This was originally published here, in French (link).
We provide this translation for your convenience. Practical aspects may differ where you live.
Catching up
By Charles-Edouard!Under Eviplera, this one didn't understand anything. Look for the error...
Why believe that there is a logic? The virus, once flat, takes time to resume its replication. The first? Does it speak to you? It's 2 to 3 weeks before the virus makes its nest. The eclipse is 2 to 3 weeks before the virus re-establishes its nest. There, he does dose reduction. He is a pharmacokineticist, an idealist, who believes that the world conforms to his idea, his logic. No! The virus has this observable characteristic: it starts slowly. Our pharmacodynamic strategy: a bomb, then silence... Then a bomb, then silence... Then a bomb...
No submission, no expectation, just a strategy
The virus was not created to punish us, it evolved... It's a do-it-yourselfer, which somehow survives. And when you understand your weaknesses, you take advantage of them, and when you don't understand, you submit to the dictates of accredited crooks.
When, in experimental mode, you fail, you are not punished: you learn! I did my failure, reported here, wanted, not desired . Where we understand that Mono-DTG is not a good vehicle to embark on the legitimate pursuit of remission. Well... We have before us a failure with many zeros, and we need a strategy, challenge launched here, which no one has taken up: Which strategy to choose? We have 3 at hand:
A- drown to start again on a healthy basis
B- re-enter the treatment with: B1 - DTG; B2 - without DTG
Strategy A: Drown
This is part of the forgotten knowledge of virologists: in prolonged cessation of treatment, the historical virus, more active, resumes, over time and replications at the arigot, the space at the expense of the mutant, who, from marginalization to marginalization, is eliminated. It can't be done in 5 minutes or in 2 months (oh the twist that this 'test' caused us with 2 short months of fallow): it's 6 months minimum, 1 year or more, please! And it cleans the resistors well... But hey, there under Mono-DTG (1/7), what do we want to clean? We're not even sure there's anything to clean up... Well, that means a year or more behind our plan to get back to 1/15. On the other hand, for suspenders and belt, it's perfect because drowning works!
An advantage to be credited with stopping treatment is that the PTC profile (those who control after interruption) is not obtained immediately: it takes a few months before the immune system takes over and masters the situation. It exists, but rather rare. And overall less attractive than the 1/7 or the 1/15
If we don't drown, there is still a hint, which will have to be taken into account for the shock combo for the 1/15.
Strategy B: resume treatment
Still, the goal of the game is to stay on treatment, especially since the objective is to redo the 1/15, ie a very non-intrusive treatment. At this rate, it is in our interest to stay on treatment, even if the interruption remains an option. For the recovery, in the event of failure with the reduction, there are in fact 2 schools: resume without DTG and resume or recycle with DTG. In resuppressing without DTG (i.e. considering that DTG is no longer an option) we find Katlama, Bart Rijnder (DOMONO) in resuppressing with DTG (it is considered that DTG remains useful) we find Martinez (Barcelona) or Lanzafame (Verona). Surprisingly, Leibowitch re-deletes without DTG but reuses DTG afterwards in an innovative approach that we will see later. To all the morons who only know how to dwell on 'trust your doctor' we want to answer: 'But which one?'.
One advantage of going back with DTG is that we would learn something. If we resume without DTG, we close the page, we move on, then considering DTG as lost forever... Ah still the dilemma is important
So you... how would you do it? Ah you are right, we should do a risk analysis with regard to possible resistance. We'll see about that next time... (there, I'm a little stuck on a lot of projects)
In the news
- Broad-spectrum monoclonal antibodies: this is a trending topic from which we think we can expect a lot: A. Faucy explains here in video. I will try to do a post on the subject, because the implications for our search for remission seem important: we must start to take an interest in it!
- Top Fools 2018: To 'prove' that Gilead's all-in-ones don't induce insulin resistance, 'scientists ' have put the means!
Effects of F/TAF, E/C/F/TAF, and R/F/ Combination Antiretrovirals TAF on insulin resistance in healthy volunteers
They tested patients before and after... How many patients 1000? 100? ... no... 10. For how long ? 2 years ? 2 months ? ... no... 2... weeks!
And with that all the usual bullshit assholes will trumpet that no, Oh no, no risk of diabetes with our wonderful pills: tasty!
The French genius
Oui, Charles va nous manquer!. Heureusement ses chansons nous restent dans la tête comme autant de rengaines: I live alone with mum
In a very old apartment
Sarasate Street
I have to keep me company
One turtle, two canaries
And a pussy
To let mom rest
Very often I go to the market
And the kitchen
I tidy up, I wash, I wipe
Occasionally I also sting
By machine
Go on! A little balm in the heart with this playful interpretation of Vivaldi by 2 Frenchmen in a dress bedroom.
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have a nice weekend, good fun and not too many meds... Huh?