten, twice shy... For the poor 'fucked up' too, it will be necessary to anticipate better, and to be even faster!...

Weekly catch and 1/15

I'm making my 1/15 evolve: with my next dose, I'll go to 1/17... We'll see that next time.... Note that I feel less alone... Other almost-cured come to join us. We know of them thanks to a scientific publication.We will come back to them...

In the news...

- according to this opinion of the High Council of Public Health, of Jan. 11, 2022, available here:
You can't make this up!

- The swedish roulette: Here is the trick: you count the freshly vaccinated, recently infected (yes, it happens often, too often...) as unvaccinated. Doublepunch! We reduce the denominator, we increase the numerator and bingo! we create vaccine effectiveness ex-nihilo! Fenton (a probabilist...) had explained it, Marco Nius updated it. The idea is taken up by Pierre Chaillot (a statistician...) in an excellent humorous video, censored, but available here.

- The blog will become multilingual again: already the English version is catching up. It will soon be followed by the Brazilian version. I'm already considering a Spanish, Italian, etc. version.

- BREAKING NEWS: the article about Quatuor's results is published: it is here

Pieces of Anthology

This tweet from Prof. Molimard has aged very badly:
Oh, now I distrust pharmacokineticists (and those who foolishly echo them) like the plague! They are the kings of THE dose... But, as the Eclipse shows: THE dose is a lie! So, beware, beware...

A French genius

Pierre Sonigo is the father of your Pasteurian diagnostics and also of the Eclipse. We would like to see him again on this field! The video he delivers is remarkable for its clarity, intelligence and benevolence. If we want to understand what happened and finally put an end to the hysteria, if there is only one video to remember from this whole unfortunate affair, then we will go to his magnificent intervention at the Independent Scientific Council (ISC n°43: Immunity and Covid). It can be found on YouTube at minute 48.

As soon as we take into account the great omissions of the case: the circulating coronaviruses, the immunity acquired by children and those under 60 years of age, the erosion of this immunity, which is durable but not eternal, that it protects against severe forms of the disease but not against transmission, that it distorts the very notion of testing, that it makes it impossible to determine the right dose and the efficacy of the vaccine, we are dumbfounded. This is a great lesson for the future. The same applies to the Eclipse! Once we conceive it, once we observe it, we realize the ineptitude of THE dose, but also of mass trials. Since we don't all have the same Eclipse, we won't all have the same intermittency and there is a benefit in seeking to extend the Eclipse.

In another register, the famous Momotchi's(whose pseudonym, I humbly confess, I thought was hiding a HE electronic engineer, a HE and not a SHE) Cartesian, methodical analysis invited to leave France for Sweden is very impressive of clarity and calm. We discover her in this interview.

Finally, to open the minds and souls, this excellent choreography by Bintou Dembele: Les Indes Galantes - Dance of the Great Pipe of Peace. Great!

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One believes to suffer to be cured, one merely suffers to enrich financiers... (inspired by Anatole France)

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

4/7 in Italy! It's coming, it's coming...

By Charles-Edouard!

Very pertinent question, asked here:
What could be more natural than to think about it! When you see success rates of almost 100% in 4/7 for others, and a prolonged efficiency for yourself, you would like to think that limiting yourself to 5/7 would have been a missed opportunity. As it is iterative and Darwinian, the next increment is 3/7, it is obvious. This is not validated by a large clinical trial... So what??? it has not been invalidated either. If you don't even look for it, you can't find it!

The experimental method is described in FASEB-1: make sure of the good susceptibility of HIS virus (something that must have been done before initiating 4/7, so normally it's good), make sure of the efficacy at 4/7, don't try it under Isentress, Genvoya, Kaletra (but who still takes that?) monitor at the beginning by CV 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months (at the beginning only), and that's all! BIOLOGICAL follow-up necessary. The medical follow-up? Well... For the comfort of the mind? Maybe ? And still ... In any case, the medical follow-up in 3/7, did exist (100% success rate, subtracting the risk combos), and, in practice, it disappeared with Leibowitch...

What does the ANRS tell you? It could not be clearer: ' Get on with it

A new publication in 4/7

This publication comes from Italy. We had distributed our biblio to various clinicians. Including them... Did it help? I don't know. We can see that French works are abundantly cited (ICCARE, Leibowitch, Calin, ANRS-4D, Quatuor). Normal, there are not many others (Breather, in 5/7, at most...). The results are the same: 100% success, a few dropouts... It's like usual... Nothing new... And the nothing new is reassuring!

The very interesting discussion is in the body of the text. That's why I made a translation in french, in extenso. You have to read it. There is a vibrant tribute to ICCARRE, despite a small inaccuracy: Leibowitch et al. published in 2010 (FASEB-1 and 2015 FASEB-2), BREATHER was published in 2016, so Leibowitch is earlier, not the other way around...

The dosages... They are instructive!

They made 4 dosages per patient... It is instructive, because as in ANRS 4-D, there are cheaters, and it shows! There seems to be 1 or 2 who take more, but mostly a dozen, or a third, who take less. And it works just as well! It shows us the way: 4/7 is good to start... It's a start... And, after a while, you have to grow up

The threshold dose is a joke!

The threshold dose is determined by the failures when introducing the molecule in a new therapeutic scheme. Never in the long term, never... I challenge you to find a threshold dose at T plus 1 year that is equal to that seen in the short term. The good example is Nevirapine, with its dose-dependent failures at less than 6 months(thanks to poor tolerability in some), but no failure beyond 8 months. No failures: no threshold.

The authors discuss here the doses observed after 3 days of interruption (but perhaps more, the patients were just doing their own thing), and we are successful even at values well below the IC90. Note that the 'official' therapeutic dose is 3 times IC90 for Rilpivirine, while it is 15 times IC90 for the more effective Dolutegravir. Look for the mistake...

The Eclipse exists: we see it, so what does the threshold dose mean? Moreover, in the long term, we don't know how to determine it. In the stable phase, it's just a flan!

Can do better...

I like this kind of publication: it is an obvious progress in the percolation of ICCARRE at the international level. This publication is in addition to the others. This poses 2 problems:

- as long as one perceives that the Eclipse is only a few days long, for everyone(vision of the 2000s), it is quite logical to consider the results of others for a reflection on oneself. Now that we have Eclipses that are both longer and more dispersed, these tests on others, on non-identical viruses, no longer make any sense!

- The tests accumulate ad nauseam. Medical Darwinism obliges, it is only a question of time that we pass to 3/7... And what a waste of time! Obviously, if 4/7 is as 'good' as 7/7, it is no less 'bad'.

The 'enemy' of yesteryear was 7/7(will there still be people to practice it in a few years?). It has fallen. The new 'enemy' is the 4/7: it will necessarily fall one day...

In the news

- Satoshi Omura, Japanese Nobel Prize winner, presents I*T as a treatment against C*D: no doubt, a Nobel Prize is no match for 'fax checkers' without the slightest scientific background. It should be noted thatin vitro I*T is as effective on Omega as on the others...

- Before/After critical analysis of the pasteurian 'predictions', it's here, and it's scouring! (it's good too...)

- Very well documented article by Helene Bannoun: The origin of the Covid-19 virus

- Very interesting Evaluation of the methodological methodological practices implemented in Pfizer trials, by Christine COTTON

- Genetic Forcing, Self-Disseminating Vaccines, Chimeric Viruses... The sorcerers' apprentices of the genome by our excellent Bruno Canard, Étienne Decroly Jacques Van Helden (it's not free, but if you ask nicely...)

Pieces of Anthology

- The virus has not mutated,' says Professor Karine Lacombe on RTL (at 4 min 50 sec): To be enjoyed in moderation!

- Typhus, a little history on

The French genius

Today is Saint Darwin's day! It was Lamarck who discovered Evolution. Darwin, the Evolution under pressure from Selection. This is still relevant, even if many advances have been made since then. Our French genius is Montagnier, who died on February 8.
If he had not set up the Pasteurian Laboratory on Oncoviruses, there would not have been the very lucrative patent, there would probably not have been Barré Sinoussi or Schermann at the head of this world competition. There would have been a genius, but not French...

We don't care about the rest, the squabbles, the greatness and the smallness. Read again Darwin, Descartes or Newton, it's not all rosy either; they also said some bullshit with no equal; history will sort it out.

The fact remains that for us, Montagnier was the beacon of a whole generation! In fact, I am interested in 2 concepts that he exposed:

- DNA does not integrate randomly anywhere (so depending on where it is integrated, it will be more or less active)

- silencing(passive reservoir) is a reasonable therapeutic goal(as for tuberculosis)

We will come back to this, it is inevitable, since it is our salvation...

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Turn off the TV and don't be fooled by Pharisee venality

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

We will miss Professor Luc Montagnier!

By Charles-Edouard!

Prof. Montagnier has left us: it is very sad

I had planned in my posts in preparation (The Saint Darwin 2022, the Italian 3/7), a paragraph "French Genius" dedicated to Pr. Montagnier. During his last public intervention (Parliament of Luxembourg) he seemed so weak that I considered a tribute during his lifetime. If you want to tell people that you admire them, you might as well say it when they can hear it.

Reality catches me off guard. France Soir, historically a newspaper of resistance fighters, is rejuvenating itself and announces his death on February 8th. My sorrow is immense, my gratitude too. My soul is sad and I have read all his books... Including recently, a video (already cited, it is here) left us a milestone on the path we can follow. He talks about what we can aim for in terms of healing.

The Charles-Edouardian thought, the only one to have ever led to near healing, was reinforced by his insights. We shall discuss further the fact that insertion into the reservoir is not random and that we can hope to encyst the Monster, if not eliminate it. Montagnier was faster than we were, and to understand what he said requires time to reflect. We will come back to this...

At the time of writing, the AFP has not yet deigned to inform you. The search for "AFP + Montagnier", in the news tab, does not return anything, for the moment. Let's bet that they will end up announce the death of one of our national pride. We will see, we will judge...

In the meantime, let's come back to what Montagnier was able to explain and which sheds light on our vision of a possible therapy, one can gladly indulge in the sadness of having lost a beacon of lucidity in an ocean of mediocrity.


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

4/7 in Italy! It's coming, it's coming...

By Charles-Edouard!

Very pertinent question, asked here:
What could be more natural than to think about it! When you see success rates of almost 100% in 4/7 for others, and a prolonged efficiency for yourself, you would like to think that limiting yourself to 5/7 would have been a missed opportunity. As it is iterative and Darwinian, the next increment is 3/7, it is obvious. This is not validated by a large clinical trial... So what??? it has not been invalidated either. If you don't even look for it, you can't find it!

The experimental method is described in FASEB-1: make sure of the good susceptibility of HIS virus (something that must have been done before initiating 4/7, so normally it's good), make sure of the efficacy at 4/7, don't try it under Isentress, Genvoya, Kaletra (but who still takes that?) monitor at the beginning by CV 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months (at the beginning only), and that's all! BIOLOGICAL follow-up necessary. The medical follow-up? Well... For the comfort of the mind? Maybe ? And still ... In any case, the medical follow-up in 3/7, did exist (100% success rate, subtracting the risk combos), and, in practice, it disappeared with Leibowitch...

What does the ANRS tell you? It could not be clearer: " Get on with it

A new publication in 4/7

This publication comes from Italy. We had distributed our biblio to various clinicians. Including them... Did it help? I don't know. We can see that French works are abundantly cited (ICCARE, Leibowitch, Calin, ANRS-4D, Quatuor). Normal, there are not many others (Breather, in 5/7, at most...). The results are the same: 100% success, a few dropouts... It's like usual... Nothing new... And the nothing new is reassuring!

The very interesting discussion is in the body of the text. That's why I made a translation in french, in extenso. You have to read it. There is a vibrant tribute to ICCARRE, despite a small inaccuracy: Leibowitch et al. published in 2010 (FASEB-1 and 2015 FASEB-2), BREATHER was published in 2016, so Leibowitch is earlier, not the other way around...

The dosages... They are instructive!

They made 4 dosages per patient... It is instructive, because as in ANRS 4-D, there are cheaters, and it shows! There seems to be 1 or 2 who take more, but mostly a dozen, or a third, who take less. And it works just as well! It shows us the way: 4/7 is good to start... It's a start... And, after a while, you have to grow up

The threshold dose is a joke!

The threshold dose is determined by the failures when introducing the molecule in a new therapeutic scheme. Never in the long term, never... I challenge you to find a threshold dose at T plus 1 year that is equal to that seen in the short term. The good example is Nevirapine, with its dose-dependent failures at less than 6 months(thanks to poor tolerability in some), but no failure beyond 8 months. No failures: no threshold.

The authors discuss here the doses observed after 3 days of interruption (but perhaps more, the patients were just doing their own thing), and we are successful even at values well below the IC90. Note that the 'official' therapeutic dose is 3 times IC90 for Rilpivirine, while it is 15 times IC90 for the more effective Dolutegravir. Look for the mistake...

The Eclipse exists: we see it, so what does the threshold dose mean? Moreover, in the long term, we don't know how to determine it. In the stable phase, it's just a flan!

Can do better...

I like this kind of publication: it is an obvious progress in the percolation of ICCARRE at the international level. This publication is in addition to the others. This poses 2 problems:

- as long as one perceives that the Eclipse is only a few days long, for everyone(vision of the 2000s), it is quite logical to consider the results of others for a reflection on oneself. Now that we have Eclipses that are both longer and more dispersed, these tests on others, on non-identical viruses, no longer make any sense!

- The tests accumulate ad nauseam. Medical Darwinism obliges, it is only a question of time that we pass to 3/7... And what a waste of time! Obviously, if 4/7 is as 'good' as 7/7, it is no less 'bad'.

The 'enemy' of yesteryear was 7/7(will there still be people to practice it in a few years?). It has fallen. The new 'enemy' is the 4/7: it will necessarily fall one day...

In the news

- Satoshi Omura, Japanese Nobel Prize winner, presents I*T as a treatment against C*D: no doubt, a Nobel Prize is no match for 'fax checkers' without the slightest scientific background. It should be noted thatin vitro I*T is as effective on Omega as on the others...

- Before/After critical analysis of the pasteurian 'predictions', it's here, and it's scouring! (it's good too...)

- Very well documented article by Helene Bannoun: The origin of the Covid-19 virus

- Very interesting Evaluation of the methodological methodological practices implemented in Pfizer trials, by Christine COTTON

- Genetic Forcing, Self-Disseminating Vaccines, Chimeric Viruses... The sorcerers' apprentices of the genome by our excellent Bruno Canard, Étienne Decroly Jacques Van Helden (it's not free, but if you ask nicely...)

Pieces of Anthology

- The virus has not mutated," says Professor Karine Lacombe on RTL (at 4 min 50 sec): To be enjoyed in moderation!

- Typhus, a little history on

The French genius

Today is Saint Darwin's day! It was Lamarck who discovered Evolution. Darwin, the Evolution under pressure from Selection. This is still relevant, even if many advances have been made since then. Our French genius is Montagnier, who died on February 8.
If he had not set up the Pasteurian Laboratory on Oncoviruses, there would not have been the very lucrative patent, there would probably not have been Barré Sinoussi or Schermann at the head of this world competition. There would have been a genius, but not French...

We don't care about the rest, the squabbles, the greatness and the smallness. Read again Darwin, Descartes or Newton, it's not all rosy either; they also said some bullshit with no equal; history will sort it out.

The fact remains that for us, Montagnier was the beacon of a whole generation! In fact, I am interested in 2 concepts that he exposed:

- DNA does not integrate randomly anywhere (so depending on where it is integrated, it will be more or less active)

- silencing(passive reservoir) is a reasonable therapeutic goal(as for tuberculosis)

We will come back to this, it is inevitable, since it is our salvation...

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Turn off the TV and don't be fooled by Pharisee venality

Saturday, January 1, 2022


This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.

Isobolograms and the ineptitude of the single dose

By Charles-Edouard!

Isobologram: oral vs. injected dose

For those who practice ICCARRE-Premium (1/7 or better) the question of dose is subsidiary. With injectables, for the others, the question of the dose comes back, with an extreme acuteness: overdose guaranteed for 95% (or more) of the patients.

One of the arguments in favor of unnecessary (or even deleterious) overdosing is that many patients take their daily medication incorrectly. This is probably more pronounced in countries where supply is variable or even random (e.g. Maghreb). Okay, okay... Let's go for a 'regulatory' argument but what about the metronome patient? Does she have to dose every day, because Algerian women or others have problems to get supplies? Should she fill herself up daily with the pretext that the homeless desocialized, abandoned, are more and more numerous, and have real problems?

Another argument can be proposed: the variable bioavailability: it is, for example, notably problematic for Raltegravir for which Merck will have made the galenic 3 times!(At the end, they went as high as ... 1200 mg/d !!! And it was authorized! - To my knowledge, nobody takes it - ...): we inflate a little, because well... You never know... Especially since we don't want to know... With injectables, this argument is not valid anymore!

A single dose without taking synergies into account

Leibowitch kept coming back to the famous synergies, without any real further explanation. It's not that complicated. Take an antiviral A and an antiviral B, when you use both you can have an antagonistic effect (A + B is less than the expected sum of the effects), a purely additive effect (A + B gives the expected sum of the effects) or a synergistic effect (A + B does better than expected). Apart from any pharmacokinetic consideration...

Ritonavir improves intake by a known pharmacokinetic effect of slowing down hepatic metabolism: it is not a synergistic effect.

When La Scola (Raoult team) shows in vitro that HCQ + AT works better than the simple sum of the effects, it is synergy: there is no pharmacokinetic role (e.g. metabolism by the liver) in a test tube... On the other hand, there is no synergistic interest to put 2 NNRTI (ex. NVP, EFV, RPV) in a combo...

However, if we look carefully, the usual dose of a molecule is a unique value, which NEVER takes into account what we put with it.(there is at least one recent exception: do you see it?...).


Ah well... It's easy to understand!... It's like Isotherms or Isobars: we draw the curve of same efficiency by varying the dose of each component. The diagonal is the neutral curve: on it the effects of the products are added, simply. As for Dalton's law for gases: the total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures. One mixes, it adds, no more no less. If the curve is in the SYNERGETIC range, less A and less B are needed to obtain the added effect of A and B. On the contrary the curve can be in the ANTAGONIST (= ANTI-SYNERGETIC) area, in this case you need more A and B when mixing A and B to obtain the same combined effect.

A now famous example of SYNERGY is the addition of HCQ to Azithromycin, at usual doses, which is much more effective in neutralizing SARS-Cov2 than HCQ or AT alone: this is why the idea defended by G. Pialloux was stupid, i.e. to test HCQ alone! The guys are czar infectious diseases specialists, but SYNERGY ?? They don't get it... Yet it is a great classic for... Tuberculosis or malaria... Of course, this is done in vitro. In real life, you might have to test a bit, but at least it's a guide.

Efavirenz-Entricitabine (Atripla ™) isobologram:

In Atripla ™ we find the STANDART dose of Efavirenz (600 mg) plus the STANDART dose of Entricitabine plus the STANDART dose of Tenofovir. I give you a first Isobologram, where you can clearly understand the ineptitude of the thing!

We have no scruples to say that it is completely stupid! Since the ENCORE1 trial has proven that 400 mg is as good (or even better...) than 600 mg. We know that! Sponsored by Bill Gates... The Morlat report endorses this alternative... The 400 mg combination drug exists (Mylan). But... But... It is not marketed in France.

Look for the mistake! We'll see all this next time...

Weekly intake, 1/15 and treatment obligation

January 24th is my freedom day! Phew, it's over... The 1/15 means 24 doses a year, no more! It's an important day. Well...

Instead of pissing them off, we should give a medal to all those who have gone through 2 years of pandemic without getting sick even once!

Everyone will have understood what is coming next in terms of public health and that injectables, QR codes and other technological prowess will promote.

I keep well far away and the obligations suffered in France and elsewhere amaze me. And I find it very sad...

In the news

- I had quoted Pr. Fenton's intriguing post: The delay of 2 (or even 3) weeks between the injection and the validation of vaccination would not distort too much the efficiency if it wasn't for the ADE. Canadian statistics (Alberta): 50% of Covid cases occur within 2 weeks of the 'protective' injection. Not only are these people not counted as vaccinated, but they are counted as non-vaccinated, which they are not... Kiss Cool effect guaranteed on the efficacy ratio. We reduce the denominator, we increase the number and there you go! 95% efficiency on the counter... Except that the counter is a TV commercial...

- Along the same vein: DRESS (a French governement statistics body). Not knowing how to extract the vaccination status of all, it allocates the unknown cases between vaccinated and non-vaccinated according to a fanciful distribution key but favorable to the vaccine: vaccinated people are counted as non-vaccinated: and tada! We should say: not knowing, we don't count them, but here, we count them in the category that 'suits' our narrative best. Except that it is obvious and it looks ugly!

- Marco Nius makes an amazing simulation. On a small number of people, a marginal error in classification is enough to increase the relative risk from 1 to ... 5!

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